Homework are assigned in the class to help learning the... as application of the theory in solving realistic technical problems.... IME 284 (Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics)

IME 284 (Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics)
Homework are assigned in the class to help learning the concepts discussed in the class as well
as application of the theory in solving realistic technical problems. Practice of the homework
problems will let you focus on the subject matter, identify the area of weakness, focus on those
weaknesses during study and therefore achieve the learning objectives of the course more
efficiently. This requires clear understanding of the problem, detail analysis and organized
presentation of the complete solution in a neat fashion. Following is the required procedure for
presenting your homework solutions.
Homework Procedure and grade distribution:
Start each problem in a new page with the problem statement as
stated in text/handout along with the given diagram.
Draw any additional diagram/sketch necessary to explain the
problem in your way.
Make a list the given quantities along with the units.
List the required quantities to be solved.
Start with equations or principles relating the given
parameters with the required parameters.
(a) State clearly any assumptions made prior to using them
e.g. specific weight of water w = 62.4 lb/ft3 etc.
(b) Show units for all quantities.
(c) Identity equations numerically (e.g. (1), (2), (3), … etc.)
(d) Refer the charts or sources for constants or quantities obtained
e.g. dynamic viscosity of medium fuel oil  = 2.99X10-3 [Table
B.1, page 553 of Applied Fluid Mechanics by Robert L. Mott]
Work through the mathematics step by step and calculate
the required quantities.
Box the final answer at the end.
(a) Work on only one side of the page.
(b) Use reverse side of the page for rough work of the same problem.
(c) Write your name on top right corner of page.
(d) Arrange the pages in order; number them at the bottom center
and staple.