Quran Project: Trials of Religion Assignment


Quran Project-

The trial of religion

A "trial of religion" can be any trial that tests your faith. These can be everyday events such as prayer in public, hijab, fasting, dealing with bad friends, or a negative environment. More dramatic examples such as religious persecution in Burma or France, workplace discrimination, losing a job or a loved one are also acceptable. These are just some examples but you're free to choose any topic you feel is relevant.

You can choose to do one of the following:


Choose a creative title (you can choose any kind of trial of religion)

Must be no less than a page

● Font: Times New Roman, size: 12, double spaced.

● Must be presented in front of the class


● Choose a creative title (you can choose any kind of trial of religion)

Must be on a flash drive

Video must be approximately 3-7 minutes

Poster Board

● Choose a creative title (you can choose any kind of trial of religion)

● Be creative and artistic- these will be put on the bulletin boards for display!

(you can choose any kind of trial of religion)

Illustration: make it relevant to the topic.

(Please do not bring magazine cut outs taped to the corner of the project and such, illustrations should be added for aesthetic and clarifying purposes)

● Poster board should be 16 x 20 or 18x24 points will be deducted for any other sized boards

Write your name , grade/sec on the back

● Have a creative title, it should be other than “trial of religion”

If you use a Quranic verse, be sure to include the English translation along with the

Surah and Ayah number.

If you use a Hadith, be sure it is authentic and include the reference (Sahih Muslim,

Bukhari ,etc.)

● Include at least two action items of how to overcome this trial.
