Palanca, Kayle 12 years old How many days do you have your menstrual period? 3 days Padilla, Zharyne 13 years old 7 days 7 days Villapando, Suplin 12 years old 5 days 5 days Humarana, Cyrah 12 years old 4 days 4 days Yazzi 10 years old 7 days 7 days Lumbera, Reign 12 years old 7 days 7 days Emmanuela 8 years old 5 days 5 days Jaja 12 years old 7 days 7 days Caibal, Kristin 12 years old 4 days 28 days Mercado, Gabirelle 12 years old 4 days 4 days Respondents When was the first menstrual period? How many days is your normal menstrual cycle? 3 days Respondents Do you think your Can menstrual lifestyle can affect problem be your menstrual inherited? cycle? Can you predict your menstrual age? YES NO YES NO YES NO Palanca, Kayle Padilla, Zharyne Villapando, Suplin Humarana, Cyrah Yazzi Lumbera, Reign Emmanuela Jaja Caibal, Kristin Mercado, Gabirelle Respondents Palanca, Kayle What do you feel prior to your menstrual period? What do you feel after your menstrual period? None Happy Padilla, Zharyne Moody Great Villapando, Suplin Moody Relieved Humarana, Cyrah Hard to move Freedom None Moody, eats a lot, stress, pain Okay Freedom, Relieved Pain Happy Irritable Relieved Cramps, Moody Alive Yazzi Lumbera, Reign Emmanuela Jaja Caibal, Kristin Mercado, Gabirelle Relief Freedom, Relieved Analysis: A. Based on the survey I have conducted, Only 1 out of 10 of the respondents had an early hormonal development at the age of 8 and was able to develop estrogen and progesterone at an early age. While the other 9 had a normal female reproductive development because it usually starts at the age of 10. B. A normal menstrual period occurs from 3-4 days and according to my survey 4 out of the 10 respondents had the normal days of their menstrual period while the other 6 had 5 days and above. C. Based on the research there are 28-35 days on a normal menstrual cycle and in my survey only 1 out of the 10 respondents had the regular 28 days and the rest had shorter days from 3-7 days only, because of the irregular changes in their estrogen levels. Analysis: D. In my survey 10 out of 10 respondents checked Yes because maybe because they experience such mood swings that they tend to eat more and stress about different things more often which can lead to changes to once lifestyle. E. In my survey 2 of the respondents checked No because maybe of the fact that they were not able to inherit some menstrual problems from their mothers or they lack to sustain the reproductive organ. F. In my survey 1 of the respondents checked Yes because probably she is aware that as the female body ages there are changes happening as well. As for the other 9 of my respondents maybe they are delayed or late bloomers rather of the female reproductive system because of the lack of supply of their hormones. Analysis: G. In my survey 7 of the respondents felt some kind of discomfort like the difficulty to move, being moody, stress, pain and cramps which is maybe because of the estrogen and progesterone reaching its dropping point. The other 2 felt nothing and one said she felt “okay” H. All of my respondents gave a positive feeling like relieved, freedom, alive and happy. Because maybe that they are free to do what they want to do again after their menstrual period. Conclusion: With the survey that I have conducted, I can conclude that not all females got there first menstrual period at the normal age of 10 and above that some are early bloomers because of the female reproductive system produce too much hormones that leads to a fast circulation. The same goes for the days of the menstrual period that not all has the regular 3-4 days. For the 28 days of menstrual cycle applies the same as well that some are early bloomers and some have the regular 28-35 days. For the lifestyle of a female can be affected because of the fact of the different pains they are experiencing during their ongoing period. Sometimes menstrual problems can really be inherited like they say that “its runs in the blood” or they lack the production of estrogen and progesterone. And the reason for the changes in lifestyle is the fact that females have a hard time having their menstrual period because of the release of blood outside of their body. As a guy for me we should give “space” to our fellow females experiencing their menstrual period or if possible help them if they asked for any.