focus group


Focus Group Environment


We choose participants from IT employees in companies in the SMART VILLAGE who purchased smartphone within a year


We have all participants CV and read it carefully before focus group session


Our moderator call all participant to make rapport with them before the session


We provide 4 high quality cameras to record the session video and 2 record tap so if one device stop working for any reason others will still working

Recruiting participants

We invite 10 person for our discussion

All participants from 25 to 40 years old and all of them are IT background

Moderator selection

We choose the moderator from big research agent, he have long experience and he run many focus group sessions

He moderate the session very friendly and cover all point we need to talk about

Preparing discussion guide


1 Warming up


Consumer Purchasing behavior





Consumer Usage behavior

Consumer Needs for


Wrap up



Introduction of study and respondents


Purchase motivation & cycle


Information Search


Purchase decision


Smartphone usage

[Number of Smartphone Ownership]

[Main Feature/Function usage]

[Connectivity Usage]

[Camera Usage]



Next Smartphone


Evaluation of Smartphone


Session closing and fare well respondents










Part 1. Warming-up

Introduction - Introduction of moderator

- Instruction of discussion:

 There are no right or wrong answer

 Respond your honest opinion

 Turn off your phone during discussion


Rules of discussion - Every opinion is very important to us. Therefore, please feel free to share your honest opinions

Introduction of respondents

- For the purpose of report, the discussion will be recorded

- Self introduction of respondent including ….

 Personal questions such as name, age, marital status, and family composition

 How many smartphone do you own?

 What is your main smartphone?

 When did you purchase the new smartphone?

Part 2. Consumer Purchasing behavior

A. Purchase motivation & cycle

40 min.

Today, I have you here to talk about your smartphone. It is not very long since you got a new smartphone, so I believe it is not that difficult to recap the situation. Please focus and answer based on the main smartphone that you are using now.

1. What comes to your mind when you think of a smartphone brand?

1-1. What images do you have for the brand?

1-2. What are your preferred smartphone brands? Why?

1-3. What brand images do you have for major smartphone brands?

[Number of Smartphone Ownership]

2. How many smartphone do you currently own?

2-1. [If have more than 1] Why do you have more than 1 smartphone?

What is the use of smartphone other than the main one?

2-2. Then, each Smartphone is being used in difference place as needed? What’s the occasion?




3 . Could you go around and tell me about your current smartphone? (Brand/model/feature etc.)

3-1. Why did you choose that specific brand and model?

3-2. What other brands or models did you consider together before choosing the current

Smartphone? How many alternatives did you have?

3-2-1. What were they? (brand or model)

3-2-2. What is the main reason that you chose your current phone over the alternatives

3-2-3. Do you use dual SIMs? Why do you use dual SIMs instead of having extra phone

3-2-4. [Only for Dual SIM user] There is a hybrid Dual Sim smartphone available in the market which has SIM slot that can be used as extra a SD slot or as an extra SIM card. Do you consider buying this kind of smartphone? Why or why not?

1. After you made a decision to purchase a new smartphone, what actions did you take?

1-1. What information did you search? Please tell me all information you have searched.

(e.g. features, brand, type)

2. What channel did you use for information search? Why?

For example Check online/offline ]


C. Purchase decision


3. (If searched online) What sites did you visit? Please tell me all sites you actually visited to search information for your smartphone.

3-1. Why did you visit that specific sites for product information?

3-2. What kind of information did you search or expect to have?

3-3. Were you satisfied with information provided in the site? Why/Why not?

3-4. Which device did you use for online searching? Why? [PC, Smartphone, Tablet etc.]


4. (If visited store) What stores did you visit? Please tell me all stores you actually visited to search information for your smartphone.

4-1. Why did you visit that specific store for product information?

4-2. What information did you expect to get in the store?

4-3. Were you satisfied with information you gained in the store? Why/ Why not?

5. When you saw the product display ( the one that you wanted to buy ) in the store, how was it?

5-1. Was its display appealing to you? Why or why not?

5-2. Was its display eye-catching and stood out among other products? Why or why not?

5-3. Any interesting or impressive advertisement materials in the store?

5-3-1. Was it influential to your purchase? Why or why not?

5-4. What kind of materials do you think influence you the most when buying smartphone?

5-4-1. What kind of display materials do you find helpful when buying smartphone?

5-4-2. What kind of information in the display material did you find helpful?

5-4-3. Now we are going to show different type of offline Ads. Please express your thoughts


1. Is the ad eye-catching to you? Why? .

2. What aspects of ad do you like or dislike? Why?

3. Is the ad helpful and allow you to make a better decision?

A. Phone Tag

B. LCD Screen ads

C. Table Tent

D. Rack ads

E. Brochure

F. X-Banner

G. In-store Tablet/working phone

H. In-store TV advertisement

I. Working Sample Ad


6. Did you look for any promotion event during information search for your new smartphone?

6-1. What kind of promotion did you look for? Why?

6-2. is there any promotion that you would like to have or expect to have when buying a

smartphone? What is it? And why do you want that promotion?

1. Let’s briefly talk about the buying process of a Smartphone. Please tell us your story of your current phone from the beginning to the end including where you searched information, who influenced your decision, which factors you considered, where you visited to see the actual model, how you reached to the final decision.

2. And now let’s us talk about key buying factors of your Smartphone in more details.

What factors did you consider when buying new smartphone?


Please tell all factors that you’ve considered

2-1. Why was it so important or influential to you in Smartphone?

Below list is just an example]

 Brand

 Picture Quality (Resolution, Color, Brightness etc.)

 Screen Size

 Design (Color, fit, finish, textures, and so on)

 Durability

 Price

 Operating system (Android, iOS)

 Weight

 Battery Life

 Wireless/Mobile service provider/Mobile telecommunication Standard (2G, 3G, 4G etc.)

 Warranty period/Terms

3. If you were to buy a new Smartphone in near future, what factors do you think you would consider more or less? Why?

Part 3. Consumer Usage behavior

A. Smartphone usage

Brain storming

Now I’d like to know more about your Smartphone usage environment

[Additional feature/imagination]



Think about the time when you were in a specific situation. For example, you went to a desert for a picnic and something happened during the picnic in desert, you lost the way out or you needed a help from others. What kind of feature or function would you want in a smartphone such situation?

(Ex. night vision, color light, solar charging etc.)


For ladies, do you think if smart phone screen can be work like mirror

[Additional feature/function idea open discussion]

2. Let’s assume that you can have any features or function in smartphone. What kind of features or function would you like to have? Or in the future, how do you think smartphone will change in terms of function and feature? (it can be anything, don’t think about possibility)

2-1. or if you can change or improve any features or functions in the smartphone, what would that be?

3. Do you know about Wide angle camera and Dual camera? What do you think about its feature?

3-1. Would you pay more for better camera features such as above? Why or why not?


4. Did you buy any accessories personally other than what was provided in the box?

4-1. What are they? And why did you buy these accessories?

4-2. Do you use earphone/ear set/Bluetooth headset/BT speaker often? Why?

4-3. Do you use quick cover? Is there any pain point that you have experienced using quick cover?

4-4. Are there any accessories that are not provided in the box as bundle but you would want to have? What are they and why do you want it? Why?


Part 4. Consumer Needs for Smartphone

B. Evaluation of



Now, we are going to show most recent premium smartphone available in the market and have your opinions on some of the aspects. Please feel free to express your thoughts.

[Display Size]

Now we are going to show various smartphone display size

1. What size smartphone do you prefer? Choose 2 most prefer size

1-1. Why do you prefer this size? When do you think you would have advantages with this size?

1-2. Based on your normal usage of smartphone, what is the maximum size you can accept? Why?

1-3. How much would you pay more for each display size?


Let’s talk about Color now. We are going to show you various colors

2. Which color do you prefer as a smartphone?

2-1. Why do you prefer this color?

[Material & Finish]

Let’s talk about Material now. We are going to show you various materials

2. Which kind of material do you prefer?

2-1. Why do you prefer this material?

Part 5. Wrap up & additional

Session closing and fare well respondents

If there any additional notes and great thanks for respondents


