Harvey Questionnaire

Name_____________________________________ Date __________ Period______________
Mrs. Peterson
Welcome Back! Please answer all of the following questions as thoroughly as possible.
In what ways were you impacted by Hurricane Harvey?
I feel...
I need…
I hope…
What do you do to calm yourself when feeling stressed or upset? _____________________________
In your own words, define community. What does it mean to be a part of a community? In
what ways did you witness or participate in the spirit of community these past few
Please check all that apply:
 Some of my things
were damaged
 Most/all of my things
were damaged
 I am temporarily not
living in my home
 I may need to replace
some supplies
 I would like to speak
to a counselor
 I am worried about
family or friends
On the back of this sheet of paper, write anything you wish I knew about you.