Ecosystem Diorama & Research Project: 3rd Grade Science

Diorama Project
TEKS 3.8A observe and describe habitats within ecosystems
Name __________________________________ Date _____________
Due Date:
Tuesday, Jan. 29
Both the Ecosystem Diorama and Research Report will be due on this day
(-10 points per assignment for each day the project is late)
Ecosystem Diorama Project
Choose an Ecosystem that you are interested in; you will be creating a diorama
of this ecosystem at home: A diorama is a re-creation of a natural setting which
shows a specific moment in time. Circle the ecosystem you would like to create.
 Wetlands / Swamps
 Pond
 Tundra: Arctic / Antarctic
 Rain Forest
Research Information about your ecosystem, you must be able to answer the
following questions. An outline is provided for your report.
How would you describe your ecosystem? (Introduction paragraph)
*Introduction sentence should get your readers attention
a. What is the temperature and weather like in your ecosystem?
b. Where is your ecosystem located in the world?
c. What colors would you see (rainforest–green trees, desert –tan sand)?
What are three different animals in your ecosystem? Describe the animal:
Physical characteristics, habitat (shelter), what do they eat (food source)
1. Animal ___________________________________________
d. (Describe physical characteristics)______________________________
e. (Habitat-where does your animal live in your ecosystem?)___________
f. (Food source-What does it eat?)_______________________________
2. Animal ___________________________________________
g. (Describe physical characteristics)______________________________
h. (Habitat-where does your animal live in your ecosystem?)___________
i. (Food source-What does it eat?)_______________________________
3. Animal ___________________________________________
j. (Describe physical characteristics)______________________________
k. (Habitat-where does your animal live in your ecosystem?)___________
l. (Food source-What does it eat?)_______________________________
What are two different plants in your ecosystem? Describe the plant’s physical
characteristics and habitat: type of plant (flower, bush, tree, etc.) what does it
look like and where does the plant live/ grow in your ecosystem
1. Plant ___________________________________________
m. (Describe plant characteristics)______________________________
n. (Habitat-where does your plant live/grow in your ecosystem?)________
2. Plant ___________________________________________
o. (Describe plant characteristics)______________________________
p. (Habitat-where does your plant live/grow in your ecosystem?)________
What are some materials that you could use to create the plants and animals in
your ecosystem?
Example: You could use brown felt or paper to make a monkey, orange tissue
paper to make a fish, cotton balls to make snow, or real grass, rocks and sand.
Create! The project can not be larger than 12X12X12 inches – follow rubric
Begin creating your diorama. Be creative! Make sure to label your ecosystem,
animals and plants.
The report can be either typed or written neatly - follow rubric
Make sure to follow the report format. 4 paragraphs: Introduce ecosystem, discuss
the animals, discuss the plants, and conclusion paragraph. Each paragraph should
have a topic sentence and conclusion sentence.
Present! Remember to practice reading your report out loud - follow rubric
You will present both your Ecosystem Research Report and Diorama to the class.
You will need to follow the criteria on the Diorama Rubric, Research Report
Rubric, and the Presentation Rubric. These rubrics provide you the assignment
expectations; if they are followed you will be successful 
Both the diorama and report are due Tuesday, Jan 29