r.esson 7-4: Atmospheric Moisture Water enters the atmosphere by evaporation. To understand what is • voived with evaporation we need to revisit what temperature means. in . energy of a material. In other words, Temperature is the average k'1netic some of the molecules of water are hotter and some are cooler. In a cup of water, there will be a few molecules of water that are moving so fast that they have enough energy to turn into the gas phase. If these molecules are at the surface, they will break free and escape into the atmosphere, taking its extra heat with it. Evaporation has just There are two ways that water can taken place. This cools the enter the atmosphere: evaporation and water that is left behind, sublimation (boiling is "fast which is why we feel cool evaporation"). Sublimation happens when water evaporates off when molecules of a solid go directly of our skin. The warmer the into the gas phase without first water is to begin with, the becoming a liquid. Once again, this has more molecules there wilJ to do with the "average kinetic energy." be that have enough energy In an ice cube, most of the molecules of to evaporate. water will have very little movement. If you look at the molHowever, there will be a few that are very energetic-energetic enough to ecules of water vapor in the become a gas. These molecules will air with the same perspecescape the ice and become atmospheric tive, there will be some molmoisture. Ice cubes in your freezer will ecules that no longer have sublime. This is why old ice cubes often enough energy to stay in the look as if someone only filled the tray gaseous phase. These n1olhalf-way. The 1noisture escaped into ecules will condense on the the atmosphere in your freezer and you nearest surface and prosee a cloud of moisture spill out when duce a tiny droplet of liqyou open the door. uid water (condensation). 1 )~-----H_o_m_ew_o_r_k_H_e_lp_e_rs_:_E_art_h_Sc_ie_n_ce_ _ _ _ ____ 212 Hun1idity in the air is a constant balance between evaporation and condensation. The primary factors a re how much ene rgy and water are available. In a warm environment, there will be more evaporation. Conde nsation will still happen, but at a lesser rate. There are two types of humidity that are used to describe the moi~ture content of the atmosphere: absolute humidity and relative hum idity. Absolute humidity is a measure of the mass of water in a volume of ai r. Absolute humidity is not used very much in meteorology, so relative humidity is the one we will concentrate on here. The amount of water that the air can hold is called its capacity. Capacity depends on the temperature. Because the highest-energy molecules are the ones that evaporate and get into the air, warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air. In other words, warm air has a higher capacity of moisture than cold air. Relative Humidity Relative humidity tells us how close the air is to being " full " of moisture and has more practical applications than absolute humidity. Relative humidity is a percentage of how much moisture is currently in the air as compared to the capacity of the air at that temperature. It is actually inaccurate to say that the air is " full" of moisture-air that is full of moisture is called a lake. The air reaches its ca pacity when the rate of evaporation and condensation equal each other. At this point the air is saturated. To measure relative humidity, you need an instrument called a sling psychrometer. The psychrometer is simply two thermometers: a regular one ( called the "dry bulb" thermometer) and one with a moiste ned cloth over the bulb at the bottom (called the "wet bulb" thermometer). In prii~ciple, here's how it works: When water evaporates off of the wl't l'"•' th 11 also takes away some of the heat in the thermometer. This makl'S thl' thermometer colder tha n the air and " depresses" the te mperature. Thl' amount of the wet bulb de pressio n directly de pe nds on how much 11H,iscu rL' r a~i evaporate into the air. If the tempe rature dropped by a littll'. thl' t"l' \\ ;t~ n~ . n ancI t I1c air . .1s c Iose to saturat1nn . . 11· t Iw 1·LI 11p·l r-t(lll l muc h e va poratio • dropped by several degrees, the air is dry. Dew Point . . . . 1·1 '\ 1,l,th Dew po111t an d rc la t1 vc liun11d1t y an.· very dn"-IL' I\' 1L·bt L·d. H. . . 1 . . 1· . . ·1 . . I> ,i nt 1.., l ll give an Ill <. 1ca t1 0 11 o l 10w muc h wa ll·r is in thl· alml1, plll' rt..'. ~,, P4 · , . . l1lllll 1' · tc rnpl'. r:1t u r e t ha t Y" ll will 11 L'.l' d l o d 11II t lw a ir, u11lkr L' ll t n : 111 Ll llll Meteorology and Energy in the Atmosphere 213 . der for dew (condensation) to form. If you drink a glass of soda, the of the glass will "sweat" once the temperature of the o utside of the outs1 reaches e . If it . ts . current Iy d ry at ground level o n a 700F the dew pomt. glass nd the dew point is S0°F, clouds will be forming at an altitude where day a . o 1 und-level air has coo ed to 50 F. the gro 10 0 ~d To Use a Relative Humidity Chart The important thing to do when using this chart is to read every word on the chart before you start work. The big mistake that people make is to read the numbers at the top of the chart and think that they are the wet-bulb or the dew point values. At the top of the chart, it says "difference between wet-bulb and dry-bulb." You must read and understand that this means that you have to subtract. Once you get past that trap, the rest is easy. Relative Humidity (%) Dry-Bulb Dtlference Between Wet-Bulb and Dry-Bulb Tempenlwes (~) Tempera- tur• re> -20 0 1 2 ~ ... s 6 7 8 100 100 100 100 28 55 11 1nn 61 7-1 66 71 33 _, 100 100 100 100 48 54 13 20 32 11 -2 1nn 73 77 79 AA 37 20 1 0 81 63 45 28 11 83 67 70 51 36 20 56 6 100 100 100 100 59 27 35 22 8 100 87 72 74 42 46 51 ~Q ?R 17 6 10 12 100 100 100 100 88 88 89 76 78 79 54 -43 33 24 38 28 ,nn 90 91 100 100 100 100 91 92 92 13 19 25 29 33 36 40 -42 45 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 2 4 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 1nn 100 30 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 40 48 85 86 92 93 93 41 "~' 65 6 14 10 57 .a 60 62 50 54 41 33 80 67 69 71 45 37 81 72 R4 40 82 74 75 76 58 60 62 51 44 53 64 57 46 49 51 AR 77 78 66 68 69 70 71 "" .ii.A 53 86 79 72 "" 66 '-,Q 61 55 83 84 8S 55 47 49 -4 10 16 21 ?Ei 30 33 36 39 42 « 2 8 14 19 23 27 30 1 7 12 1 6 17 21 25 11 15 34 28 20 23 'lR 31 76 39 34 29 5 10 14 -4 g 4 ?1 13 17 '\2 25 20 16 18 9 Figure 7. 7 Example: Air Temperature = l8°C Wet-bulb = 14°C t> Take the current air temperature, that's the dry-bulb, and slide down the side of the chart until you see that temperature. If it is an odd number, just go down to the next printed value for now. )~----~H~o~m~e_w_or_k_H_e_lp~e_r_s:_E_a_rt_h_S_c_ie_nce _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 214 Slide across to the difference betwee n the two thermometers: 4°C. I> The box you are in is the relative humidity: 64% t> I> If you had an odd number for the tempe rature, just average this number and the one in the box directly above. To Use a Dew Point Temperature Chart The dew point temperature chart works exactly the same, so there's no new reading here. Very often, problems will ask you to solve for the relative humidity and dew point temperature for a set of temperatures. The beauty of this is that you only have to work the charts once, and both answers will be in the same square on each chart. Dewpoint Temperatures (°C) Ory-Bulb Temperatwe fC) 0 1 - 20 -20 -33 -18 -1 8 -28 -16 -14 -12 10 8 -6 - 14 - 21 -12 -18 10 14 8 -1 2 -6 -1 0 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8 8 10 20 22 24 26 28 JO 2 3 ' 5 11 12 13 21 -9 -14 -5 -9 -14 -28 2 5 9 16 1 -2 -5 -10 -17 4 1 -1 -6 -10 -17 7 4 2 2 5 -10 10 7 4 2 ~ 5 12 10 8 5 3 -1 14 12 10 8 6 2 17 15 13 11 9 6 19 17 16 14 11 9 21 19 18 16 14 12 19 6 7 8 9 10 cc•> 13 1, 15 -16 - 24 -4 2 0 12 14 16 18 Dlffere.nce Between Wet-Bulb and Dry-Bulb Temperaturn 2 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 -36 -28 22 -18 -29 -14 -22 -7 -12 17 29 5 8 13 20 -3 -6 - 9 -15 -24 - 1 -3 - 6 -11 -17 1 1 -4 7 -11 4 1 -1 4 -7 1 -2 6 3 5 8 6 4 1 2 10 8 6 4 1 12 11 9 6 4 14 13 11 9 7 16 15 13 11 9 19 17 15 14 12 21 19 17 16 14 23 21 20 18 16 25 23 22 20 18 27 25 24 22 21 29 27 26 24 23 19 10 19 -5 - 10 -1 9 _, 3 7 10 s 0 4 8 _.. - 10 -1 8 1 9 -3 5 1 Figure 7.8 Example ( same conditions as the . 1 . . . now we 're finding the d . i e at1ve hum1d1ty e:xampk. hul . ew point temperature): Air Temperature = t 8oC W et-bulb = 1➔ c 0 !> T ake the current air tcm , .. . . ·ind sl1'de J I · pctctlute, thats thl.' drv-bulb .. · ( own t 1c side of t I · · temperature If ·t ,: . 1c cha rt unt il yo u Sl.'l.' thar • I ts ctn ndd numb , . . . the next prinl ed v· I , 1· . l: t , .rust !,!.l) dl)\\ll lll c1 llL 01 now. --<C 215 __ _ _ _ _ _ _M_e_t_eo_r_ol_o_igy_an_d_E_ne_r~ gy_in_t_h_ e _A_tm_os~p_h_ er_e_ _ _ r> Slide across to the diffe rence between the two thennome te rs: 4°C. r> The box you are in is the dew point tempe rature : 11 °C. r> If you had an odd number for the temperature, just average this nun1ber and the one in the box directly above. In order for condensation to occur, water needs a surface on wh ich to condense. At ground level, you can see this as dew on blades of grass or on the hoods of cars. However, in the air, you rarely find blades of grass or car hoods, yet condensation still happens in large amounts. The surfaces that water condenses onto are usually small particles of dust, smoke, or salt (from sea spray). When acting as a surface for condensation, these particles are called condensation nuclei. Normally, the atmosphere has enough condensation nuclei to allow cloud formation. However, artificial nuclei can be added by "seeding" the clouds with smoke, which may stimulate more condensation. After a rain, the atmosphere is usuaIJy cleaner and clearer because dust and other pollutants have been stripped from the air. Homework Helpers: Earth Science ~16 ) } -- - - - - - . : , _ _ - -- - - - ~ - - - ---- - CLesson 7-4 Review :>----------- - -----E,C'rcisc- .-'\ C(,mpktc th"-' fl,l l\)\\ in g. c hart u~inµ th e l"l' l.tt ivc humiuity and d ew . P<11nt tcmpcratun.' charts. / D~· Bulb \\·l't Bulb \.~oc 7cc -· .., 22''(' 2n°c -"· .. l (''° C 12°c 4. 6°C s c 5. 22~c 6. 20::,C - I • 19cc 19°c 8. 17°c 13°c 9. 26~c 24°c 10. l6°C 12°c \. Rdati, c Humidity 1 Dew Point Tem p. - - 0 21°c 66% Exercise B For each of the following, write either evaporation or condensation. 11 . The process by which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas is called - - - - - - - - 12. During _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more molecules break free from a liqu id than join it. 13. When more molecules join a liquid than leave, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ta ke~ place. 14 . When molecull:s of water vapor collide and stick togethe r in the air. - -- - - - - -- occurs. Meteorology and Energy in the Atmosphere 217 From the following list, choose the term that best completes each sentence. evaporation sublimation melting freezing kinetic energy condensation 15. The higher the temperature of something, the greater its _ _ __ 16. The change in state from gas to liquid is called _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 17. Liquid changing to gas only at the surface is called 18. The change in state from solid to liquid is called _ _ _ _ _ __ 19. The change in state from liquid to solid is called _ _ _ _ _ __ 20. In -------- particles pass directly from solid to gas.