The Crucible Act II Quiz

The Crucible
Act II Quiz
In the blank, write the letter of the best answer:
___1. Elizabeth urges John to go to Salem to:
A. Protect Mary Warren.
B. Tell the court Abby’s story is a hoax.
C. Announce publicly that he believes in witchcraft.
D. Ask the court for forgiveness .
___2. People “part the seas” for Abby because they:
A. Love and admire her.
B. Believe her to be honest.
C. Respect her devotion.
D. Fear her power to accuse them.
___3. By the end of Act II, Rev. Hale has begun to worry
A. The villagers might rebel against his authority.
B. Perhaps innocent people are being accused.
C. Rebecca Nurse did murder Goody Putnam’s
D. Most of the villagers are in league with the devil.
___4. Sarah Good is accused of witchcraft because she:
A. Named Elizabeth Proctor in court.
B. Put a curse on Goody Putnam.
C. Could not cite the Ten Commandments.
D. Slept in a ditch.
___5. At first, Mary Warren enjoys her role in court
because she:
A. Thinks she has been chosen by God.
B. Likes the power and status she has in the village.
C. Knows she can destroy Elizabeth Proctor.
D. Plans to accuse Abby of witchcraft.
___6. Why is there tension between Elizabeth and her
A. Elizabeth is ill.
B. John plans to spend more time with Abby.
C. John has had an adulterous affair with Abby.
D. John is planning to leave Elizabeth.
___7. Abigail stuck a needle into her stomach in order to:
A. Accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft.
B. Cast suspicion on Mary Warren.
C. Claim that it was John Proctor’s doing.
D. Give herself a bellybutton ring.
___8. Why does Mary say she cannot tell the truth in court?
A. She does not want the other girls punished.
B. She wants Elizabeth found guilty.
C. She is afraid that Abby will kill her.
D. She is too embarrassed to admit she is a fraud.
___9. What does John Proctor mean when he says, “My wife
will never die for me”?
A. If he baptizes his son, his wife will be freed.
B. He knows his adultery has caused Elizabeth to be
C. He knows his wife is being punished for his quarrels
with Rev. Parris.
D. Hale will not release Elizabeth until Proctor attends
___10. Goody Osburn will hang, but Sarah Good will not
A. Goody Osburn’s conjuring was much worse.
B. The villagers like Sarah Good better than Goody
C. Parris spoke up for Sarah Good.
D. Sarah Good confessed, but Goody Osburn did not.
___11. What is the setting of Act II of The Crucibe?
A. The following day at the home of the Proctors.
B. Rev. Parris’ home, about a week after the
accusations started.
C. The Proctors’ home, eight days after the girls have
begun to accuse people.
D. The Salem meeting house, just before Abby’s trial
___12. Which of the following sentences best describes the
relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor at the
opening of Act II?
A. They are warm and affectionate.
B. They seem not to care about each other.
C. They seem ill at ease together.
D. They are hostile and bitter toward each other.
___13. When Elizabeth says to John, “The magistrate sits in
your heart that judges you,” she means that Proctor:
A. Carries the knowledge of his own guilt.
B. Is too quick to judge himself.
C. Should speak more openly about his thoughts.
D. Knows that she loves him and forgives him.
___14. Proctor’s comment to Mary Warren, “It’s strange
work for a Christian girls to hang old women,” implies that he
thinks Mary’s behavior is:
A. Cruel
B. Hypocritical
C. Cowardly
D. rash
___15. When Mary says that the crowd parted for Abby
like the sea for Israel, she makes:
A. a comparison to politics.
B. An allusion to the Bible.
C. Eventual trouble for Abby.
D. A bigoted joke.
___16. When Hale appears at the Proctors’ door, he is
described as “different now—drawn a little, and there is a
quality of deference, even guilt, about his manner now.”
What accounts for this change?
A. He has seen events go beyond his expectations in
B. He no longer believes in witchcraft but must
C. He feels guilty that he has felt desire for Abby.
D. He fears that even he may be at risk.
___17. Hale’s interview with Proctor reveals Hale to be:
A. Blinded with power.
B. Troubled but rigid.
C. Kind but foolish.
D. Tolerant and open.
___18. What is Proctor’s attitude toward Parris?
A. He respects Parris’s devotion to God.
B. He differs with Parris on issues of church doctrine.
C. He believes that Parris is too interested in wealth.
D. He thinks that Parris is too lenient in judging
___19. Why does Proctor forget the commandment
forbidding adultery?
A. He has a guilty conscience.
B. He has never properly learned the
C. He believes that it is an unjust commandment.
D. He is afraid of revealing his own sin.
___20. When Rebecca Nurse is charged, Hale is troubled.
What does he intend to point out by this allusion to the story
that the Devil was once an angel? “ hour before the Devil
fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.”
A. That people sometimes change as they get older.
B. That even beauty is no indicator of goodness.
C. The impossibility of determining God’s will.
D. The powerful skills of deception the Devil has.
___21. In anger, Proctor calls Hale, “Pontius Pilate.”
Proctor’s intention is to:
A. Imply that Hale shares pagan beliefs.
B. Charge Hale with manufacturing evidence.
C. Send Hale to the Bible for study and thought.
D. Accuse Hale of doing injustice by doing nothing.
___22. What is implied about human nature by the number
of accusations that are brought forth?
A. People are generally irresponsible and weak.
B. People who do not express their feelings openly
cannot be trusted.
C. People are basically vengeful and cruel.
D. People want to find a scapegoat when things go
___23. Proctor believes that Abby accuses Elizabeth of
witchcraft because:
A. Elizabeth treated Abby harshly
B. Abby wants to punish Proctor for rejecting her.
C. Abby fears that Elizabeth will denounce her for
seducing Proctor.
D. Abby wants to distract attention from the episode in
the woods.