2. Identify and describe three (3) diversity programs/initiatives that are currently being used in businesses today Nowadays many companies around the world are implementing diversity programs within their companies. We are going to take a closer look at three programs or initiatives that have been used in many important companies. The first program is Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network (WEPAN). WEPAN includes efforts to increase the numbers of women studying engineering, to establish mentoring and summer internships involving the private sector, and to find positions for women engineering graduates. WEPAN also works with women in professional positions. For example, AT&T is sponsorship of the Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network (WEPAN), because is a company that is committed to promoting the expansion of knowledge to its employees and to improve the work environment in the company. Secondly, another initiative is Facebook University, which allows college students from underrepresented groups to train with the company during summers. Facebook hopes to hire from this pool of candidates in the future. Some students from the program have already become full-time employees. "In 2015, the company also started offering online employee training in unconscious bias to further mitigate discrimination in the workplace "(AperianGlobal, 2017). Finally, Career Bridge Program has been connecting skilled immigrants with leading Canadian employers through paid internships since 2003. It is a win-win for employers and immigrants. For instance, Rogers Communications Inc partners with the Career Bridge internship program to provide employment opportunities to internationally educated professionals.