Anthropology 104 Final Exam Notes: Colonialism & Health

Anthropology 104 Final:
Colonialism/post colonialism
o Colonialism
 Practice by which a nation state extends political, economic, and
military power beyond its own borders over an extended period of
time to secure access to raw materials, cheap labor, and markets in
other countries or regions
 Political – not only a form of political, governmental structure, but
also get al different revolutions that happened as people started
fighting for their freedom
 Cultural – the whole reaction to music was largely created by
cultural tensions by colonial policy (music before mosque riots)
o Post colonialism – impact of what was left behind after not having power
o Dependency theory
 A critique of modernization theory that argued that despite the end
of colonialism, the underlying economic relations of the modern
world economic system had not changed
 Underdevelopment – term used to suggest that poor countries are
poor as a result of their relationship to an unbalanced global
economic system
o Neocolonialism- continued pattern of unequal economic relations despite
the formal end of colonial, political, and military control
o Imperialism
o Cultural imperialism
Schultz and Lavenda pp. 65-71
Marc Auge
o Place – embedded in social relationships
o Space – impersonal, like airport or clinic
o Supermodernity – reflects a deepening or intensification of modernity
o Points out the changes brought on by supermodernity as basically new
ways of thinking some of the most basic human conceptual forms (time,
space, personhood)
Bruno Latour
o Against post modernism: amodern, anti-modernism, non-modernism
o Society has never really been modern
o Refutes a total and irreversible invention that complete breaks with the
o Global/local (is a railroad global or local? Neither)
“Black Harvest” Mt. Hagen in New Guinea, after the first contact in 1933 (global
o Neocolonialism – use of guns, large coffee plantations, wage labor
o Cog in the capitalistic economy – handicapped by their inability to read
and write English
o Story of the Gaiga in New Guinea, a mixed blood Joe Leahy could not
inherit tribal lands, exploited the Gainga by using their cheap labor on
coffee plantations
Ecology/Economics/ Gifts and Commodities
P. Descola: Introduction, The Ecology of Others
o NATURE not as a universal category but as people in a different society
understand it
o Argues against the commonly held assumption that culture – a collective
human making – is essentially different from the collective of non-human
world, consisting of plants, animals, geology and natural forces
o Instead, he has consistently upheld not only the continuity between these
two concepts but harmony between the two
M. Sahlins: Culture and Practical Reason
Ongka’s Big Moka, Ongka, a New Guinea “Big Man” and Moka exchange
M. Sahlins: Stone Age Economics
o Three models of exchange
 Generalized reciprocity (smaller settlement/ hunter & gatherer)
 Expectation of a direct material return is unseemly,
 Balanced reciprocity (in the middle)
 Direct exchange of objects of equivalent value without
 Negative reciprocity (capitalistic)
 Unsocial extreme, get something for nothing, common in
capitalistic exchanges
 According to Sahlins, the scial distance gets shorter in descending
Human communication and its opacity
Schultz and Lavenda pg 128
Stratification: caste, class, race, gender, age, minorities
o Ethnicity vs. race
 Race
 Phenotype, assumptions, social construct, identity,
category, social class, biological
 Acquired
 Ethnicity
 Ascribed (born into it)
 Culture, identity, category, phenotype, language, religion,
not acquired, mentorship, shared history
Hibabestu Burakumin In Japan and their monkey performance
Monkey performances
Indentites – individual and collective
Halving of the bones
Anthropology of health, illness, and health care
o Disease – single factor orientation, pathogen specific
 Western biomedical system, fancy and developing
o Illness – an understanding of “their” system/thoughts of health and
departures from “health”
 Cultural disease
o The form and meaning given to the deviations from physical wellbeing by
members of the community – often embedded in world view (Ainu boils
and headaches)
o Health care
 In most societies of the world, multiple systems of health care
 Ethnomedicine – an understanding of “their” system/thoughts of
health and departures from it
The are of losing: on writing, dying, and mom
My very own illness
o Different culture – hypochondriacs
o Doctors won’t inform patients of cancer presence
o Issue with cancer in japan
 Considered taboo, not able to understand or deal with it
 Radiation from bombs – high cancer rates
o Emphasis on the abdomen