Session 6. Survey Design and Sampling Strategy MKTG 3010 MARKETING RESEARCH 1 Homework - Psychology beats business training when it comes to entrepreneurship ( What is the research question? Which experimental design was used? What is the treatment? How to calculate the treatment effect? What is the dependent variable? 2 Warning: We are getting more and more quantitative Define the Information Needed Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or Causal Phases of the Research Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures Construct a Questionnaire Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size Develop a Plan of Data Analysis 3 Four Types of Primary Scales Primary Scales Ratio Scale Interval Scale Ordinal Scale Nominal Scale 4 Lowest level of measurement Highest level of measurement Review 1. Please identify the type of scale being used and the permissible statistics that can be used. 1) What is your age? 2) What is your postal code? 3) How much money did you spend last year on make-ups? 4) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement, “I do not feel comfortable describing myself as beautiful.” Completely disagree Completely agree 1 2 3 4 5 5) On an average weekday, how much time do you spend on exercising? i. Less than 15 minutes ii. 15 to 30 minutes iii. 31 to 60 minutes iv. More than 60 minutes 5 Scaling Techniques Scaling Techniques Noncomparative Scales Comparative Scales Continuous Rating Scales Paired Comparison Rank Order 6 Constant Sum Itemized Rating Scales Likert Semantic Differential Stapel Comparative scales involve the direct comparison of stimulus objects. - e.g. Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke? - Comparative scale data must be interpreted in relative terms and have only ordinal or rank order properties. In noncomparative scales, each object is scaled independently of the others in the stimulus set. - e.g. How do you feel about Coke? - The resulting data are generally assumed to be interval or ratio scaled. Review 1. How shall we measure people’s attitude toward iPhone 8 using comparative scaling technique? 2. How shall we measure people’s attitude toward iPhone 8 using non- comparative scaling technique? 8 Define the Information Needed Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or Causal Phases of the Research Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures Construct a Questionnaire Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size Develop a Plan of Data Analysis 9 Key Issues in Survey Design Structure of the survey Order of information Respondent-driven design Understanding the psychology of survey response • Question wording − 10 Are they answering what we’re asking? Review We need to include the following questions in the survey. Please arrange them in a meaningful order. 11 A. “What is your age?” B. “What brand of skis do you own?” C. “What feature do you like best about skis?” D. “Have you been snow skiing in the past twelve months?” E. “Following are 10 characteristics of snow skis. Please rate your ski on each of the characteristic using the scale below.” The Psychology of Survey Response “Self-Reports”, N. Schwarz Am Psych 1999 Comprehension Retrieval Judgment Response 12 Review - Do you find anything wrong with the following questions? Why? 1. 2. 3. 13 “Do you believe that McYummys offers fast and courteous service?” Which brand of shampoo do you use? Do you think any brand is better than Gap? II. Failures of Retrieval When in doubt: people guess-timate. Due to passage of time Due to uncertainty of actual timing of event Timing of event may be uncertain (allergies?) When mundane: people guess-timate When salient: people over-estimate Telescoping Retrieval 14 Error from Inability to Recall Years suffering allergies 25 1) What % have suffered for 10 years? 2) What % have suffered for 9 years? 20 15 % 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Years Retrieval 15 Priming: Context Affects Retrieval Cues in the environment affect what’s available in memory. Survey-related content General attitudes Retrieval 16 Addressing Memory Issues Use a reasonable time frame: “How many cartons of orange juice did you buy in the “How many cartons of orange juice did you buy last ” thisyear? week?” “Is this a normal number for you?” Use available cues: “Sinceyou last aThanksgiving, were you “Were driver or passenger in a driver car thatorwas passenger a car that was involved in an accident?” involved ininan accident in the last year?” • Be aware of the limits of human memory! Retrieval 17 III. Issues in Judgment: Constructed Preferences Order effects: Anchoring, contrast Demand Effect Framing Halo effect Priming Context effects: choice set Judgment 18 Hmmm…let me figure out what I think. Anchoring / Contrast Effects 1--2--3--4--5--6--7 Hate it Love it □ Squid Ink Ice Cream □ Lemon Tart □ Chocolate Cake □ Tiramisu □ Crème Brule □ Vanilla Ice Cream □ Lemon Tart □ Chocolate Cake □ Tiramisu □ Crème Brule Comprehension (past information) Affects Judgments Judgment 19 Demand Effect “What do I think you want me to say?” Are you in favor of stem cell research? 69% YES (NBC news) 24% YES (Conference of Catholic Bishops) 70% YES (Juvenile Diabetes Foundation) 57% don’t know enough to say (Gallup) Source: “Unbearable Lightness of Public Judgment Opinion Polls”, NYT 2001 20 Leading Questions: “What kind of person are you?” “Doyou youthink thinkthat thatpatriotic Americans should buy –“Do Americans should buyautomobiles imported automobiles when imported or automobiles madethat in would put American labor out of work? this country? ___ yesimported ___ ___ no domestic ___ ___ don’t know ___ don’t know Colgate your favorite toothpaste?” –“Is“What is your favorite toothpaste brand?” Avoid leading or biased questions Judgment 21 Framing “Sony fired 4% of its work force.” “Sony was able to retain 96% of its work force.” Judgment 22 Context Effects: Compromise HD Space Preference for the middle option RAM Judgment 23 IV. Response Scale Induced Bias How well does this brand’s product perform: Sony …. Not Well 1 2 3 4 Very Well 5 Rate how you feel about the following brands: Sony …. Not Well -2 -1 Very Well 0 Response 24 1 2 Scale Usage Bias Rate Apple on 20 attributes on a 5 point scale: Avg=1.2 Avg=3.0 What does this mean? She likes Apple more than he does She has positive scale usage bias (rates more favorable) She has extremeness usage bias (rates high and low only) He was uninvolved or uninformed Alternative: Rankings remove all (good & bad) usage variance Response 25 Minimizing Survey Bias: Best Practices Plan order carefully Multiple measures 26 Rotate items Split the sample Ratings and rankings Different wording Consistent methods for comparisons Provide (realistic) context Recognize limitations: realistic expectations Complexity of Questionnaire Design Looks easy. Very difficult. No rules can guarantee flawless questionnaire. Questionnaires by skilled researchers may have drawbacks. Researchers may discover questionnaire flaws after data collection. Think Ahead: How Can You Tell Whether They “Get It”? “Don’t Know” / “Not Apply” option Open-ended responses “Other (specify)” Probing questions “Why?” But… coding is costly and time consuming Multiple methods _______________________ _______________________ Bad Respondents Causes: Hurried Irked Inexperienced Imposter (“Gaming”) Clues In the Data Response time Patterns of response (all ‘3’) Blank / nonsensical open-ends Traps Usage of low incidence / bogus products Verification: “Please check ‘5’ ” “Recall test” What’s the right cut-off? Pre-Testing Dry run on a small sample sample members should be actual members of the target population ensures the questions you intend are being answered ensures that questions are understood by respondents screens for problems with flow patterns Verbal protocol questionnaire testing (“think aloud”) Define the Information Needed Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or Causal Phases of the Research Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures Construct a Questionnaire Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size Develop a Plan of Data Analysis 32 Sampling Strategy Where Do We Get Data From? 33 Large Sample Size vs. Probability Design Sampling 2 Mil+ 34 “Landon in a Landslide,” History Matters Sampling Strategy Define the Population Determine the Sampling Frame Select Sampling Technique(s) Determine the Sample Size Execute the Sampling Process I. Define the Target Population The target population is the collection of elements or objects that possess the information sought by the researcher and about which inferences are to be made. Who do you want to generalize to? The target population should be defined in terms of 36 Elements – the object that the information is desired Sampling units – element, or entity contains the element Extent - geographical boundaries Time – the time period of interest Example: Revlon want to sample women over 18 years of age Time Frame: Upcoming Summer Sampling Unit: Households with 18 year old females 37 Extent: Domestic United States Element: 18 year old females II. Determine the Sampling Frame A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the target population. It consists of a list or set of directions for identifying the target population. How can you get access to them? e.g. 38 telephone book a mailing list purchased from a commercial organization Yellow page III. Select Sampling Techniques Sampling Techniques Nonprobability Sampling Techniques 39 Probability Sampling Techniques Probability Non-Probability Population elements are selected in a non-random manner Advantages of Probability Samples 40 Every element has a known, non-zero probability of inclusion in the sample Allows quantification of sampling error Generally more representative Probability Sampling Techniques Probability Sampling Techniques Simple Random Sampling 41 Systematic Sampling Stratified Sampling Cluster Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Techniques Convenience Sampling 42 Judgmental Sampling Quota Sampling Snowball Sampling Simple Random Sampling Each element of the population has the same known nonzero probability of inclusion Example: Random selection from voter database 43 Simple Random Sampling Mechanics Table of random numbers Computer generated random numbers Random digit dialing Advantages • Easy to implement • Does not always require a list (e.g. random-digit dialing) 44 Disadvantages • Less efficient than stratified sampling • May be more expensive than cluster sampling Is Random Sampling “Random Enough”? Can get outcomes that don’t “seem” random. 1 out of 16 chance OR 1 out of 16 chance →“Inefficient” 45 Systematic Sampling kth Every element from the list Systematically spreading the sample through the population list Sampling efficiency depends on the ordering of the list (e.g. sorted on key variable) 46 Example: Every 5th voter from registered voter list Leveraging Sample Structure: Stratified vs. Cluster Sampling Stratified Stratified Cluster Cluster Grouping: homogenous Strategy: randomly sample within randomly select clusters e.g. 5 voters at each precinct every voter at 5 precincts Tradeoff: more statistically efficient cheaper 47 heterogenous Sheena Iyengar: How to Make Choosing Easier 48 1. How shall we classify the research method in the grocery store study? 2. How would the number of choices affect consumer decision in the “Jam” study? Do the findings reveal causal relationship? 3. For the financial study, what was the finding regarding the participation of the plan? Is the relationship monotonic? For the financial study, what was the finding regarding the choice of the plan? 4. Do the findings in 3 &4 reveal causality? (Elaborate our answers.) 5. What are the consequences of choice overload? And how shall we overcome it? 6. What do you learn from the last study of choosing a car? How does it relate to what we learned so far? 7. How does this video relate to the last one by Malcolm Gladwell? 49