File encryption utility Pre-requisites JDK 8 or above installed on server or machine on which jar will be invoked. Encryption Algorithm PGP with 2048 RSA key AES 256 symmetric encryption logic of PGP SHA256 for digital signing. Encryption key pair generation (One time activity) Pre-requisites Encryption key pair will be generated by the team who decrypts the file. If you are team who decrypting the files then proceed with key pair generation else ask the decrypting team to provide public key. Key pair generation steps Copy the shared encryption-util-1.0.jar file into a location on the server /PC. Two keys i.e. public and private key will be generated in this step. o public.asc ( public key - used for encryption) o secret.asc ( private key – used for decryption) Private (secret.asc) and public key (public.asc) can be generated using following steps. o </path/to/java8> -jar <location of the jarfile>/encryption-util-1.0.jar KEYGEN <team identfier> sometoughpassword o If password or team identifier has spaces in between then put the string inside quotes ( E.g. “some critical password”) If you are team who is decrypting the files then share the public key with team who is encrypting the files. Steps to generate signing key pair (One time activity) Pre-requisites This step need to be done by team who is encrypting the files. If you are team who is decrypting the files then please ask the signing-public.asc from team who is encrypting the files. Signing key pair generation steps Copy the shared encryption-util-1.0.jar file into a location on the server /PC where the dumps are created. Signing of encrypted data takes care of non-repudiation of encrypted files. Data is signed using private key located at your end and verified at target end (i.e us) using public key shared by you. Private (signing-secret.asc) and public key (signing-public.asc) can be generated using following steps. o </path/to/java8> -jar <location of the jarfile>/encryption-util-1.0.jar SIGNKEYGEN SOC_TEAM sometoughpassword o If password has spaces in between then put the password string inside quotes ( E.g. “some critical password”) This would generate two files in the location of jar file namely o signing-secret.asc ( signing private key) o signing-public.asc (signing public key) o Keep the private with you and share public key with team who is decrypting the files. Steps to encrypt the dump files: Shell script /Manual encryption Copy the shared encryption-util-1.0.jar file into a location on the server /PC where the dumps are created. Generate dump file. Execute following command after the csv is generated </path/to/java8> -jar encryption-util-1.0.jar ENCRYPTION filedump.csv signingsecret.asc etradeswift NOTE: If password has spaces in between then put the password string inside quotes (E.g. “some critical password”) ex: </path/to/java8> –jar /home/<working-directory>/encryption-util-1.0.jar ENCRYPTION /home/<working-directory>/<EXTRACT-NAME>.csv signing-secret.asc sometoughpassword After the command is executed, a new file will be created with extension as .enc in the same location as input file location. ex: /home/<working-directory> /<EXTRACT-NAME>.csv.enc Push the encrypted file along with touch file to SFTP location. Programmatically (java) encrypting the files Add the jar to the classpath. Generate dump file Import following class to your programming class using Call the method ReconEncryptionUtil.main(String[]) in the class ReconEncryptionUtil To encrypt the dump file ReconEncryptionUtil.main(new String[] {“ENCRYPTION”, “/home/<workingdirectory>/<EXTRACT-NAME>.csv”, “./signing-secret.asc”, “sometoughpassword”}); After the command is executed, a new file will be created with extension as .enc in the same location as input file location. Ex: /home/<working-directory> /<EXTRACT-NAME>.csv.enc Push the encrypted file along with touch file to SFTP location. Steps to decrypt files Shell script/manual decryption Copy the shared encryption-util-1.0.jar file into a location on the server /PC where the dumps are created. Generate dump file. Execute following command after the csv is generated </path/to/java8> -jar encryption-util-1.0.jar DECRYPTION <encrypted-file-path> <decryptionPrivatekey> <decryptionpassword> <signing-public-key> NOTE: If password has spaces in between then put the password string inside quotes (E.g. “some critical password”) ex: </path/to/java8> –jar /home/<working-directory>/encryption-util-1.0.jar DECRYPTION <ENCRYPTED_FILE> secret.asc criticalpassword signing-public.asc After the command is executed, a new file will be created with extension as .dec in the same location as input file location. ex: /home/<working-directory> /<EXTRACT-NAME>.dec Programmatically (java) decrypting files Add the jar to the classpath. Generate dump file Import following class to your programming class using Call the method ReconEncryptionUtil.main(String[]) in the class ReconEncryptionUtil To decrypt the dump file ReconEncryptionUtil.main(new String[] {“DECRYPTION”, “/home/<workingdirectory>/<EXTRACT-NAME>.enc”, “/dir/secret.asc”, “criticalpassword”, “signingpublic.asc”}); After the command is executed, a new file will be created with extension as .dec in the same location as input file location. Ex: /home/<working-directory> /<EXTRACT-NAME>.dec