Lab project

Lab project. Daniel Nunez
Problem Statement- What will happen if we mix water with oil and corn
Hypothesis- If testing if water will mix with corn syrup and oil, Then,
both will not mix and will float on-top of the water.
1 Syrup
2 Beakers
3 Water
4 Oil
Predictions- Density
Water Its transparent It’s in a plastic bottle it feels wet and does not smell
Oil smells like a nut certain nut and it feels like thick consistency
Syrup- Sticky It smells sweet smells like chocolate cake batter sugary
Predictions- The oil will not mix with water
Corn syrup wont mix with the water
Pre-Lab Questions- 1 The feathers will float up due to its density because its light
but the lead will sink due to its weight and density.
2 Why the apple floats is because it weighs the same as the water and it displaces
the right amount of water for it to float
After testing my results, I have found that none of the ingredients didn’t mix. My
hypothesis was correct because neither the oil or corn syrup mixed with the
water. We also tried different combinations like syrup with oil or oil with water
and syrup and water, and we have found that none mixed because of the density
Abstract- We can apply this to oceanic and coastal plates, The syrup Is the oceanic
plate and the water is the coastal plates its sinks under the water therefore
showing subduction.
Conclusion, In conclusion my predictions were correct because none of the
ingredients mixed with the water. The density was different so they didn’t mix.
Class predictions Predictions- Pressure density shape
Results-The class predictions were wrong because it was none of them were right
because it was not based on these but on density.
In conclusion the class predictions weren’t correct because none of the things
were pressure heavy or shape but density, the density was different and it didn’t