Blood Spatter Lab Worksheet

Investigator: ______________________
Date: _____________
Lab 1: Height
What did you notice about the diameter of the parent droplets as you increased the height of the drop?
How do the spines compare from the different heights?
Draw a sample picture of a blood droplets dropped from lowest and highest points.
Lab 2: Angle of Impact
What did you notice about the shape of the droplets as you increased the angle of the paper?
The impact angle of a droplet can be determined by the following equation:
Measure 3 of your droplets created by any 3 different angles and complete the following table:
Width, w
Length, l
Calculated angle
Actual angle
Lab 3: Direction of Impact
What did you notice about the shape of the droplets when you changed the direction? (What is a tell-tale sign to
figure out direction of impact?)
What would a droplet look like if the impact was from left to right? Sketch and label
Lab 4: ___________________
Draw a simple chart that describes the shape and size of the droplets with each change in the variables
Sketch and label a sketch of the blood droplets or pattern based on the different conditions placed upon them.
Extra comments, notes, observations: