Environmental Science Chapter 3 Vocabulary Crossword

Notebook #4
Environmental Science Chapter 3 Vocabulary Crossword
Name: _________________________________
Class: ___________________ Date: ________
Notebook #4
2. The layer above the troposphere.
4. A break in the Earth's crust along which blocks of the crust slide relative to one another.
7. The thin outer layer of the geosphere.
8. A small stream or river that flows into a larger river.
10. The continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back to water sources.
14. The narrow layer around Earth's surface in which life can exist.
16. A charged atom.
17. The flow of heat from a warmer object to a colder object when the objects are placed in direct physical contact.
19. The process by which liquid water is heated by the sun and then rises into the atmosphere as water vapor.
21. Both matter and energy are exchanged between a system and the surrounding environment.
22. This occurs when rocks under stress suddenly break along a fault causing a series of vibrations within the ground.
23. The solid part of the Earth that consists of rock, soil, and soil sediments.
24. Tiny liquid droplets dispersed within air.
25. The atmospheric layer located farthest from Earth's surface.
30. A measure of the energy released during an earthquake.
32. Water droplets that fall from clouds as rain, sleet, snow, or hail.
33. The concentration of dissolved salts in water.
34. The atmospheric layer nearest Earth's surface.
1. The continual process of warm air rising and cool air sinking.
3. The surface of the land where water enters an aquifer.
5. These structures glide across the underlying asthenosphere similar to how a chunk of ice would drift across a pond.
6. The mixture of gases that surround Earth.
9. The transfer of energy across space and in the atmosphere.
11. A cool, rigid layer that is 15 km to 300 km thick. It includes the crust and uppermost part of the mantle.
12. Water droplets formed in clouds in which the droplets collide, stick together, and create larger, heavier droplets.
13. A system in which energy enters the environment, but matter does not.
15. The transfer of heat by air currents.
18. This molecule, found in the stratosphere, absorbs UV rays produced by the sun.
20. Earth's innermost layer.
26. The removal and transport of surface material.
27. The layer below the crust.
28. The layer below the lithosphere.
29. The process in which gases trap heat near the surface of Earth.
31. A rock layer that stores and allows the flow of groundwater.