6th Jan. 7-11

The Sixth
Mr. Joel Sanchez
Ms. Crivellone
Ms. Torres
Dates to Remember:
Week of:
Classes resume on January
Jan. 7-11, 2019
Casual Day– January 11th
A peek into our week:
To Study:
Language Arts: We will begin to read the story en-
titled, The Emperor’s Silent Army: Terracotta
Warriors of Ancient China
Author: Jane O’Connor
Genre: Informational Text
Reading Skill: Fact and Opinion
Grammar: Pronouns
Indefinite, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Reflexive, Intensive
During this week, we will be
plotting ordered pairs of rational
numbers on a coordinate plane
(lesson 3.7).
Digital Literacy
Information will be posted at a later
date by Ms. Saraivy Colon.
Upon our return on January 9th, the students will begin their studies
on Genetics: The Science of Heredity. From Gregor Mendel and
Alleles, to Probability and Punnett Squares, students will come to
understand the Patterns of Inheritance innate in all life. This unit
will serve as the foundation that leads into Evolution and the mechanisms by which Life Changes Over Time.
Social Studies
This week we will begin learning about Ancient China and its geography. We will also learn and discuss the Zhou Dynasty and how it
brought political stability and new ways to deal with political changes
in ancient China.
Other news:
Continental: (Ms. Marilyn)
Students will review Spanish vocabulary , verbs and phrases covered in the first semester.
Also, we will be working with vocabulary related to: clothing, days of the week, month,
seasons, health and basic reading comprehension. Review the red notebook every day.
You can use the links below and the notebook to review at home with your child.
If you wish to communicate with us, you may do so via email to: mgonzalez@robinsonschool.net or hmiller@robinsonschool.net
Destreza de comprension: Continuamos trabajando: Idea principal y detalles.
Realizarán un artículo informatvo en clase, para eso necesitan la computadora.
Acentuación: acento diacrítico (One note) computadora
*La computadora es una herramienta de trabajo del salón, deben traerla cargada de sus
hogares, para que su niño-a pueda realizar su trabajo sin contratiempo.