Amazon EC2 Instance Types Over the years, Amazon has expanded the hardware use to their clients in a variety of ways to help support their clients infrastructure and they have found a way to make it affordable and reasonable for any business that would like to expand and scale out their infrastructure. In most cases, companies that moves from On Prem to cloud usually starts their infrastructure to a similar setup in the on prem environment, Which will heavily utilize ec2 Instances. But not knowing what ec2 instance type to use with their environment could become very costly. Which is the reason that there should be a broad understanding of ec2 instance types. Currently, there are 11 different types of EC2 instances. These types may increase or decrease based off Amazon. Amazon has places these instance types into 5 categories. These categories were created to help sort out the options of each usage case for the ec2 instance types. Once you add the instance types in to the categories, it will sort out as below. General Purpose o T2 o M5/M4 Compute Optimized o C5/C4 Memory Optimized o X1e/X1 o R4 Accelerated Computing o P3/P2 o G3 o F1 Storage Optimized o H1 o I3 o D2 Note: For EC2 instances that has one type, The higher number represents the new instance type that will replace the previous instance type. The T2 The M5/M4 The C5/C4 The X1e/X1 The R4 The P3/P2 The G3 The F1 The H1 The I3 The D2