UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Global Management ARTE S.R.L. Mexic Street No. 2, Bloc I3, Sc. 1, Apt. No. 1, parter Tel.: 021.312.58.40, fax: 021.312.51.03 Nr. Registrul Comerţului: J40/887/1996, C.U.I.: RO8118509 JOINT STRATEGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT, EVALUATION AND INNOVATION OF A TOURISM IN THE PROJECT <<Development and promotion of an integrated cultural heritage tourism product: Route “Natural protected heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria”>>, BENEFICIARY: "Natura Vie" Foundation Calarasi Tel: 0242331505; Fax: 0242333997 E-mail: naturavie@ymail.com SC GLOBAL MANAGEMENT ARTE SRL Bucharest, November 2017 Project coordinator, Hristea Cristian Spiru www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURAL POTENTIAL IN THE ROMANIANBULGARIAN CROSS-BORDER AREA AND IN THE REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT 1.1. Brief description of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region from the perspective of ecotourism development 1.2. The international context of the protection of natural heritage and tourism development, especially ecotourism 1.3. Local context of protection and capitalization of natural and cultural heritage 1.3.1. Legislation in Romania - Protection and Recovery 1.3.2. Legislation in Bulgaria - Protection and Recovery II. SWOT ANALYSIS OF ROMANIA-BULGARIA CROSS-BORDER REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF ECO-TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AREA III. JOINT STRATEGY ON DEVELOPMENT, VALIDATION AND INNOVATION OF A TOURIST PRODUCT 3.1. Vision 3.2. Mission 3.3. Objectives 3.4. Specific priorities and objectives / strategy actions 3.5. The plan for achieving the priorities established through the route "Natural protected heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria" IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING SYSTEM V. ANNEXES www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! I. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURAL POTENTIAL IN THE ROMANIANBULGARIAN CROSS-BORDER AREA AND IN THE REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT 1.1. Brief description of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region from the perspective of ecotourism development The Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region, which has been largely deployed along the lower Danube River, and comprises 7 counties in Romania - Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta - and 8 regions in Bulgaria - Vidin, Montana , Vratsa, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra, Dobrich, has a particularly valuable natural heritage that creates the premises for the development of ecotourism in the region. The relief is particularly varied in this region, where the plain has an important share - the Romanian Plain, on the Romanian side and the Danube Plain, which extends to Bulgaria up to the Balkan Mountains. The Danube Cliff is spectacularly different on the two sides of the border; is rocky on the Bulgarian side, and on the Romanian side the smooth relief, dominated by meadows and plains. Hills and plateaus are developing as we leave the Danube, and valleys and lakes are numerous on both sides of the border. This border area is covered by six NUTS 2 regions: Mehedinţi, Dolj and Olt counties - part of South-West Development Region Oltenia RO41; Teleorman, Giurgiu and Calarasi counties - part of South Muntenia Development Region RO31; Constanta County - part of the South-East Development Region RO22; Vidin, Vratsa, Montana and Pleven Districts - part of the North-West Region BG31; Veliko-Tarnovo, Ruse and Silistra districts - part of the North Central Region BG32; Dobrich District - part of the North-East Region BG33. The level of development of all the Romanian counties and districts in Bulgaria that form the border region is very low, taking the last positions in the EU in terms of general regional competitiveness. The cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria comprises a wide range of ecosystems and natural habitats with high conservation importance - specific ecosystems and high biodiversity such as rivers, rivers, confluences, island www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! ecosystems, national parks, natural parks, RAMSAR sites and other reserves high protection status. Thus, the common route proposed in the preliminary study includes natural objectives recognized for special landscapes, such as sections of the Danube River, parts of the Stara Planina and Carpathian mountain chains or the Black Sea coast. Therefore, the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border1 region is characterized by a high biodiversity, as well as protected sites and a diverse natural landscape. These natural heritage objectives are present along the entire length of the border. The level of protection of these areas ranges from natural parks to Natura 2000 sites, from biosphere reserves to UNESCO sites. Eight natural and national parks are located in this region. Thus, there are three natural parks in Romania - Mehedinti Plateau Geopark, Iron Gate Natural Park and Comana Natural Park and a national park - Domogled National Park - Cerna Valley, and in Bulgaria there are four natural parks Vrachansky Balkan Natural Park, Persina Nature Park , Rusenski Lom Natural Park and Zlatni Pyasatsi Natural Park (Gold Sands). Rusenski Lom Natural Park is an exceptional monument and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is a true biodiversity museum, a natural value bank of invaluable value for the universal natural heritage. In Bulgaria, there are two biosphere reserves, Chuprene and Srebena (Ramsar site). Ramsar sites are located in the studied area, including 15 sites in Romania including the Danube Delta, Lake Techirghiol and the Iron Gate Natural Park and 6 sites in Bulgaria - including the Persina Nature Park, Srebarna or Shabla Lake. The Natura 2000 ecological network is represented by 54 special conservation areas - SCIs and 46 special avifauna - SPA special protection areas in Romania, while in Bulgaria there are 92 SCI sites and 40 SPA sites. From the perspective of the development of tourism in this region, besides the natural protected areas included in the route "Natural protected patrimony from the territory of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region", cultural, historical or archaeological objectives near the natural areas were taken into account. Thus, the cultural and historical component of the route is well represented, including attractions such as Radetski Shipyard in Kozloduy, Ulpia Oescus archaeological site in Karaboaz area, Ancient Dimu Castrum in Belene, Tsarevets Fortress in Veliko Tarnovo, Aladzha Monastery near Natural Park The Golden Sands, the Iron Gates Hydropower Museum in the Portile de Fier Natural Park, the Comana Monastery and the Calugareni History Museum in Comana Natural Park, the Trophaeum Traiani Monument and the Adamclisi 1 Cohesion Policy Support for Local Development: best practices and and future policy options, DG Regio, CCI n. 2009.CE.16.0.AT.081, Final Report www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Museum of the Natura 2000 Site Dumbrăveni-Valea Urluia-Vederoasa Lake, Callatis Fortress and the Callatis Archeology Museum in Mangalia, numerous museums in Constanta and many other archaeological sites and places of worship on both sides of the border. The cultural heritage2 of the Romanian-Bulgarian border area is dense and diverse, consisting of a wide variety of historical and architectural monuments, museums or churches and monasteries, archaeological sites, legends, folklore, etc. In all counties and districts there are cultural heritage objectives. In the border area, respectively in the seven counties, 268 cultural heritage objectives of national and international interest were identified in the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-border Operational Program 2014-2020: monasteries - 26 objectives; cult buildings - 64 objectives; urban civil buildings - 42 objectives; infrastructures and utility buildings - 7 objectives; boyars' residences (castles, mansions, palaces) and memorial houses - 29 objectives; museums - 6 objectives; urban assemblies - 4 objectives. Globally, tourism is the second largest industry and one of the most expanding sectors, and both countries, Romania and Bulgaria, rely on tourism for international openness and economic development, all the more so as tourism generates economic effects additions in other sectors such as transport, entertainment and services. Natural heritage has limits beyond which its modification or use of resources would lead to diminishing or even loss of diversity or natural beauty. From area to area, specifics, sensitivities, species and habitats vary, as they can cope with economic activity due to the pressure on tourists in different, unpredictable ways and guiding local authorities and businesses in tailored management and development plans area. These elements help the community to develop economic activities, attract local revenue from the tourists' party, add value to natural products and attract investors. The way a local community manages to use its natural heritage - wise and moderate - is essential to ensuring future development options. Economic activities - particularly ecotourism - that harness the patrimony and natural resources have a direct impact on them. This impact may be beneficial, such as the development of a tourist component, or harmful, such as pollution, resource depletion, unattractive landscapes, or biodiversity loss. 2 Cohesion Policy Support for Local Development: best practices and and future policy options, DG Regio, CCI n. 2009.CE.16.0.AT.081, Final Report www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 1.2. The international context of the protection of natural heritage and tourism development, especially ecotourism The legal framework for the capitalization of cultural or natural heritage by tourism varies substantially, with various purposes: to regulate, to authorize, to prohibit, to provide resources, to sanction, to grant rights or to restrict. Regardless of the nature or level of legislation, the legislative framework must provide for sufficient legal and regulatory instruments to protect the cultural or natural heritage. 1.2.1. UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage3 According to this convention, the natural heritage includes natural aspects consisting of physical or biological formations or groups of such formations, which have an extraordinary universal value from an aesthetic or scientific point of view. The natural heritage also includes geological, physico-geographic formations and well-defined areas that constitute habitats for plant species or animals of extraordinary scientific or conservation value that are in danger. Thirdly, the natural heritage includes well-defined natural sites or well-defined natural areas of extraordinary scientific, aesthetic or conservation value. Through this convention, signatory members recognize the responsibility of the state to identify, protect, preserve, present and transmit to the future generations the cultural and natural heritage of their state. Each member assumes the following: - Adopt a general policy that puts cultural and natural assets in the community lives together and integrates the protection of that heritage into comprehensive planning programs; - To establish on its territory services for the protection, preservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage, where it does not already exist, and having prepared staff who have all the means by which to perform their functions; - To develop scientific and technical and research studies so that implementation methods give the state the opportunity to counteract the dangers and threats to which the natural and cultural heritage is subjected; - Take the legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures necessary to identify, protect, preserve, present and rehabilitate the patrimony; 3 http://whc.unesco.org www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! - Support the establishment or development of national or regional training centers on the protection, preservation and presentation of natural and cultural heritage, in order to encourage scientific research in this field. 1.2.2. Convention on Biological Diversity4 The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international agreement adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It has three main objectives: - conservation of biological diversity; - use its components in a sustainable way; - fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. Unlike other international agreements setting binding targets and obligations, the CBD has a flexible approach to implementation. It identifies general objectives and policies, and countries are free to determine how they want to implement them. One of the most important CBD achievements so far has been to increase biodiversity interest in both developed and developing countries. Biodiversity is now seen as a major and growing issue. Within the new European tourism policy "Europe, the world's favorite tourist destination - a new political framework for European tourism", four priorities for action have been identified: - Stimulating competitiveness in the European tourism sector; - Promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism; - Strengthening Europe's image as a collection of sustainable and high-quality destinations; - Maximizing the potential of the European Union's financial policies for tourism development. The objectives outlined around the first priority are: promoting a diversification of tourist offer; development of innovation in the tourism industry; improving professional skills; encouraging the extension of the tourist season; strengthening the socioeconomic knowledge base on tourism. For Priority 2, the following actions are envisaged: the development of a system of indicators for sustainable destination 4 www.cbd.int www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! management, the organization of awareness-raising campaigns for tourists on the choice of tourist destinations, means of transport, etc., the development of a European mark to increase consumer confidence in the product tourism, facilitating the identification of climate change risks in order to avoid unprofitable investments and the development of alternative tourism offers, creating a sustainable tourism book, proposing a strategy for sustainable coastal and maritime tourism, strengthening cooperation between the European Union and major emerging countries and countries from the Mediterranean Sea. Priority 3 sets out the following actions: creating a "Europe mark" to complete national and international promotion, promoting the visisteurope.com portal, supporting joint promotion for international events, "strengthening the European Union's participation in international fora". 1.2.3. The European Landscape Convention The objective of the European Landscape Convention is "to promote landscape protection, management and planning, and to organize European cooperation in this area". The Convention applies to the entire territory of the Parties, either land, inland waters and marine areas, or the landscape is considered special, ordinary or degraded. The implementation of the agreement will be done "in accordance with its own division of competences, its constitutional principles and administrative regulations, and respecting the principle of subsidiarity, taking into account the European Charter of Local Self-Government." Each signatory member undertakes: a) "to legally recognize landscapes as an essential component of the living environment for the population, an expression of the diversity of the cultural and natural heritage and the foundation of its identity"; (b) "to establish and implement landscape policies aimed at protecting, managing and arranging it by adopting specific measures referred to in this Convention"; c) "to set up participation procedures for the general public, regional and local authorities, as well as other stakeholders to define and implement the landscape policies referred to in b) "; d) "to integrate the landscape into spatial, urban, cultural, environmental, agricultural, social and economic policies, as well as other policies likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the landscape". The specific measures defined in the Convention consist of: - "Increasing the awareness of civil society, private organizations and public authorities regarding the value of landscapes and the role of their transformation"; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! - Promoting the training of "specialists in knowledge of landscape interventions", "multidisciplinary training programs in policy, protection, landscape management and landscape planning for private and public sector and stakeholder associations", "school and university courses which, within the framework of the specialization to address issues related to landscape and its protection, management and arrangement "; - "Each Party shall identify the landscapes and any other relevant information about them: characteristics, dynamics, transformations, etc."; - "For each landscape identified, targets will be set by public consultation"; - "Each party must put in place the necessary tools to implement its policies." 1.2.4. EU Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and associated travel services This directive establishes the rights of consumers with regard to travel packages, holiday packages and circuits, ensuring transparency and improving the level of legal certainty for both traders and tourists. In the context of this project, Article 6 of EU Directive 2015/2302 states: "At present, the cross-border potential of the Union travel package market is not fully exploited. The disparities between the rules protecting existing passengers in different Member States are a factor which discourages travelers from a Member State from purchasing travel and associated travel services from another Member State and, similarly, organizers and retailers in a Member State to sell those services in another Member State. In order to allow passengers and traders to take full advantage of the benefits of the internal market while ensuring a high level of consumer protection across the Union, a closer approximation of Member States' legislation on travel packages and services associated travel ". Article 24 also recommends the development of communication channels between traders and customers: "With regard to packages, retailers should be responsible, together with the organizer, for providing pre-contractual information. In order to facilitate communication, especially in cross-border cases, travelers should be able to contact the organizer and through the retailer where they purchased the package. " Regarding the information required by the consumer prior to the purchase of a service package, Article 25 states: "The traveler should receive all necessary information before purchasing a package, whether it is sold by means of distance communication, in the agency or by other means types of distribution. When providing that information, the trader should take into account the specific needs that he could reasonably anticipate for passengers who are particularly vulnerable due to age or physical disability "; and Article 26 states that "Essential information, such as those www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! relating to the main features of travel or pricing services provided in advertising material, on the organizer's website or in brochures as part of the pre-contractual information, should be binding , unless the organizer reserves the right to make changes to these items and the changes are communicated clearly, intelligibly and visibly to the traveler prior to the conclusion of the package travel contract. However, given the new communications technologies that allow for easy updating, it is no longer necessary to provide for specific provisions on brochures, but it is appropriate to ensure that changes to pre-contractual information are communicated to the traveler. It should always be possible to make changes to pre-contractual information where both sides of the package travel contract explicitly agree to this. " Thus, the information provided to the consumer must include the main features of the services: - "destination / destinations, itinerary, periods of stay, ... number of nights included"; - the means of transport, their characteristics and categories, the places, dates and times of departure and return, the times and places of intermediate stops and transport links; - "location, main characteristics and, where appropriate, tourist category of accommodation according to the rules of the country of destination"; - "mass services offered"; - "visits, excursions or other services included in the total agreed package price; - the fact that "travel services will be provided to the traveler as part of a group"; - "whether the ability of the traveler to benefit from other tourist services depends on actual oral communication, the language in which the services will be provided"; - "if the journey or holiday is generally adapted for disabled persons and, at the passenger's request, precise information on the adequacy of the journey or holiday taking into account the needs of the traveler"; In addition to these features, the package must also include the business agent's name, address, and contact details - phone, email addresses; package price; payment methods; minimum number of people; general visa and passport related information; information about the possibility of terminating the contract; travel insurance information required or optional. 1.3. Local context of protection and capitalization of natural and cultural heritage The strategy is based on the legislation of the two countries (Romania and Bulgaria) on the protection and valorisation of natural and cultural heritage. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 1.3.1. Legislation in Romania - Protection and Recovery The main legislative regulations in force at national level, relevant for the development of a tourism product in the project "Development and promotion of a common natural heritage product: Route" Protected natural patrimony within the crossborder area Romania- Bulgaria »" are: JUDGMENT no. 558 of 4 August 2017 regarding the approval of the Program for the development of tourism investments - Masterplan of investments in tourism - and of the criteria for eligibility of investment projects in tourism According to the Decision no. 558 of August 4, 2017, the Tourism Investment Program (or the Tourism Master Plan and eligibility criteria for tourism investment projects) aims to develop local communities in areas with high tourist potential by increasing public investment in tourism infrastructure, competitive tourism development and efficient targeting of public investment, the development of a network of international tourist destinations and the identification of an integrated approach to regional tourism policy on sustainable development. The Masterplan of tourism investments covers several major development directions, namely: the development of health tourism, recreational tourist infrastructure, the Danube Delta tourist area and the Black Sea seaside resorts, as well as the tourist infrastructure in the high mountain area and the field ski. Thus, the following types of investments will be supported: the arrangement or rehabilitation of the skiing area and the development of the infrastructure for other recreational activities; arranging or rehabilitation of theme parks, water parks, installations (toboggan, carousel, etc.), development and arrangement of recreational areas (camping / holiday village, ice rink, picnic areas, etc.); the construction, arrangement or rehabilitation of first aid stations, pontoons and recreational ports, camping and fishing areas and visiting and observation infrastructure in protected areas, lakes, beaches and nautical projects, mountain refuges and access infrastructure. The amounts needed for these investments are allocated from the state budget by transfer from the Ministry of Health budget to the local budgets of the administrativeterritorial units, which can request the financing of the project proposals by submitting the technical-economic documentation and the building permits by the end of the next year (31.12.2018). The main eligibility criteria to be met by the administrative-territorial units submitting project proposals are: www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! - including in the annexes to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 142/2008 on the approval of the National Territory Planning Plan Section VIIIa; - including in annex no. 1 to the Government Decision no.1.016 / 2011 regarding the granting of the status of spa resort and balneo-climatic resort, with the necessary additions; - the proposal for projects concerning the development of the ski area requires the inclusion in the annex to the Law no. 526/2003 for the approval of the National Tourism Development Program "Skiing in Romania"; - the administrative-territorial units that submit project proposals referring to the program "Development of recreational tourist infrastructure" may be: - tourist resorts of national interest, respectively local, according to Government Decision no. 852/2008. ORDINANCE no. 58 of August 21, 1998 on the organization and development of tourism activity in Romania According to Ordinance 58/1998, tourism is a priority for the national economy, this ordinance regulating the organization, coordination and development of tourism. The tourism resources are defined as "components of the natural and anthropic environment, which by their qualities and specificity are recognized, registered and valorised by tourism, insofar as they are not subject to an integral protection regime", namely "natural - elements geological, geomorphological, climate, flora and fauna, landscapes, deposits of mineral substances and other factors; anthropic sites: archaeological monuments, archaeological sites, monuments, memorial ensembles, technical and artistic monuments, museums, folklore and folk art, etc. ". Touristic accommodation structures are defined as "any construction and fitting intended, by design and execution, for accommodation of tourists, serving the table for tourists, recreation, special transport for tourists, spa treatment for tourists, together with the related services" and includes "reception facilities touristic tourist functions: Hotels, hotels, apartments, motels, tourist cottages, cottages, bungalows, holiday villages, campsites, rooms for rent in family homes, river and sea boats, tourist boarding houses and agritourism tourist accommodation; tourist reception facilities with public catering functions: catering units within the reception facilities with functions of accommodation, catering establishments located in tourist resorts, as well as those managed by tourism companies, restaurants, bars, fast food establishments , confectioners, pastries and which are certified according to the law; tourist reception facilities with leisure functions: clubs, casinos, polyvalent halls, facilities and facilities specific to the tourist leisure; (railway trains, rack trains, etc.), river and sea transport (touristic boats), cable transport (cable cars, ski lifts, etc.) ; tourism reception facilities with balneary treatment functions: www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! health service provision units, integrated or integrated components of spa tourism complexes ". Attestation, highlighting and monitoring the valorisation and protection of the tourist patrimony are carried out by the National Authority for Tourism. The procedure for setting up, functioning, accreditation and re-accreditation of destination management organizations is developed by the Ministry of Tourism and approved by the Government in order to co-locate the organizations and stakeholders for the development, valorisation of tourism potential and coordination of the tourist destination. The organization, functioning, role, attributions and accreditation of the national and local tourist information and promotion centers are approved by joint order of the Minister of Tourism and of the Minister responsible for spatial planning and urban planning. The Ordinance assigns to the local and county councils the following attributions in the field of tourism: "inventory of the main tourism resources, administration of the local heritage registers, elaboration of tourism development proposals, which are the basis of the annual Tourism Product Development Program, participation in the approval of tourist routes and ski slopes, contributing to the increase of the quality of the tourist products, the pursuit of tourism activity, so that the economic operators with tourism activity have access to the tourism resources, observing the norms of their value and protection, the organization of centers national or local tourist information and promotion in tourist localities, association for the purpose of setting up destination management organizations ". Also, the ordinance stipulates that "in order to protect tourists, the offering, sale, sale of services and packages of tourist services, as well as the creation of tourist products on the territory of Romania can be achieved only by the tourism economic agents authorized by the National Authority for Tourism, tourism license holders or classification certificate, as the case may be ". ORDINANCE no. 107 of July 30, 1999 regarding the activity of marketing the packages of tourist services Through this ordinance, the Romanian legislation is harmonized with that of the European Union member states regarding the sale of tourist packages on the territory of Romania. The package of tourist services is defined as the "pre-arranged combination of at least two of the following three groups of services, provided that their uninterrupted duration exceeds 24 hours or includes overnight accommodation, namely: transport, accommodation, other services, without related to transport or accommodation or not belonging to them and which represent a significant part of the package of tourist services, such as: food, spa treatment, recreation and the like ". www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! JUDGMENT no. 120 of February 17, 2010 regarding the approval of the List of tourism investment programs and projects and the sources of financing of technical documentation and the execution of tourism investment programs and objectives, as well as the approval of the eligibility criteria for the programs and projects of tourism investment in tourism Decision no.120 of 17 February 2010 on the approval of the List of tourism investment programs and projects and the sources of funding for technical documentation and the execution of tourism investment programs and objectives and for the approval of eligibility criteria of tourism investment programs and projects stipulates that the financing of the technical documentation and execution of the programs for which the local public administration authorities are beneficiaries is provided from the state budget and the local budgets. These amounts shall be allocated, within the limit of the funds earmarked annually for this purpose, by transfers from the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment through the budget of the National Tourism Authority to the local budgets, in addition to their own sources. The projects to be financed will receive the opinion of the Technical and Economic Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment Relations. They will also obtain from the National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism (INCDT) 3 a special opinion on the opportunity of tourism investment for the feasibility studies carried out. JUDGMENT no. 20 of 11 January 2012 on the approval of the Multiannual Tourism Marketing and Promotion Program and the Multiannual Program for the Development of Tourist Destinations, Forms and Products The program is financed from the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism and promotes the most important tourist destinations and forms of tourism in Romania, internally and externally, and tourism potential, generating the necessary infrastructure to increase Romania's attractiveness as a tourist destination. The judgment provides for marketing studies, PR work, promotion, advertising. "The program aims to support domestic tourism to improve tourist traffic along with preserving natural and cultural heritage" and its objectives are "improving the quality of tourism services in Romania", "participation in joint projects initiated domestically and internationally in tourism", "public investments in tourism infrastructure", "development of some products and the major tourist destinations in Romania", "modernization and expansion of information system in tourism", "improving the legal and institutional framework in the tourism sector under good practices at EU www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! level", "improving the quality of vocational training of employees in the tourism sector, especially those in the reception facilities". 1.3.2. Legislation in Bulgaria - Protection and Recovery The main legislative regulations in the field of reference in Bulgaria are: Law 56/2002 on tourism Law 56/2002 on tourism is the law regulating tourism activity in Bulgaria through the Ministry of Economy and Energy. It provides for the organization and management of tourism, with the objective of providing conditions for tourism development, introducing criteria for tourism practices, providing protection for users of tourist products, determining the rights and obligations of tourists and providing control over tourism activities. Touristic activities include the following: "tour operator activity and travel agency activity, hotel and restaurant maintenance, additional tourist services". The tourist sites are classified as: "shelters - hotels, villas and tourist settlements; places of accommodation - boarding houses, holiday houses, family hotels, villas, houses, bungalows, camping sites, tourist cottages; food areas and places of entertainment - restaurants, fast food, bars, cafes; places of tour operators, agencies and information services; centers and places offering leisure services – balneo climatic, sports, entertainment; museums, reserves, cultural monuments, historical heritage monuments; national parks, natural parks, protected reserves and natural protected areas". The Bulgarian state is obliged to implement the tourism policy by "supporting the development of tourism as a priority branch of the national economy, financial assurance and national promotion of the tourism product, creating a normative basis for the development of tourism in accordance with the usual international norms and practices, the conditions for the development of cultural tourism, the achievement of tourism quality management and control, and the achievement of intergovernmental cooperation in tourism". The law stipulates that regional governors are responsible for the implementation of territorial policies and strategies at the territorial level, taking the following measures: 1. "to organize together with tourism associations the development of a tourism development strategy and programs and to coordinate their implementation; strategy and programs must be part of the regional development plan and must be done on the basis of national tourism development priorities and local and regional tourism resources and needs”; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 2. "coordinate with city halls in the region, but also with other governors regional, the implementation of the National Tourism Development Program". BCEG Project (2000-2004) - Biodiversity Conservation and Economic Growth This project was possible with the support of USAID and was the first strategy for the development of ecotourism in Bulgaria - the National Ecotourism Strategy. The central idea of the project was to start local development through small private entrepreneurs, thus directly involving the local community while respecting the principles of environmental protection. The strategy aims at preserving biodiversity and cultural heritage, developing networks of actors active in ecotourism, improving legislation and regional and local development. Thus, 12 regional action plans for ecotourism have been created. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! II. SWOT ANALYSIS OF ROMANIA-BULGARIA TRANSFRONTAL REGION REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF ECO-TOURISM DEVELOPMENT STRENGTHS 1. Geographical position, climate variety and relief determine the uniqueness of biodiversity in both countries. 2. The tourist potential is remarkable due to geological and biological diversity. Existence of a rich and varied natural heritage and a large concentration of anthropogenic resources in the crossborder area, starting from archaeological sites over 2000 years, architectural monuments, religious buildings, museums and public collections, show and concert institutions, but also festivals and cultural events. 3. Complementarity between the natural and cultural tourism objectives of the cross-border region. 4. Both countries have legislation protecting cultural heritage harmonized with the international and European framework. Legislation in both countries regulates the main management tool for protected areas, namely the management plan, which is an official document setting the framework for an efficient, productive and adequate management of the protected area. 5. Previous experience in cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania is a strong foundation that can be built in the future. 6. The legal framework in force in both countries for direct participation in the development of strategies and development plans for actors directly involved in capitalizing on natural WEAKNESSES 1. There is a limited number of border crossing facilities between Romania and Bulgaria - two bridges across the Danube River, three ferryboats and two land crossing points. The optimal cross-border route must take advantage of these possibilities to a large extent. 2. Depopulation of the area is a serious impediment to the provision of quality tourism services. 3. Access difficult access to tourist attractions due to poor quality infrastructure, unsupervised. 4. Organizational weakness in transport. 5. Poor management of natural areas. 6. Local quality of accommodation and meal services or lack thereof near areas of interest. 7. Lack of secondary services in tourism, such as interpretation or guidance. 8. The availability of information in the languages of the region and international languages. 9. Low cooperation between local and regional authorities, economic and tourism actors and local communities. 10. The weak involvement of the owners / administrators / custodians, especially the key ones, in the business projects / initiatives, from the early stages. 11. Insufficient technical and financial resources to protect natural heritage. 12. Local specialties in both countries are poorly qualified and do not cope with the volume and the qualitative requirements of complex activities that are required to www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! heritage. 7. IT technologies offer solutions to solve the problem of preserving the natural heritage. 8. For the community, economic activities based on natural heritage generate jobs, maintain resources and value them, attract other investors encouraged by the success of the former, stimulate a whole value chain on the vertical of the industry. 9. Non-industrial general character of the cross-border area, with the exception of Constanţa County, Romania. 10. In the cross-border area there is a potential latent entrepreneurial spirit, which can be exploited by the development of ecotourism. 11. Closure and greening of noncompliant or ad-hoc landfills. OPPORTUNITIES 1. The border area is characterized by common multicultural traditions and ethnic diversity that provide a solid basis for "people to people" actions and for community-based communities in different areas, leading to the enhancement of the integrity of the entire border area and the foundations cooperation in other areas. 2. Stakeholders are concerned about providing sufficient space for tourism development so as not to affect the protected natural heritage. 3. A well-preserved, well-preserved natural heritage associated with the cultural one can reduce risk factors to social exclusion and discrimination, strengthen the capacity of a community to resist, and find sources of funding to better protect it. 4. Existence at the EU level of complex preserve and protect the natural heritage. Insufficient staffing in the field of project management or management in protected areas. THREATS 1. Natural and erosion phenomena that may cause unexpected or long-term damage to cultural heritage (reducing attractiveness, productivity, etc.). 2. Migration of qualified staff in various countries of the European Union. 3. Mass tourism, hit-and-run tourism. 4. Decreasing the financial resources due to the economic context, respectively lack thereof, decreasing budget allocations and, implicitly, the financing possibilities. 5. The proximity of industrial platforms, nuclear facilities, waterways and commercial ports is an important risk factor contributing to the degradation of the environment and generating continued air and water pollution. 6. Cross-border pollution. 7. The difficulty of joint management of areas affected by natural and technological risks. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! programs for sensitization and 8. Limited availability of funds earmarked involvement of tourists in activities to for patrimony protection and capitalization protect the natural heritage and the interventions. possibility of their adoption by the two member countries, Romania and Bulgaria. 5. Tourists are increasingly interested in preserving and protecting the natural heritage that is the object of ecotourism. 6. The concept of sustainable development of ecotourism is promoted through development strategies and plans, including at the level of each European project, there is a dialogue framework on sustainability and concrete possibilities for moving towards sustainable valorisation of natural heritage. 7. The existence of European funds for investment and cooperation in the field of tourism in protected areas, as well as the availability of European and national funds accessible to the private sector and dedicated to cooperation between the stakeholders, other institutional actors, the private sector, etc. in the sustainable valorisation of natural heritage. (SUERD, Cross-Border Cooperation Programs 2014-2020, etc.) 8. Promotion of local and international official documents in targeted strategies and projects of cooperation between central and local authorities, between public and private sectors, as well as between specialists and ordinary citizens. 9. Establish national and cross-border strategies to promote the sustainable use of natural heritage. 10. Both countries with cross-border areas have untapped tourism potential. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! III. JOINT STRATEGY ON DEVELOPMENT, VALIDATION AND INNOVATION OF A TOURIST PRODUCT 3.1. Vision Highlighting the natural, cultural and historical values of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region by creating an internationally recognized functional touristic route linking southern Romania with northern Bulgaria and thus contributing to the region's socio-economic development and protection and conservation of resources and natural and cultural values. 3.2. Mission Development and promotion of sustainable tourism in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area. The project <<DEVELOPING AND PROMOTING A COMMON NATURAL PATRIMONIUM TOURISM: ROUTE “PROTECTED NATURAL PATRIMONY IN ROMANIA-BULGARIA TRANSFRONTAL ARIA">> creates the opportunity of a sustainable economic approach that protects the natural and cultural resources of Romania and Bulgaria. Sustainable use of the heritage through the development of ecotourism will ensure the quality, authenticity and integrity of the heritage, generating a chain of opportunity to capitalize on the cultural and natural heritage - business opportunities and attracting investors, social opportunities for employment and the development of a society inclusive talents and creative industries that will bring together the community in cultural exploration and nature, linking to the core values of an environment for the community. 3.3. Objectives The overall objective of this joint strategy is to create an innovative tourism product at the level of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region by developing, capitalizing on and promoting natural and cultural resources along an ecotourism route. Strategic goals are conducive to achieving the overall goal or goal. The strategic objectives are: Strategic Objective 1 - Establishment of institutional and organizational partnerships at local, regional, national and international level; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Strategic Objective 2 - Supporting funding initiatives to maintain or implement conservation activities for protected natural areas and their biodiversity; Strategic Objective 3 - Active Encouragement to Implement Sustainable Development Actions and Environmental Protection within the Protected Natural Areas Included in the Ecotourism Route; Strategic Objective 4 - Creating a friendly, environment-friendly tourist infrastructure; Strategic Objective 5 - Active support for the development of tourism reception facilities and the improvement of their services; Strategic Objective 6 - Improve access routes and connecting routes between protected natural areas of the route; Strategic Objective 7 - Developing tools to maintain local specificity; Strategic Objective 8 - Monitoring the tourist flow and assessing the tourists' experience; Strategic Objective 9 - Developing a common marketing strategy for the two neighboring countries; Strategic Objective 10 - Raising the level of education and awareness of environmental protection, nature conservation and cultural and historical values among all actors involved, from visitors and the local community, to local authorities and public institutions; Strategic Objective 11 - Increasing the level of professional training of the staff working in the structures operating on the eco-tourism route; Strategic Objective 12 - Raising the efficiency and organization level within the structures operating on the eco-tourism route; Strategic Objective 13 - Extending local tourist offerings around protected natural areas on the eco-tourism route. 3.4. Specific priorities and objectives / strategy actions The specific objectives / actions are built around the main elements that are the actors on which the success of the implementation of the joint strategy depends, so the strategic objectives are drawn to the following priorities: www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Priority I. Collaboration Strategic Objective 1 - Establishment of institutional and organizational partnerships at local, regional, national and international level: - Ob.Sp.1.1. Identifying and contacting local, regional, national, regional, local and regional economic actors to build partnerships; - Ob.Sp.1.2. Establishment of local and regional partnerships to ensure the transport of tourists both between the destinations included on the eco-touristic route and from the localities of access to the natural, cultural and historical tourist attractions; - Ob.Sp.1.3. Making local and regional partnerships to ensure accommodation and meals for tourists arriving at destinations on the eco-tourism route; - Ob.Sp.1.4. Making partnerships to ensure the visibility of the natural, cultural and historical tourist attractions included in the route, both in public areas in access localities and in receiving and serving facilities, as well as in the online environment, on presentation websites or service operators leisure; The main activity is to establish the optimal ecotourism route. Priority II. Conservation and protection of nature Strategic Objective 2 - Supporting funding initiatives to maintain or implement conservation activities of protected natural areas and their biodiversity: - Ob.Sp.2.1. Allocation of funds from the local budget for maintenance or for the implementation of conservation activities and protected natural areas and their biodiversity; - Ob.Sp.2.2. Providing consultancy to obtain funding from either the local or state budget or from other sources; - Ob.Sp.2.3. Creating local facilities for potential tourism stakeholders. Strategic Objective 3 - Active Encouragement to Implement Sustainable Development Actions and Environmental Protection within the Protected Natural Areas Included in the Ecotourism Route: - Ob.Sp.3.1. Active involvement of communities, organizations, institutions and authorities in the actions of sustainable development of the destinations included in the ecotourism route and environmental protection; - Ob.Sp.3.2. Setting up areas for practicing the picnic through minimal interventions on the natural environment, without deforestation, changes in banks or river beds, or www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! concrete or asphalting soil. These areas will be provided with special fire-fighting places, and high-rise buildings will be temporary. Facilities specially designated for picnic activities and areas designated for picnic activities with selective waste collection containers, properly inscribed, as well as ecological toilets must be provided. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the points for selective collection of waste are properly marked and that the rules on selective collection are compulsory, exemplifying the types of waste; - Ob.Sp.3.3. Providing sanitation services at the level of tourists' access places and within the protected natural areas included in the ecotourism route; - Ob.Sp.3.4. Sustainable overall tourism development through: • Practicing ecological and sustainable tourism in order to protect and preserve existing tourism resources, especially bird species that either nest here or are passing through the area, but also fish species; • Promotion of ecological tourism on the Danube; • Construction of observation points and arbors for nature lovers, but also for specialists (ornithologists, photographers), for practicing birdwatching; • Building sightseeing paths (can be also for cycling); • Improving the management of protected natural areas; • Neutralizing the ecological imbalance among the predatory and predatory species and restoring the quality of the environment; • Development and modernization of the wastewater collection infrastructure; • Collecting and managing floating waste; • Promoting environment friendly "friendly" means of transport; • Promoting green energy; • Creation of ecological landfills; • Greening the banks of the Danube and tourist areas; • Making investments in green infrastructures (including protected areas, ecological corridors, ecodesigns or ecological passages); • Creation, arrangement and extension of ecological parks with social and recreational destinations; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! • Investments for the management, restoration and monitoring of ecosystems and habitats (including forest regeneration and landscaping, restoration of the fauna fund); • Promoting eco-education, establishing a partnership with line ministries to establish specific curricula; • Supporting non-governmental organizations in the process of raising citizens' awareness on environmental protection; • Exercise control of catching, harvesting, acquisition and marketing activities on the internal and external market of plants and animals in wild flora and fauna; • Achieving a thematic route for observation of microreliefs typical of islands and animal species. - Ob.Sp.3.5. Stimulation and development of the marketing of tourist products (especially fish) through: • Signaling and promoting cycling routes along the Danube; • Development of fishing activities and capitalization of its results; • Opening stores, especially in fishing areas, with fishing materials; • Opening of fresh fish stores, eggs and other specific products; • Making and selling hand-made fishery products. - Ob.Sp.3.6. Developing activities related to tourism through: • Identifying competitive products and services, based on local identity and experience; • Promoting and supporting business development initiatives in agritourism; • Creation and development of small and medium enterprises in non-agricultural sector in rural areas; • Providing support for association and integration into producer networks; • Developing cross-border relations and expanding cooperation in the field of culture; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! • Promoting partnership between cultural operators, the business environment and local public administration. Priority III. Infrastructure Strategic Objective 4 - Creating an environment-friendly tourist infrastructure: - Ob.Sp.4.1. Developing an infrastructure to visit protected natural areas and cultural and historical objectives included in the ecotourism route including elements such as information boards, signs, observatories, routes, marked trails, thematic routes, stopping places, etc .; - Ob.Sp.4.2. Creation of tourist information centers for the main natural areas, where appropriate, creation of tourist information points in access localities, creation of recreation areas near natural areas (outside the protection area), as well as arrangement of main attractions without affect the protected area. Strategic Objective 5 - Active support for the development of tourism reception facilities and the improvement of their services: - Ob.Sp.5.1. Creating tourist accommodation structures that can accommodate the estimated average flow of tourists at the route level by: • Diversification, modernization and development of the technical-material tourist base; • Construction or rehabilitation of dwellings and their transformation into boarding houses; • Identification of accommodation spaces (rooms and apartments in the rural area (and not only) to be used for rental, approval and introduction to the tourist circuit; • Setting up of camps for practicing sport fishing (starting from the fact that no such accommodation structure is currently authorized, this situation being maintained for over 20 years); • Hygienisation and maintenance of green spaces, especially those located in the vicinity of the main tourist attractions, those located around accommodation structures, recreational areas, car parks, etc .; • Renovation and restoration of facades of accommodation establishments and of anthropic tourist attractions such as: monasteries, churches, museums, historical monuments, architecture, etc .; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! • Settlement of peri-urban areas for weekend tourism. They must benefit from numerous and diverse food structures in terms of profile, price and comfort. Accommodation facilities should be simple and accessible. • Signaling of the main tourist attractions, food structures, leisure and relaxation areas, fishing and hunting areas. - Ob.Sp.5.2. Creating table-serving structures in relation to destination capacity at the destination level; - Ob.Sp.5.3. Developing the provision of vocational training courses for employees and employers in tourism, continuing training through qualification of human resources engaged in tourism and related fields. Strategic Objective 6 - Improving access routes and connecting routes between protected natural environments: - Ob.Sp.6.1. Improving access routes to protected natural areas and cultural and historical objectives on the eco-tourism route; - Ob.Sp.6.2. Repair roads connecting the tourist destinations on the eco-tourism route. Strategic Objective 7 - Development of tools to maintain local specificity: - Ob.Sp.7.1. Ensure compliance with national regulations on the maintenance of traditional elements at urban level and the implementation of local regulations to maintain the specific architecture of the destination or region on the eco-touristic route; - Ob.Sp.7.2. Organize a timetable at local and regional level covering the cultural activities and events taking place at each destination on the eco-tourism route, as well as the operating schedule of the visiting cultural units (eg museums, galleries, business centers, etc.). Priority IV. Promotion Strategic Objective 8 - Monitoring the tourist flow and assessing the tourists' experience: - Ob.Sp.8.1. Estimate and monitor the tourist flow across each destination on the ecotour route as well as on the whole route by developing specific tools; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! - Ob.Sp.8.2. Assessing the satisfaction of tourists at each destination on the eco-tour route as well as on the whole route by developing specific tools; - Ob.Sp.8.3. Carrying out market research at national and international level accessible to all parties involved. Strategic Objective 9 - Developing a common marketing strategy for the two neighboring countries: - Ob.Sp.9.1. Creating a common tourist brand for the two countries involved; - Ob.Sp.9.2. Creation of local tourist brands; - Ob.Sp.9.3. Carrying out promotion campaigns at local, regional, national and international level, respecting the principles of responsible marketing; - Ob.Sp.9.4. Creating integrated tourists' offers made in accordance with ecotourism principles; - Ob.Sp.9.5. Creating integrated thematic programs for children, elderly and / or disabled people; - Ob.Sp.9.6. To capitalize and promote local natural and cultural potential by: • Improvement of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism and related fields, creation of bilingual tourist guides (Romanian-Bulgarian) covering the tourist attractions located near the borders of the two countries, tourism activities in these areas, including leisure ones; • Providing informative and promotional materials covering the area's touristic objectives, opportunities for leisure, relaxation, leisure areas, behavioral rules (especially in protected natural areas); • Promotion by posters and leaflets in the national and international hotel network; • Realization of reportage with the target areas and promotion in specialized mass media (magazines and radio / TV broadcasting of tourism promotion); • Making documentary films presenting species and attractions in the area; • Participation in local, regional, national and even international tourism fairs; • Promotion of forms of tourism that can be carried out throughout the calendar year, which do not present the phenomenon of increased seasonality (cultural tourism, business tourism, religious tourism); www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! • Port arrangement for receiving tourists from cruise ships; • Promoting the various recreational activities that can be carried out on the Danube; • Creation of tourist information points and centers located in areas with high tourist traffic; • Development of thematic touristic circuits (Danube, fishing, hunting, traditions and culture, protected areas, islands, dams, local architecture, religion); • Creating a local Danube brand that reflects the history of the region; • Improving the management of tourist objectives and areas; • Using the virtual environment, online and social media applications: twitter, facebook, google ads, blogs, etc. Priority V. Education, Vocational Training and Awareness Strategic Objective 10 - Raising the level of education and awareness of environmental protection, nature conservation and cultural and historical values among all actors involved, from visitors and the local community to local authorities and public institutions: - Ob.Sp.10.1. Raising awareness of environmental protection, nature conservation and cultural and historical values, through public information actions; - Ob.Sp.10.2. Periodic greening in areas where this need is identified; - Ob.Sp.10.3. Increasing the level of education and awareness of environmental protection, preservation of nature and cultural and historical values among pupils, by making camps in the destinations on the route; - Ob.Sp.10.4. Raising awareness of environmental protection, nature conservation and cultural and historical values among all actors involved, from visitors and the local community to local authorities and public institutions, through the creation of artistic programs. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Strategic Objective 11 - Increasing the level of training of staff working in the structures operating on the eco-tourism route: - Ob.Sp.11.1. Increasing the level of professional training by providing professional training and / or training courses for staff in the establishments of tourists' reception and meals; - Ob.Sp.11.2. Increasing the level of professional training by providing vocational training and / or training courses for personnel within the protected natural areas; - Ob.Sp.11.3. Increasing the level of professional training by providing vocational training and / or training courses for the personnel in the structures that are active in the field of tourism. Strategic Objective 12 - Raising the efficiency and organization level within structures operating on the eco-tourism route: - Ob.Sp.12.1. Increasing efficiency and organization by providing management courses dedicated to administrators of protected natural areas, tourists, meals, public institutions and all involved entities, where applicable; - Ob.Sp.12.2. Creating a database common to all stakeholders, including examples of good practice in managing protected natural areas, tourism reception facilities, tableserving facilities, public institutions, etc. Priority VI. Local economic development Strategic Objective 13 - Expanding local tourist offerings around protected natural areas on the ecotourism route: - Ob.Sp.13.1. Providing advice or access to advice on starting a business in sustainable tourism; - Ob.Sp.13.2. Encourage the establishment of small traditional local businesses, especially in rural areas and especially in the tourism sector - leisure services, accommodation units, table-service units, by providing financing; - Ob.Sp.13.3. Develop tools to facilitate current or future small business access to databases with available funding and applicable legislation. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 3.5. Plan to achieve the established priorities, through the route "Natural protected patrimony within the cross-border area Romania-Bulgaria" 3.5.1 Key Elements of the "Natural Heritage Protected within the RomaniaBulgaria Cross-Border Area" Following the results of the previous preliminary studies, the natural heritage objectives of the Romania - Bulgaria cross - border region have been identified, information on their natural value, legal and administrative aspects of management, tourism potential, transport, and functional connectivity. Evaluating and selecting the priority objectives to be integrated into the cross-border route As a result of this analysis and in the implementation of the established study methodology and evaluation criteria, the objective analysis and evaluation was carried out with a view to selecting the objectives to be included in the cross-border route. The process followed in the following logical sequence: • Drawing up a detailed list of all protected natural heritage objectives located in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region, including the development of tabular databases; • Review of applicable national and European legislation, administrative affiliation, status and management of natural objectives; • Collecting and analyzing information on their nature and tourist value through documentary research and visits to the objectives; • Detailed description and analysis of ecosystems, habitats, plant and animal species protected, and development of assessment methodology and criteria based on best European best practices identified; • Evaluating objectives through a system of objective criteria, in terms of their conservation value, legal status of protection, representation and conservation, access, tourism potential and attractiveness; • Spatial evaluation of the objectives and development of the working versions of the proposed options for the selection of the priority objectives, as well as opportunities for their spatial connection in the form of routes; • Consultation with stakeholders on the proposed methodology, the evaluation criteria, the list of priority objectives and the variants of routes (roundtables); • Completion of the objective assessment and coordinated arrangement of a list of priority natural objectives for the Bulgarian and Romanian parts. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Determination of the main axis of the ecotourism route In order to define the "Protected Natural Heritage" route, first of all, the determination of the main axis of the route, linking the objectives that are part of the protected natural heritage and identified in the preliminary study as having the highest potential in tourism development in kind. Initially the variant was identified as the main axis of the route being the Danube river as the main thematic element and as a transport link element. After analyzing the natural value of objectives in the cross-border region, the accest of transport and the tourism potential, the team established the following: • The Bulgaria - Romania cross-border region includes the entire territory of the administrative regions adjacent to the neighboring country. In Bulgaria, there are 8 administrative regions, and in Romania, 7 administrative regions. These include many protected areas, not all of which are located along the Danube River. • Bridging the Danube River would leave many of the potentially high areas outside it, such as natural parks. • Most visitors interested in in-house tourism travel individually, using the road network, having a preference for main roads, for long-distance trips (according to stakeholder information). For this reason, the main axis of the route, in its base part, also follows these main roads. • Between Romania and Bulgaria there are a limited number of border crossing facilities - two bridges across the Danube River, three ferryboats and two land crossing points. The optimal cross-border route must take advantage of these possibilities to a large extent. Based on the above-mentioned main theses, variants of the main axis of the route were developed. Determination of the main elements of the ecotourism route The ecotourism route must be concentrated around the main natural heritage objectives, which have the strongest tourist attractiveness. • The first step in determining ecotourism routes is to locate each protected natural area on the map. This step was done using the Natura 2000 Network Viewer (EEA, 2012) and the GIS software. Therefore, access points to protected natural areas have been determined to be included in Google Maps or GIS software and to create a route linking these areas through the best routes. • Following the analysis of resources and possibilities, the following mandatory elements of an optimal route were identified: www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! • Inclusion of sections of the Danube River as the main attraction with their specific ecosystems (rivers, riparian marshes and spillways, island ecosystems) and their biodiversity; • The mandatory inclusion of national and natural parks, as protected protected areas with complex value, with specialized administration and with major investments in the exposition and promotion of the natural heritage; • Inclusion of a diversity of objectives from protected natural areas, protected areas, which present the natural diversity of the cross-border region. This includes the presentation of different types of ecosystems - mountain, forest, wetland, freshwater, marine ecosystems and others. • Complementarity between natural and cultural tourism objectives; • Accessibility elements: the road network, border crossing points, Danube bridges and ferryboats. 3.5.2. Determining the secondary elements of the ecotourism route Considering that the main route can not cover all the objectives of interest, analysis included various secondary objectives, located close to the main ones and activities that make up a richer offer of ecotourism. Both the Bulgarian and Romanian side of the route formed deviations and side links (alternatives) along route. the the the the 3.5.3. Determination of the lateral area of the ecotourism route The ecotourism route is a linear structure with a certain area of integration and some influences. As a lateral area of this route are considered the entire areas of the territories and protected areas included. 3.5.4. Choosing the optimal cross-border route The optimal cross-border route option, which is a collective presentation of the common map: 1. The optimized option for the Bulgarian side, after consultation with stakeholders; 2. The main route of the Romanian part; www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! The cross-border route links the priority objectives for ecotourism throughout the area of cross-border collaboration, largely following secondary and secondary roads. In Bulgaria, the route starts from Dunav Most II in the city of Vidin, passes the E79 main road to the village of Dunavtsi, where it deviates through the Vidinski Park. By deviation to the orcs. Gramada, the route returns along the E79 main road to the village of Dunavtsi, where it deviates westwards to the Magura Cave and continues towards Belogradchik and Belogradchishki skali - Venetsa. After Belogradchik, the route passes through the sea-protected area West Stara Planina - Predbalkan, on a scenic route with possible exits to Chuprene and Chiprovtsi. Following the city of Montana, the route takes again on the main road E79 towards Vratsa and through the passes to Vrachanski Balkan Natural Park. From Vratsa, the route makes a lateral deviation to the Bozhiyat bridge - Ponora and continues eastwards to the vast, Karlukovski karst area. After the town of Cherven Bryag, the route reaches the main road E83 and takes it to the town of Pleven. There are several possible exits to Studenets, the main being in the village of Sadovets. After the town of Pleven, it passes through the Vit River and reaches the town of Gulyantsi. Here, the main route diverges eastwards through the objectives of Nikopol Plateau, Persina Nature Park and Vardim Island. From Gulyantsi to the west, a lateral circle begins through the Karaboaz, Ostrovska step - Ostrovsko blato, Kozlodui, Zlatiyata, Tsibar and Orsoya - Archar, which makes it possible to close the regional cycle. To the east, the main route departs from the Danube River after the Vardim objective, at Studena reka, to reach the Rusenski Lom Natural Park. After the city of Ruse, it adheres closely along the Danube River to the city of Silistra, including many of the most important wetlands of the Danube. In Dobrogea, the route leaves the Danube River area and heads south-east through Suha Reka, the Batova River Valley to reach the Black Sea shores of the Zlatni Piasatsi Natural Park (Golden Sands). In its last section, the route follows the Black Sea coast, including all the coastal areas of conservation importance, north of Varna. He leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the Durankulak border crossing. In Romania, starting from the west and going east, the beginning of the route is the Calafat-Vidin border crossing point, from where you can enter the protected area Ciuperceni-Desa on DN55A. The connection to the Danube - Gârla Mare-Maglavit is made by E79 and then by DN56A. Then follow either DN56S to reach Blahniţa or continue on DN56A to reach Vânju Mare and then the route can go back to Danube: Gârla Mare - Maglavit, to continue to Blahniţa or to be able to makes a direct connection through the DJ606. To the Iron Gates Natural Park is DN56A, then to E70, passing through Drobeta-Turnu Severin and going to Şviniţa. Then the Mehedinti Plateau Geological Park is melted following DN67 from Drobeta-Turnu Severin and then DJ670 passing through Isverna, Ponoarele and Baia de Aramă. From Baia de Aramă continue to Domogled National Park - Cerna Valley following DN67D through Obârşia - Cloşani and Godeanu. From Baia de Arama continue on DJ671B and on DN67A to Strehaia, www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! then enter E70 and go along the Jiu River Curtain, pass through Filiaşi and reach Craiova. From Craiova, it enters DN65 and continues to Bals, in the northern part of the Olteţ River Valley. From the Olteţ River Valley to the Radomir Forest you can reach either by returning from Bals to Craiova and following DN6 to Radomir Forest, passing through Grozăveşti and Dragicheni, either going on DN64 and passing through Caracal. From Radomir Forest you can enter the Jiu River Journey again, going from Caracal to Leu on DN6 and then on DJ604 and DJ551A to Bratovoieşti. From there it goes along the Jiu River to the Bechet, where it can pass to Bulgaria in Oryahovo. From Bechet, the road continues towards the mouth of the Olt River, when it flows into the Danube, going on DN54A to Corabia and on DN54 to Turnu Magurele, where the connection with Bulgaria can be re-established. From Turnu Magurele you can reach the Comana Natural Park, either DN52 to Alexandria and from there DN6 to Stalpu, from there on DJ411 to Comana, either along the Danube on DN51A to Zimnicea, then on DN5C to Giurgiu, where the connection to Bulgaria can be made in Ruse. From Giurgiu the road continues on DN5 to Uzunu from where it goes on DJ603 to Comana. From Comana to Lacul (Iezerul) Calarasi can be reached by going to Călăraşi on A2 and then on DN3 or on DJ412 to Prundu, entering DN41 to Oltenita and continuing to Călăraşi on DN31 or DN3. From Calarasi you can continue on DN3V along the Borcea Canal and up to Borcea, or you can cross the Danube through the Calarasi - Silistra border crossing. Silistra can then enter the country through DN3 and reach the Danube Canaries, the Forest and the Valley. Canaraua Fetii - Iortmac and Dumbrăveni - Urluia River Valley - Vederoasa Lake passing through Adamclisi, then by Murfatlar Fountain. From Murfatlar, go on the DN22C, DJ228, DJ222 DN2A to the Gorges of Dobrogea. Murfatlar can also enter the Danube Canaries via Cernavoda again on the A2 and then continue on DJ223, DJ224, DJ225 and DJ226. From the Gorges of Dobrogea you can go to the Danube Delta (the part located in Constanta County) on the DJ222 to the Garden, DJ226B, DJ226A and DJ226 to Istria and Sinoe. From Istria, go to Lake Taşaul - Corbu on DJ226 passing through Corbu. Then the road passes through Năvodari, Mamaia - Sat, it enters E87 and continues along the shore of Lake Siutghiol. Further on, passing through Constanta, it reaches DN39 and DN39A at the Marine Dune from Agigea. Continues to Eforie Nord on DN39 and passes by Lake Techirghiol, and then to Mangalia, the road passes along the Black Sea coast and along the natural marine areas: the sea area of Cape Tuzla, Costinesti - 23 August, Cape Aurora, and the submarine sulphurous springs from Mangalia. Between Mangalia and Vama Veche - 2 May, the road goes to Hagieni Forest - Cot Valley, passing through Albeşti and Cotul Văii. Then you return back to DN39 again and continue on the road to Vama Veche - 2 May, where the transfer to Bulgaria via the Vama Veche - Durankulak border crossing point. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Map 8. Map of the common cross-border eco-tourism route The border points that will connect the two routes proposed by both sides of the border have been established in such a way as to benefit to a large extent from the transport connectivity between the two countries. These border crossings from west to east are as follows: - Calafat (Dolj) Vidin - Bechet (Dolj) - Oryahovo - Turnu Magurele (Teleorman) - Nikopole - Giurgiu (Giurgiu) - Rousse - Calarasi (Calarasi) - Silistra - Vama Veche (Constanţa) - Durankulak. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! The main objectives of the protected natural patrimony on the Bulgarian side, included in the route: Detailed descriptions have been generated for the following areas identified for in-kind tourism and designated for inclusion on the cross-border "Protected Natural Heritage" cross-border route after coordinating their choice with stakeholders: 1. Vidin Park 2. The Magura cave 3. The rocks of Belogradchik - Venetsa 4. Old Western Plain and Predbalkan 5. The Vrachanski Balkan Natural Park 6. Karlukovo Carst 7. Bridge of God - Ponora 8. Archar - Orsoya 9. Tsibar Swamp - Tsibar Island - Zlatiyata 10. Kozloduy 11. Mustin Island - Stepa Island 12. Studenets 13. The Vit 14. Karaboaz 15. Persina Nature Park - Nikopol Plateau 16. Vardim Island 17. Studena River - Heleşteiele Hadzhi Dimitrovo 18. The Yantra River 19. The heights of Tarnovo (Mount Tarnovo) 20. Rusenski Lom Natural Park - Lomovete - Orlova Chuka 21. Kalimok - Brashlen - Boblata 22. Pozharevo - Garvan 23. Ludogorie - Srebarna www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 24. The Suha River 25. Valley of Batova River 26. Zlatni Pyasatsi Natural Park 27. Botanical Garden Balchik 28. The Kaliakra Complex 29. Lake Shabla - Ezerets 30. Lake Durankulak. IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING SYSTEM The implementation system of JOINT STRATEGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT, VALUATION AND INNOVATION OF A TOURISM IN THE PROJECT „Development and promotion of an integrated cultural heritage tourism product: Route “Natural protected heritage within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria”, involves the organization and conduct of articulated, coherent and correlated actions on all proposed plans that are consistent with achieving the vision of the related Strategy. This system extends the Strategy's formulation phase and adds to its complexity due to the implementation process involving the efforts of implementing entities, local partners and the ability of the business environment in tourism to receive the messages sent, the willingness to change their attitude and contribute by concrete action or support to the move towards a heritage-friendly tourism, as it is its raw material and the sine qua non condition of its existence. It also implies a correlation between the actions of the stakeholders of the Strategy, ie stakeholders and other institutional or nongovernmental actors, to coordinate the material, human and financial resources between them, in order to achieve a synergy that maximizes the impact on the local level. All of these factors are decisive in the success or failure of Strategy implementation. The Strategy is thus proposed that its main implementation measures can be easily integrated into the work of the implementing entities, require minimum resources, and their achievement adds value to them. Relation, initiation and animation of a partnership to implement the Strategy will be achieved through the involvement of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, as well as business associations, in various local and cross-border actions, in local development committees, etc. through which, on the www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! one hand, they contribute to development efforts, and on the other hand, they have cooperative relations that can be useful and relevant to this Strategy. 5.1. Strategy implementation process Implementation of the Strategy must be approached as a process and involves several phases: 5.1.1. Phase of initiation and realization of institutional and organizational partnerships at local, regional, national and international level and preparation of the implementation of the Strategy: - Analyzing the implementation framework by mobilizing partners and stakeholders, agreeing how to work, and, if agreed at this stage, signing a partnership agreement to implement the Strategy, assuming roles, obligations and rights, deadlines, etc. Promoting the partnership agreement as the basis for implementing the Strategy; - Identifying and contacting local, regional, national authorities, organizations, local and regional economic actors in order to develop partnerships; - Carrying out local and regional partnerships to ensure the transport of tourists both between the destinations included on the eco-touristic route and from the localities of access to the natural, cultural and historical tourist attractions; - Local and regional partnerships to ensure accommodation and meals for tourists arriving in the destinations included on the ecotourism route; - Creating partnerships to ensure the visibility of the natural, cultural and historical tourist attractions included in the route, both in public spaces in access and receiving and serving facilities, and in the online environment, on presentation websites or operators leisure services; - Analysis of priority projects, start-up criteria and, consequently, start-up order, stakeholder analysis, project managers, necessary resources. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 5.2. Phase of operationalization of the Strategy: - Development of work plans for the implementation of priority actions at the pace established by the annual and multi-annual action plan and on the basis of detailed information on each project / action, including the assessment of the necessary resources; - Develop cross-border and / or local cross-border priority projects, provide the necessary resources and mobilize and support third parties in developing their own projects; - Monitoring the tourist flow at the level of each destination on the ecotourism route, as well as at the level of the whole route, by developing specific instruments; - Evaluation of the satisfaction of tourists at the level of each destination on the ecotourism route, as well as at the level of the entire route, by developing specific instruments; - Carrying out market research at national and international level, accessible to all stakeholders; - Implementation of projects, appreciation of results and impact at local and supra-local level; - Data collection and centralization of information on progress in implementing the Strategy, analysis of the pace and effects of Strategy implementation. The conclusions of this action will indicate the extent to which the input data of the Strategy have changed if the tourism business has made notable progress, if new opportunities and threats emerged that should be taken into account, and in these cases they will is the basis for revising the Strategy; - Revising the Strategy, if applicable; - Communication and publicity on strategy and progress in implementing the Strategy. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 5.3. The phase of providing the necessary resources for the management of the Strategy and the implementation of the development projects or actions: - Coordination of the implementation of the projects or actions proposed through the Strategy with the annual, current actions of the implementation, correlation and overlapping entities in order to reduce the necessary resources. The aim of this coordination is to avoid redundant use of resources, double funding and ensure an optimal correlation between all the initiatives and obligations of implementing entities; - Correlation of the component of promoting concepts, relationships and collaborations between the cultural or natural heritage actors with the local or crossborder component of the implementation entities; - Developing the institutional capacity of the partnership to implement multiannual strategies, plans and programs - training, endowment, management systems. The sources for the implementation of projects or actions may be: (1) national and local non-reimbursable public funds for information and awareness-raising projects, partnership building and the promotion of innovative initiatives in the patrimony approach; (2) non-reimbursable European funds for medium-term projects of a minimum duration of two years for the promotion and testing of the sustainable use of the heritage; (3) private funds at the level of internal and external investors. 5.4. The process of monitoring the implementation of the Strategy in Romania and Bulgaria will be developed on two levels, which contribute to the achievement of the vision: 5.4.1. The local and cross-border strategic plan determined by the state and evolution of the relationship between business and heritage, its conceptions and actions in relation to heritage and collaboration with the other actors, etc., respectively the strategic elements that have been taken into account in the formulation of the Strategy and which will be pursued, as milestones, during the implementation, in order to maintain the relevant Strategy. 5.4.2. Strategy Plan in Romania and Bulgaria by monitoring the implementation of priority development projects and actions. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! In order to streamline and achieve the purpose of the monitoring activity, it is proposed to carry out the following activities: Regular analysis of the progress made in achieving the objectives and results of the Strategy and in the state and evolution of the business environment. Periodicity will be established through the multi-annual action plan. Collecting data and information on patrimonial business activities within the framework of actions, projects, relationships dealing with the theme of sustainable asset recovery, stakeholder reports, stakeholder relations or other relevant actors. Comparison with the initial strategic state taken into account when developing the Strategy. Formulating proposals for revising the Strategy, such as replacing projects in the list of priorities, modifying project activities, changing partnerships, etc. Drawing up conclusions and remedies, where and when. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! V. ANNEXES APPENDIX no. 1. INTERESTED PARTIES 1.1. The role and the place of the stakeholders in determining the route "Natural protected patrimony on the territory of the cross-border region RomaniaBulgaria" The interested people are those whose interests should be found in the elaboration of the common natural tourism product: Route "Protected natural patrimony on the territory of the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria". The analysis of stakeholders is a vital tool for identifying those individuals, groups and organizations that have significant interests in the sustainable use of protected natural heritage for tourism purposes. The clear understanding of the potential role and contribution of the various participants is a basic condition for the viability of the new tourism product. A precondition for success was the consultation with stakeholders during roundtables (both on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and on the territory of Romania). This has resulted in greater transparency, an important principle of good management of the document process. By ensuring that interested persons can express their views on integrated tourism route variants in the Romania-Bulgaria crossborder region, the decision-making process was better grounded, more accurate and responsible. Figure 1. Identified stakeholders The representatives of the local administration (the municipality) - 52%, followed by representatives of the non-governmental sector (NGOs) - 26% and representatives www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! of the ecological / protected territories - 13%. A relatively small representation was represented by representatives of the tourism industry - 5%. Among the representatives at the round tables, the number of people involved as amateurs in the tourism sector predominates - 70%. This good result gives us reason to believe that the goals / routes are appreciated from the point of view of personal perception and experience as well as the knowledge of individual components of the natural environment. 41% of the participants are professionally involved in tourism. Starting from the specific profile of ecotourism, including trips to relatively unspoiled natural areas, with the specific purpose of research, delight and pleasure to be in the middle of nature, as well as significant differences with so-called "mass" tourism, one can draw the conclusion of a high degree of objectivity of the obtained results. Stakeholders' views and comments have had a great influence in determining the criteria, objectives and route variants. According to stakeholders, there are good examples that have been or are being carried out at the moment in the cross-border region, both in Bulgaria and Romania, or joint projects between the two states that link the concrete objectives of the natural heritage, mainly developed at municipal level. 1.2. Interested parties: 1. Governmental Institutions (Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment Relations + National Authority for Tourism, Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Ministry of European Funds, M Culture, M. of National Education and Scientific Research, M. Transport) 2. Local Public Administrations (Local Councils, County Councils) 3. Administrations of protected natural areas (eg National Forest Administration Romsilva, Environmental Agencies, private administrators or NGOs, etc.) 4. Ecotourism, tourism, ecological profile associations (eg Ecotourism Association of Romania, Association of Natural Protected Areas Administration, etc.) 5. Private economic agents (tourist accommodation establishments, food, transport operators, recreational facilities, tour operators, travel agencies, etc.) 6. NGOs (local, regional, national) www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 7. The local community 8.Finans (financial institutions, NGOs, private banks, sponsors, donors, etc.) 9. Educational and research units (Universities, Research Institute, etc.) 10. Tourists. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! APPENDIX no. 2 ANALYSIS OF THE VALUE OF SITES FROM PROTECTED NATURAL PATRIMONY OF THE TRANSFRONTAL REGION, AS POSSIBLE ATTRACTION FOR TOURISM 1.1. Objectives of the protected natural heritage in the Bulgarian part The detailed list of all the protected natural patrimony objectives in the Bulgarian part of the Bulgaria - Romania cross-border area includes all the protected territories declared according to the Law for the protection of the territory and the Natura 2000 protected areas according to the ZBR Law, adopted by Government Decision. The law includes the name of the protected area, the reference documents (the number of the order of declaration, the MO), their location and the competent body, as well as any other information about them, prepared by studying accessible public information. This is organized according to the category of protected territories included in this analysis. For the analysis, different information was used on the regime of protection and management of objectives, natural value and the potential to be tourist attraction, location and interconnectivity with other tourist attractions. Regarding the status of protection, the regime and the competent administrative bodies, the information published by official sources - Natura 2000 National Information System (MOSV, 2015) and the Register of Protected Areas in Bulgaria (IAOS, 2013) with the available updates was used as a priority. This has ensured the representativeness of the data and the degree of comparison by category of information. Information on the value of natural protection, including the subject of protection, the importance of protecting species, habitats and ecosystems, as well as biological representativeness and conservation of the object, have been extracted from the Natura 2000 standard forms published by MOSV, park administrations, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the NPO, based on a standard approved by the European Commission. The potential for tourist attraction and current tourist use has been extracted from publications, documents and data provided by stakeholders. Site analysis and interconnectivity with other tourist objectives was performed in Geographic Information System environment. For the purpose of the analysis, the www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! conditional grouping of the overlapping objectives was performed in order to avoid the "deformation" of the evaluation. The targeted territory and, in particular, the Bulgarian sector of the Romania Bulgaria cross - border region enters 202 protected territories, declared within the meaning of Art. 5 of the Protected Territories Act. They belong to the following categories: natural parks, reserves, reserved reserves, protected areas, natural sites. Natural Parks: Natural Parks declared as territories that include different ecosystems with a diversity of plant and animal species and their habitats, with characteristic landscapes and a certain specificity and sites of nature they do not know (Article 29, paragraph 1 of the Unprotected Territories Act - Balkans from Vratsa, Persina, Rusenski Lom and Golden Sands). Reserves: There are seven reservations in the Bulgarian sector of the crossborder region. These have been declared to preserve natural ecosystem models that include remarkable forest ecosystems with fantastic flora and fauna and a unique karst complex with picturesque landscapes, Vratsa karst). Reserved reservations: Reserved reserves are 6 in number and include ecosystems with rare and / or endangered plant and animal species and their habitats. Natural Objectives: Most often declared rocky formations, caves, landscapes and habitat with plant species have been declared for conservation. Their number is 122. Protected Areas: Protected Areas that are part of the protected territories in the declared sector of the Bulgarian part of the Romania - Bulgaria cross - border area are 63 in number. Natura 2000 protected areas: The Bulgarian sector of the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Region comprises wholly or partially 39 protected areas declared for the conservation of wild birds and their habitats (SPAs) and 83 protected areas declared for the conservation of natural species and habitats under the Directive Habitats (SCI). For the purposes of the analysis, 324 territories with different status and different categories of protection were determined, compiled into 98 sites, eliminating their overlapping and solving problems related to the application of the benchmarks. The characteristics of all protected natural areas located on the Bulgarian side of the cross-border region and the significant results obtained from the assessment of their natural and tourist value were taken into account. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 1.2. Protected natural heritage objectives in the Romanian sector The first stage of the research consisted of the inventory of the natural sites located in the Romanian part of the Romania-Bulgaria border region. This inventory implied the identification of all protected natural areas by consulting the lists of the Environmental Protection Agencies in the counties in the area of interest Mehedinţi, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călăraşi and Constanţa. The identified sites were localized with the help of specialized maps available online. Following the inventory, a table has been produced that contains the following information: the internal numbering code of the protected natural areas, the area code as given by the National Environmental Protection Agency, the name of the protected area, the area adjacent to the area, the area of the areas included for each locality , the total area of the area, custodians and contact details of the custodian. The methodology for the selection of protected natural areas in Romania, which should be included in Romania-Bulgaria cross-border ecotourism routes for a protected natural heritage route, has been defined in agreement with the Bulgarian partner team. Based on the inventory obtained during the project documentation phase, a list of all the protected natural areas within the 7 counties that are the target of the present study: Mehedinţi, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călăraşi and Constanţa - counties located at the border with Bulgaria. This list encompasses a total of 189 protected natural areas, of which 79 areas are considered to be the main ones and 110 are secondary sites included in the main areas. The characteristics of all protected natural areas located on the Romanian side of the cross-border region and the significant results obtained from the assessment of their environmental and tourism value were taken into account. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! 1.3. Assessment of tourism potential in the Bulgarian part 1.3.1. Data collection Additional information was gathered on the assessment of the value of nature protection and the tourist potential of protected natural patrimony sites in the crossborder region. This information has been gathered from national sources as a priority, with source and data quality checking. In cases where official published information is missing, other published information from different sources (for example, eco trails, velotrasee, etc.) In addition to the published information, visits and interviews were conducted with representatives of park departments, mayors, RIOSV and NPOs, in which information on various aspects of the tourist exposure of natural sites was made available. For this purpose, the Beneficiary has provided the Executor with a support address. The description of the context was made on the basis of the structure elaborated in the Methodology for Preparing the Preliminary Study. Data collected on-site was included as "site visit cards". Consequently, the information contained in these documents was entered into the site database. Interviews were conducted with the main stakeholders, responsible or attracted in the management of protected areas and protected areas on the Bulgarian side. 1.3.2. Data analysis Each site has been described both with its peculiarities and the natural environment in which the site falls. When there are cultural-historical objectives nearby, the possible interconnection with the subject of the study has been documented. The existence and status of tourism infrastructure has been described both to and around the objectives. In the implementation process, 130 objectives of the protected natural heritage were originally described. As a result, some of the objectives, small and partially overlapping or located nearby, were connected to obtain equivalent sites for multicriteria analysis. This has resulted in a database of approximately 98 unique records, most of which include multiple spatial protection categories under national nature conservation legislation. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Some important aspects of interviews with stakeholders are described below: "The most important factor that acted negatively on Lake Srebarna and the surrounding lands was the construction of dykes in the 40's of the 20th century, which led to the interruption of access to Danube water to the lake, and thus to the total destruction of the hydroregime natural. This problem was partly solved in several stages, in the 1970s and 1990s, based on projects drafted by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Other problems include poaching, burning cane floating islands, and household waste pollution. This example is also significant for many other wetlands, riparian of the Danube. As far as tourism is concerned, it is still lacking attractive and competent interpretation on the ground. Ecotourism is one of the most important economic utilities in the conservation of wetlands. These benefits have been defined in the last years as "ecosystem services", and at present the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is carrying out several projects of qualitative and quantitative equivalence. The results will be available from 2017." - a representative of the Institute for the Study of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "The premise of ecotourism development in the Kalimok Brashlen protected area is that the area is one of the few remaining wet Danubian areas and is home to a unique biodiversity. The area is set to be an attractive place to develop ecotourism and ecological education. The existence of rare species of winter birds offers the possibility of developing ecotourism during the cold season. The tourist access is made by several trails marked on the Bulgarian bank of the Danube, and these are described in the informative materials of the protected area." Representative of MIRG Tutrakan - Glavinitsa - Slivo Pole. "The management of the natural parks is carried out by the specialized administration of the Natural Parks and they are directly subordinated to the Forest Executing Agency attached to the MZH. Due to the rich biodiversity, the Natural Park is extremely well-known among specialized tourist groups and individual tourists with nature-related interests. The park also includes tourist attractions, including the ancient Dumum Castle, the old fortress on the Danube. This territory is representative for the observation of forests near the Danube and specific wetlands for all its lower course, 20th century. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! As a limiting factor it can be indicated that access to the island and the restored wetlands is not free. It is done through the permission of the Parks Directorate and the prison management located there. Difficult access to the Danube islands, which we see as tourism stops, on the other hand, was the reason to protect them from the unregulated intervention of the human factor." - Representative of Persina PP. 1.4. Assessment of the Romanian touristic potential 1.4.1. Data collection The Romanian part of the preliminary study includes a quantitative analysis of tourism potential: infrastructure, access, accommodation and existing tourist offer, potential attractions and tourist attractions. To this end, the following tools have been developed: - 4 semi-structured interview guides with representatives of the main entities relevant to the study: custodians of protected natural areas, representatives of local authorities in access areas in protected areas, representatives of tourism establishments (hostels, hotels) and serving and self-service in the area; - 1 spot observation guide for field operators; - 2 questionnaires dedicated to custodians / administrators of protected natural areas and owners of tourist accommodation facilities with accommodation functionality; - 1 instruction manual for field operators (common to both components of research: qualitative and quantitative). The field collection stage started with field training by permanent research team members, both face-to-face training, training at the contractor's office, and by telephone or online (by email, instant messaging and / or video call) in case of need. In order to minimize operator errors, all field operators had an on-site instruction manual containing detailed instructions and explanations on the main ethical and methodological aspects of data collection, such as: informing the participants and obtaining the participation agreement, the way of interviewing and how to collect the data through observation and so on. The study participants were contacted by phone to inform and obtain the participation agreement and establish meetings between them and the field operators. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! Also, applying the snowballing sampling principle, operators were instructed to ask interviewees to identify other potential participants in the relevant study. 220 interviews with custodians of natural sites located in the Romanian part of the Romania - Bulgaria border region were carried out, with representatives of the local administrative authorities of the access localities in the sites (mayors / representatives of the city administration / environmental, tourism or communication of city halls) and representatives of tour operators in access sites (owners / managers / administrators of boarding houses, hotels and / or restaurants). 1.4.2. Data analysis The following are the main issues that emerged from the analysis of interviews, both general issues, captured in a significant number of interviews, as well as peculiarities in the analyzed regions. Thus, the general aspects that emerged from the analysis of the interviews are: - the confusing and random sentiment attributed by the local authorities to the notions of "tourism" and "tourist" respectively, and we will present in the following the way in which this places its mark on the tourist development of the area; - poor collaboration between local authorities and administrations of protected natural areas. As we have seen from the content analysis of the interviews with representatives of local authorities (city and communal city halls), the meaning they attribute to tourism activities and, implicitly, the quality of tourists is a confusing one. Throughout the research, I have noted the appointment of many categories of activities as "tourist", from fishing, hunting, participation to some local events to cycling or visiting places of worship. Thus, in order to capture as accurately as possible the extent to which these activities listed by representatives of local authorities can indeed represent tourist or domestic activities, we analyzed the profile of the tourist as it was from the rest of the data provided by the interview. The quality of "tourist" was therefore randomly attributed to various categories of people, such as: - seasonal workers coming from other localities; - migrants returning for variable periods in the destination country (a few weeks, a few months or more) www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! - persons who transit the city without stopping and / or visiting any local tourist destination; - persons in pilgrimage to worship camps in the locality or in the vicinity, which may or may not be overnight in the locality; - people from other localities who spend a varying time in the area, such as fishing, hunting, ATV off-road rides, motorcycles and / or bicycles, sailing boats; - persons participating in local events (eg Peony's Day), including those originating in the locality; - persons performing various curative activities (balneary type). Referring to the way the World Tourism Organization defines the concept of "tourist", that is, the person who engages in voyages or stays "in places outside his or her residential environment for a period of more than 24 hours or at least one night , no more than one year, for leisure, for business or for other reasons, ie for purposes other than performing a paid activity in the place visited" (Popa Nadia, p. 1), we see that a large part of people assimilated to tourists (or visitors) are excluded from this category. We can speak at most about temporary visitors or "hikers" in the case of those whose stay is less than 24 hours but who still carry out on-site activities such as fishing, walks with various means of transport, certain types of sports etc., and completely excludes people who live in the locality and participate in various activities, seasonal workers and migrants who, although spend varying periods of time in other localities / countries, remain resident in the locality and do not invest in tourist units / accommodation or meals, tourist circuits and so on) 5. We consider it important to clarify the tourism activities and the quality and the role of the tourist in the local economy and the medium and long term development of the locality, as it is possible to design and launch initiatives with a real impact on the community. For example, fieldwork included localities with local objectives of national interest - namely places of worship, which attract a significant number of temporary visitors. Despite reporting thousands of people (from 4-5,000 to 10,000 pilgrims around 5 It is worth mentioning that in the literature, the status of the "temporary migrant" temporarily returning to the country of origin, usually for relaxation / rest, generates, at present, an epistemological uncertainty, not being about a "tourist" in the classical sense (because its mobility, economic and so on behavior does not meet the standard criteria of tourist activities - the person does not use the services of the tour operators, does not accommodate in a tourist unit, visits little or no objectives but it is difficult to qualify as a "returning migrant" (because the stay should usually take place over short periods of time, on holiday / leave, often without the intention to return definitively or temporarily to the locality / country of origin) . For the sake of simplicity, we have referred to the tourism activity from the point of view of "moving to a place other than the residence". www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene. UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL EUROPEAN PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONAL Ă INVESTIM ÎN VIITORUL TĂU! the great religious holidays) visiting the village, there is no accommodation unit, and infrastructure investments and the promotion of the rest of the tourist attractions in the area, including the protected natural area, are expected. Similarly, field research reveals a number of places offering fish tourism, where the lack of accommodation units, promotional actions and tourism development plans make the exploitation of natural resources, especially protected natural areas in the vicinity, remain low. Poor collaboration between local authorities and administrations of protected natural areas seems to be a common denominator of many of the localities surveyed. Almost without exception, representatives of local authorities considered collaboration with custodians / administrations of protected natural areas to be justifiable at most if they are seeking help or assistance in solving one-off problems. Collaboration to develop joint plans to promote the area and objectives - including the protected natural area, seems to be little to be taken into account by authorities, who are questioned about local resources that can be capitalized to attract more tourists, rarely mention the natural resources that are the nearby reserves. www.interregrobg.eu Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene.