The Life of Christ Book Evaluation Report

Student Name ______________________________
5 / ____
7 / ______
Date ____
Course _________________________________
Instructor _____________________
Book Title _______________________________
Author _______________________
Chapters 1 - 6
Chapter / Section Number & Title ____________________________________________
1 to ____
Page Numbers Read ____
and / or
Number of Pages Read ______
Discuss three significant truths that you learned from this book: (Include the
statement from the book that presents the truth and the page number where it is found,
then add verse(s), reason(s), and example(s) why this truth is significant.)
I learnt that the whole of the Old Testament points to Christ, not just select passages (pg.19, par.3)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
“Jesus & the apostles regarded all the Old Testament as preparatory and predictive, not just a few selected
“messianic” passages. Jesus Himself said of the Mosaic law and the prophets that “… in all the scriptures …
…all things must be fulfilled, … concerning me … that they might understand the Scriptures (Luke 24:24-27,
44-47). This truth is important because it shows Christ as the fulfillment of all the law of God. It is also
necessary read all Scripture with the context of Christ in mind.
I learnt that the seeming lack of fine details in the texts surrounding the Messiah’s birth do not take away
2. ______________________________________________________________________
anything from His grand purpose (pg.48 par.4). We should “…rest content to view the story in that literary
context, ignoring our … curiosity about time and sequence”, so as to “come up with the composite impression
the authors of Scripture intended.” This truth is significant because it gives direction on how to interpret
Scripture where details are not apparent. The guiding principle should always be to stick to the literal
context and that the spirit of the text must be upheld.
reveals what is enough for us to know and learn from and we should be content with that (2 Tim. 3:16)
I learnt that the terms used to refer to Jesus’ siblings in the Greek language “are normal for the primary
3. ______________________________________________________________________
of children of the same parents.” (pg.55 par.2). This can be seen from Matt.12:46-50; 13:55-56.
truth is significant because it refutes teachings by some Christian groups which claim that Mary was
perpetual virgin and that Jesus had no blood brothers and sisters, only cousins who were referred to as
Their teachings are not biblical and are based on culture or feelings.
Discuss two significant statements that either you did not understand or you did not
agree with the book: (Include the statement from the book and the page number where it
is found, then the cause(s) for your confusion or reason(s) for your disagreement.)
I did not agree with how the author gave subjective judgments on the incidence of Jesus’ first
1. ______________________________________________________________________
miracle (pg.79 par.1). His statements, though quoted of another source, include bold descriptions of Jesus’
thoughts upon being requested to turn water into wine: “Can this be the call of God?”, …he debated
Himself, still unresolved, when Mary’s appeal broke in disturbingly upon Him (Jesus). It was a momentous
crisis”. The author continues to give a vivid description of the Lord’s thoughts. I think that the author would
have done well to give caution at the beginning of his piece that those are his own interpretations of
the incident., and be careful with the extent to which he details non-existences from Scripture. This can be
dangerous and irreverent.
2. ______________________________________________________________________
Initially, I did not understand the author’s statement that “the descent of the Spirit as a dove and the voice of
the Father in approval are without precedent in Jewish history…” (pg.70 par.2), owing to the detailed reference
given after this statement. I have since come to see that the reference was given for further study on
the term “echo” as it appears in some writings on Jesus’ baptism.
Evaluate the book by summarizing the author's overall purpose or main point in
writing the book: (Include some information or knowledge gained from the book and the
personal or practical significance that it holds for you.)
The author’s main purpose in writing this book was to give a rich account of the life of Christ using
details from the Fourth Gospel to supplement the accounts of the first three Gospels.
He highlight events in a manner that gives a deeper understanding of the political, historical and geographical
times in which Jesus lived.
I have learnt from him that it is important not emphasize historical ‘accuracy’ and sequence of events
at the expense of the ‘spirit of the letter’, but to always let biblical principles guide interpretation.