Assessing the Learner: Needs, Readiness, and Style

Group 1
The Nurse Educator’s Role in
• For a nurse to carry his/her educative role well,
he/she must identify the information learners need,
their readiness to learn, and their learning styles.
However, the learner remains the single most
important person in the educative process.
• The role of the educator is to enhance the learning
process by serving as a facilitator.
The educator:
• Assesses the learner’s deficits
• Presents appropriate information in unique ways
• Identifies progress being made
• Gives feedbacks
• Reinforces learning in the acquisition of knowledge, or performance
of a skill
• Evaluates the learner’s abilities
The educator provides support, encouragement and direction during
the learning process.
Assessment of the Learner
•Assessment of the Learner includes attending
to the 3 determinants:
 Learning needs (what the learner needs to
 Readiness to learn (when the learner is
receptive to learning)
 Learning style (how the learner best learns)
This must be examined first. Can we first assess
readiness or learning style? Why? No, because:
–there is no need to assess readiness and the
learning style if learning needs are not present
• Assessment is essential to determine learning
needs so that an instructional plan can be designed
to address deficits in any of the educational
domains [Cognitive, psychomotor, affective]
• Not all individuals perceive a need for
• Consequently, assessment is used to identify
and prioritize the needs and interests of the
•Learning needs: are gaps in knowledge that
exist between a desired level of performance
and the actual level of performance
• The following are some important steps in the
assessment of learning needs:
– Identify the learner. Is there only one learner
with a single need or many needs? Is there more than
one learner with congruent or diverse needs?
– Choose the right setting. Establish trusting
relationship through assuring privacy and
confidentiality, so that learners feel secure in
confiding information and feel respected