Name Date Assessment Unit 1 Lesson 1 Check Understanding Fill in the circle before the correct answer. 1. The eastern coast of the United States and Canada faces the . C Arctic Ocean ● D Gulf of Mexico ● 2. Look at the map. What 0 150 300 kilometers F L PLAIN C O A S TA S UN TA IN GUL IN MO CO AS TA L P LA N IA CH PA LA SC R C TI GA N AL tahoochee Rive Chat r AP Riv 300 miles LA MS nn a r . 150 Re dR ive NC h 0 r ve Ri Mountain Peak AR VA Mt. Mitchell 6,648 ft. va (2037m) Sa Arkan sas OUACHITA MOUNTAINS TN KY ippi OZARK PLATEAU Riv er o Ohi Mountains to develop the region of . WV er A the Piedmont ● B the Gulf Coastal Plain ● C the Atlantic Coastal Plain ● D the Appalachian ● 3. Coal mining helped ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS Southeast Region Mis siss landform borders the Gulf of Mexico? LA A Atlantic Ocean ● B Pacific Ocean ● AT ATLANTIC OCEAN FL Gulf of Mexico MEXICO A Boswash ● B ChiPitts ● C the Canadian Basin ● D Appalachia ● Answer the questions below. 4. How was the Grand Canyon formed? Who was the first to explore it? 5. Where are the Central Plains and the Great Plains located? Why are they suitable for agriculture? © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT 1 Name Date Assessment Unit 1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Review tundra Continental Divide megalopolis canyon prairies Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box 1. A is a treeless plain. 2. A group of cities that have grown so close together they seem to form one city is a 3. . are flat, rolling lands covered with grass. 4. Rivers east of the , an imaginary line in the Rocky Mountains, drain into the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. 5. A deep valley with steep sides is a . Answer the question below. 6. Write a paragraph describing the landforms of the United States 2 © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill and Canada. Use four vocabulary words from the box above in your paragraph. UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT Name Date Assessment Unit 1 Lesson 1 Reading Comprehension Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. A plateau is a raised area of flat land. The Piedmont Plateau is located between the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the Appalachian Mountains. It is 300 feet above sea level in the east. It is about 1,200 feet above sea level in the west. Dairy farming and furniture industries are two important activities in the Piedmont area. Most of the Ozark Plateau is located in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. It is about 500 feet above sea level in the east. It is about 1,700 feet above sea level in the west. People visit the many caves and large lakes found in the area. 1. What is the main purpose of this article? A to tell the reader about landforms in the United States ● B to encourage people to visit the Piedmont Plateau ● C to compare two plateau regions in the United States ● D to explain what a plateau is ● 2. In what way are the Piedmont and Ozark plateaus alike? A in range of elevation ● B in their location ● C in their main industries ● D in their climate ● 3. Imagine you have visited both the Piedmont and Ozark plateaus. Write a paragraph comparing the two landforms. © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT 3 Name Date Assessment Unit 1 Write About It Lesson 1 S Study the map of New York landforms. ce ren aw r .t L ive Whiteface Mt. R (4,867 ft.) .PVOUBJOT )JMMT 1MBJOT 1MBUFBVT $"/"%" Mt. Marcy (5,344 ft.) APPALACHIAN PLATEAU Lake Erie 1" NJMFT LJMPNFUFST .PVOUBJO 4ZSBDVTF 8BULJOT (MFO #JOHIBNQUPN 75 /) "MCBOZ CATSKILL MOUNTAINS HUDSON RIVER VALLEY 0UIFSDJUZ /+ /FX:PSL $JUZ TACONIC MOUNTAIN S 3PDIFTUFS #VGGBMP Finger Lakes 4UBUFDBQJUBM ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS Lake Ontario Niagara Falls 7BMMFZT ." $5 land g Is and l Is Long Lon nd Sou ATLANTIC OCEAN Your writing should: • compare the kinds of landforms a visitor to New York could see. • use facts and details to help the reader understand your points. • use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. 4 UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Write a letter to a friend who is about to visit New York. Compare the kinds of landforms your friend could see on his or her visit. Tell where the landforms are located. Tell what cities are near the landforms.