FIX Certification Version 2.5 For Certification of TSX FIX V4.3 (Quantum XA) Apr 02, 2012 Version History Version Date 2.5 02 April 2012 2.4 14 February 2012 Changes Added test cases #18 to #25 from FIX certification for Quantum Updated test case #24 and #25 Added Reference section to clarify which test is applicable to each trading engine Removed Order Routing test cases 2.3.2 24 January 2012 Added Order Routing Test Cases per request. 2.3.1 17 November 2011 Updated Test Case SV1: 2 test scripts are added 2.1.2a 29 July 2009 Original Document 2 Reference The table below contains 1. The list of test cases which are applicable to different market places/ trading engines at TMX. 2. Test cases which are mandatory for existing TMX clients who are already certified on the Quantum platform. (Note: An existing Quantum client need to run only those test cases that are marked mandatory in the table below*. New clients will have to run all test cases that are marked as mandatory later in this document.) Test Case TSX TSXV TMX Select For existing clients* SV1 √ √ √ √ SV2 √ √ √ √ SV3 √ √ √ √ SV4 √ √ √ √ SV5 √ √ √ √ SV6 √ √ √ √ SV7 √ √ √ √ SV8 √ √ √ √ SV9 √ √ √ √ #1 √ √ × × #2 √ √ √ × #3 √ √ √ × #4 √ √ √ × #5 √ √ √ × #6 √ √ × × #7 √ √ √ × #8 √ √ × × #9 √ √ × × #10 √ √ × × #11 √ √ × × #12 √ √ × × #13 √ √ √ × 3 #14 √ √ √ × #15 √ √ √ × #16 √ √ √ × #17 √ √ × × #18 √ √ × × #19 √ √ √ × #20 √ √ √ × #21 √ √ √ × #22 √ √ √ × #23 √ √ √ × #24 √ √ √ × #25 √ √ √ √ Legend: √: Yes; ×: No 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SESSION VERIFICATION TEST CASES .................................................................... 7 Test Case SV1: Establish a FIX session........................................................................................................... 7 Test Case SV2: Verify that a FIX session is alive ........................................................................................... 8 Test Case SV3: Request missed messages ....................................................................................................... 9 Test Case SV4: Process Reject message from TSX ........................................................................................ 9 Test Case SV5: Terminate a FIX session: ..................................................................................................... 10 Test Case SV6: Request missed messages ..................................................................................................... 12 Test Case SV7: Retransmit missed messages ................................................................................................ 13 Test Case SV8: Force outgoing sequence number to decrease .................................................................... 14 Test Case SV9: Force outgoing sequence number to increase .................................................................... 15 PRE-OPEN TEST CASES .......................................................................................... 16 Test Case# 1: Pre-Open: Add order; OMR order; Cancel Order................................................................. 17 MANDATORY POST-OPEN TEST CASES ............................................................... 18 Test Case # 2: Post Open: Add Sell Order; OMR order ................................................................................ 19 Test Case # 3: Post-Open: Add Short Sell Order............................................................................................ 20 Test Case # 4: Post-Open: Add Buy Order; Trade; Trade Correction ........................................................ 21 Test Case # 5: Post-Open: FOK Orders .......................................................................................................... 22 Test Case # 6: Post Open: Enter Order, Order Protection Rule (OPR) Tags .............................................. 23 OPTIONAL POST-OPEN TEST CASES .................................................................... 25 Test Case # 7: Post-Open: Iceberg Orders ...................................................................................................... 26 Test Case # 8: Post-Open: StopPX orders ....................................................................................................... 27 Test Case # 9: Post-Open: Oddlot orders ........................................................................................................ 28 Test Case # 10: Pre/Post-Open: MOC Orders ................................................................................................ 29 Test Case # 11: Post-Open: LOC Orders ........................................................................................................ 30 Test Case # 12: Post-Open Regular Cross, with Cross Interference ............................................................. 31 5 Test Case # 13: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Basis .......................................................................................... 32 Test Case # 14: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Contingent ................................................................................ 33 Test Case # 15: Post-Open Specialty Cross: VWAP ....................................................................................... 34 Test Case # 16: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Internal ..................................................................................... 35 Test Case # 17: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Bypass ....................................................................................... 36 Test Case # 18: Extended Hours Specialty Cross: STS .................................................................................. 37 Test Case # 19: Undisplayed (Dark) Order - Midpoint .................................................................................. 37 Test Case # 19: Undisplayed (Dark) Order - Limit ........................................................................................ 39 Test Case # 20: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – Cancel/Kill Order ............................................................. 40 Test Case # 21: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – RePrice ............................................................................... 41 Test Case # 22: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – DOA ................................................................................... 42 Test Case # 23: Post Only.................................................................................................................................. 43 Test Case # 24: Self Trade Prevention ............................................................................................................. 44 Test Case # 25: TMX Select .............................................................................................................................. 45 6 Session Verification Test Cases Test Case SV1: Establish a FIX session TSX FIX Message: Logon Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a valid Logon message 2) Issue a Logon message with invalid password 3) Issue a Logon message with invalid password after session has been establised Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No 1) FIX session is established 2) A Reject message with error is returned, session connection is dropped, FIX session is not established 3) A Reject message with error is returned, following a logout message, FIX session is terminated Messages Returned: Action : 1) Logon (acknowledgement) 2) Reject 3) Reject with error, logout confirmation Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs to capture test result. 7 Test Case SV2: Verify that a FIX session is alive TSX FIX Message: Test Request Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a Test Request message Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No Received a Heartbeat with the “TestReqID” of the Test Request message Messages Returned: Action : Heartbeat message Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 8 Test Case SV3: Request missed messages (Request includes no administrative messages) TSX FIX Message: Resend Request Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1. Issue a set of business messages in order to increment the outgoing sequence numbers. 2. Issue a Resend Request to recover a single business message 3. Issue a Resend Request to recover the set of business messages submitted earlier Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No Requested business messages are successfully recovered Messages Returned: Action : A) Single business message B) Set of business messages Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below Test Case SV4: Process Reject message from TSX TSX FIX Message: Day: Reject 1 Execute the Test Script: Issue a TSX FIX message with invalid data (e.g., invalid MsgType field) 9 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No TSX’s Reject message is processed correctly Messages Returned: Action : Reject message Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below Test Case SV5: Terminate a FIX session: TSX FIX Message: Logout Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a Logout message 10 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No FIX session is closed Messages Returned: Action : Logout (confirmation) Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 11 Test Case SV6: Request missed messages (Request includes some administrative messages) TSX FIX Message: Resend Request (out) / Sequence Reset-GapFill (in) Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a set of business and heartbeat messages in order to increment the outgoing sequence numbers 2) Issue a Resend Request to recover a single business message 3) Issue a Resend Request to recover a single hearbeat message 4) Issue a Resend Request to recover the set of messages submitted earlier Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No Requested business messages are successfully recovered. Sequence Reset (Gap Fill) messages are received in place of Heartbeats. Messages Returned: Action : A) Single business message B) Single Sequence Reset (Gap Fill) C) Set of business and Sequence Reset (Gap Fill) messages Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 12 Test Case SV7: Retransmit missed messages (Retransmission skips over administrative messages) TSX FIX Message: Resend Request (in) / Sequence Reset-GapFill (out) Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1. Issue a set of business and heartbeat messages with a starting sequence number that is higher than the one expected by TSX. (Ensure that these messages are available for resend) 2. TSX will respond with a Resend Request message 3. Resend the set of messages submitted earlier with the proper sequence numbers. (The Heartbeats must be replaced with Sequence Reset (Gap Fill) messages). Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No Business messages requested by TSX are successfully retransmiited. Messages Returned: Action : Resend Request message Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 13 Test Case SV8: decrease Force outgoing sequence number to TSX FIX Message: Sequence Reset-Reset Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a Sequence Reset-Reset message with the field “NewSeqNo” set to a value that is lower than the one expected by TSX Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No Sequence Reset-Reset message is rejected by TSX Messages Returned: Action : Reject message Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 14 Test Case SV9: increase Force outgoing sequence number to TSX FIX Message: Sequence Reset-Reset Day: 1 Execute the Test Script: 1) Issue a Sequence Reset-Reset message with the field “NewSeqNo” set to a value that is higher than the one expected by TSX 2) Issue a business message with the sequence number set to the value of “NewSeqNo” . Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Yes No TSX accepts the Sequence Reset-Reset and business messages. Messages Returned: Action : N/A Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 15 PRE-OPEN TEST CASES Please Contact TSX Vendor Services before proceeding to clarify Symbol to be used for the following test cases. In all cases Stock “A” refers to the symbol assigned to you for the purpose of this Certification. TSX Vendor Services can be reached from 07:00am to 5:00 pm EST at 416-947-4705. Note: Pre-open for the Gateway Test Environment is from 07:30 am to 10:00 am EST. 16 Test Case# 1: Pre-Open: Add order; OMR order; Cancel Order Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Account (tag 1) = 123 Price (tag 44) = MKT TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = NC 2. OMR order with following attributes: Account (tag 1) = ABC Price (tag 44) = $5.05 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = CL 3. Cancel order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is booked with specified attributes OMR is booked with new attributes Order is cancelled Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 17 No MANDATORY POST-OPEN TEST CASES Please Contact TSX Vendor Services before proceeding to clarify Symbol to be used for the following test cases. In all cases Stock “A” refers to the symbol assigned to you for the purpose of this Certification. TSX Vendor Services can be reached from 07:00am to 5:00 pm at 416-947-4705. Note: Post-open for the Gateway Test Environment is from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. 18 Test Case # 2: Post Open: Add Sell Order; OMR order Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Account (tag 1) = 123 Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = CL 2. OMR order with following attributes: Account (tag 1) = ABC Price (tag 44) = $5.05 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = NC TSXAnonymous (tag 6761) = Y Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is booked with specified attributes OMR is booked with new attributes Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 19 No Test Case # 3: Post-Open: Add Short Sell Order Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Short Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = IN Side (tag 54) = 6(ShortExempt) Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is booked with specified attributes Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 20 No Test Case # 4: Post-Open: Add Buy Order; Trade; Trade Correction Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 1,500 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = NC TimeInForce (tag 59) = 3 “IOC” 2. Contact Vendor Services to correct Trade price to $5.10 3. Cancel remaining volume on Sell side Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Partial Fill – Buy Side Yes Fill – Sell Side Cancelled/killed – unfilled Buy IOC Cancel Trade New Fill Order is cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 21 No Test Case # 5: Post-Open: FOK Orders Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter order to Buy 1,000 shares of Stock A with the following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 2. Negative Test - Enter order to Sell 1,500 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TimeInForce (tag 59) = 4 “FOK” 3. Enter order to Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TimeInForce (tag 59) = 4 “FOK” Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Buy Order is booked Yes 1500 share FOK Sell Order is ‘killed’; insufficient volume on buy side 1000 share FOK Sell Order is acknowledged Buy Fill Report Sell Fill report Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 22 No Test Case # 6: Post Open: Enter Order, Order Protection Rule (OPR) Tags The below tests are to ensure that you are able to comply with the OPR. Please contact Vendor Services to ensure that you are using a symbol that is set up for the below tests. Vendor Services can also provide you with the ABBO if not available. OPTION #1 DOA Execute the Test Script: 3. Enter an order to Buy/Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 Handllnst (tag 21) = 1 (default value) Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes No Order is booked with specified attributes. OPTION#2 RePrice Execute the Test Script: 4. Enter an order to Buy/Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = PRICE MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION CURRENT ABBO. Handllnst (tag 21) = 5 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is repriced to one tick above/below the ABBO qoute. 23 No OPTION#3 Cancel Execute the Test Script: 5. Enter an order to Buy/Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = PRICE MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION CURRENT ABBO. Handllnst (tag 21) = 6 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is cancelled with specified attributes. 24 No OPTIONAL POST-OPEN TEST CASES The following test cases are for specialty Order Types and Crosses. You only need to complete test cases for the functionality that your systems will support. TSX Vendor Services can be reached from 07:00am to 5:00 pm at 416-947-4705. Note: Post-open for the Gateway Test Environment is from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. 25 Test Case # 7: Post-Open: Iceberg Orders Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 10,000 total shares, MaxFloor 2000 shares, of Stock A with following attributes: Order Type (tag 40) = 1 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = NC 2. OMR MaxFloor Volume to 400 shares (negative test) 3. OMR Total Volume to 10,050 (negative test) 4. Cancel Order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Order is booked with specified attributes Error Report: “DisclosedVolume has to be greater or equal to minimum defined” Error report: “Undisclosed Order Total Volume must be multiple of Boardlot Size” Order is cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 26 Yes No Test Case # 8: Post-Open: StopPX orders Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: StopPX (tag 99) = $5.10 2. Enter an order to Buy 500 shares of Stock A Price (tag 44) = $5.15 3. Enter an order to Sell 500 shares of Stock A Price (tag 44) = MKT 4. Cancel Order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : StopPX Order is booked in StopPX (OnStop) book with specified attributes Buy Order is booked with specified attributes Fill – Sell Side Fill – Buy Side StopPX buy order Triggered Order Booked Order cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 27 Yes No Test Case # 9: Post-Open: Oddlot orders Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 50 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 2. OMR to Anonymous (tag 6761) = Y 3. OMR order to the following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.05 OrderQty (tag 38) = 75 4. Cancel Order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Oddlot Order is booked in Oddlot book with specified attributes Error Report: “AnonymousOrder Volume must be a multiple of BoardlotSize” Order is booked Order is cancelled Order cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 28 Yes No Test Case # 10: Pre/Post-Open: MOC Orders NOTE: MOC MKT orders must be entered prior to the posting of the MOC Imbalance, normally 8:40pm in GTE environment Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Buy 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: OrdType (tag 40) = 1 “Market”, TimeInForce (tag 59) = 7 “at the close” 2. OMR with following attributes Price (tag 44) = $5.00 3. Cancel Order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : MOC Order is booked with specified attributes Error Report: “Price is not valid” Order is cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 29 Yes No Test Case # 11: Post-Open: LOC Orders NOTE: LOC orders must be entered between posting of MOC Imbalance and Market Close, normally between 8:40pm and 9:00pm in GTE environment. There must be a posted imbalance on a stock before LOC orders will be accepted Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter an order to Sell 500 shares of Stock A with following attributes: OrdType (tag 40) = 2 “Limit ” and TimeInForce (tag 59) = 7 “at the close” Price (tag 44) = $5.00 2. Cancel Order Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : LOC Order is booked with specified attributes Order is cancelled Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 30 Yes No Test Case # 12: Post-Open Regular Cross, with Cross Interference Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter Order to Buy 200 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 2. Enter a Short Exempt Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = A ‘Cross Short Exempt’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Buy Order is booked Yes Complete Fill of 200 shares against booked Buy order Partial Fill of 200 shares against sell side of Cross Partial Fill of 800 shares against buy side of Cross Partial Fill of 800 shares against sell side of Cross Remaining 200 shares of Buy Side of Cross are Killed Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 31 No Test Case # 13: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Basis Execute the Test Script: 3. Enter a Short Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 9 ‘Cross Short’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXCrossType (tag 6773) = B ‘Basis’ Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 32 No Test Case # 14: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Contingent Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter a Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 8 ‘Cross’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXCrossType (tag 6773) = C ‘Contingent’ Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 33 No Test Case # 15: Post-Open Specialty Cross: VWAP Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter a Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 8 ‘Cross’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXCrossType (tag 6773) = V ‘VWAP’ Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 34 No Test Case # 16: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Internal Execute the Test Script: 2. Enter a Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 8 ‘Cross’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXCrossType (tag 6773) = I ‘Internal’ Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 35 No Test Case # 17: Post-Open Specialty Cross: Bypass Execute the Test Script: 3. Enter a Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 8 ‘Cross’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXBypass (tag 6791) = Y Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 36 No Test Case # 18: Extended Hours Specialty Cross: STS NOTE: Extended Hours in GTE Environment are usually 9:15pm to 9:20pmEST Execute the Test Script: 1. Enter a Cross of 1000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Side (tag 54) = 8 ‘Cross’ Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXCrossType (tag 6773) = S ‘STS’ Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Sell Side Acknowledged Buy Side Fill Sell Side Fill Other Comments or Unexpected Results: Test Case # 19: Undisplayed (Dark) Order - Midpoint Execute the Test Script: Enter Buy order; undisplayed = Y, PegType = M, volume = 1000 shares Side (tag 54) = 1 ‘Buy’ TSXUndisplayed (tag 7726) = Y TSXPegType (tag 7723) = M OrderQty (tag 38) = 100 37 No Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Side Acknowledged Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 38 No Test Case # 19: Undisplayed (Dark) Order - Limit Execute the Test Script: Enter Buy order; undisplayed = Y, PegType = N, volume = 1000 shares , Price $5.00 Side (tag 54) = 1 ‘Buy’ TSXUndisplayed (tag 7726) = Y TSXPegType (tag 7723) = N OrderQty (tag 38) = 100 Price (Tag 44) = $5.00 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Buy Order Acknowledged Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 39 No Test Case # 20: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – Cancel/Kill Order NOTE: contact TSX Vendor Services to set this test case up with a stock that has a better ABBO quote at an away market Execute the Test Script: Enter Buy order; undisplayed = Y, PegType = N, volume = 1000 shares , Price $5.00 Side (tag 54) = 1 ‘Buy’ OrderQty (tag 38) = 100 Price (tag 44) = $5.00 HandInst (tag 21) = 5 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Execution Report – MsgType = 8; Other Comments or Unexpected Results: 40 No Test Case # 21: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – RePrice NOTE: contact TSX Vendor Services to set this test case up with a stock that has a better ABBO quote at an away market Execute the Test Script: Enter an order to Buy/Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = PRICE MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION CURRENT ABBO. Handllnst (tag 21) = 6 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is repriced to one tick above/below the ABBO qoute. Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 41 No Test Case # 22: Order Protection Rule (OPR) – DOA Execute the Test Script: Enter an order to Buy/Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 Handllnst (tag 21) = 1 (default value) Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is booked with specified attributes. Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 42 No Test Case # 23: Post Only Execute the Test Script: NOTE: contact TSX Vendor Services to set this test case up with a stock that is at 5.00 Enter an order to Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 ExecInst (tag 18) = 0 Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is fully rejected Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 43 No Test Case # 24: Self Trade Prevention Execute the Test Script: Enter an order to Buy 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXNoTradeFeat(tag 7713) = NM TSXNoTradeKey(tag 7714) = TEST Enter an order to Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXNoTradeFeat (tag 7713) = NM TSXNoTradeKey(tag 7714) = TEST Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Sell order is killed Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 44 No Test Case # 25: TMX Select Execute the Test Script: Enter an order to Sell 1,000 shares of Stock A with following attributes: Account (tag 1) = 123 Price (tag 44) = $5.00 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = CL CFO order with following attributes: Price (tag 44) = $5.05 TSXAccountType (tag 6750) = NC TSXAnonymous (tag 6761) = Y Were the Expected Results Obtained: Action : Yes Order is booked with specified attributes CFO is booked with new attributes Please cut and paste both Inbound and Outbound logs in the space below 45 No