Respiratory Activities Worksheet for Nursing Students

Respiratory Activities NRSG 115
Fall 2016
Name ____________________________________
1. Identify variables in the local environment (at home, at work, and in general) that
predispose individuals to respiratory problems. Note other variables that influence
respiratory functioning in general. What can nurses do individually and collectively to
promote pollution-free environments and minimize negative factors?
2. You are caring for a patient who is 12 hours post-op after a cholecystectomy. The doctor
has ordered “incentive spirometer 10 times per hour while awake.” What is the rationale
for incentive spirometry? How would you teach a patient to use an incentive spirometer?
3. April Long, a 60-year-old client is admitted with the diagnosis of small cell carcinoma of
the left lower lobe. She had a left lower lobectomy removing the cancerous mass. After
surgery, the client has a chest tube to a closed water-seal drainage system, the Atrium
Ocean at 20-cm H2O.The nurse has a quick view sheet to help guide the nurse with
managing the drainage system:
What are the nursing responsibilities when caring for a client with a chest tube to a
drainage system?
How should the nurse reposition the client in this case study?
The chest tube accidently is disconnected from the drainage system and the drainage
system is cracked. What should the nurse do?
Respiratory Activities NRSG 115
Fall 2016
Name ____________________________________
4. Describe the lung sounds you would expect to auscultate in each of the following
situations. review the diseases and ascertain what you would expect to hear in the upper
and lower lobes of the lungs in a patient with the following conditions:
Acute asthma attack