Winter 2018/2019 Teaching of Psychology Additional Data on Academic Dishonesty and a Proposal for Remediation Stephen F. Davis and H. Wayne Ludvigson Teaching of Psychology 1995 22: 119 DOI: 10.1207/s15328023top2202_6 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: Society for the Teaching of Psychology Additional services and information for Teaching of Psychology can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: >> Version of Record - Apr 1, 1995 What is This? 39 Downloaded from at DALHOUSIE UNIV on November 13, 2014 FACULTY FORUM ticipated in this study. All smdenrs were classified as either juniorsorsenionand were surveyedduringreylarclassessions. Additional Data on Academic Dishonesty and a Proposal for Remediation Stephen F. Davis Eqorin State Unit~ersity H. Wayne Ludvigson Texas Christian University Abstract In this article, we present data from 2,153 upper diuisim undergrnduate s d n r s regarding the frequency of cheating, reasoni for cheating, and influence of penalties on cheating. We alqo discuss hw a model that develops an internalized code of ethrcs will counteract academic dishonesty. Introduction Cheating has become a major concern on many college campuses (Fishbein, 1993; Haines, Diekhoff, LaBeff, & Clark, 1986; Singhal, 1982). Jendreck (1989) and Davis, Grover, Becker, and McGregor (1992) indicated that between 40% and 60% of their student respondents reported cheating on at 1e:lst one examination. McCabe and Bowers (1994) corroborated these data at non-honor-code institutions, but they found that students at institutions having honor codes had lower self-reported cheating rates. In addition, Davis et al. reported that students at small, private liberal arrs colleges reported lower cheating rates. Davis et al. (1992) and McCabe and Bowers (1994) also discussed techniques used to cheat. Although the most popular techniques were copying from a nearby paper and using crib notes, more unusual techniques included trading papers during the test or using intricate patterns of hand and foot position. Most of the students in Davis et al.'s (1992) study thought that instructors should care whether students cheat. T o discourage cheating during a test, students favored the instructor's use of separate forms of the test, informing students about the penalties for cheating, separating students by an empty desk, walking up and down the rows, and constantly watching the students. Although Daviset al.'s (1992) study provided information about the percentage of cheaters, cheating techniques, and in-class deterrents, it provided no information about the number of repeat offenders or the number of repeated offenses. In this study, we corrected this deficit. The fear of being caught and the intluence that this fear h.a on one's decision to cheat aLw receivd attention in this smdy, as did the effect of announcing strict penalties at the heginning of the semester. Finally, we sought to ascertain why students cheat. We devised aseven-item questionnaire that takes 10 min or less to complete. The first two questions dealt with whether the respondent had cheated at least once, the frequency of cheating, and whether the person had been caught cheating in high school (Question 1) and college (Question 2). Question 3 required a yes or no answer to the question, "Do you fear being caught cheating!" If the respond8:nn answered yes to Question 3, they rated this fear on a 7-point scale ranging from minimally fearful (1) to v q fearful (7). Using a 7-point scale ranging from minimal influence (1) to great influence (7), they further indicated (Questi.on 4 ) the extent to which this fear intluences whether they will cheat. Students also responded yes or n o to Question 5, "If a professor has smct penalties for cheating and informs the class about them at the beginning of the semester, would this prevent you from cheating!" Question 6 requested a listing of penalties most likely to prevent the individual from cheating. The final question dealt with reasons for cheating. The respondents also provided information ahout their sex; age; academic major; year in school; and if they hold a job (if so, they were asked to list the number of hours they work each week). All questionnaires were completed anonymously. Procedure The '71 samples were obtained from private and public institutions located in 11 different states. The class size of the 71 classessurveyedranged from 19 to 53 students.Enrollment at the institutions surveyed ranged from approximarely 3,000 to more than 30,000. A faculty contact at each institution assumed responsibility for distributing, collecting, and returning the informed consent documents and completed questionnaires. All data were gathered in accord with institutional review board principles at all participating institutions. Results Frequency of Clteating Method More than 70% in each sample (lowest = 71% and highest = 79%) reported cheating in high school, and the percentage of men and women who cheated did not differ. Self-reports of cheating in college fell within the 40% to 60% range (lowest = 42% and highest = 64%). Corrohorating Davis er al.'s (1992) result<, there was a consistent Participants A total of 2,153 undergraduates (675 men and 1.478 women) enrolled in upper d i v ~ s ~ ocourses n voluntarily parVol. 22, No. 2, April 1995 40 Downloaded from at DALHOUSIE UNIV on November 13, 2014 and reliable trend for a higher percentage of the men in each sample to report cheating in college, t(140) = 2.07, p < .05. More than 80% of the students who reported cheating at least once in high school reported cheating on several occasions during high school (lowest = 83% and highest = 88%). Nearly 50% of those in each sample who reported cheating in college also reported doing so on more than one occasion (lowest = 45% and highest = 53%). The average number of transgressions was 7.88 in high school and 4.25 in college. In both instances, more men than women were repeat offenders, smallest t(140) = 2.13, p < .05. Virtually all (98.64%) students who reported cheating on several occasions in college had also cheated on several occasions in high scho31. This result contmu with the findings that (a) of the students who reported cheating once in high school, only 2436% reported cheating in college on no more than one occasion; and (b) of the students who did not cheat in high school, only 1.5 1% reported cheating in college on no more than one occasion. 7'he Influence of Announced Penalties In response to the question concerning whether the instructor's announcement of strict penalties at the beginning of the semester would deter cheating, more than 40% of eachsample of men responded no (lowest = 42% and higt~est = 47%). Contrarily, less than 10% of each sample of women answered no to this question (lowest = 4% and highest = 7%). A closer inspection of these no respondents indicated that the majority in each sample reported cheating in college (for men, lowest = 82% and highest = 96%; for women. lowest = 93% and highest = 100%). Reasons for Cheating The mcxt frequently cited reason for cheating (29.25%) was "I dostudy. but cheat to enhance my score." "My job cuts down on study time" (14.28%) and "usually don't study" (13.60%) also were frequently cited reasons for cheating. Other reasons included "1 cheat so my GPA looks better to prospective employers" (8.16%), and "1 feel pressure fnom parents to get good p d e s ra 1cheat" (6.80%). Various other reasons, such as "pass the class," "class is toohard," "nervous," "only if I'm not sure of my answers." and "if I blank out and someone else's paper is in clear sight." accounted for 18.36% of the reacons for cheating. The number of references to external iacto~slp~essures is noteworthy. Discussion and Remediation One message from these data is clear: Although cheatvng in college is a major problem that needs attention, there is an equally pressing need to discourage cheaters, especially repeat offenders, in high school. The extrapolation from cheating in college to cheating in real life also has been documented (Sims, 1993). Our data contradict McCabe's contention (see Pavela, 1993) that academic dishonesty is learr~edduring one's collegiate career and is largely determined by its social acceptability at a given institution. Our data also indicate that, in general, professor-announced penalties have more influence on female students than male students. Moreover, the threat of strict penalties appears to have agreater impact on women who have cheated in college than men who have cheated in college. Although measures to render cheating difficult, such as those discussed by Davis et al. (I992), should reduce cheating, they do not solve the problem. Indeed, our data suggest that external deterrents will fail in the long run.Altematively, the existence of ethical-moral-religious systems of social control, from apparently early in our species's history, tells us that only when students have developed a stronger commitment to the educational pnxess and an internalized ccde of ethics that opposes cheating will the p~oblembe eradicated. How do we facilitate appropriate internal controls? A Skinnerian analysis (cf. Nye, 1992, p. 65, for a useful discussion) suggests two possible strategies: (a) Manipulate the relevant contingencies of reinforcement, and (b) encourage the learning of relevant rules. In both cases, we aim to p d u c e or strengthen dispositions that naturally resist tendencies to cheat. Although manipulation of the contingencies of reinforcemen[ surrounding cheating would seem, at first glance, to he difficult, the work of Eisenberger (1992) and Eisenberger and Shank (1985) is encouraging. For example, students trained on high-effort tasks, for which they received only modest reinforcement, displayed substantial resistance to cheating compared with students trained on low-effort tacks (Eisenherger & Shank, 1985). In short. Eisenberger (1992) concluded, from a rich source of data, that long-term training in effortful tasks contributes to durable industriousness. a work ethic that naturally resists cheating. In this context, the spectacle over the last 20 to 30 years of substantial grade inflation and associated pressures to reduce the necessity for e f f o h l student behavior (e.g.. through student-controlled contungencies influencing what teachers expect from srudents, the most obvious being universal student eval~~ation of teaching) is depressing. If we have an epidemic in cheating, we can apparently lay pan of the blame on a deterio ration of our own standards for student conduct. Fishbein (1993) provided another view of manipulating relevant reinforcement contingencies. Here he a ~ w e dthat one way to "fundamentally alter [improve] the climate of academic integrity [is] by increasing rhe volume of cases handled by legitimate university disciplinary procedures and by making enforcement more widespread and equitable" (p. A52). Having codified penalties that take seriousness of offense and number of offenses into account. Fishbein delineated a streamlined procedure. This pmpu<ed system may have merit, but it awaits verification in the academy. Thesecondstrategy, encouraging relevant rule learning or. even hetter, encouraginga world view, life theory, or philoso phy that naturally resists cheating hac probably seen diminished use as standards have deteriorated. Resistance to such teaching may arise from an understandable reluctance of instnlctors to impose their values on others. However, the values implied by a world view that naturally opposes cheating may be nearly universally accepted in all education. Teaching of Psychology 41 Downloaded from at DALHOUSIE UNIV on November 13, 2014 Such a world view relevant t o education and opposed to academic dishonesty (Ludvigson, 1992) estahlishes the goal of understanding as central (necessary hut not sufficient) for s u c c w and general well-being. Perhaps a causal picture of the following sort would be helpful: Understanding . . . (is required for . . .) Competence . . . (is required for . . .) + Success . . . (is required for . . .) Self-reliance . . . (is required for + Competence and Success and + McCabe, D. L., & SIwers, W. J. (1994). Academic dishonesty among males in college: A thirty year perspective. lot~malof College Sudent Dwelopmenr. 35, 5-10. Nye, R. D. (1992). The legacy of8. F. Skinner. Pacific Grove, CA: BrooksICole. Pavek. G. (1993). Donald L. McCabe on academic integrity: What rhe latat rerarcli shows. SYNTHESIS: l n w rmd Policy in Higher Edacatim, 5, 340-343. Sim. R. L. (1993).The relationship beween academic dishonesty and unethical business practices. J m l of Ehccation for Blainecr. 68, 207-21 1. Singhal. A. C. (1982). Factors in students'dishone~t~. Psychdogi R e p a r , 51, 77%760. Self-reliance Notes and . . .) + Happiness Given its central role, students must learn that understanding does not entail rote memorization, although some things must be memorized, or the learning of isolated facts, although facts must be learned. In conmst, understanding requires the construction of a penonal theory of what is to be understood. T h a t is, if students are t o understand something, they must huild their own theories in their own heads and not just parrot others'. Such a theory will yield a new perspective that permits generalization of inferences to new situations. I t will permit the scudent t o know what is irnponant about the suhject and what is nor. Pertinent for resistance to cheating, students must be convinced that building a gocd personal theory, just as in science, is a continuing process of testing and revising t h e theory. Testing the theory is critical for a good theory. Recitation, listening t o lectures, and exams are all ways of testing one's personal theory. Cheating in the process of theory construction leaves one Oereft of understanding. Cheating during exams deprives students of an opportunity to test their theory. Students wlioaim for understanding must take every. opportunity t o be tested. W e believe that such a philosophy o f education, if taught with conviction, just may lessen cheating. References k v i s , S. F.. Grover. C. A,. Becker. A. H., & McGregor, L N. (1992). Academic dishonesty: Prevalence, determinants, techniques. and punishments. Teaching of Ps)rholo~,19, 1 6 2 0 . Eisenberger, R. (1992). Learned indusniousness. Piychdqical Review, 99, 24tL267. Eisenherger, R.. & Shank, D. M. (1985). Personal work ethic and efforr training affect cheating. Jo~tmdof Pwwlity and So0111 I ' s y c h , 49, 510-528. Fishbe~n,L. (1093. December 1). Curhing cheating and resroring academic intcgritv. The Chmnicle of H i g h Erl~rcoda,p. A52. Hainer. V. J., Diekh0ff.G. M.,LaAeff, E. E., &Clurk, R. E. (1986). College cheating: Immaturity, lack of conrmitment, and the neutralizing attitude. Kesearch in Higher Educadon. 25. 342-354. Jendrcck,M. P. (1989). Faculty reactions to academic dishonesty. lmmal of Cdkge Snident Deuewent, 3 0 , 4 0 1 4 6 . Ludviason. H. M. (1992. November). Chearing: What rodo? Paper presented at the Southwest Regional Conference for Teachers of Psychology, Fort Worth, TX. 1 . We appreciate the assistance of Charles L. Brewer and three anonymous reviewers on the final draft of this article. 2. Requesrs for reprinrs should be sent to Stephen F. Davis, Deparrmenc of Psychology, Emparia State University, Emporia, KS 6-5801-5807. Consequences of Missing Postexam Review Sessions William E. Addison En5tem Illinois Uniuersily Educational research h demonstrated t k impmrance of howle d ~ of e rrsulu in kaming. With this pn'm'ple in mind, I designed a study to examine c k relation benueen anendance at postexam review sessions and overall coune performance in two psychology courses. Students were divided into nuo groups bared on t k i r attedance at postexam review sessions, and t k poues were compared on measures of course performance. As expected, students who missed one M more of the revieru sessions p . f m d at a significantly Lou- level r h n students who missed none of tk sessim~. In one of the earliest studies of the use of feedhack from exams. Jones (1923) found that tests administered immediately after a psychology lecture led to improved retention among students. Jones's results supporting the value of immediate feedhack were corroborated by a host of studies conducted in the 1950s (e.g., Fitch, Bucker, & Norton, 1951; Gueakow, Kelly, & McKeachie, 1954; McKeachie & Hiler. 1954; Pressey, 1950). T h e consistency ot' these findings led McKeachie (1963) to conclude that knowledge of results clearly facilitates learning. In the 1970s and 19ROs, the emphasis o n mastery learning at all levels of education led to further research on the rolc of feedback, although much of this research focused o n specific reaching methods, such a individualized instruction and pecr teaching (e.g., Good & Crouws, 1979; Kulik & Kulik, 1979; Webb, 1980). More recently, Oosterhof (1990) suggestecl that mastery learning must involve feedback from a test indicating what the student has and has not learned, Vol. 22, No. 2, April 1995 42 Downloaded from at DALHOUSIE UNIV on November 13, 2014 A model argumentative essay Marine Parks Marine life has always been an attraction for people to view and enjoy its wonders as well as an ultimate target for scientists to investigate and unravel its secrecies. This has lent credence to the opening of marine parks which have been proposed and created to facilitate these purposes. Marine parks are areas of seas or lakes sometimes protected for recreational use, but more often set aside to preserve a specific habitat and ensure the ecosystem is sustained for the organisms that exist there. The issue of whether these parks should be allowed to stay open has been widely debated in the Australian community recently. While some consider marine parks as profitable and safe areas to protect sea mammals, others argue that such places are needless because it is unethical to deprive animals from their freedom. It is an important issue because it concerns fundamental moral and economic questions about the way native wildlife is used. I strongly advocate the introduction and enforcement of laws which prohibit these unnecessary and cruel institutions. It has been argued that dolphin parks provide the only opportunity for much of the public to see marine mammals (Smith, 1992). Most Australians, so this argument goes, live in cities and never get to see these animals. It is claimed that marine parks allow the average Australian to appreciate our marine wildlife. However, as Smith states, dolphins, whales and seals can be viewed in the wild at a number of places on the Australian coast. In fact, there are more places where they can be seen in the wild than places where they can be seen in captivity. Moreover, most Australians would have to travel less to get to these locations than they would to get to the marine parks on the Gold Coast. In addition, places where there are wild marine mammals do not charge an exorbitant entry fee - they are free. Dr Alison Lane, the director of the Cairns Marine Science Institute, contends that we need marine parks for scientific research (The Age, 19.2.93). She argues that much of our knowledge of marine mammals comes from studies which were undertaken at marine parks. The knowledge which is obtained at marine parks, so this argument goes, can be useful for planning for the conservation of marine mammal species. However, as Jones (1991) explains, park research is only useful for understanding captive animals and is not useful for learning about animals in the wild. Dolphin and whale biology changes in marine park conditions. Their diets are different, they have significantly lower life spans and they are more prone to disease. In addition, marine mammals in dolphin parks are trained and this means that their patterns of social behaviour are changed. Therefore, research undertaken at marine parks is generally not reliable. It is the contention of the Marine Park Owners Association that marine parks attract a lot of foreign tourists (The Sun-Herald 12.4.93). This position goes on to assert that these tourists spend a lot of money, increasing our foreign exchange earnings and assisting our national balance of payments. However, foreign tourists would still come to Australia if the parks were closed down. Indeed, surveys of overseas tourists show that they come here for a variety of other reasons and not to visit places like Seaworld (The 272 Age, Good Weekend 16.8.93). Tourists come here to see our native wildlife in its natural environment and not to see it in cages and cement pools. They can see animals in those conditions in their own countries. Furthermore, we should be promoting our beautiful natural environment to tourists and not the ugly concrete marine park venues. Marine parks are unnecessary and cruel. The sea mammals, which are naturally used to roaming their natural habitat, are kept in very small cramped pools in these parks; in consequence, they suffer numerous drawbacks. First and foremost, they are denied the opportunity to engage with their families as well as engage in almost any natural behavior. Over and above, the median age of mammals in captivity is considerably reduced and most of them die far short of their natural life spans. For instance, the average lifespan of a wild bottlenose dolphin is approximately 40 years; however, statistics show the average life span of a captive bottle nose dolphin is a mere 5 years. A second cruel fact about marine parks is that the concrete walls of the pools interfere with the animals' sonar systems of communication. Unlike the open sea, captivated dolphins struggle with communication and often display a lower less articulated vocalization frequency. As a result, tremendous stress, social conflicts and a considerable reduction of the dolphin’s immune defenses occur. In conclusion, these parks should be closed, or at the very least, no new animals should be captured for marine parks in the future. The society is no longer prepared to tolerate unnecessary cruelty to animals for science and entertainment. If human beings continue building marine parks and continue with their crimes against these creatures, cruelty and inhumanity will prevail in the generations of the future. Showing you are aware of both sides of the issue – questions 1: The Main Premise In the introductory paragraph, the main premise is only one sentence. What is the main premise? 2: Paragraph Topics Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 all cover different topics related to the issue of marine parks. Describe the topic of each paragraph in four words or less and write the description in the margin next to each paragraph 3: Opposing Arguments and Supporting Arguments Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 do not just contain arguments that support the main premise. They also contain arguments that oppose the main premise. It is important to include opposing arguments to show your reader that 273 1. you have considered both sides of the argument; and 2. you are able to anticipate and criticize any opposing arguments before they are even stated. Find the opposing arguments in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5. Then find the supporting arguments in each paragraph. 4: Problematizing the Opposing Arguments It is important that the reader knows that when you write opposing arguments you do not agree with them. You have to make it very clear that you are presenting these arguments only to show that you understand the issue from both sides, that you have anticipated the opposing arguments and that wish to criticize them. In order to signal this you need to use special phrases to problematize the opposing statements. (To problematize something means to make it seem like a problem, to make it seem untrue). We can problematize arguments by making them appear to be debatable opinions and not facts. A common way to do this is to explicitly mark the statement as an argument. Ex.: It has been argued that children who attend childcare centers at an early age miss out on important early learning that occurs in parent-child interaction. By including the phrase "It has been argued that" in the above statement the writer is problematizing the statement below: Children who attend childcare centers at an early age miss out on important early learning that occurs in parent-child interaction. When there is no problematizing phrase, the statement appears non-debatable. The writer is presenting it as a fact. Task: Find the problematizing phrases in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the text. They will all be in the areas of the paragraphs where the opposing arguments are located (i.e. in the first part of each paragraph). 274 5: Shifting from Opposing Arguments to Supporting Arguments. You can also signal the difference between opposing and supporting arguments by clearly marking the point in each paragraph where you shift from one to the other. You can use contrasting connectives to mark this point. The most common of these contrasting connectives is "However". Task: Find the point in each of paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 where the writer shifts from opposing arguments to supporting arguments. Draw a circle around the contrasting connective used to mark the point in each paragraph. Writing introductions to argumentative essays The four parts of an introduction 1. Introduces the topic 2. States why the topic is important 3. States that there is a difference of opinion about this topic 4. Describes how the essay will be structured and clearly states the thesis. Task: Look at the introductory paragraph and find its main four parts. Task 8: Ordering sentences in an introduction Now put the following sentences into the correct order. They make up the introduction to an argumentative essay about the issue of whether Australia should become a republic. a. As a result, the issue is a very controversial one and has attracted a lot of debate. b. It will then put forward a number of reasons why Australia should change to a republican form of government. c. The question of whether we maintain the monarchy is not merely a legal detail but is intrinsically linked to the way we perceive ourselves as a distinct nation of people with its own identity and culture. d. Since the time of federation, Australia has been a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of the United Kingdom as its head of state. e. This essay will consider some of the arguments for maintaining the monarch as head of state and will outline some of the problems with this position. f. However, today many Australians are questioning whether this form of government is still relevant or appropriate and are suggesting that we move towards the establishment of a republic. 275 Writing conclusions to argumentative essays The three parts of a conclusion 1. Restates the main premise. 2. Presents one or two general sentences which accurately summarise your arguments which support the main premise. 3. Provides a general warning of the consequences of not following the premise that you put forward and/or a general statement of how the community will benefit from following that premise. Task 2: Ordering sentences in a conclusion Now put the following sentences into the correct order. They make up the conclusion to another argumentative essay. The main premise of this essay is that the government should spend more money on childcare places for the children of parents who study or work. a. If we fail to meet our obligations in this area, we will be sacrificing our present and future well-being merely in order to appease out-dated notions of family life and to achieve short-term financial savings. b. In conclusion, it is essential that we support the nation's parents and children by funding more childcare places. c. Only in this way can we provide the valuable learning environments that young Australians need while, at the same time, utilising the skills of all productive members of our society. d. The entire national community will then be enriched economically, socially and culturally. Adapted from: 276 Marine Parks Outline I. Introduction A. Thesis Statement: I believe that laws which prohibit these unnecessary and cruel institutions should be introduced. II. Body A. Opposing Claim/argument: Opportunity for the public to see marine life. a. Refutation 1. Many places to view marine wild life. 2. Less traveling to get to marine wild life. 3. _______________________________ B. Opposing Claim/argument: ______________________________ a. Refutation 1. _________________________________________ 2. Results of captive marine mammals are unreliable . C. Opposing Claim/argument: _____________________________ a. Refutation 1. A variety of reasons to visit Australia. 2. _________________________________________ D. Thesis Support: Marine parks are unnecessary and cruel. a. ___________________________________ b. ___________________________________ III. Conclusion A. Restatement of thesis B. Summary of main thesis support C. A statement of warning. 277