Underline key words in the question. Answer the question by FLIPPING or RESTATING the question into a statement. pare, contrast, discuss, evaluate, identify, analyze,, determine) Look for task words to tell you what to do. (explain, describe, com- This will become your topic sentence. Use complete sentences and make sure you answer the question COMPLETELY using ELABORATION Be sure to use key words from the question in your response Make sure your answer is RELEVANT to the text and question Try to AVOID the word “I”-I feel, I think, I believe PROVE your answer! USE EVIDENCE, QUOTES, and EXAMPLES from the readings, graphs, or il ustrations to support your ideas (doesn’t have to be long) QUOTE from the text using “ “ Use SPECIFIC details to support your answer. Use Proof Phrases:: *The author states… *This shows __ because…. *According to the text… *For example… *This proves__because… *Based on the evidence… Explain how the evidence makes your point & supports your answer (What does the evidence mean? How does the evidence support your topic sentence?) Extend your response by explaining the connection between the evidence & the answer. ELABORATE! Use transitional phrases *This evidence shows… * It is clear that… * In other words… *Therefore… *As a result… In a paragraph, Your last sentence should be a summary of your entire paragraph.. In an essay, the last paragraph should be a summary of the key points of your essay. Restate your topic sentence in a different way.