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How to write an essay for New FCE exam
How to write the essay for the New FCE exam? Here’s a sample topic that has been divided into
paragraphs and each of the sections explained. Let us know whether you have any questions by
submitting a comment below.
Part 1
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the
separate answer sheet.
You have recently had a class project on animal welfare and vegetarianism. Now your teacher has asked
you to write a composition, giving your opinions on the following statement:
Some people believe that humans should not eat meat. Do you agree?
Write about:
– meat as a main ingredient of our diet
– vegetarians
– ………………(your own idea)
Sample answer:
Most people think, myself included, that since animals eat other animals, it is natural for humans to
eat meat. However, some disagree, and a growing number of people are choosing to become
vegetarians. So what rationalism stays behind these two beliefs.
You start with Paragraph 1- Introduction
Here you include:
A general statement/rhetorical question (it’s already given on the topic, your task is to paraphrase ituse different words or grammar structures). In the sample answer we’ve used ‘most’ instead of ‘some’,
‘believe’ was changed to ‘think’ etc.
Qualify the argument
Explain further and maybe try to show several sides of the issue, consider it from different angles,
thinking, “This part is right if… This is true, except when… This might work if… The reason this happens is
because… The underlying issues are…”
First of all I would like to say that humans have always hunted and eaten animals. Maybe it is our
natural instinct inherited by ancestors that forces us to seek this type of food, however, it is
undeniable, that meat is rich in vitamins and protein, which help to build muscles and bones.
Paragraph 2:
Introduction = topic sentence – which states the general idea discussed in this paragraph
Advantage 1 —– Reason Advantage 1 ——- Specific example 1
Your Advantage 1- is the point mentioned in the task. In our sample answer includes the point about
meat being the main source of energy
Make sure you use the following phrases when writing paragraph 2:
Introducing the topic
First of all I would like to say that …
The first point I would like to make is …
I would like to begin by …
Many people think that …
Some people say/claim …
Why do some people believe ?
However, if that is the case, then why ?
In the first place …
The main advantage is that you are free to …
There is no one else to …
Then there is …
What’s more …
Another advantage is that …
Another point worth mentioning is the fact it is difficult to have a balanced diet without this crucial
ingredient. In order to avoid some health problems such as lack of energy or splitting nails we should
make lean meat a part of our meal.
Paragraph 3:
Introduction = topic sentence – which states the general idea discussed in this paragraph
Advantage 2 —– Reason Advantage 2 ——- Specific example 2
Your Advantage 2- is actually the point that hasn’t been given in the task. However, it’s the last pointyour own idea. and because I believe that meat is good for you, I included this point just after the 2nd
paragraph- which is also in favour of eating meat.
Make sure you use the following phrases when writing paragraph 3:
Introducing the topic
Second of all I would like to say that …
The next point I would like to make is …
I would like to add …
Many people think that …
Some people say/claim …
Why do some people believe ?
However, if that is the case, then why ?
In the second place …
The other advantage is that you are free to …
There is no one else to …
Then there is …
What’s more …
Another advantage is that …
On the other hand, many vegetarians believe that eating meat is not only unnecessary but also
unhealthy. We can easily grow plants that give us all we need in our diet, moreover there are
numerous shops which provide supplements that substitute meat.
Paragraph 4:
Introduction -use topic sentence
Disadvantage 1 —– Reason Disadvantage 1 ——- Specific example 1
Make sure you include the other point mentioned in the topic and add your own idea + the following
phrases when writing paragraph 3:
On the other hand …
Secondly, …
Another disadvantage is …
Last but not least, . .
Linking words- essential practice when writing an essay
In my view, there are strong health reasons for not eating meat. However, if we become vegetarians
for moral reasons, I think we should also not wear fur or leather.
Paragraph 5- Conclusion
Summarise your view using different words from the introduction. You might want to add some further
Summarising phrases you have to use:
In conclusion (I believe that)…
To sum up, there are arguments …
However, in my view … .
Now, it’s your turn. Here’s the topic:
You recently had a class discussion about television. Now your teacher has asked you to write a
Young children watch too much television. Do you agree?
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the
separate answer sheet.
Write about:
– busy parents
– sports
– ………………(your own idea)
Once you have written the essay… do check if you have the following:
1. I have answered the question.
2. The sentences and organisation are clear and logical.
3. Arguments are followed by reasons and examples.
4. Both sides of the argument are given equal treatment.
5. It is clear what I think by the end.
6. The style is consistent and neutral.
7. I have checked: length, grammar, spelling, punctuation and linking expressions.
Now, it’s your turn. Here’s another topic:
You recently had a class discussion about women rights . Now your teacher has asked you to write a
Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of
these jobs to be reserved for women?
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the
separate answer sheet.
Write about:
– education
– equal rights
– ………………(your own idea)