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Informative Essay Outline Template

Name:___________________________ #:_______
Informative Essay Outline
•I can write an informative piece which examines a topic and convey ideas where I:
• introduce a topic, organize ideas with appropriate structure, include
formatting and graphics when useful
• use facts, definitions, details and quotations or other examples to develop the
• use appropriate transitions to clarify relationships among ideas
• use precise language and vocabulary to explain about the topic
• establish and maintain a formal style
• provide a concluding statement or section
Introduction Paragraph:
Background Information:
Thesis Statement (your 3 main talking points):
Intro Paragraph Checklist
 Hook- does your hook grab your audience’s attention? Think about starting
with a quote, fun fact, or question.
 Background Information- don’t assume your reader/audience knows about
your topic- give them a quick 1-2 sentence background information about
your topic.
 Thesis- this is the guiding statement of your essay. This should be a single
sentence that includes the 3 subtopics you will be discussing in your essay.
Body Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence with transition words:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph Checklist
 Clear topic sentence
 Specific details/examples and elaboration that supports your thesis
 Logical organization and proper citations (what article did you get your
information from?)
 Strong verbs and precise words
 Written in the formal style. No using I, me, my, contractions (can’t, won’t…)
 Uses complex sentence instead of simple sentences
 Spelling and grammar
Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence with transition words:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph Checklist
 Clear topic sentence
 Specific details/examples and elaboration that supports your thesis
 Logical organization and proper citations (what article did you get your
information from?)
 Strong verbs and precise words
 Written in the formal style. No using I, me, my, contractions (can’t, won’t…)
 Uses complex sentence instead of simple sentences
 Spelling and grammar
Body Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence with transition words:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph Checklist
 Clear topic sentence.
 Specific details/examples and elaboration that supports your thesis
 Logical organization and proper citations (what article did you get your
information from?)
 Strong verbs and precise words
 Written in the formal style. No using I, me, my, contractions (can’t, won’t…)
 Uses complex sentence instead of simple sentences
 Spelling and grammar
Conclusion Paragraph:
Restate your Thesis Statement (in a different way than your original):
Refer back to the question or prompt (this shows the reader that you know you
answered the question):
Last final statement about the topic (make them remember what you wrote):
Conclusion Paragraph Checklist
 Restate your thesis in a different way than in your introduction
 Remind your reader what you have talked about in the body paragraphs, this
is in a way a summary of what you have talked about- make sure to include
all 3 of your subtopics
 Final Thoughts- provide your final thought should tell your reader why this
topic is important
 This can be a call to action, a reference back to the beginning of your
essay, an insight into something larger
 Written in the formal style. No using I, me, my, contractions (can’t, won’t…)
 Uses complex sentence instead of simple sentences
 Spelling and grammar