10/20/2008 Chapter 7 – The Muscular System What are the three types of muscle? What is Smooth Muscle? What is a striation? What is Cardiac Muscle? What is Skeletal Muscle? What are the three primary functions of the skeletal muscle? What is Muscle Tone and what does it do? What are the three layers of connective tissue in skeletal muscle and what is their location? What is a motor unit? What is a neuromuscular junction? 1. 2. 3. Smooth Cardiac Skeletal Makes up the walls of hollow body organs, blood vessels, and respiratory passageways Moves involuntarily Produces wavelike motions that move substances through a system Controls diameter of openings like blood vessels, causes contractions Smooth because of lack of striations React because of nerve impulse, hormonal stimulation, stretching, etc Visible bands on muscles Makes up the wall of the heart Moves involuntarily Striated Creates a pulsing action One nucleus per cell, branching interconnections Intercalated discs – special membranes for electrical impulses that are inserted between cells Heavily striated Muscles are attached to bones to produce movement in joints o Exceptions: abdominal, facial 40% of body weight 1. Movement 2. Posture (muscle tone) 3. Heat generation A steady partial contraction of muscle, known as muscle tone, keeps the body in position. Endomysium – Around each individual muscle fiber Perimysium – Around fascicles (bundles) of muscle fibers Epimysium – Around entire muscle; forms the innermost layer of the deep fascia A single neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates comprise a motor unit. The point at which a nerve fiber contacts a muscle cell is the neuromuscular junction. It is here that a 1 What is a synapse? What is a motor end plate? What is the property of excitability, and what is action potential? What are actin and myosin? What is contractility? Name three compounds that store oxygen, energy, or nutrients in muscle cells. What is lactic acid? What’s the difference between isotonic contractions and isometric contractions? What is a tendon? Most skeletal muscles function in pairs. What is the name of the two parts of a pair? neurotransmitter is released from the neuron to stimulate the muscle fiber. A point of communication between cells. The receiving membrane of a muscle cell. Muscle fibers show the property of excitability, that is, they are able to transmit electrical signals along the plasma membrane. Actin and myosin are filaments, or threads, that make up skeletal muscle fibers. The capacity of a muscle fiber to undergo shortening and to change its shape, becoming thicker. Myoglobin – stores oxygen Glycogen – stores glucose Creatine phosphate – stores energy This is an organic acid that accumulates in the cells when the alternate pathway of metabolism is used. Anaerobic metabolism can continue only until the buildup of lactic acid causes the muscles to fatigue. Isotonic – the tone or tension of a muscle remains the same but the muscle as a whole shortens Isometric – those in which there is no change in muscle length but an increase in tension (pushing against an immovable force) The cordlike extension that the muscle is attached to a bone by. The prime mover and the antagonist. 2