IELTS Writing: Scoring Guide & Tips

IELTS Writing Test - “Scoring Phenomenon”
Nervous about your IELTS Writing exam? Well, this can be natural. If you ask IELTS candidates what
they fear most with respect to all four sub-tests - reading, speaking, listening and writing then
probably 8 out of 10 would say they fear writing test the most. Because, writing is something that
not all people can be expert at. No matter how good your English is, you may err. And your mistakes
may lead to low score.
Therefore, you will have to focus more on learning and developing all necessary IELTS writing skills
so that you can easily get through the test.
What is required for effective scoring in IELTS Writing Test?
To get effective score, you will have to pay more attention to what all the examiners expect from
It would be important to understand more about how the scoring is done. Because, this will give you
a clear idea of how to structure your answer perfectly well.
Marking Criteria for Writing Test
Both the tasks would be assessed in a much smarter way. Here, we have listed down some of the
key features
Task Fulfillment / Task Completion
Grammar and Accuracy
Use of Vocabulary
Coherence and Cohesion (in other words, relevance / connectivity with the given matter or
Task Fulfillment
You will have to write 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. Here, word-count matters a
lot. If you write lesser than that or more than the assigned word-limit then you will lose score. Apart
from this, the examiners will look at your answer whether they are complete or incomplete. Even if
the word-count is right but the task is not fully achieved than this will also lead to low score. (for
instance, you were asked to “describe your holidays and why you would not forget those holidays”
but you have just completed first part of the given situation, that is, you have described your
holidays but have not provided any reason why you would not forget those holidays. So, this would
be considered as incomplete task you would lose marks for this.
Grammar and Accuracy
The use of correct grammar is essential. If there are grammatical errors then certainly it will bring for
you no good score. Therefore, cross check, proofread before you submit. Your answer should be
accurate and should be without any grammatical errors.
Use of vocabulary
Making use of correct vocabulary is very much important if you would like to write effectively. Easyto-understand words should be used to complete the given task. Making use of difficult-tounderstand or complex words may negatively affect the e score. Therefore, be more selective when
it comes to describing the situations in words.
Relevance / connectivity with the given test matter
If you are asked to describe an inspiring event in your life and how it has brought some change in
your life” then you're supposed to describe just the same without any digression. Yes, examiners
would look for connectivity or relevance with subject matter given. Candidates are required to write
what they are expected to and not anything that is not connected.
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