KS3 Mock Exam support and websites

KS3 Mock Exam support and websites
Mathematics: all years
Science: all years
BBC Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zng4d2p
Science Quizzes testing knowledge: http://www.educationquizzes.com/ks3/science/
Videos on all topics up to GCSE: https://www.khanacademy.org/science
English: all years
Practice English: Sentences, paragraphs, structure, text types, summarising material,
analysing persuasive texts.
French: Year 9
All of these websites will help you revise what you need for the Listening, Speaking, Reading
and Writing exams
www.zut.org reading and listening practice on various topics.
(login: 6652, password: french)
http://www.memrise.com learn vocabulary.
www.languagesonline.org.uk practice vocabulary and grammar for the writing and speaking
http://www.language-gym.com practice vocabulary and reading comprehension. Practice
answers for the speaking and writing exams. Select “work outs” then French and any of the
sections. Your level is pre-intermediate.
www.quizlet.com learn vocabulary or make your own sets to learn.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/french/ reading and listening practice
French: Year 7 & 8
These websites will help you revise what you need for the Listening and Reading exams.
Revision practice on the topic of school
Year 8 should look at the link below too for more complex phrases
School vocabulary practice
School & Daily Routine
More school, time and daily routine revision
Daily routine
Reading and listening practice on daily routine
Another great website is http://www.language-gym.com
Select “work outs” then French and any of the sections.
Your level is pre-intermediate
Mandarin: only for those students following this course in year 7
Geography: All years
Year 7: Mapskills
History: All years
Year 7: Holocaust
Religious Studies: all years
Select Religious Studies and then either Christianity or Philosophy and Ethics
Year 9: Relationships (Islam)
Year 8: Our World (Islam)
Year 7: Judaism
Performing Arts: all years
For the Performing Arts exams, there aren’t websites that will help them to prepare. The
best way to prepare for these exams is to rehearse material that the students have already
learnt and/or created. This has already been explained to the students. They should know
what they need to rehearse and spend some time over half term going over lines and
choreography, ensuring that they are confident in what they are doing.
Year 7- Performance and Choreography practical exam
Year 8- Drama practical exam (devised)
Year 9- Actors- Monologues (individual showcase mock)
Dancers- Solos (individual showcase mock)
Music: all years
Students will be taking home their workbooks with the necessary information in them for
students to revise and prepare for the examination. They will review the topics covered this
year during lessons.
No specific website is available with this information.