Subject: RE Useful websites: Subject-specific virtual learning portal guidance (e.g. Moodle instructions) link: Moodle: Religious Education, Select Year 7/8/9, Units of study. You will be able to gain access to resources and powerpoints of your lessons. Recommended textbooks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Buddha in Your Backpack: Everyday Buddhism for Teens The One Year Book of Devotions for Kids The Word on the Street By Rob Lacey ERV Authentic Youth Bible GOSPEL OF MARK If I Should Speak, A Novel By Umm Zakiyyah Activities parents/carers may organise to support learning (e.g. theatre trip): 1. Visiting places of worship 2. Encourage reading autobiographies or books linked to inspirational figures from history and the modern day 3. Encourage watching the news and reading newspapers 4. Watching films such as: My Sisters’ Keeper Invictus Inception Gandhi