Useful Websites The aim of the programme at Stages 6 and 7 is to build upon the skills taught at stages 1—5. Children will have daily writing experiences in a range of genres. Over the year, children will write for different purposes covering: Discursive - putting your view across Explanation—how and why things work Information—focusing on facts about a particular subject Instructional/ procedural—how to do something Narrative—fictitious account to entertain and give pleasure to the reader Persuasive—convincing the reader of a point of view Recount—e.g. Historical event/ personal experience Children will work on writing linked to: Reading Spelling/ phonics Dictation Taught writing lesson Interdisciplinary work At our school, we want our children to Enjoy writing See writing as important Be confident in their abilities Share their writing with others Celebrate success with their writing Acquire literacy skills to engage fully in society english/spelling_grammar/ english/reading/ english/writing/ ad_menu_flash.shtml digger/9_11entry/9_11.shtml games LiteracyStrategy/ v=TnXMSAcKcCo& GLOSSARY Texts: the medium through which ideas, experiences, opinions and information can be communicated Active learning: active engagement of the brain in tasks Reciprocal Teaching: children working together to support and challenge each other Active Literacy Guidance for Parents __________ Primary School Second Level The programme has been designed to provide a clear structure for the development of all literacy skills, including talking and listening, spelling and phonics, reading and writing. Supporting Reading Taking Spelling Forward Reading and responding to literature and In Stages 6 and 7, reference is made to com- other texts plays a central role in the mon words and phonemic structures taught at development of learners’ knowledge and previous stages. The intention at these stages understanding. Texts not only include is to revise words which have been identified those presented in written form, but also as giving difficulty at these stages and also in oral texts, electronic and film as text. preparation for S1. A bank of subject specific The 6 comprehension strategies are built words identified by secondary schools are also upon from earlier stages and are : part of the programme. It provides a progressive programme for the teaching of spelling using active methods and dictation for assessment purposes. Prior knowledge 2. Metalinguistics 3. Reading is taught using a wide variety of texts to develop comprehension, fluency and higher order reading skills, incorporating critical literacy. There are daily writing opportunities as well 1. 6. Inference 5. Main Ideas Paraphrasing and summarising as taught writing lessons. These promote There is also a continued focus on critical writing for a variety of purposes across the analysis of poetry and using media to de- curriculum. velop higher order literacy The programme ensures that literacy tasks are active, enjoyable and fun. It has been constructed to ensure that children are not learning in isolation, but in collaborative working in pairs and trios. needed to communicate Visualisation 4. Pupils will be able to spell most words Use and apply spelling rules Have a sound knowledge of specialist vocabulary Use self-correction techniques Use a range of resources appropriately e.g. dictionaries/ thesauruses Use a range of active learning techniques to improve spelling accuracy