Important Dates and Events Monday: Violin Tuition Monday: PE Thursday afternoons—Library book changing 04.11.14: Re- open to pupils. Term begins. 18.12.14: Christmas Production 19.12.14: Break up for christmas Homework: Children will be given spellings to learn at home. these will be given out on Friday and they will be tested on the following Friday. Regular reading practice at home will help your child to become an enthusiastic and confident reader. When you hear your child read please record this in their Reading Diary, even if these are not school books. Also ask your child questions about what they have read to ensure they have a good understanding. Additional mathematics and literacy homework will be given each week on a Friday to be returned by Thursday Additional Comments: For the term ahead we will be continuing our focus on Ancient Greece. Useful Websites: If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to come and see me or write in the reading diary. In mathematics the children will develop their mental/oral skills with games and problem solving. The children will explore Ancient Greece. They are going to be developing our reading skills through research and note taking this term. Using written and electronic media, we will be selecting key points and information to use in our writing. They will focus on the number system to begin with this term; comparing and ordering numbers, addition and subtraction strategies, as well as multiplication and division facts. We will also learn about the structure of plays and poetry; reviewing the poetry of Homer as well as taking a close look at the plays of Ancient Greece, which was the entertainment of the time. Their themed learning will be integrated across the different areas of the curriculum. The children will get the chance to explore not only the expansion of Ancient Greece, but also the cultural and social effect this period in history had on different people and influences today; using artefacts, models and images of ruins. As theologists they will be thinking about why and how Jesus is inspiring to Christians. We will use stories from the Bible to reflect on what type of person Jesus was. In science the children will study light and shadow. Studying how light and dark effect how they can see objects. Additionally they will be looking at how some objects can allow light to pass, and how others do not. In Information Communication and Technology we will be thinking about how to stay safe when using the internet and the tools available to us to find information. We will build upon our skills when using Microsoft Word before using a range of software packages to create and layer shapes to create a complex image. Knowing Me: As healthy pupils we will be considering personal strengths, weaknesses and values; understanding responsibility and making informed decisions and choices. Research Greek Non-Chronological reports Playscripts The life of Ancient Greeks Who was Jesus? Christianity Christmas Nativity Light and Dark Internet safety Word tools Complex patterns Unit 4– Multiplication and division, inc. number and place value. Measurement in time. Unit 5 - Number and place value. Addition and subtraction, inc. measurement in money and properties of shape. Unit 6 – Multiplication and division, inc. number and place value. Fractions, measurement in length and perimeter. Ancient Greece Circle times Discussions Group tasks. What Values are important to me? How can I make the right decision? Greek Temples Exploring line and tone Descriptive sounds Harvest Festival The children’s shape and space work will involve classifying and describing 2D and 3D shapes, as well as measuring and comparing length. We will also create pictograms using simple data collected in class. The children will plan and create their own temple (cereal boxes needed), designing the different parts and study the importance of these structures. The children will learn Spanish and Drama from specialised teachers. Rugby—Monday This will be at the MUGA If your child has a verruca(s) they will need a note to say they can wear plimsolls. As healthy pupils we will be continuing to learn about the ways we can stay fit and how exercise is an important factor in achieving this. We will be thinking about how our bodies react to physical activity, whilst improving our skills in Rugby