Ecology, 83(9), 2002, pp. 2477–2488 q 2002 by the Ecological Society of America THE JOINT EFFECTS OF GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHIC POSITION ON SIX SAVANNA GRASSES NORMA L. FOWLER Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 USA Abstract. I investigated the separate and joint effects of herbivory (grazing) and competition on six grass species and on their distributions across the landscape. In a factorial field experiment, cattle were excluded from half the subplots, and neighboring plants were removed from half the subplots. Transplants of each of the species were planted in plots on hillsides and in flat areas, and the entire experiment was replicated in two pastures. The effects of grazing were negative and were proportional to the ungrazed height of each species. In the absence of grazing and competition, the flat plots were more favorable than the hillside plots. Grazing reversed the relative favorableness of flat and hillside plots, most likely because grazing was more intense in the flat plots due to cattle preference for flatter ground. The removal of neighboring plants always had a positive effect, indicating competition from neighboring plants. The relative impact of competition from pre-existing plants was generally greater in the flat plots than in the hillside plots. The relative impacts of grazing were generally greater in the absence of competing plants, and the relative impacts of competition were generally greater in the absence of grazing. The most likely explanation for this antagonistic interaction between the effects of herbivory and competition is an indirect positive effect of grazing that arose from a reduction in competition experienced by a target plant due to the defoliation of its neighbors. The results of this study, when combined with the known distributions of the six grass species in this region, indicate that herbivory, rather than competition or the physical environment, controls the distribution of at least five of the six species across the landscape. For example, Schizachyrium scoparium grew well in ungrazed flat subplots but very poorly in grazed flat subplots; grazing, not the physical environment or competition, accounts for the absence of S. scoparium from most flat sites in this region. Competition modulates the effects of herbivory and edaphic factors on landscape distributions but does not control the distribution of any of the six species. Key words: Bothriochloa ischaemum; Bouteloua spp.; Buchloe dactyloides; community composition; competition; defoliation; grassland; herbivory; savanna; Schizachyrium scoparium; Texas; topography. INTRODUCTION It is often obvious that herbivores, especially grazing ungulates, greatly affect plants. Nevertheless, much remains to be understood about the effects of herbivory on plant populations and communities, despite a number of excellent studies (e.g., of the effects of specialist insects [Doak 1992, McEvoy et al. 1993, Louda and Potvin 1995, Callaway et al. 1999], and of the effects of other herbivores [Polley and Detling 1989, Bergelson and Crawley 1992, Dyer and Rice 1997, Edwards et al. 2000, van der Wal et al. 2000]; see also reviews by Louda et al. [1990] and Crawley [1997]). In particular, the ways in which herbivory and plant competition interact to affect individual plants, plant populations, and plant communities are still not well understood. Few studies of herbivory have manipulated plant competition; of those that have, not all have tested for a statistical interaction between the effects of herbivory and competition (see Discussion). The present Manuscript received 17 August 2000; revised 10 July 2001; accepted 25 July 2001; final version received 1 February 2002. study examines the effects of grazing on individual plant performance and on competitive interactions among plants. The directions and magnitudes of the interaction between the effects of herbivory and competition were measured, to see whether and how the joint effects of herbivory and competition differ from predictions made from their separate effects. Range scientists have identified plant species that increase and decrease under various levels of grazing (e.g., Ellison 1960, Stoddart et al. 1975, Noy-Meir et al. 1989), but the mechanisms causing these changes in plant community composition have generally not been investigated. For example, we do not know whether ‘‘decreasers’’ decrease in abundance when grazed because they are preferred by grazing ungulates or because they are more sensitive to equivalent levels of defoliation than are ‘‘increasers,’’ and whether plant competition reinforces or weakens the effects of grazing. These two questions are both addressed in this study. Another goal of this study was to determine the relative importance of grazing, competition, and edaphic 2477 NORMA L. FOWLER 2478 and topographic factors, separately and in interaction with each other, in determining the distribution of plant species across a landscape. The study was conducted in a part of central Texas where the composition of the herbaceous communities of grasslands and savannas is known to be correlated with slope, which is in turn closely related to soil type (Fowler and Dunlap 1986). The six grass species studied were selected to represent a range of species’ distributions (see Methods). The study species were also chosen to include a range of probable responses to herbivory. Schizachyrium scoparium (formerly Andropogon scoparius) and Bouteloua curtipendula are considered to be decreasers (i.e., they are less abundant or absent from more heavily grazed sites; Buechner 1944, Dyksterhuis 1946, Launchbaugh 1955, Smeins et al. 1976, Thurow et al. 1988, O’Connor 1991). Bouteloua rigidiseta and Buchloe dactyloides are considered to be increasers (i.e., they are more abundant in more heavily grazed sites; Dyksterhuis 1946, Launchbaugh 1955). Bothriochloa ischaemum (formerly Andropogon ischaemum), the only non-native species of the six, can increase in abundance under heavy grazing (N. Fowler, personal observation) and is particularly abundant in disturbed areas (B. Gabbard, personal communication). Because transplants of each of the six species received each treatment combination, the experimental design permits comparisons among these species in their responses to herbivory, to topographic location, and to competition. The factorial design used in this study also provided an opportunity to measure the relative impact of herbivory across the landscape and similarly to measure the relative intensity of competition across the landscape. In general, the most accurate and sensitive way to measure of the effects that grazing or other types of herbivory have upon plants is to measure the plants themselves, as was done in this experiment. This comparison of grazed and ungrazed plants integrates the amount and type of tissue eaten by grazing animals at different dates, the indirect effects of grazing (e.g., trampling) and plant responses to grazing (e.g., compensatory regrowth) to produce a measure of the net effect of grazing upon a plant. The effects of grazing upon the herbivore (cattle) were beyond the scope of this study; for such a study measures of cattle behavior or diet might be more appropriate. METHODS On the eastern Edwards Plateau of central Texas where this study was conducted, plant communities dominated by herbaceous plants differ not only in their degree of woody cover (from grasslands to savannas containing clusters of woody plants to glades located within woodlands) but also in the relative abundances of their herbaceous species. The composition of the herbaceous plant community is correlated with slope (Fowler and Dunlap 1986): on steeper slopes, the taller Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 9 grass species, including Bouteloua pectinata and Schizachyrium scoparium, are more abundant and the shorter grass species, including Bouteloua rigidiseta and Buchloe dactyloides, are less abundant. The topography of this part of the Plateau is due to erosion of horizontal layers of its limestone and marl bedrock. Flat areas are found where particularly erosion-resistant limestone layers occur, sometimes as flat hilltops and sometimes as steps on hillsides. Elsewhere the terrain varies from gentle slopes to vertical cliffs. The experiment was conducted at Shield Ranch in western Travis County, Texas. Two pastures (‘‘Middle’’ and ‘‘Rockhouse,’’ referred to henceforth as pastures A and B, respectively) were selected because they each provided both hillsides and flat areas close to, and equidistant from, a watering trough. Conducting the experiment close to water sources guaranteed relatively heavy grazing. Cattle were present in each pasture yearround. All plots were located in open areas away from all woody plants, large cacti, and vehicle tracks. Two hillside plots and two plots in flat areas were located in each pasture. The flat plots in pasture A were on a step and the flat plots in pasture B on a hilltop. In both pastures Bouteloua pectinata and Schizachyrium scoparium were abundant in the hillside plots and Bothriochloa ischaemum, Buchloe dactyloides, and Bouteloua rigidiseta were abundant in the flat plots. In this region, slope is closely associated with soil type and soil depth. All of the hillside plots had the Brackett soil that is typical of such locations (U.S. Department of Agriculture 1974). This soil is technically a gravelly clay loam with interbedded soft limestone. The soil was very thin to entirely absent in these plots, as is also typical; the underlying parent material was alternate flat layers of limestone and marl; the very irregular slopes were 58 to 108. The pasture A flat plots were located on a Volente series soil, an alluvial dark silty clay loam over clay; the slope was ,58. Volente soils develop at the foot of Brackett soils, as in this site. The pasture B flat plots were located on Tarrant soil, a shallow gray-brown clay soil; the slope was 0 8. The two topographic treatments thus represented differences in a whole set of edaphic factors, all of which probably affect water and nutrient availability. Soil water availability was obviously a limiting factor everywhere during much of the year in all of these sites and throughout the region, as shown by grass die-back, forb wilting and leaf-drop, plant deaths, and dry soils. Each plot was divided into 16 2 3 2 m subplots. With one exception, each plot was laid out as two sets of eight contiguous subplots (two rows of four subplots each) with a 2-m walkway between the two sets of contiguous subplots, so that each unfenced subplot was accessible to the cattle. In pasture A, neither of the two flat plots could be positioned as two sets of eight contiguous subplots without impinging upon windmill access (and on the associated vehicle tracks). Instead, each flat plot in this pasture was laid out as a long, September 2002 GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHY two-subplot-deep row, with some gaps to avoid large cacti. The 16 subplots within a plot were each assigned to one of four treatment combinations in a latin-square design. The four treatment combinations were (1) fenced or unfenced, crossed with (2) pre-existing vegetation removed or not. There were four replicate subplots per treatment combination per plot. To exclude cattle from the fenced subplots, standard ranch fencing (three strands of barbed wire) was augmented by wire mesh (ground level to 60 cm) and chicken wire (ground level to 25 cm) around each fenced subplot. Regular visual inspection confirmed that all of the unfenced subplots, even those with fenced subplots on three of their four sides, all walkways within plots, and all areas around the plots were grazed, and that no grazing occurred within any fenced subplot. Cattle were the only domestic ungulates present. The fences probably also excluded white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus) because of their unwillingness to enter small enclosures, but white-tailed deer eat little or no grass (McShea et al. 1997). The fences might have excluded jackrabbits (Lepus californicus), but there was no evidence of jackrabbit grazing in any plots. The effects of the fencing treatment can therefore be ascribed to cattle grazing. Vegetation was removed from half the subplots with a combination of glyphosate (Round-up, Monsanto, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) applied with a sponge applicator and hand weeding (by cutting plants at soil level, rather than digging, to minimize soil disruption). Vegetation was removed initially (February 1989) and in April and October of each year. The initial vegetation removal, the construction of the fences, and the digging of holes in the ground for the transplants were all completed before the transplants were planted. A hammer drill was used to make the holes for the fence posts and the holes into which the transplants were planted. Seed of Bouteloua curtipendula (grown by George Werner Seed, Hereford, Texas, USA, labeled ‘‘variety: Haskell’’), Buchloe dactyloides (grown by Frontier Seed, Abernathy, Texas, USA, near Lovington, New Mexico, USA), and Schizachyrium scoparium (from the 7W ranch near Hillsboro, Texas, USA) was purchased in 1988. Seed of Bothriochloa ischaemum (from D. W. King, San Antonio, Texas, USA, no grower given) was purchased in 1989. Seed of Bouteloua rigidiseta was collected at Pedernales Falls State Park in May 1988. This seed (except B. ischaemum) was planted in the summer of 1988 in styrofoam cups (15 cm tall; 10 cm upper diameter) with a hole at the bottom for drainage and filled with a 50% clay loam : 50% river silt mixture. Each cup contained one plant. B. ischaemum was planted in the summer of 1989. Seed of Bouteloua pectinata could not be purchased, nor could sufficient viable seed be collected. Small individuals of this species were collected at Pedernales Falls State Park on 31 May 1988 and 14 June 1988 and transplanted into styrofoam cups, one plant per cup. The 2479 cups were slightly sunk (to hold them upright) in the ground in an outdoor garden in Austin, Texas, USA. This garden had been plowed and then fumigated with methyl bromide in April 1988 to control weeds. Transplants were watered and fertilized as needed until transplanting. A grid of 4 3 4 points 30 cm apart was laid out in each subplot, leaving a buffer strip ;0.5 m wide around the grid. Initially, three plants of each of five species (all but Bothriochloa ischaemum) were transplanted into each subplot at randomly selected grid points (randomly leaving one of the 16 grid points unused), on 2–16 March 1989. The styrofoam cups, but not the soil in them, were removed just before the transplants were planted in the field. Temporary fencing was put up around unfenced quadrats before transplanting and taken down a month later to allow transplants to become established before grazing began. In the second year of the experiment Bothriochloa ischaemum was added to the design. Transplants of this species were planted on 12–14 March 1990 at the unused grid point in each quadrat, and into grid points where a Bouteloua pectinata transplant had died, for a maximum of three Bothriochloa ischaemum transplants per subplot. Buchloe dactyloides transplants were harvested 24 May and 2–12 June 1990 because individuals of this stoloniferous species would have competed with other transplants in their subplots and would have grown out of their subplots had they been allowed to grow for another season. The other five species were harvested 18 June–9 July 1991. In all instances, plants were harvested at the soil surface (i.e., roots left in the ground) and the aboveground tissue of each plant dried and weighed separately. Because aboveground dry mass at harvest was the most sensitive measure of plant performance, the results of its analysis are reported in this paper. Other measures of plant performance (number of tillers, basal area, plant height, proportion of plants surviving, proportion of plants setting seed, and number of reproductive culms, measured during the course of the experiment and at its end) tended to be highly correlated with aboveground dry mass at harvest. Values of these variables and the results of their statistical analyses are in the appendices. Plant height (used in the correlation of grazing impact and height) was measured 18–27 June 1990 and 22–31 May 1991. Plant height was measured as the greatest distance above the soil surface reached by any vegetative tissue (i.e., excluding flowering culms) while the measurer was not touching the plant. In other words, the leaves were allowed to bend naturally during measurement. Buchloe dactyloides transplants were too short to measure their height accurately. Therefore, for purposes of the correlation of grazing impact and height, mean Buchloe dactyloides height was estimated to be 5 cm in 1990. This experimental design had four levels of repli- 2480 NORMA L. FOWLER cation: pasture, plot within pasture, subplot within plot, and plant within subplot. The entire experiment was repeated in two pastures. Topographic location was replicated at the level of plot, with two plots per topographic location per pasture. The grazing and competition treatments were replicated at the level of subplot, each combination of the grazing and vegetation removal (i.e., competition) treatments having four subplots per plot. Species was replicated at the level of plant within subplot. The three plants of each species in each subplot represent variation among plants within a subplot. For statistical analysis, each species was analyzed separately, because the species differed so greatly in size and morphology. Dry mass of each species except Bouteloua pectinata was analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pasture was treated as a fixed effect, as were topographic location, grazing (i.e., fencing), and competition (i.e., vegetation removal). Plot and subplot were each considered to be random effects. Therefore the F values of pasture, topographic location, and their interaction (P, T, and P 3 T in Table 1) were constructed with plot as their denominators; the F values of grazing and its interactions (G, P 3 G, T 3 G, and P 3 T 3 G in Table 1) were constructed with plot 3 grazing as their denominators; the F values of competition and its interactions (C, P 3 C, and T 3 C, and P 3 T 3 C in Table 1) were constructed with plot 3 competition as their denominators; the rest of the terms had the residual error as their denominators. There was some mortality of every species (Appendix B). Therefore subplot means of dry mass were calculated after log transformation of the individual measurements. These subplot means were used in the ANOVAs of Bouteloua curtipendula and Buchloe dactyloides dry mass. There were 128 subplot means for each species (two pastures 3 two topographic locations 3 two plots per pasture–topographic location combination 3 two levels of grazing 3 two levels of competition 3 four replicate subplots per grazing–competition combination 5 128). Because Bothriochloa ischaemum, Bouteloua rigidiseta, and Schizachyrium scoparium each had at least one subplot with no surviving plant by the end of the experiment, a further reduction of the data was done for their ANOVAs. For each species separately, the four means of each group of four replicate subplots in the same plot and with the same grazing and competition treatment were averaged. These means of replicate subplot means formed the new data set. This data set had 32 observations for each species (two pastures 3 two topographic locations 3 two plots per pasture–topographic location combination 3 two levels of grazing 3 two levels of competition 5 32). These 32 values were used in ANOVA of dry mass of each of these three species. SAS (GLM procedure, SAS 1985) was used to do all the ANOVAs. The survival of Bouteloua pectinata was too poor to Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 9 justify an ANOVA of dry mass. Instead, this species’ survival during the first 15 mo after transplanting (March 1989–June 1990) was analyzed using a categorical model of the sort suggested by Grizzle, Starmer, and Koch (GSK model; Kleinbaum and Kupper 1978: 447–485) with a response vector of (1,0), using the CATMOD procedure of SAS (SAS 1985) and dropping plot and subplot from the analysis to avoid empty cells. The absolute and relative intensities of competition (CIABS, CIREL) were calculated as CIABS 5 (dry mass without neighbors) 2 (dry mass with neighbors) CIREL 5 ([dry mass without neighbors] 2 [dry mass with neighbors]) 4 (dry mass without neighbors). In a parallel manner the absolute and relative impacts (not intensity; GIABS, GIREL) of grazing were calculated as GIABS 5 (dry mass ungrazed) 2 (dry mass grazed) GIREL 5 ([dry mass ungrazed] 2 [dry mass grazed]) 4 (dry mass ungrazed). These four indices were calculated from the subplot means of final dry aboveground biomass of each species. Each set of 16 subplot means from the same topographic location and receiving the same grazing and competition treatments (two pastures 3 two plots per pasture–topographic location combination 3 four replicate subplots per grazing–competition combination 5 16) was averaged to give a single mean of subplot means. There were therefore eight such means of means per species (two topographic locations 3 two levels of grazing 3 two levels of competition 5 8). Finally, these means of means were back transformed. These backtransformed means of means were used with the formulas given above to obtain CIABS, GIABS, CIREL, and GIREL. Since the analyses of Table 1 were done with logtransformed variables, they tested the null hypotheses that grazing and competition had multiplicative effects on each species. Because the analyses of Table 1 tested multiplicative effects, they directly correspond to the relative, not absolute, measures of competition intensity and grazing impact in Tables 2 and 3. A significant grazing 3 competition term in Table 1 is equivalent to a statistical test comparing CIREL between grazing treatments and GIREL between competition treatments. GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHY September 2002 Nonparametric Spearman correlation coefficients (rS) were calculated between GIREL and ungrazed vegetative height. Only the values of GIREL calculated from subplots without competition (i.e., neighbors removed; first half of Table 2) were used in this analysis. Two values of rS were calculated, one using height in 1990 (year 1, Fig. 2) and the other height in 1991 (year 2, Fig. 2), but the same values of GIREL were used for each year. This analysis used only vegetative heights measured in ungrazed subplots from which neighbors had been removed. For all but Buchloe dactyloides, individual plant heights were log transformed and then subplot means were calculated for the height of each species. Each set of 16 subplot means from the same topographic location and receiving no grazing and no competition (two pastures 3 two plots per pasture– topographic location combination 3 four replicate subplots per plot 5 16) was averaged to give a single mean of subplot means. There were therefore two such means of means per species per year, one for each topographic location. These means of means were then back transformed. Buchloe dactyloides was too short to measure accurately, so the mean height of this species in 1990 in each topographic location was estimated, as 5 cm. This species was omitted from the 1991 analysis because it was harvested in 1990. The calculated or estimated mean height of each species in each topographic location was paired with the corresponding value of GIREL to calculated rS. Hence N 5 12 in year 1 (1990 heights; six species 3 two topographic locations 5 12) and N 5 10 in year 2 (1991 heights; Buchloe dactyloides omitted; five species 3 two topographic locations 5 10). The significant interaction between the effects of grazing and competition on Bouteloua curtipendula dry mass (see Results) and on other measures of size of two other species (reported in Appendix C), together with inspection of Fig. 1, suggested that there was a grazing 3 competition effect that was almost too weak to be detected statistically by the single-species ANOVAs of Table 1. Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for two groups arranged as paired comparisons (Sokal and Rohlf 1995:443) was therefore used to compare CI REL between grazing treatments and to compare GIREL between competition treatments on all six species simultaneously. RESULTS Direct effects of topography The hillside plots provided a less favorable physical environment than did the flat plots for five of the six species. In the absence of grazing and competition (the treatment combination of fencing and neighbor removal), transplants of five of the six species were larger in flat plots than in plots on hillsides (Fig. 1). The effect of topography was always statistically significant, ei- 2481 ther as a significant main effect or as a significant interaction term (Table 1). Bouteloua pectinata was the only species for which the flat plots were not clearly more favorable in the absence of grazing and competition. While transplants of the other five species had high rates of survival everywhere, transplants of Bouteloua pectinata had significantly poorer survivorship in flat plots than in hillside plots (Table 1, Fig. 1), even in the absence of grazing and competition. However, whatever factors reduced survival in flat plots apparently did not also reduce growth rate: surviving transplants of this species, like those of the other five species, were larger in flat plots than in hillside plots in the absence of competition and grazing (Appendix A). Direct effects of grazing As expected, transplants in ungrazed subplots grew larger than grazed transplants did (Fig. 1). The magnitude of the grazing effect depended, however, upon topography and, sometimes, competition, and differed among species. The negative effect of grazing was greatest on Schizachyrium scoparium, the tallest species; grazing reduced the size of this species up to 95% (in flat subplots with neighbors removed). Grazing also had significant negative effects upon Bothriochloa ischaemum and Bouteloua curtipendula dry mass (reductions up to 79% and 88%, respectively), but had much weaker, nonsignificant effects on the two shortest species, Bouteloua rigidiseta and Buchloe dactyloides (Table 1, Fig. 1). The relationship between the relative impact of grazing (GIREL) and ungrazed plant height was significant (P , 0.01), positive, and close to linear (Table 2, Fig. 2). This relationship is not an artifact of the positive relationship between mass and height, because there is no mathematical reason for GIREL, a unitless ratio of masses, to be correlated with mass. The correlation therefore must be ascribed to biological reasons (see Discussion). Direct effects of competition As expected, the direct effects of the removal of neighboring plants on plant size were significantly positive, indicating that neighboring plants competed with transplants (Table 1, Fig. 1). The magnitude of the negative effect of competition sometimes depended upon topography and grazing. Averaged across all species and both topographic locations, the presence of neighboring plants reduced plant dry mass by 65%. There was no apparent relationship between plant size and relative competition intensity (CIREL, which is relative to size when grown alone), although as expected the absolute effect of competition (CIABS) was positively related to plant size (Table 3). The effect of competition upon relative plant size did not differ consistently between the shorter, small species and the larger, taller species, even in the ungrazed subplots. 2482 NORMA L. FOWLER Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 9 FIG. 1. Effects of grazing (fenced or unfenced), topography (hillside or flat), and competition on final aboveground dry mass (Bothriochloa ischaemum, Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua rigidiseta, Buchloe dactyloides, Schizachyrium scoparium) or upon the proportion surviving the first year (more exactly, 15 mo) after transplanting (Bouteloua pectinata). Squares represent flat plots; triangles, hillside plots; filled symbols, neighbors present; open symbols, neighbors absent; solid lines, pasture A; dashed lines, pasture B. Note that the y-axes are on a log scale. GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHY September 2002 TABLE 1. 2483 Summary of the results of statistical analyses of the responses of each species. Grazing 3 competition Grazing Pasture, topography Species P T P3T Plot Final aboveground dry mass Bothriochloa ** * ischaemum NS Bouteloua * curtipendula NS NS Bouteloua rigidiseta ** * Buchloe dactyloides NS Schizachyrium NS scoparium G Competition P3T P3G T3G 3G C P3T P3G T3G P3C T3C 3C G3C 3C 3C P3T 3G 3C NS NS **** ** **** *** **** NS NS † NS NS NS NS NS NS *** * ** † *** † NS NS NS NS * NS † NS NS NS NS NS *** NS * * NS † NS NS NS NS NS NS NS * *** NS * NS NS NS NS NS NS NS *** NS ** NS *** NS NS † † NS NS † * NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Proportion of plants surviving 15 mo after transplanting Bouteloua *** **** * 2 NS NS pectinata Notes: Dry mass and plant height were analyzed with univariate ANOVA models. A categorical model was used to analyze the proportion of plants surviving (see Methods). Abbreviations and symbols: P, pasture; T, topographic location (hillside or flat); G, grazing treatment (fenced or unfenced); C, competition treatment (neighboring plants removed or not). Plot was nested within P 3 T. †, P , 0.10; * P , 0.05; ** P , 0.01; *** P , 0.001; **** P , 0.0001; 2, term not included in the model; NS, not significant. Evidently height did not confer a competitive advantage, perhaps indicating that competition was not primarily for light. Interaction of grazing and topography The effects of grazing differed significantly between hillside plots and flat plots (Table 1). Whether an absolute or a relative measure of grazing impact is used, grazing reduced plant size more in flat plots than in hillside plots, regardless of transplant species, whether or not it had neighbors, with a single exception: Buchloe dactyloides in subplots without neighbors was little affected by grazing in either topographic position (Table 2, Fig. 1). The greatest contrast is Schizachyrium TABLE 2. scoparium dry mass, reduced 95%, on average, in the flat plots, but only 30%, on average, in the hillside plots. Averaged across all species and both competition treatments, grazing reduced individual dry mass 54% in the flat plots and 5% in the hillside plots. The difference in the magnitude of the impact of grazing in the two topographic positions was so great that it significantly altered the relative favorableness of flat and hillside plots for Bouteloua curtipendula and Schizachyrium scoparium, in both pastures, in subplots with and without competitors (Table 1, Fig. 1). Grazing also reversed the relative favorableness of hillside and flat plots for Bothriochloa ischaemum in pasture A and reduced the relative favorableness of flat Impact of grazing on transplants. Flat Hillside Species GIABS GIREL GIABS GIREL Without competition Bothriochloa ischaemum Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua pectinata Bouteloua rigidiseta Buchloe dactyloides Schizachyrium scoparium 8.65 33.88 1.85 1.35 20.19 90.41 0.79 0.85 0.55 0.47 20.04 0.95 20.10 8.14 0.12 0.17 20.13 11.47 20.03 0.49 0.05 0.13 20.06 0.57 With competition Bothriochloa ischaemum Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua pectinata Bouteloua rigidiseta Buchloe dactyloides Schizachyrium scoparium 0.80 18.08 0.05 0.09 0.43 22.34 0.48 0.88 0.13 0.20 0.28 0.94 0.04 0.36 20.42 20.02 20.10 0.09 0.05 0.08 20.57 20.03 20.09 0.02 Notes: GIABS, absolute impact of grazing on aboveground dry mass, in grams; GIREL, relative impact of grazing on aboveground dry mass (i.e., the proportion by which grazing reduced mass). 2484 NORMA L. FOWLER FIG. 2. The relationship between ungrazed vegetative height and the impact of grazing. Abbreviations are: Bc, Bouteloua curtipendula; Bd, Buchloe dactyloides; Bi, Bothriochloa ischaemum; Bp, Bouteloua pectinata; Br, Bouteloua rigidiseta; Ss, Schizachyrium scoparium. Squares represent flat plots, year 1 height; diamonds represent flat plots, year 2 height; triangles with points up represent hillside plots, year 1 height; and triangles with points down represent hillside plots, year 2 height. Both values of rS are significant at P , 0.01. plots for this species in pasture B (Fig. 1); these effects were also significant (Table 1). Grazing and topographic location also had a significant interaction effect upon the survival of Bouteloua pectinata, which was particularly low in grazed flat subplots (Table 1, Fig. 1). Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 9 of dry mass (Table 1). There was, however, a significant topography 3 grazing 3 competition (T 3 G 3 C) term in the analysis of Bouteloua curtipendula dry mass (Table 1). In the flat plots, grazing and competition had independent effects on this species: grazing alone reduced size to 15% of ungrazed size (40 g to 6 g), competition alone reduced it to 51% (40 g to 21 g), and grazing and competition together reduced it to 6% of ungrazed, no-competition size (from 40 g to 2 g), the approximate product of the two (0.15 3 0.51 5 0.08). However, in the hillside plots, grazing and competition interacted in their effects: separately, the reductions were 51% and 26%, but jointly the reduction was only 24%, not 13% (0.51 3 0.26 5 0.13). The result was a significant T 3 G 3 C term. There were also some significant grazing 3 competition terms among the analyses of other measures of size (Appendix C): final tiller number of Bouteloua ischaemum (T 3 G 3 C, P , 0.05), final tiller number and final basal area of Bouteloua curtipendula (T 3 G 3 C, P , 0.01), and final basal area (G 3 C, P , 0.05; P 3 T 3 G 3 C, P , 0.05) and final tiller number (P 3 T 3 G 3 C, P , 0.01) of Schizachyrium scoparium. To test whether there was an overall grazing 3 competition interaction effect not strong enough to reach significance in most of the statistical analyses of separate species, the relative grazing impacts (GIREL, Table 2) of all six species were analyzed together in an analysis that compared the two competition treatments. The relative grazing impact was significantly greater in the absence of competition (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, n 5 12, TS 5 13, P 5 0.02). When the relative competition intensities (CIREL, Table 3) of all six species were used to compare the two grazing treatments, the relative intensity of competition was significantly greater in the Interaction of competition and topography Topography altered the effects of competition on Bouteloua rigidiseta and Buchloe dactyloides, as shown by significant topographic location 3 competition (Table 1). Whether grazed or ungrazed, the relative intensity of the competition (CIREL) experienced by these two species was significantly greater in flat subplots than in hillside subplots (Table 3). Although the strength of the competition 3 topography interaction did not reach significance in the other species, the relative intensity of competition was greater in flat subplots than in hillside subplots in 10 of 12 comparisons (six species 3 two grazing treatments; Table 3). Averaged across all species and both grazing treatments, competition reduced individual dry mass 72% in the flat plots and 58% in the hillside plots. Interaction of grazing and competition In general, grazing and competition had statistically independent effects, as shown by the mostly nonsignificant grazing 3 competition terms (G 3 C, P 3 G 3 C, T 3 G 3 C, and P 3 T 3 G 3 C) in the analyses TABLE 3. Intensity of competition, that is, the impact of naturally present neighbors upon transplants. Flat Hillside CIABS CIREL CIABS CIREL Ungrazed Bothriochloa ischaemum Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua pectinata Bouteloua rigidiseta Buchloe dactyloides Schizachyrium scoparium 9.31 19.41 3.00 2.41 3.24 70.95 0.85 0.49 0.88 0.84 0.68 0.75 2.19 12.11 1.75 0.65 1.01 14.79 0.74 0.74 0.71 0.50 0.47 0.74 Grazed Bothriochloa ischaemum Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua pectinata Bouteloua rigidiseta Buchloe dactyloides Schizachyrium scoparium 1.47 3.60 1.20 1.16 3.86 2.87 0.63 0.59 0.78 0.75 0.77 0.67 2.33 4.33 1.21 0.47 1.04 3.41 0.76 0.52 0.51 0.41 0.45 0.40 Species Notes: CIABS, absolute intensity of competition on aboveground dry mass, in grams; CIREL, relative intensity of competition on aboveground dry mass (i.e., the proportion by which competition reduced mass). September 2002 GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHY 2485 absence of grazing (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, n 5 12, TS 5 13, P 5 0.02). exclosures, especially in flat areas, did appear to be of uniform height (N. Fowler, personal observation). DISCUSSION Interactions between the effects of grazing and competition Plant height and grazing impact There was a strong linear relationship between the relative impact of grazing on each of the six grass species and its ungrazed height (Fig. 2): the taller the species, the greater the relative reduction in mass that grazing caused. It has been recognized for decades that taller grass species are more negatively affected by grazing than are shorter species (Vallentine 1990), although I am not aware of any previous quantification of the relationship of the sort presented here. Some of the available information about the individual species used in this study also supports this relationship. Schizachyrium scoparium, the tallest of the species studied and the one found to be most affected by grazing, is known to be a ‘‘decreaser’’ and Buchloe dactyloides, the shortest and least-affected, is known to be an ‘‘increaser’’ (see Introduction). Unexpectedly, there was no indication that any of these six grass species was affected by grazing more than its ungrazed height would predict (Fig. 2). Grazing had been expected to be particularly deleterious to Bouteloua curtipendula, because it is locally reputed to be an ‘‘ice-cream plant,’’ i.e., a species highly preferred by cattle. Bothriochloa ischaemum is distinguished by an unusual degree of plasticity in height, becoming completely prostrate when heavily grazed (N. Fowler, personal observation), and therefore was expected to be particularly tolerant of grazing. But neither the preference of cattle for Bouteloua curtipendula nor the ability of Bothriochloa ischaemum to become prostrate changed the impact of grazing on them from that predicted by ungrazed plant height. There are many studies comparing the nutritional value, palatability, regrowth rates, and other traits of grass species. Much of this literature tacitly or explicitly assumes that differences in such traits cause animals to graze selectively within a site and cause grazed species to differ in their responses to grazing (Vallentine 1990). However, the present study provides no experimental support for any differences among grass species in the effects of grazing on them, whether due to grazer selection or to plant response, that are not directly related to grass height. The simplest hypothesis to account for the results of this study is to posit that cattle, at least in these study sites during this experiment, acted rather like lawn mowers, cropping all the grass species down to the same height. If grasses are defoliated to a uniform height, the taller species lose a greater proportion of their biomass, which would be expected to result in a relatively greater impact of grazing on them, all else being equal. The vegetation outside the experimental Overall, competition between transplants and the pre-existing vegetation was more intense in ungrazed subplots, and the impact of grazing was greater in plots from which the pre-existing vegetation had been removed: competition was greater in the absence of grazing, and grazing had more effect in the absence of competition. The effects of competition and grazing thus to some extent weakened each other, rather than being independent or strengthening each other. A likely explanation for this finding is that the transplants benefited from a grazing-caused reduction in the biomass of competing neighbors, and that this positive indirect effect of grazing partially counteracted the direct negative effect of tissue removal from the transplants by the cattle. In other words, defoliated neighbors outside the exclosures probably had less competitive impact upon the transplants than did their undefoliated counterparts inside the exclosures. In the absence of competing neighbors, grazing would have had no such positive indirect effect to partially counteract its negative effect. The occasional weak positive effects of grazing (Table 2), if real, likely also arose from the same source. There is no reason to postulate a direct beneficial effect of herbivory (Belsky 1986) upon these transplants to account for the results. This study was designed to detect and measure interactions between the effects of grazing and competition. Although many authors have implicitly assumed that herbivory and competition interact in their effects on plants, fewer have tested whether such an interaction has indeed occurred. Field experiments on the joint effects of herbivory (or predation, in animal studies) and competition have recently been reviewed by Gurevitch et al. (2000). Their meta-analysis found that, in general, removing competitors had a greater effect when predators (herbivores, in plant studies) were absent, just as was found in the present study and by van der Wal et al. (2000) in a study of the salt marsh graminoid Triglochin maritima (geese and lagomorph herbivory). In other words, the joint effects of herbivory and competition tend to be less than the product of their separate effects (i.e., antagonistic). Sometimes, however, the joint effects of competition and herbivory are greater than their separate effects (i.e., synergistic; e.g., Parker and Salzman 1985, McEvoy et al. 1993 [in one of two years, by my calculations from cover values estimated from their Fig. 8], Bonser and Reader 1995, Dyer and Rice 1997, Rachich and Reader 1999). The direction of an effect may even be reversed; for example, Norris (1997) found that the outcome of competition between sugar beet and purslane was reversed by a leaf miner. Finally, there may be no interaction in the statistical sense. For example, Rees and Brown 2486 NORMA L. FOWLER (1992) and Reader and Bonser (1998) found no significant interactions between the effects of insect herbivory and competition (with a multiplicative model). Clearly, all three possible types of joint effects do occur in nature: synergistic, antagonistic, and independent. Significant interactions between the effects of simulated herbivory of a target species and competition have also been detected (e.g., Bentley and Whittaker 1979, Lee and Bazzaz 1980, Kennett et al. 1992, Ramsell et al. 1993) but not in all experiments that looked for them (e.g., Fowler and Rausher 1985, Augner et al. 1997). If the mechanism postulated above, that cattle grazing reduced the intensity of competition in this study by reducing the biomass of neighboring plants, is common, one would expect antagonistic effects of herbivory and competition to be particularly common when the herbivore is a generalist and therefore likely to eat a target plant’s neighbors as well as the target plant. There are not yet enough comparable data to determine whether this is so. Significant interactions between the effects of herbivory and neighboring plants can also arise from mechanisms other than competition. Should a neighboring plant not only compete, but also provide some protection from herbivory (e.g., Louda and Rodman 1995), or should the neighbor both compete and harbor herbivores (e.g., Ellison 1987, Bergelson 1990, Reader 1992), the net effect of the neighboring plant will depend on whether or not the herbivore is present. There is no evidence for such effects occurring during the present study, although the persistent flowering culms of Schizachyrium scoparium could perhaps deter cattle under certain conditions. Effects of grazing and competition upon species’ distributions across the landscape The results indicate that grazing is the dominant factor controlling the distribution of these species in the landscape. Grazing had a much greater effect upon transplants in the flat plots than in the hillside plots, actually reversing the effects of edaphic factors on four of the six species. In the absence of grazing, all six species grew larger in the flat plots than in the hillside plots, but, in the presence of grazing, four of the species grew larger in the hillside plots, significantly so for three of them (Fig. 1). These four species (Bothriochloa ischaemum, Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua pectinata, and Schizachyrium scoparium) were also the taller species, and therefore more affected by grazing than the other two species (Bouteloua rigidiseta and Buchloe dactyloides). It therefore appears that, in this region, hillsides are intrinsically less favorable for the growth of these grass species, and by extension other native grass species, than are flatter sites. This is contrary to the conclusion that Fowler and Dunlap (1986) drew from the observed distributions of these and other species across the landscape. Instead of being due to edaphic factors like water Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 9 availability, the greater abundance of Schizachyrium scoparium and other taller grasses where slopes are greater (Fowler and Dunlap 1986) is apparently due to past or present grazing pressure. The effects of grazing on the two shorter species, Bouteloua rigidiseta and especially Buchloe dactyloides, were smaller. Nor did grazing make hillsides more favorable than flat areas for these species. One would expect them to be more common, therefore, in flat areas. In fact, they are nearly restricted to such areas, which they often dominate (Fowler and Dunlap 1986). The most likely cause of the greater impact of grazing in flat plots was that cattle spent more time in those plots and therefore removed more tissue from those plants. Cattle prefer flatter areas and tend to avoid rocky hillsides (see Vallentine 1990 and references therein). Casual observations of cattle, cattle trails, and cowpats in and near the study sites and elsewhere in the region were consistent with this. (Cattle also spend more time in areas nearer to water sources; for this reason in each of the sites the hillside and flat plots were located at equal distances from the watering trough.) However, the present experiment was not designed to measure cattle behavior, but the effects of this herbivore on plants, and did not separate the effects of different amounts of defoliation in the two topographic positions from potentially different plant responses to being grazed in the two topographic positions. The experimental design also did not separate the effects of defoliation from the effects of trampling and dung and urine deposition. All of these may be involved in determining the effects of grazing. The results do not support an important role for competition among herbaceous species in determining species distributions across this landscape, although competition with pre-existing vegetation reduced transplant dry mass by a mean of 65%. There were no obvious relationships between the intensity of competition and species’ distributions, or even between the intensity of competition and morphology. However this study involved only herbaceous species, and competition between woody and herbaceous plants probably does plant an important role in this region. If we assume that ungrazed plant size reflects site productivity, and therefore that the flat sites were the more productive, perhaps the greater intensity of competition in flat plots was due to their greater productivity (Goldberg and Barton 1992, Goldberg and Novoplansky 1997). However, there are other possible explanations for greater competitive intensity in flat plots. For example, the roots of many plant species growing on hillsides extend into the marl layers that lie between the layers of hard limestone (N. Fowler, personal observation), while, in at least one pasture (pasture B), the flat plots had thin soil over a flat layer of hard limestone that grass roots probably could not penetrate. Thus the rooting zone in some or all of the flat plots September 2002 GRAZING, COMPETITION, AND TOPOGRAPHY may have been more constrained, which might have increased the intensity of competition there. The story that this study reveals is surprisingly simple. Cattle grazing, not soil properties, other aspects of the physical environment, or competition with other herbaceous species, is the primary determinant of the distribution of the dominant grass species in this region. The effects of grazing upon community composition arise from the interaction of two rather simple biological phenomena: the preference of cattle for flatter ground and the greater impact of this herbivore upon taller species. More complex factors, such as herbivore preference or differences in plant responses to competition, are probably also involved, but the first-order story is a simple one. It seems likely that this relatively simple story may often characterize cattle-grazed grasslands and savannahs, as there is no reason to suppose that the system studied here is unusual. Some of the other results of this study, especially the antagonistic interaction between the effects of competition and herbivory, may extend to other large grazers and the plants eaten by them. Extension to invertebrate herbivores would be much more problematic, since those herbivores are usually much more selective in their diets. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am very grateful for the support of the National Science Foundation, which funded this study. The Ayres family, especially Mr. Robert Ayres, graciously allowed me to use their ranch to conduct this experiment. Without their generosity and support this study could not have been done. I also thank the Shield Ranch staff, who facilitated the study in many ways. 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