Outdoor Lighting - Smart Energy Design Assistance Center

Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting makes our streets
safe for travel and supports commerce,
socializing, sporting events, and work
tasks, regardless of available daylight.
Recent improvements in outdoor lighting
systems can meet requirements using
considerably less energy and provide
better light quality with reduced glare and
minimized light trespass. Strategically
addressing lighting needs, equipment
selection, and control can reduce longterm operating and maintenance costs,
and reduce initial costs by reducing the
quantity of equipment needed.
Identify and Meet Lighting Needs:
Different outdoor lighting applications
can have very different performance
requirements. The first step is to identify
and prioritize the main objectives for a
particular lighting project such as wayfinding, safety, highlighting activities,
or improving merchandise sales. Next,
review guidelines from the Illuminating
Engineering Society of North America
(IESNA) for recommended light levels
(illuminance, measured in footcandles)
and acceptable variations in brightness
(uniformity, measured as a ratio).
Select Energy Efficient Equipment:
Meet lighting needs with a low lighting
power density (Watts per square foot) well
below the maximum allowed by code.
This is accomplished by selecting, spacing,
and aligning fixtures to direct light only
where it is needed. The complete lighting
assembly, combined with the support
assembly (pole or mounting bracket),
mounting position, and spacing, will
impact energy performance as much or
more than the specific lamp technology.
Control Lighting Appropriately:
Target reduced run hours and lower
after-hours light levels. Strategic use of
lighting controls can result in significant
energy savings for outdoor lighting.
Options include: astronomical time
clocks, photocells, motion sensors,
dimmers, bi-level switching, partial-night
lighting, or a combination of strategies.
Match Controls and Lamp Technology:
Be sure lamp types are compatible with
planned controls strategy (or vice versa).
For example, if dimming is planned be
sure lamp type can be dimmed.
Minimize Glare and Light Trespass:
Be a good neighbor and improve safety
by avoiding glare and trespass/ spill.
Finding Answers:
SEDAC recommends working with
qualified lighting designers and vendors
for optimal equipment selection, layout,
and control. This is the best way to
assure functional objectives are met with
minimized energy consumption and low
life cycle cost.
The Smart Energy Design Assistance Center performs energy assessments on various building types. Each building type has
different energy requirements. SEDAC’s Energy Smart Tips help building operators identify energy cost reduction measures.
Clarify Functional Objectives
Required outdoor lighting levels (illuminance, measured in
footcandles) differ according to visual tasks and activity levels, as
well as whether a site is residential or commercial, urban or rural.
Begin by establishing functional objectives for your particular
application of outdoor lighting. Spell out the specific activities to
be supported by the lighting (way-finding, sports, merchandise
sales, etc.).
Understand Security and Safety Issues
Identify any special issues or requirements for safety and
security. Many people mistakenly assume that higher light levels
alone mean better safety and security. However, according to
the 2009 DOE report, Exterior Lighting for Energy Savings, Security,
and Safety, “Numerous case studies and related research…show
that simply increasing light levels or maintaining high lighting
levels does not necessarily promote or maintain enhanced
safety or security.” The Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America (IESNA) Guideline for Security Lighting for People,
Property, and Public Spaces states that for security, “the important
lighting criteria are illuminance, uniformity, glare and shadows.”
Excessive light levels, high contrast lighting, shadows and glare
may actually provide a poor level of safety and waste energy.
Meet Recommended Light Levels
IESNA recommended light levels, widely used by design and
industry professionals over the years, provide useful guidelines
for a preliminary assessment of existing lighting and establishing
initial target levels for lighting upgrades or new lighting projects.
For most non-retail outdoor lighting applications an average
of 2 fc (or less) is adequate. Examples taken from past IESNA
publications are summarized in the following tables.
Recommended Illuminance Level & Uniformity Ratio
Uniformity Ratio
(Max to Min / Avg to Min)
Public Parking Lots – Not To Exceed
0.5 fc
0.13 fc
20:1 / 4:1
Private Parking Lots – Not to Exceed
0.8 fc
0.2 fc
20:1 / 4:1
Source: IESNA RP-20-98, Recommended Practice for Lighting
for Parking Facilities
Recommended Illuminance Levels
Task Areas
Active Building Entrance 2.0 fc
Gas Station Approach
Gas Station Pump Area
Gas Station Service Area
Not to Exceed
5 fc
2 fc
Avg 5 fc
Avg 3 fc
0.2 fc
5 fc
Surface of Signs
2 fc
Source: IESNA RP-33-99, Recommended Practice for Lighting
for Exterior Environments
Note: Newer IESNA publications, current building standards and
codes, may reference different (and more complex) criteria for
the design of new outdoor lighting.
Target Low Lighting Power Density
Lighting power density (LPD) is a good metric for comparing
how much energy will be used by different lighting designs to
meet lighting requirements. The Illinois Energy Conservation
Code (IL ECC) governs the maximum allowable LPD for exterior
lighting to ensure energy efficient lighting design. These limits
vary based on zone types (e.g. rural, residential, commercial,
major metropolitan area) and fuction (e.g. parking, walkways).
Code maximum allowable LPDs are found in the ANSI/ASHRAE/
IESNA Standard 90.1-2010, Energy Standard for Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ASHRAE 90.1 2010). Example
recommended maximum allowances for commercial zones
other than major metropolitan areas are summarized in the
following table. Much lower LPDs are also readily achievable.
Deliver Light Where You Need It
Light that shines where it is not needed represents wasted
energy. Fixture housings, reflectors, ballasts, lenses and shields
together determine the proportion of rated lamp lumens that will
actually be emitted by a fixture. Combined with the mounting
height and position, as well reflectance properties of paving (e.g.
dark asphalt vs. light concrete) and other nearby surfaces, these
features determine the distribution of light—both within and
outside of the intended target area. A poorly designed or placed
fixture can result in low lighting efficiency, regardless of the
efficacy of the lamp selected. Select light fixtures and support
assemblies designed to deliver the appropriate amount of light
to the target areas while minimizing light spill (light falling
outside the area to be illuminated).
Recommended Lighting Power Density
Uncovered Parking Areas and Drives 0.095 W/ft2
Walkways <10 ft wide
0.76 W/linear ft
Walkways ≥10 ft wide
0.15 W/ft2
0.048 W/ ft2
Sales Canopies
0.76 W/ ft2
Open Outdoor Sales Areas
(including vehicle sales lots)
0.48 W/ ft2
Source: ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2011, Standard
for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings
courtesy of:
Illinois Coalition for Responsible Outdoor Lighting
Use High Efficacy, Long Lasting Lamps with Good CRI
Outdoor lighting can be achieved with a wide variety of lamp
technologies. Most fixtures require designated lamp types and
wattages. Once fixtures are installed it can be difficult to replace
lamps with more efficient or longer life lamps. Select fixtures
to support lamp types with required lamp lumens (look at both
initial lumens and lumen depreciation), high lamp efficacy (high
lumens per Watt), long rated lamp life, and good color rendering
[high color rendering index (CRI) where 100 is maximum].
Lamp efficacy represents the ratio of light produced to energy
consumption and is measured in lumens per Watt. While lamp
life may not directly affect energy consumption, shorter lamp
life results in higher maintenance costs associated with lamp
replacement. There are significant variations in these properties
within and between different lamp types. For example,
incandescent lamps have low lamp efficacy and short lamp life
but excellent color properties (CRI 98 to100); metal halide lamps
provide good lamp efficacy, fair lamp life, and can have good
color properties (CRI 65 to 94).
Figure 1 shows the range of lamp efficacies for different lamp
technologies. Figure 2 shows the range of lamp life for different
lamp types.
Figure 2. Lamp Life (hours)
Figure 1. Lamp Efficacy (mean lumens per watt)
HPS: 50-140
HPS: 16k-24k
MH: 5k-20k
MH: 70-115
LED: 27-92
LED: 25k-50k
IND: 50-60
IND: 100k
LNR FL: 30-110
LNR FL: 7k-24k
CFL: 10k
CFL: 50-70
MV: 25-60
MV: 16k-24k
INC: 750-4k
INC: 10-22
Source: Data from www.eere.energy.gov.
Source: Data from www.eere.energy.gov.
HPS: High Pressure Sodium
MH: Metal Halide
5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000
LED: Light Emitting Diode
IND: Induction
LNR FL: Linear Fluorescent Lamp
CFL: Compact Fluorescent Lamp
MV: Mercury Vapor
INC: Incandescent
Select Effective Light Controls
Employing the right controls for outdoor lighting can result in Partial night lighting controls
can be used to turn off certain
substantial energy savings.
fixtures based on time (rather
Astronomical time clocks permit scheduling of lighting than dusk to dawn), for
operation based on sunrise and sunset. Standard time clocks for example turning off parking lot
controlling exterior lights may use more energy and/ or do a poor fixtures after hours in areas far
job of providing lighting when it is needed because they do not from a building’s entrances. As
an alternative, fixtures could be
account for daily changes in sunset and sunrise.
wired so that some percentage
Photocells turn on and off lighting in response to light levels. Some shut off by timer during the
photocells are not adequately sensitive to low light levels during night while scattered security
dark cloud conditions (or early dusk and dawn) and may switch lights remain on. How partiallights on before they are needed. Be sure to keep photocells clean night lighting is implemented
depends on the area being lit
as dirty photocells can also lose sensitivity.
and the type of lamps in use.
Motion sensors automatically turn outdoor lights on when
they detect motion and turn them off after a specified delay Combine Controls to Maximize Savings
(when motion is no longer detected). They can be very useful for Combining time clocks and photocells provides a great way
outdoor security lighting and utility lighting. Strategic placement to meet exterior lighting needs—for example: photocell
is important to avoid false triggers from movement on adjacent turns lighting on at sunset, timer turns lighting off an hour
property and to assure lights will turn on when vehicles or past closing time. Motion sensors can be used in the previous
scenario to turn lights back on when movement is detected.
pedestrians are present in the target area.
Dimming, bi-level switching, or partial night lighting controls
Dimming or bi-level switching controls can be used to reduce could be used in the previous scenarios to reduce light levels
lighting levels when higher levels are not needed (such as after at a certain time (rather than turning all lights fully off) and
closing time, or late in the evening to reduce light spill onto then increase light levels when motion is detected. This
combination of controls can work very well for parking lots.
residential properties).
Match Controls to Lamp Technology
Certain lamps work better than others with
the different types of controls. For example,
LED and certain CFLs can be dimmed
while other types of lamps, including
induction, metal halide and high pressure
sodium typically cannot. Metal halide and
high pressure sodium lamps are not good
candidates for motion sensors, since these
lamps can take up to 10 minutes to warm
up. Be sure to select fixtures/ lamps that are
appropriate to the planned controls.
Glare and Light Trespass
Glare is produced by light levels that are
sufficiently greater than light levels to
which a viewer’s eyes are adapted. Glare can
cause annoyance, discomfort, or at worst a
temporary reduction in our ability to see.
Glare can often be attributed to poorly
shielded fixtures or fixtures aimed in the
wrong direction. Indirect or reflected glare
can be caused by light reflected off highly
reflective surfaces. Reflected light can also
contribute to light trespass.
Light trespass can be described as fitting
into one of two categories: 1) Unwanted
light falling on an adjacent property. 2)
Excessive brightness (high illuminance) in
the field of vision (nuisance glare).
In some cases a “curfew” time may be useful,
allowing higher lighting levels during those
hours when the curfew is not in effect, and
reducing light levels (or turning off lights)
after the set curfew time.
Properly shielded, “cutoff”, or “full cutoff”
fixtures can be used to reduce glare and
light trespass.
Ballast factor, a measure of actual lumen
output for a specific lamp-ballast system;
Color rendering index (CRI), an index
commonly used to represent how well a
lamp renders the colors of objects;
Distribution curve, a measure of how light
is distributed and falls upon a surface;
Illuminance level, measured in footcandles
(fc) at a given location (1 fc equals 1 lumen
distributed over a 1 ft2 area);
Lamp efficacy, lumens per watt;
Light output, measured in lumens;
Lighting power density, lighting power per
unit area, commonly Watts per square foot
(W/ft2), also Watts per linear foot (W/lf);
Lumen, a measure of the total amount of
visible light emitted by a source;
Lumen depreciation, lamp rated mean
lumens over initial lumens as a percentage;
Uniformity ratio, a ratio of maximumto-minimum (or average-to-minimum)
illuminance across an area. It is critical since
our eyes experience a delay in adjusting
between significantly different light levels.
Multiple incentives are available for
outdoor lighting upgrades from ComEd’s
Smart Ideas program, Ameren Illinois’
ActOnEnergy program and the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity’s (DCEO) Illinois Energy Now
program (for public sector projects). For all
of these programs pre-approval application
must be submitted and accepted prior to
any work being commenced or equipment
being purchased. Program guidelines and
specifications should be consulted during
design and selection of equipment.
SEDAC is sponsored by the Illinois
Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity in partnership
with investor-owned utilities to
achieve energy efficiency savings in
SEDAC is an applied research unit of
the College of Fine and Applied Arts
at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
The 360 Energy Group is a collaborative
partner working with SEDAC. Support
is also provided by the Energy
Resources Center at the University of
Illinois at Chicago.
Energy Assessment
Public Sector Retro-Commissioning
ENERGY STAR for Lighting
Learn more about energy efficient lighting products including ENERGY STAR qualified lighting products
New Construction Design
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy / Department of Energy (EERE / DOE)
Reports, white papers, and fact sheets on Solid-State outdoor lighting
Public Sector New Construction
Incentive Review
Lighting Research Center
Research publication and project resources on effective outdoor lighting techniques and equipment
Illuminating Engineering Society in North America (IESNA)
Guidelines and educational resources about lighting
www.SEDAC.org | 1-800-214-7954 | info@SEDAC.org
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center
1 Saint Mary’s Road, Champaign, IL 61820
Public Housing Efficient Living
Training and Outreach
Energy Incentive Guidance