
Xcel Energy
EDA Consultant Solicitation May, 2015
Requirements to become an Xcel Energy EDA Consultant
Xcel Energy is opening the Energy Design Assistance (EDA) Program for up to five additional energy
modeling Consultants. NOTE: EDA consultants currently approved as EDA providers that have
successfully completed (through Construction Documents Completion stage) a minimum of three
EDA projects do not need to re-apply.
There are two steps to qualify. Step 1 is the application. Upon approval from Xcel Energy of Step 1,
Step 2 energy modeling exam will be taken by Consultant individuals.
The following requirements will be used to assess each prospective Consultant for inclusion in the
Energy Design Assistance (EDA) Program provided by Xcel Energy. Key areas of consideration will be
the Company/individual’s experience, qualifications, key personnel, and past performance to convey
the likelihood of successful, on-time performance of this EDA Program.
Technical Requirements of Energy Modeling Individual(s)
Consultant Individuals shall have completed a minimum of 4 energy design projects in full
within the last 12 months. One of the projects must have been in Colorado. These projects
must have utilized hourly building energy simulation to inform decisions in schematic design
and demonstrate energy savings above code level.
Consultant Individuals must be able to conduct sophisticated hourly building energy
simulation within Energy Plus/OpenStudio and in compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G.
Consultant Individuals who are assigned to conduct and/or review EDA projects shall have
either the ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) certification or the AEE
Building Energy Simulation Analyst (BESA) certification.
Consultant individuals with demonstrable experience shall be responsible for, and able to
competently complete all tasks in the Scope of Work (attached) in a timely manner.
Consultant Individuals shall have demonstrable experience with current commercial building
energy codes (IECC and ASHRAE) and be aware of jurisdictional differences in Colorado.
Consultant Individuals shall be able to provide energy design feedback and analysis results to
design teams/customers on different envelope, mechanical and lighting systems and provide
a minimum of three energy efficiency design alternative options in each category.
Consultant Individuals shall have a strong understanding of the Xcel Energy utility and
Demand-Side Management programs. Much of this information is available at: and
Requirements of Energy Consulting Company
Consultant Company must be able to estimate construction costs and incremental cost of
energy efficiency measures.
Consultant Company shall have an office and key staff located in Colorado. Consultant
Company should have a strong presence in the architect and engineering community in the
Rocky Mountain region.
Xcel Energy
EDA Consultant Solicitation May, 2015
Consultant Company shall not provide EDA services for a project in which it is also providing
architectural or engineering services, or for any project in which it is in a position of
conflicted interest.
Energy modeling companies and its individuals may not have a bias towards particular
manufacturers, or any other conflicting interest. This is essentially an “either/or” type
proposition. If a company is in a position to do both the energy modeling AND provide
equipment, MEP work, etc., the company must choose one or the other. Companies will
provide full transparency of its affiliations to customers and EDA project participants prior to
initiating an EDA project. Xcel Energy will provide further requirements regarding
documentation needs upon acceptance as an EDA vendor. In the event that an EDA energy
modeling company does not recuse themselves, and does work that creates bias, the
modeler will be removed from the program.
Consultant Company shall designate a lead individual who will be responsible for EDA project
modeling, management and communication with Xcel Energy and customer throughout the
life of an EDA project. EDA project life is defined as beginning at receipt of the EDA
application through completion and approval of the final verification model.
Consultant Company shall continually engage in efforts to maximize energy efficiency within
projects through ongoing research of new technologies, understanding of changing building
codes and standards, and other relevant efforts.
Consultant Company shall use Xcel Energy provided marketing material and/or language for
marketing of the EDA program. Consultant shall be engaged in actively marketing the EDA
Consultant Company shall commit to a collaborative relationship with Xcel Energy as ongoing communication and mutual support are critical in meeting the program requirements,
program execution, policies and technical issues.
Consultant Company shall start at least three EDA projects per calendar year to maintain
EDA Consultant status.
Xcel Energy expects Energy Consultants to have a wide portfolio of projects to serve all
markets (small and large businesses) . Xcel Energy EDA targets 20% for small businesses (less
than 50,000 sq. ft.) and 80% for large businesses (greater than 50,000 sq. ft.). Consultant
Companies shall show plans to achieve this portfolio.
Application Process
Step 1: Submit the following to Xcel Energy:
1. Respond directly to each requirement stated above with supporting documentation as needed.
2. Provide a written narrative describing the work performed in two of the required four energy
design projects that were completed in full within the last 12 months. Include the following
supporting documentation associated with these projects:
Proof of energy modeling (i.e. output simulation reports) from Early Design Phase through
Construction Documentation Phase. Include copies of customer reports.
Xcel Energy
EDA Consultant Solicitation May, 2015
Proof of cost estimation for energy efficiency measures with description of the methodology
utilized in obtaining these costs. Proof of energy savings estimating ability at the Early Design
Phase with methodology utilized in obtaining these savings estimates.
3. Provide a statement that quantifies the number of projects that Consultant Company (without
subcontractors) could feasibly be completed in one year and support this number with evidence
drawn from industry experience.
4. Provide three references, preferably related to energy design projects submitted in step 2 above.
Submitting Material: All material should be kept under 5MB size and sent to the Business New
Construction mailbox at: Subject should contain
“Company Name Response to EDA Solicitation”. Questions should also be submitted to this mailbox.
If submittal exceeds 5MB size, send material on 2 CDs as follows:
Mail one CD to: Xcel Energy, 1800 Larimer St. Suite 1500, Denver, CO 80202. Care of Jennifer Elling.
Mail one CD to: Xcel Energy, 414 Nicollet Mall 6th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Care of Joe
Step 2: Exam
If above requirements are met, consultant individuals will be given the EDA Modeling Protocol, EDA
Consultant Manual, and the current CO DSM Plan to review and become familiar with.
Approximately one week after, an exam administered by Xcel Energy will be conducted. The exam
will consist of two elements:
• Part 1: Energy modeling using Energy Plus/OpenStudio
• Part 2: Knowledge of the EDA Modeling Protocol, EDA Consultant Manual and CO DSM Plan
(Exam estimated time ½ day)
Deadline to submit qualifications:
May 28, 2015 5:00 PM MT