Community Planning and Regeneration


Community Planning & Regeneration

Civic Centre





PLACE: 2 Floor North West Lothian Civic Centre Howden South Road Livingston

Date; 29 March 2010

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Occupational Health and Safety Statement & Structure

1. Policy, Supplementary Policy and Service Arrangements



2. Safety Culture

Communication, Training, Supervision & Building defects loglregister

3. Planning for Safety

4. Monitonng Procedures

5. Risk Management

6. Emergency Procedures


7. Bomb Threat and Suspicious Packages


Reporting of Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses and Occupational


9. First Aid

10. Alcohol, Drugs


Working at Height


Work Equipment

13. Hazardous Substances



Bacterial, Virus

15. Occupational Health


Safe Place of Work, Safe Access and Egress and Safe

Environment & Workplace Facilities

17. Electricity

18. Lone Working

19. Manual Handling

20. Personal Protective Equipment

21. Display Screen Equipment

22. Violence, Aggression at Work

23. Vehide/Driving Safety

24. Asbestos

25. Young Persons

26. Contractors competency

27. Presentation and Review

28. Trade Union Safety Representatives/representatives of Employee


Health and Safety Organisation & Responsibility Information

List of Documents and Where to Access Them


Part I


In conjunction with the Council’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement Community

Planning and Regeneration, recognise our responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work

Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our employees and others who may be affected by what we do.

This document sets out the arrangements to secure the health, safety and welfare of everyone involved in the Service’s activities and to ensure that equal care is taken of the public who visit our premises or may be affected by our activities.

To achieve this “Community Planning and Regeneration “will:

• Comply with Health and Safety legislation

• Monitor activities in relation to health and safety

• Provide necessary training and instruction for employees

• Require contractors undertaking work for the functional area to apply appropriate standards of health and safety.


• Aim to make improvements in safety culture and safety management.

Ensure staff are aware of their obligations, duties roles and responsibilities relating to health and safety.

• Monitor the effectiveness of its health and safety arrangements in consultation with appointed Trade Union Representatives and/or Representatives of Employee Safety

• Encourage staff to set high standards of safety by personal example in order that employees gain an attitude of mind which accepts good health and safety practice as normal

It is equally a duty for employees to be responsible for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by what they do. Individuals are required to co-operate and comply with any rules or requirements made under these arrangements.

Head of Service

Community Regeneration Manager

Community Planning Manager





Health & Safety Arrangements


Policy Structure

(onQoing process)

WLC Health & Safety Policy

Supported by

CCED Supplementary Policy

Summarised in

Health & Safety

Arrangements Booklet (given to every employee)

Activity Structure

1 lndMdual service area

Risk Assessments

H&S Action Plan

Head of ccp

Community Planning and Regeneration



Safety Arrangements




Community Regeneration &

LCommunity Planning Manager

All Staff Members









copy of

the West Lothian Council wide Occupational Health and Safety Policy together with the CULTURAL, COMMUNITIES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Supplementary Policy Statement are available on the


Occupational Health & Safety and on the H & S notice board in Kitchen area 2 floor

North Civic Centre.


The Head of Service and Line Managers will ensure that ‘Health and Safety’ is at the forefront of the Service delivery, that is to say genuine, visible leadership and commitment from the top. This will be achieved by:

• Communication

Management must ensure that communication is ‘two way’ with all employees, via team meetings, Health and Safety Committee meetings with minutes circulated/displayed on notice boards. All managers also have an ‘open door’ policy and staff are encouraged to raise health and safety issues or


as they arise.

The content and form of this information will be appropriate and will be reviewed in the light of experience, new guidance from Health and Safety Executive or other bodies.

• Training

both induction and ongoing as relevant to the job/person. Training needs are identified by way of a variety of means including:

• through the Personal Review, Personal Development Plan (PRPDP) process

• by Line managers, e.g. in-house / on site training

• by Occupational Health and Safety

• by external providers where appropriate

The training needs of each employee will be assessed regularly by their manager or supervisor and suitable arrangements made. Induction, refresher or specific training to deal with changes in technology, methods of work etc will be provided as necessary.

• Supervision

The management will ensure:

• Ensure that employees for whom they are responsible are competent to deal with the tasks that they are required to undertake.

• Consider the hazards involved in the work and should communicate these and necessary precautions when giving instructions.

The degree of supervision required will depend on the complexity of the task and the experience of the person carrying it out.

• All employees on becoming aware of a hazard, which has not been previously identified, should immediately inform their Manager/Supervisor of the circumstances.

• Building “Defects log register”, Located at Reception and is available to allow the reporting of internal and external building defects / faults.






The Community Planning and Community Regeneration Manager will identify health and safety objectives for the year ahead in their Management Plan


The effectiveness of the Local Management of health and safety will be monitored to ensure it is effective and relevant.

• This will be carried out by the day-to-day supervision of operations undertaken by the

Head of Service Manager, with the support of line managers (and) in addition to regular planned inspections/audits and visits by an internal Health and Safety


• Accidents, incidents and near misses will be reported to the Community Planning and Regeneration monthly Team meeting and, if appropriate, the monthly CCED

Managers meeting and will be investigated.

• Risk assessment/controls are amended as


by line managers. The revised controls are communicated by line managers to employees in addition to being recorded in the health and safety risk assessments.


Many work activities are carried out away from West Lothian Civic Centre

, however there are some employees who are based solely within the building.

Risk assessments for all work activities have been carried out and are reviewed/updated as necessary or, on an annual basis or, where appropriate e.g. following an accident/incident/near miss.

The responsibility for reviewing and updating risk assessments shall be shared jointly by the Community Planning and Community

Regeneration Manager.

Where an assessment or workplace inspection/audit identify items for action this will be communicated to the relevant Manager who will arrange remedial action as necessary.

Copies of the risk assessments are available through your line manager

* Your line manager wIll ensure you have time to read these risk assessments and make sure you know the control measures you need to follow to help ensure your safety at work. If you don’t understand or disagree with the assessmentslcontrols you should raise this with your Line Manager.





In event of an emeraency dial


for outside line followed by


• Operate the nearest Fire Alarm

• Leave Building by the nearest fire exit

• Proceed to the Fire Assembly Point in the staff car park

• Do not stop to collect personal belongings

• Do not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so

• Fire Marshal will liaise with Fire Services

• Fire Extinguishers

— are available throughout the Civic Centre and safety signs displayed to inform on type and use.

• An authonsed/competent person tests extinguishers on an annual basis. Where an extinguisher has been used/tampered with/or a defect noted this must be reported to

Senior Administrator or Reception who will notify caretakers to authonse a contractor to uplift and rectify as appropriate and keep maintenance log records of the inspection/test.

• The fire alarm test takes place every Thursday morning

• Appropriate safety signs are displayed throughout the building and indude emergency exit routes, emergency action notices i.e. action to take in event of emergency and the location of the assembly point.

• Fire Risk


Arrangements are in place to control fire risk.

Property Services will ensure a competent person carries out an annual Fire Risk Assessment.

Where flammable substances are used, you must ensure that they are used in accordance with the suppliers’ guidance i.e.

• stored in appropriate sealed and labelled containers.

• re-capped and returned to the designated storage location after use

• all ‘empty’ containers are to be disposed of in accordance with specific ‘duty of care’ requirements

• where persons are unable to safely evacuate unaided (or with assistance) from floors above the ground level a personal evacuation plan (PEP) will be written and arrangements made to ensure safe evacuation.

The fire alarm is a Siren. If the bell rings at any other times you must vacate the building immediately and gather at the assembly point P in the staff car park. Test procedures and fire drills are arranged by a Fire Marshal.

Building Evacuation test procedure is carried out 2 x annually arrange by senior fire warden and a manager.

Strict adherence to the Councils Tobacco Policy is mandatory i.e. the entire building and all vehides are ‘NO SMOKING’ areas.

Failure to observe the requirement of the

Tobacco policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against individuals concerned. Policy & Procedure is available in




For office based staff involved in receipt, sorting of mail and or receiving phone calls, they should be aware of the guidance in respect of action to take regarding Bomb Treat and ‘suspicious’ mail. The appropriate line manager will provide guidance and information.

The Bomb Threat and Suspicious Packages Policy and Procedures and

Bomb Threat Guidance Note is available to download from





All incidents induding near misses etc. must be reported in accordance with the agreed

Council procedures, your line manager will be able to provide you with this information as required. This information is also available to download form

In addition, staff must report all instances of physical or verbal abuse (actual or threats) in the Incident Report Pad.

Incident & Violent Report Pads are available from the Community Planning and

Regeneration Administration Team. Full and detailed information about the incident must be given. Guidance on how complete an incident report can be found on the inside cover of the Incident & Violent Incident Report Pad, your line manager will also provide assistance if needed.

The employee concerned is responsible for giving full and detailed information and will sign the form at Section 8 and the Line Manager will complete other sections as appropriate and forward the relevant copies to the Central Occupational Health and

Safety Unit. The remaining copy (pink) to be retained by Senior Administrator.

Line Mangers, and where appropriate the Occupational Health and Safety unit, will investigate incidents and review risk assessments and where appropriate make re commendations to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

Accidents and near misses will be reported to the Community Planning and

Regeneration monthly Team meeting, and if appropriate, the monthly CCED Managers meeting.


First Alders and appointed persons are available within the Civic Centre


Lists identifying first alders are displayed on the notice boards. These lists are updated as necessary by Senior Administrator.

First aid equipment is available in accordance with the first aid needs assessment and first aid kits are accessed through the first aiders. ‘Travel First Aid Kits’ are provided, where appropriate depending on Risk Assessments, in council vehicles and are available for staff who travel away from the offices to carry out site visits etc. Employees must request ‘top up’ and report usage of First Aid materials and report all incidents & accidents to line managers as appropriate.




All employees must report for work in a ‘fit condition’ and not under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Such substances constitute a health hazard for the employee and others who could be affected by what that person does or does not do. All employees must remember that substances remain in their systems for some considerable time and can have effects the day or days following consumption.

The effects of alcohol or drugs can have serious consequences In particular where vehicles, plant and equipment are used. Where employees are found to be under the influences they will be subject to the Council’s disciplinary process.

Staff should be aware of the council’s Substance Misuse Policy, which is available on or from your line manager.

Any concerns regarding alcohol or drugs should be reported to your line manager.



Work at height is to be avoided if at all possible, but where it is unavoidable it should only be undertaken by staff who have received the appropriate training. The Work at

Height Regulations apply to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall that is liable to cause personal injury. Therefore, those jobs involving working at height have been identified via Risk Assessment and information on this can be accessed via your line manager.

Ladders and kickstools must be suitable and fit for the purpose/work and, must be supplied by reputable companies.

This equipment must be;

• stored, transported and handled properly

• checked regularly by the user and removed from use if found to be faulty or damaged.

• Made available for periodic inspections as advised by the appointed (competent person) to carry out ladder inspection as per guidance contained in the Working at Height Regulations.

Training will be given to those involved in working at height, particularly e work involving ladders.



A limited range of work equipment is used by Community Planning and Regeneration out on site. Where appropnate the operation of the work equipment has been risk assessed by line managers and arrangements made to ensure that appropriate training is given to staff.

Employees are expected to ensure that equipment is used as per the training that they were given and is maintained in a safe condition. Appropriate daily checks and maintenance of the work equipment must be carried out prior to use. Any defects to be reported to line manager or designated staff members

Where the condition of the equipment is likely to affect its safe use, it must be removed, labelled ‘FAULTY DO NOT USE’ and removed for repair or replacement.




Very few hazardous substances are used within West Lothian CMc Centre and it is the responsibility of each line manager to ensure that, where they are used, a COSHH assessment has been carried out. Staff using hazardous substances will be given adequate training and provided suitable PPE, where appropriate.

Office based tasks do not as a rule involve significant risk arising from exposure to hazardous substances. You should however be aware that such substances would be stored in e.g. Cleaners cupboards. These agents are not to be used by persons who are not authonsed or trained to use them i.e. only cleaning staff.




Generally there is no risk of infection for Office based employees however the basic rules of hygiene apply

Issues relating to needlestick injuries, legionella and other potential issues are covered by risk assessments, available through your line manager. Guidance is also available on In appropriate cases, PPE and/or training will be provided.



This is a very important area and there are systems in place to control Occupational

Health issues, these are pre-employment health screening prior to commencement of employment, Specialists appointed by the council will carry out screening with records kept of findings and required actions taken.

These actions will be implemented in conjunction with Human Resources and the Occupational Health & Safety Section.

All records are kept under extreme confidentiality. It is the responsibility of Senior

Managers to ensure all necessary screening is conducted. Information in respect of access to services such as Counselling and Physiotherapy is available on



Legal standards as require by the Health and Safety Etc at Work Act and detailed in the

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations and any other relevant regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act, will be the minimum requirement for all places of work. All workplaces will be assessed and the findings will be recorded in the Risk Assessment Manual and information given to relevant employees.


All items should be stored safely in designated areas as designated by line manager

— not on the floor around or beneath desks. Welfare facilities such as toilets, “kitchen areas and eating (“breakout room”) areas are provided and are kept dean and in good order, It is also an employees’ responsibility to ensure they are used appropriately, if you notice any defects in respect of the facilities you should report this to your line manager. It is employees responsibilities to dean up after themselves ( eg microwave, fndge and work surfaces) .You must also promptly clean away dishes and utensils and store in the designated cupboards.




An authorised electrician is contracted to carry this out checks all portable electrical equipment annually (Portable Appliance Testing

PAT testing). This will ensure it is safe’ to use. The findings are recorded and held on an inventory of equipment.

Where equipment is found to be unsafe it is labelled ‘do not use’ and either repaired or replaced. As with any other equipment or workplace, if you identify a defect or have a concern you must report this to your line manager who will take appropriate action e.g.

request test/repair or replacement.

Services will be notified on when PAT testing is scheduled for and reminded to make all equipment available for inspection (eg extension leads,Christmas lights

, audio visual equipment etc)



Community Planning and Regeneration staff often work alone’ as part of their normal duties e.g. early in the morning, evenings and weekends. Some work activities must not be carried out by lone workers and these activities will be identified by your line manager. Risk assessments have identified the arrangements which must be put in place to ensure your safety when working alone. All staff must ensure that they are aware of arrangements in place during working hours and outside normal working hours.

Some general advice is outlined below:

• Tell someone where you are and when you will return (also keep electronic diary up to date and grant view access for team and Manager)

• if you change your plans or are delayed, let someone know

• tell your line manager if you have a health condition that may put you at additional risk if you work alone (e.g.

diabetes/epilepsy which is at that time

‘unstable/not predictable (or similar). If you think you may have a condition which would leave you ‘at risk’ while working alone you are advised to consult yourGP.

• If you depend on a mobile phone for safety, ensure it is charged and that you can get a signal

, you should also store a list of useful numbers in your contacts list.

• All staff should use the Careline service.

Your Line Manager is responsible for carrying out and communicating safe working procedure for Lone Working.



There are very few manual handling tasks carried out by Community Planning and

Regeneration staff and these tasks have been risk assessed by your line manager.

Copies of these risk assessments and any associated safe working instructions are available from your Line Manager.


Young persons will not be asked to carry out any manual handling activities without a suitable risk assessment having been carried out.

If you are aware of any health ‘problems’ which may affect your ability to handle (lift, carry push, pull etc) goods you must inform your Line Manager who will make the necessary arrangements to prevent aggravation or worsening of your condition.

Staff who are pregnant (and Nursing Mothers) must notify management of their condition, as soon as practicable, to allow a suitable risk assessment to be carried out and appropriate arrangements put in place.



The need for PPE will result from carrying out risk assessments. In most cases PPE will be issued to an indMdual, in which case it is the individual’s responsibility to ensure they use and look after the equipment correctly, in accordance to manufacturers guidance provided to employee by line manager, and to report equipment defects or request replacement as appropriate

In some cases the PPE may be a shared resource, in which case the responsibility for maintenance will be allocated to a specific line manager. It is still the users responsibility to use the PPE properly and to report equipment defects or request replacement as appropriate.

Appropriate training will be given on the correct fit, use, maintenance and fault identification. Training to be organised by line manager.

PPE Assessments have been carried out which specify the protective equipment type and quality, which must be used.



DSE assessments will be carried out for staff who use DSE at least annually as part of their normal work, Line managers will arrange for users to have access to the online assessment tool (Cardinus System) and will assist in achieving the improvements identified as part of the assessment for their team.

Senior Administrator in Lennox

House to add all new employees to Cardinus. Policy management guidance relating to

Display Screen Equipment is available on

Any concerns regarding display screen equipment should be reported to your line manager.



Whether physical or verbal abuse (actual or threats), employees must report all instances in the violent incident report book.

Where a risk is identified by your line manager i.e. where frontline staff are dealing with members of the public who may be aggressive, specific customer care avoiding confrontation training’ will be available and organised by your line manager.

If you have any concerns in respect of this you must alert your Line Manager who will arrange to carry out an investigation and take action as appropriate to ensure your safety at work.




Where your job requires you to drive Council vehicles, or private vehicle for work use, there is a mandatory requirement for you, prior to being allowed to drive:

• to produce your driving license for inspection on an annual basis and notify your line manager of any change of circumstance i.e. if you change your vehide, change insurance provider/cover, change of driving license restrictions,.

• provide an appropriate insurance certificate for inspection if proposing to use your own private vehicle whilst on council business

Mobile phone use

— mobiles whether hand held or hands free can be a distraction for drivers. If you are required to use a mobile while in your vehicle at work you should find a safe spot to pull over and park to make/receive calls, alternatively a passenger, if available could answer the phone on your behalf. Employees must at all times comply with the councils Mobile Phone Policy which is available on



Economic Development staff may find themselves in premises where asbestos, or asbestos containing materials (ACM’s), exist as it is still prevalent in many buildings, structures and houses. Staff would not normally come into direct contact with asbestos.

All non domestic premises should hold a record of asbestos on the premises, however if no register is available and you come across what you think might be Asbestos, treat it as Asbestos. Do not disturb, damage or remove, advise your line manager immediately of your concerns.



Community Planning and Regeneration does not employ a significant number of young persons (i.e. under 18 years of age), however Work Experience pupils and employees’ children (Kidzn2Work) do spend time working with staff. Some are as young as 14 years of age and have little or no experience of a working environment.

The Service Unit Manager will nominate a line manager to oversee the young person’s training. All young persons will be a give an induction, which includes health and safety and will only work with competent staff and on tasks which have been designated suitable after appropriate risk assessment.


Under the Young Persons Regulations we must ensure


of the

Young people within the Workina environment, specific and individual risk assessments are required for Young Persons prior to then enter the working environment. It should be remembered they are not psychologically or physiologically developed and therefore need protected. Health and Safety inductions must be


to all Young Persons prior to


into the working environment.



To ensure health and safety competence Managers will ensure that contractors are adequately vetted prior to engagement and monitored during the work phase



The results of monitoring will be taken into account when considering for future work.

Only contractors who can demonstrate their ability to discharge their primary responsibility to safeguard all who may be affected by their activities or omissions will be used.


This policy and any revision of it will be drawn to the attention of every employee of

Community Planning & Regeneration.

Employees will be informed of the contents of any relevant documents produced under this policy




The Head of Service will make arrangements to consult the relevant trade union safety representatives and representatives of employee safety with regards to:

• Introduction of measures which may substantially affect the health and safety of employees.

• Arrangements for appointing competent health and safety adviser and persons to implement emergency procedures.

• Provision of health and safety information required under the relevant statutory provisions.

• Provision of health and safety training required under the relevant statutory provisions.

• The health and safety consequences of new technologies introduced into the workplace.

Managers will provide such facilities and assistance as trade union representatives may reasonably require to carry out their functions.

Representatives of Employee Safety must be provided with relevant facilities to carry out their duties.

Health and Safety Problems

An employee with a complaint about a safety problem should initially refer the matter to his or her immediate supervisor or line manager.

If satisfaction is not reached at this level, the matter should be raised with Senior Manager then the Health and Safety Unit.

However, the employee can also consult their trade union safety representative and or representative of employee safety.


Trade Union Safety Representatives are entitled to carry out inspections every 3 months or more frequently as circumstances dictate e.g. change of working method or introduction of a new machine. Functional Managers must allow this if requested.

Access to Information

Trade Union Safety Representatives appointed by recognised trade Unions will be allowed to inspect any statutory document which the service area is required to maintain and will also be given on request any information necessary to carry out their functions.








Ensures arrangements


Within individual area of control.

Ensure finance and implementation.


Ensure cooperation, participation and compliance

Areas of responsibility


Ensure health, safety and welfare of employees.

Allocate adequate resources to this overall aim.

Develop a positive health and safety attitude.

Ensure arrangements are in place to maintain, monitor and review policy documents.

Ensure an action plan for health and safety is produced for each service area and that it is acted upon and reviewed regularly.

Provide and maintain suitable and sufficient welfare facilities.

Ensure arrangements for the implementation of a health and safety management system.

Ensure arrangements for provision and maintenance of safe equipment and working conditions.

Ensure arrangements for information, instruction training and supervision.

Ensure arrangements and facilities for consultation with health and safety representatives and/or representatives of employee safety.

Ensure arrangements for review health and safety reports and incidents.

Ensure arrangements for fire evacuation are in place and regularly tested.

The Head of Service’s responsibilities in his absence.

Implement the policy.

Develop positive health and safety attitudes.

all employees aware of the policy and procedures.

Detail organisation arrangements and allocate responsibilities within service area.

Ensure provision of safe machinery and equipment.

Consult with representatives of employee safety as appropnate.

Ensure investigation and reporting of incidents

Make arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and disposal of articles/substances.

Make arrangements for the assessment of risks within the service area, acting upon those identified to eliminate or control.

Make arrangements for informing, instructing, training and adequate supervision of staff.

Make arrangements for the regular inspection of workplaces to ensure safety.

Make arrangements for the vetting, monitoring and assessment of contractors.

Monitor and review policy, risk assessments and action plans.

Develop positive health and safety attitudes.

Assess risks, propose and/or implement measures to eliminate or control.

Ensure the safe use of machinery and equipment provided.

Ensure the safe use, handling, storage and disposal of articles/substances.

Inform, instruct, train and adequately supervise employees,

Regularly inspect workplaces to ensure safety.

Ensure the objectives of the action plan are brought the attention of senior management.

Ensure implementation of procedures to demonstrate contractor competency.

Co-operate with safety representatives! representatives of employee safety as appropriate.

Report safety issues to senior managers.

Comply with reasonable safety instructions.

Use personal protective equipment safely.

Use, handle, store, convey, dispose of artides/substances safely.

Report safety issues to line managers.

Assist in the investigation of accidents as appropriate.

Assist in the assessments of risk as appropriate.

Report accidents or near misses.

Do not use defective or unsafe equipment.





• H & S Notice Board (Kitchen area 2 Floor North Civic Centre),

Staff will e cece to


• Available through your line manager (& w be made avaae or N &ve &

• Bak Generai Risk Assssmerts avaabe c wvNImyookt.ret)


Available on or through your line manager

