BOILER REPLACEMENT SCHEME (BRS) INSTALLERS GUIDE Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 1 INSTALLERS GUIDE Section 1 – Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 Section 2 – Eligibility criteria ......................................................................................... 4 Section 3 – The allowance............................................................................................ 5 Section 4 – The process ............................................................................................... 6 Section 5 – The fine print.............................................................................................. 7 Section 6 - Documentation ........................................................................................... 9 Section 7 – Application of VAT ................................................................................... 11 Section 8 – Building Control requirements ................................................................. 13 NI Building Control Information Note No. 01............................................................... 14 NI Building Control Information Note No. 02............................................................... 22 Appendix A – Boiler Replacement Scheme Application Form .................................... 27 Certificate of Earnings ................................................................................................ 42 Appendix B – Boiler Installer Form ............................................................................. 43 Appendix C – Approval pack ...................................................................................... 47 Appendix D – Revised invoice template ..................................................................... 55 Appendix E – Boiler replacement leaflet ..................................................................... 57 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 2 Section 1 – Introduction Following the successful Pilot Boiler Replacement Scheme, a new scheme has been launched by the Department for Social Development. The scheme, funded by the Northern Ireland Executive, will be managed by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. This guide has been developed following consultation on the scheme design with a number of key stakeholders including Installers groups and the gas companies. The administration of the scheme has been developed taking into account lessons learned from the pilot Boiler Replacement Scheme which completed in March 2012. This document will give a brief guide to scheme eligibility, the process used to administer the scheme, and is part of a pack designed to help installers with administration. While processes have been designed to make the scheme as straightforward as possible, it is important for Installers to understand that the Housing Executive must ensure that all reasonable steps have been taken to meet governance requirements and that proper processes have been put in place to prevent fraudulent claims. Therefore a number of checks have been built into the system. Installers are requested to note the importance of submitting the correct documentation to the Housing Executive, at the right time. This will hopefully minimise administration of the scheme and provide a better service to both you and our Boiler Replacement Scheme applicants. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 3 Section 2 – Eligibility criteria The following eligibility criteria will be applied for the scheme: Applicants must be owner occupiers Owner occupiers include those people who have their ‘day in the house’; The property must be the applicant’s sole or main home (not a holiday home, bed and breakfast establishment, a static caravan or a houseboat); The allowance is not available to private sector tenants, NIHE or housing association tenants. Total gross income must be less than £40,000 Total gross income is the total earnings and benefits of both the owner and their partner. We will also take into account all earnings and benefits of any other owners and their partners who are living in the property; Income includes self employed earnings and other income the applicant may receive such as pension payments; We will NOT take into account savings or investments, or capitalise any land which the applicant may own. The existing boiler must be at least 15 years old The installer will be asked to note the age of the boiler on the Boiler Installer Form; All oil, gas, and LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) boilers which are at least 15 years old are eligible for the scheme; While it is possible to replace an LPG boiler at least 15 years old with a new LPG boiler, it is not possible to convert from oil or natural gas to LPG; Stoves or ranges used exclusively for cooking are not eligible for replacement under the scheme. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 4 Section 3 – The allowance Boiler Replacement Scheme Allowances The Boiler Replacement Allowance is available to those with a joint annual income of under £40,000. However, there is an increased allowance for those who earn under £20,000. Therefore, the amount of allowance depends on two factors; The total income earned by the applicant and their partner The type of boiler they intend to install. Joint Income of owner occupier/s and spouse/partner Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Oil to Oil Oil to Oil with Controls Oil or Natural Gas to Natural Gas Oil to Wood Pellet Less than £20,000 £700 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £20,000 - £39,999 £400 £500 £500 £500 Where an existing boiler is at least 15 years old and runs on LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas), it may also be eligible to be replaced with a new LPG boiler or with oil or gas, but it is not possible under the scheme to replace an existing oil or gas boiler with a new LPG boiler. Further financial assistance Applicants who wish to convert to gas for the first time will be eligible for a further allowance from one of the gas companies, dependant on the gas network appropriate to their location. Contribution from gas companies Firmus Phoenix £300 £200 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 5 Section 4 – The process APPLICANT AND GRANTS OFFICE INSTALLER INITIAL CONTACT The applicant contacts the Grants Office Applicant asked showstopper questions: 1. Are you the owner/occupier (or have your day in the house)? 2. Is this address your sole or main home (not holiday home, B&B, static caravan or houseboat)? 3. Is the total gross annual income of you and your partner combined less than £40,000? 4. Is your existing central heating boiler at least 15 years old? 5. What fuel does it run on: Oil/Gas/LPG? No input GRANTS OFFICE ISSUES APPLICATION FORM APPLICANT SUBMITS APPLICATION FORM Applicant must provide: Grants Office will; Recent mortgage statement OR Check for any previous copy of house insurance policy grants or applications Check owner occupation Most recent utility bill (rates, electricity, gas, telephone) Recent payslip or certificate of Check income earnings (if working) BOILER INSTALLER FORM ISSUED TO APPLICANT (Applicant gives to installer to complete) No input Installer may submit application form, but Grants Office will deal directly with applicant. A Boiler Installer Form may also be submitted at this time if the applicant has chosen an installer. Installer MUST include: 1. Applicant details 2. Installer details 3. Current boiler details 4. Details of new boiler GRANTS OFFICE RECEIVES BOILER INSTALLER FORM 1. Record boiler information on system 2. Select for inspection GRANTS OFFICE ISSUES APPROVAL Applicant notified of amount of allowance payable and that work should be completed within 3 months GRANTS OFFICE NOTIFIED OF COMPLETION OF WORK 1. Request outstanding documentation 2. Select for inspection MAKE PAYMENT No input See Appendix C Documents for payment: 1. Detailed final invoice 2. Building Control Completion Certificate 3. Commissioning Certificate for new boiler 4. Copy of planning approval (if required) 5. BACS if appropriate Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 6 Section 5 – The fine print The Housing Executive has provided important information about the scheme in notes on both the application form and the Boiler Installer Form. It is essential that both you and the applicant are aware of these notes: Notes to the applicant on the application form: 1. The Housing Executive accepts no duty of care for any works carried out under this Scheme. 2. The Housing Executive accepts no responsibility for the quality/standard of any work carried out under this scheme. 3. The installer you choose to install your new boiler is responsible for carrying out the works in a competent manner. If you have any problems with your new boiler, or if your property is damaged during the boiler replacement works, you should contact your installer. 4. The boiler manufacturer will issue a specific warranty for the boiler. The installer should make clear to you that he will provide a separate guarantee for his workmanship. He should make clear to you what aspects of the works he will guarantee and for how long he will guarantee them. You should talk to your installer before any works begin to agree a warranty period for his workmanship. 5. We would advise that all electrical works should be carried out by a competent electrician registered with NICEIC, ECA or an equivalent body. 6. You must ensure that all works carried out in your home comply with all statutory requirements. 7. The Housing Executive will not pay any allowance under this scheme until we have received the following documents: a final itemised invoice from the installer in every case; a Building Control completion certificate in every case; a commissioning certificate in every case appropriate for the type of boiler newly installed under the scheme; and a copy of planning approval where necessary. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 7 Notes to installer on the installer form 1. The Housing Executive accepts no duty of care for any works carried out under this scheme. 2. The Housing Executive accepts no responsibility for the quality/standard of any work carried out under this scheme. 3. The boiler manufacturer will issue a specific warranty for the boiler. The installer should make clear to the householder that he will guarantee his workmanship. He should make clear what aspects of the works he will guarantee and for how long he will guarantee them. 4. All electrical works carried out under this scheme should be carried out by a competent electrician registered with NICEIC, ECA or an equivalent body. 5. The installer must ensure that all works carried out under this scheme comply with all statutory requirements. 6. The Housing Executive will not pay any allowance under this scheme until we have received the following documents: a final invoice from the installer in every case; a Building Control completion certificate in every case; a commissioning certificate in every case appropriate to the type of boiler newly installed under the scheme; and a copy of planning approval where necessary. The above notes are included on the Boiler Application Form and the installer form. While shown here for emphasis they should be read in conjunction with the forms themselves which include other important information. Installers should pay particular attention to Note 4 on the application form and Note 3 on the installer form. Work should not commence on the boiler replacement before the Housing Executive issues formal approval to do so. The Boiler Replacement Allowance will not be paid if works are started before formal approval is issued. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 8 Section 6 - Documentation The Housing Executive is aware of the need, particularly in the current economic climate, to process payments as quickly as possible. However applicants and Installers will appreciate that we also need to ensure that robust governance procedures are in place to ensure that public funds are paid in accordance with legislation and policy. Therefore, it is important for installers to be aware of the documentation required to process an application and payment, and the need for this documentation to be provided as quickly as possible in the correct format. Below is a quick guide to the information we will be requesting: FROM THE APPLICANT – THE APPLICATION FORM: Form completed and submitted to the Grants Office with the following documentation: 1. Latest mortgage statement OR current house insurance policy (if applicant doesn’t have a current mortgage statement) 2. Most recent utility bill (eg. Rates Demand, electricity, gas, telephone) 3. A copy of most recent pay slip or certificate of earnings (if working) PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATION FORMS NOT PROPERLY COMPLETED, OR NOT ACCOMPANIED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION, WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. FROM THE INSTALLER – THE BOILER INSTALLER FORM All sections of the Installer form must be completed. Eligibility for the Boiler Replacement Allowance will be based on information provided by the Installer on this form. Installers should note that the installer form must be signed. An unsigned form will be returned. Installers undertake to comply with Building Control and statutory requirements for works to be carried out under the Boiler Replacement Scheme. (See Section 8) INSTALLERS MUST BE GAS SAFE REGISTERED TO WORK ON NATURAL GAS INSTALLATIONS. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR GAS SAFE REGISTRATION NUMBER ON THE FORM. You are not required to be OFTEC registered to work on oil fired installations, but if you are, please include your OFTEC registration number in the box provided. FROM THE GRANTS OFFICE TO THE APPLICANT – APPROVAL DOCUMENTS The following documents will be issued by the Grants Office: 1. Covering letter 2. Formal approval to start work, stating allowance payable Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 9 3. Notification of Completion of Works form 4. BACs Forms 01 & 02 – (Assignment documents) 5. Installers invoice template FROM THE APPLICANT & INSTALLER - PAYMENT DOCUMENTATION The following documents will be required before payment can be processed; 1. Notification of Completion of Works form (signed by the applicant) 2. BACS form (Either BACS 01 or 02) 3. Installers detailed invoice. The invoice must be signed and dated by the installer (See also Chapter 7 on Application of VAT) 4. Invoice template included at Appendix D 5. Building Control Completion Certificate (Please see Section 8 on Building Control procedures) 6. Boiler Commissioning Certificate 7. Planning approval (if required) An electrical completion certificate will not be required, but all electrical work carried out under this Scheme should be carried out by a competent electrician registered with NICEIC, ECA or an equivalent body. On receipt of the above documentation the Grants Office will select a number of applications for inspection. The Housing Executive accepts neither a duty of care for the works carried out, nor accepts responsibility for the quality/standard of any work carried out under the scheme. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 10 Section 7 – Application of VAT It is important that Installers apply the correct level of VAT to works carried out under the Boiler Replacement Scheme. The Boiler Replacement Allowance itself is ‘outside scope’ for VAT purposes and therefore the allowance given by the Housing Executive will be the same, whether VAT is charged or not. However, while VAT is not taken into account by the Housing Executive in assessing the allowance, it is important in relation to the amount the applicant will have to pay to the Installer. Installers should read the relevant sections of the VAT legislation to ensure they charge the correct amount. You may wish to consult the following issued by HM Revenue and Customs in November 2011; Notice 708/6 Energy Saving Materials Section 3.9 (Grant funded schemes) Section 3.11 (Contributions from householders own resources) Section 3.9 indicates that work carried out under the Boiler Replacement Scheme is eligible for the reduced rate of VAT. Section 3.11 indicates that where schemes are only part grant aided, such as the Boiler Replacement Scheme, only the proportion of the work which is grant aided is eligible for the reduced VAT rate. Example; A householder is eligible under the Boiler Replacement Allowance to convert from oil to gas. As the householder has income of less than £20,000, they are entitled to a £1,000 Boiler Replacement Allowance. Installer does not apply reduced VAT Boiler Replacement Allowance Cost of works £2,000 VAT @ 20% £400 Total Cost to Householder £2,400 Installer applies reduced VAT for grant portion of the works Cost of works £2,000 VAT @ 20% on £1,000 not grant aided £200 £1,000 Boiler Replacement Allowance Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 11 VAT @ 5% on £1,000 grant aided £50 Total Cost to Householder £2,250 £1,000 This example shows that, although there is no financial advantage to the Installer, the applicant will pay £150 more where the correct VAT rate has not been applied. This can be a significant amount to a household with earnings of less than £20,000 per year, and may be the deciding factor on whether an applicant carries out the works. This in turn could have an impact on the level of uptake for the scheme. Therefore Installers should include details of the VAT applied on their final invoice (See Appendix D). As stated above, the rate of VAT charged will not affect the allowance paid, but the Housing Executive will monitor how VAT has been applied as the scheme progresses. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 12 Section 8 – Building Control requirements Installers undertake to comply with relevant Building Control and other statutory requirements. Building Control Completion Certificates will be required for all boiler replacement applications. The following information notes are attached: Building Control (NI) Information Note No. 1 - Procedural information for Building Regulations application for domestic boiler replacements & associated works. Building Control (NI) Information Note No. 2 - Boiler Replacement Scheme 2012 – Information note for contractors & applicants Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Introduction 13 Subject: NI Building Control PROCEDURAL INFORMATION FOR Information Note BUILDING REGULATIONS APPLICATION No. 01 FOR DOMESTIC BOILER REPLACEMENTS & ASSOCIATED WORKS Issued Sept. 2012 Revision 02 Page 01 Of 08 It is a legal requirement under The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 that an application be made to the relevant local council for work in connection with boiler replacements. The Building Control Northern Ireland website may be of further assistance: MAKING AN APPLICATION STEP 1. Establish which council area the property lies in. The following page in the website shows a map of the current council boundaries in Northern Ireland. Building Control NI – Council boundaries If you click on any area, you will get useful information about that council, including contact details, and a more detailed map of the borough, which should help confirm that it is the local council that covers the property. See also the contact details in this document. If the property is too near a boundary to determine, confirm by phoning one or both of the councils; their Building Control Departments are probably best equipped to answer this, as they usually deal with postal numbering. STEP 2. Fill out an application form.(see an example of a completed form) This link takes you to a form on the BCNI website: Building Control NI application form The form can be filled out online and printed out. Hard copies of standard Northern Ireland Building Control forms are available from any local Council Building Control office. Tick the ‘Building Notice’ box. The sections for details of applicant, agent, and works location should be filled in. The applicant can be the person occupying the Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 14 dwelling, although it can be any other associated party. The agent is usually the installer. In section A Fill in description of work. It is important that the person filling out the application form inserts the correct wording to reflect the option as detailed on the NIHE application forms, as this is what will be printed on the Building Regulation Completion Certificate ie: Option 1 - Existing Oil to new oil (no additional controls) Option 2 - Existing Oil to new oil with full dual controls Option 3 - Existing LPG to new LPG (no additional controls) Option 4 - Existing LPG to new LPG with full dual controls Option 5 - Existing LPG to new Oil with full dual controls Option 6 - Existing Oil (or LPG) to Natural Gas (with full dual controls) Option 7 - Existing Oil (or LPG) to Wood Pellet (with full dual controls) In section B A brief description of the materials, components and construction should be entered. In Section C Ignore unless the work has already been carried out & you now wish to legitimise it. (ie; Regularisation Application) In Section D Provide an estimated cost of the works proposed (see Step 3 for further guidance) The applicant/ installer must complete, sign and submit the Building Regulation Application, to the relevant council prior to works commencing with the relevant fee. A site location plan at either 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale may be requested at application stage. STEP 3. Legislation requires that a fee be paid for works in connection with a boiler replacement. The fee is based on the estimated cost of the works excluding VAT. The two fee categories likely to be considered under this scheme are: Cost of works up to the value of £2,000 which attracts a Building Regulation Fee of £60 (£72 for a regularization application) and; Cost of works between the value of £2,001 and up to £5,000 which attracts a Building Regulation Fee of £150. (£180 for a regularization application) For any works estimated above £5,001 please contact your local Council Building Control Department for advise on fees. (all above fees are currently under review & are subject to change) Please ensure cheques are written out to the relevant council. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 15 A number of councils also accept applications electronically via the council’s website or email. Payment may alternatively be made by using most major credit/debit cards. Contact your local Council Building Control department for further advice. NOTIFICATION OF WORKS. After a Building Regulation application has been submitted, the applicant/ installer will receive acknowledgement of receipt of the application. As the installation works commence the applicant/ installer must notify Building Control to arrange suitable date/time for access to inspect the works. Please refer to the Information Note No.2 regarding what the Building Control Officer may be looking for during the completion inspection. When the Building Control inspector is satisfied that the works comply with the Building Regulations, the Council will issue a Building Regulation Completion Certificate. If you have any queries either before or during the process, please call your local Council Building Control department. NB The new Building Regulations for Northern Ireland will be introduced on 31st October 2012 & as result any information given in this document will be subject to review & update. The Building Regulation fees are under review & are subject to change All contact details for Building Control Offices can be found at the following web site Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 16 CONTACT DETAILS FOR COUNCILS: Antrim Borough Council Antrim Civic Centre, 50 Stiles Way Antrim BT41 2UB Co. Antrim Telephone: 028 9446 3113 Ards Borough Council 2 Church Street Newtownards BT23 4AP Co. Down Telephone: 02891 824034 Armagh City & District Council The Palace Demesne Armagh BT60 4EL Co. Armagh Telephone: 02837 529616 Ballymena Borough Council Ardeevin 80 Galgorm Road Ballymena BT42 1AB Co. Antrim Telephone: 02825 660300 Ballymoney Borough Council Riada House 14 Charles Street Ballymoney BT53 6DZ Telephone: 02827 660200 Banbridge District Council Civic Building Downshire Road Banbridge BT32 3JY Telephone: 02840 660603 Belfast Building Control Service 5th Floor 9 Lanyon Place Belfast BT1 3LP Telephone: 02890 270650 Helpline: 02890 270432 Carrickfergus Borough Council Building Services Department Museum & Civic Centre 11 Antrim Street Carrickfergus BT38 7DG Co. Antrim Telephone: 02893 358000 Castlereagh Borough Council Castlereagh Civic & Administrative Offices 1 Bradford Court Upper Galwally Castlereagh BT8 6RB Telephone: 02890 494610 Coleraine Borough Council Cloonavin 66 Portstewart Road Coleraine BT52 1EY Telephone: 02870 347252 Cookstown District Council Burn Road Cookstown Co.Tyrone BT80 8DT Telephone: 02886 762205 Craigavon Borough Council Civic Centre Lakeview Road Craigavon BT64 1AL Telephone: 028 3831 2486 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 17 Derry City Council 98 Strand Road Derry BT48 7NN Co. Londonderry Telephone: 02871 376521 Down District Council 24 Strangford Road Downpatrick BT30 6SR Co. Down Telephone: 02844 610829 Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council Circular Road Dungannon Co. Tyrone BT71 6DT Telephone: 028 8772 0357 Fermanagh District Council Town Hall Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh BT74 7BA Telephone: 02866 321807 Larne Borough Council Smiley Buildings Victoria Road Larne BT40 1RU Co. Antrim Telephone: 02828 272313 Limavady Borough Council 7 Connell Street Limavady BT49 0HA Telephone: 02877 760301 Lisburn City Council Building Control Services, Environmental Services Department ISLAND CIVIC CENTRE 1 The Island Lisburn BT27 4RL Telephone: 02892 509372 Magherafelt District Council 50 Ballyronan Road Magherafelt BT45 6EN Telephone: 028 7939 7979 Moyle District Council Sheskburn House 7 Mary Street Ballycastle BT54 6HQ Telephone: 02820 762225 Newry & Mourne District Council O´Hagan House Monaghan Row Newry BT35 8DJ Telephone: 02830 313000 Newtownabbey Borough Council Mossley Mill Newtownabbey BT36 5QA Co. Antrim Telephone: 02890 340140 North Down Borough Council Town Hall, Castle Park Avenue Bangor BT20 4BT Co. Down Telephone: 02891 278015 Omagh District Council The Grange Mountjoy Road Omagh Co. Tyrone BT79 7BL Telephone: 02882 245321 Strabane District Council 47 Derry Road Strabane Co. Tyrone BT82 8DY Telephone: 028 7138 1315 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 18 Application form example Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 19 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 20 Version Date Who Detail 0.1 02.09.12 T L. SGBC 1st issue 0.2 20.09.12 T L. SGBC Page 1 - Amendments from 4 to 7 options Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 21 Subject: NI Building Boiler Replacement Scheme 2012 Information Note Control Information for Contractors & Applicants Note No. Issued Revision Page Of 02 Sept.2012 2.0 01 04 This information note is intended to provide awareness & information to householders, plumbers & agents regarding the issues surrounding the recently launched (2012) Department of Social Development (DSD) Boiler Replacement Scheme across Northern Ireland. This information note aims to give awareness of the legal duty to comply with the Northern Ireland Building Regulations (currently Building Regulations (NI) 2000), & the practical implication for this & similar schemes. Information is based on the legislation presently enforced & upon information available at the time of issue & may be subject to change. The Building Regulations (NI) 2000 & associated Department of Finance & Personnel (DFPNI) guidance documents should always be consulted for full details in any particular case. Why do I need to make a Building Regulation application? The Building Regulations are necessary to ensure that an acceptable standard of construction is achieved to protect the health & safety of people in & around buildings & to improve energy conservation. For the vast majority of domestic boiler replacement1, it is a legal requirement that a Building Regulation application must be made to the Local Council, which may take the form of a Building Notice. How do I comply with the NI Building Regulations? Whether or not a Building Regulation application is required for the boiler replacement works, it is a legal requirement that all the works must comply with the Building Regulations. The Building Regulations are legislative requirements to ensure that the health & safety of people in or about buildings is not compromised. With regards to boiler replacements, the main requirements are that; a) it operates safely b) it’s operation does not cause damage by heat or fire 1 generally the only exception being where an existing boiler is being replaced without any works such as new flue etc Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 22 c) the products of combustion do not cause a risk to health d) it receives sufficient air for its safe operation e) the system is efficient Under the Building Regulations (NI) 2000, there are a number of items that should be checked for compliance. These include; 1. New flue arrangement to comply with guidance in Building Regulations Technical Booklet L, 2006 2. Any new thermostatic controls generally to comply with “reasonable provisions” as suggested in the DCLG (2008) guide. 3. NB. Care must also be taken when working on existing systems that have back boilers or solar panels etc., to ensure that the safety & efficiency of the system are not compromised (boiler warranty also to be considered). 4. Correct fitting of existing/new fire valve 5. Any new replacement circulation pump 6. Any new installation of programmer/timer as per DCLG (2008) guide 7. Adequate permanent supply of combustion air (see Building Regulations Technical Booklet L, 2006, for guidance) 8. Boiler efficiency (see guidance below for performance standards) 9. Insulation of pipes & fittings (see Building Regulations Technical Booklet L,2006, for guidance) 10. Safe storage of fuel (see Building Regulations Technical Booklet L, 2006, for guidance) 11. Safe disposal of condensates 12. All heating and hot water systems need to be fully commissioned to ensure they are operating at maximum efficiency and that all controls work as intended. The person who carries out the commissioning must provide a certificate confirming that it has been carried out properly to both the client and the Building Control Surveyor. 13. Proper instructions to owners should be provided to inform them of how to operate the system efficiently including what routine maintenance is required. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 23 What are the performance standards for central heating boilers? For domestic oil & gas fired boilers you are required to have a minimum SEDBUK 2005 2 seasonal efficiency rating 90% from 31st Oct. 2012 (current requirement min. 86% applies until then). For domestic wood pellet boilers you are required to have a minimum SEDBUK 2005 seasonal efficiency rating 70/75% from 31st Oct. 2012 (current requirement min 65% applies until then). All values are minimum values and apply to new and existing buildings, except where stated. The boiler efficiency should meet either the SEDBUK 2005 or SEDBUK 2009 standard. If the SEDBUK efficiency given in boiler literature is not dated, it should be assumed to be the SEDBUK 2005 value. Efficiency is heat output divided by calorific value of fuel. The net calorific value of a fuel excludes the latent heat of water vapour in the exhaust, and so is lower than the gross calorific value. Efficiency test results and European standards normally use net calorific values. SAP 2009, which uses gross values, gives factors in Table E4 for converting net efficiency to gross efficiency (e.g. 0.901 for natural gas, 0.921 for LPG, 0.937 for oil). Controls etc. for heating and hot water systems Given the potential variety & complexity of existing heating & hot water systems, there may well be various solutions to providing controls etc. which could comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations. Space heating controls, zone controls, timing controls, boiler control interlocks etc. should be designed to comply with the principles as set out in the DFPNI Technical Booklet F1, 2006 & DCLG Domestic Heating Compliance Guide 2008. These include: 1. Areas with differing heating needs (such as separate sleeping and living areas) should have individual temperature control - by the use of room thermostats or individual radiator valves. 2. Separate timing controls should be provided for space heating and hot water (except for combination boilers and solid fuel appliances). The system design must allow the provision of only space heating, only water heating, or both when required. 3. Boiler interlock should included (ie; anti-cycling devices) to ensure that when there is no demand for either space heating or hot water, the boiler & pump will switch off. 2 If boiler assessed under SEDBUK 2009 then seasonal efficiency rating 88% applies from 31st Oct. 2012 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 24 4. Pipes and ducts should also be insulated, particularly where they run through unheated areas or outside. Hot pipework connecting to boilers and hot water storage vessels (including the vent pipe) should be insulated for at least 1m from the point where they connect. 5. All heating and hot water systems need to be fully commissioned to ensure they are operating at maximum efficiency and that all controls work as intended. The person who carries out the commissioning must provide a certificate confirming that it has been carried out properly to both the client and the Building Control Surveyor. 6. Proper instructions to owners should be provided to inform them of how to operate the system efficiently, what routine maintenance is required and the benefits of conserving fuel and power Building Regulation Completion Certificate. Ensure you receive your Building Regulation Compliance Certificate from your local Council Building Control Department on satisfactory completion of the works. NB The new Building Regulations for Northern Ireland will be introduced on 31st October 2012 & as result any information given in this document will be subject to review & possible update. Useful links and advisory leaflets. 1. Building Regulations (NI) 2000, Technical Booklet F1,2006: Conservation of Fuel and Power in Dwellings 2. Building Regulations (NI) 2000, Technical Booklet L,2006: Conservation of Fuel and Power in Dwellings 3. Guide to the Condensing Boiler Installation Assessment Procedure for Dwellings ODPM 2005 4. Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide 2008 DCLG All leaflets can be downloaded from Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 25 Version Date Who Detail 0.1 Aug. 2012 TL (SGBC) Draft 01 0.2 Sept 2012 TL (SGBC) 1st issue to DSD/NIHE Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Building Control Information Note No.1 26 Appendix A – Boiler Replacement Scheme Application Form Boiler Replacement Scheme Application Form Office Stamp Ref. No._______________________ Please read carefully all notes, including additional notes on page 9 of the form. Please return this form when completed to: Please contact the Grants Office if you require advice or guidance on completing the form. All information provided on this form will be treated in strictest confidence. YOU MUST NOT COMMENCE WORK ON THE BOILER REPLACEMENT BEFORE THE HOUSING EXECUTIVE ISSUES YOU WITH FORMAL APPROVAL TO DO SO. IF YOU DO COMMENCE THE WORKS WITHOUT FORMAL APPROVAL, THE BOILER REPLACEMENTALLOWANCE WILL NOT BE PAID. Tick () answer boxes where appropriate. For assistance telephone FRAUD WARNING - YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED IF YOU PROVIDE FALSE INFORMATION If this form is not properly completed, we will return it to you. You will not be considered for the scheme until the form is properly completed and returned to us. Boiler Replacement Scheme eligibility criteria A. Applicant eligibility To be eligible for the Boiler Replacement Scheme you must: Own your home and occupy it as your sole or main residence (you may also be eligible if you are entitled to have your day in the house or if you are in the co-ownership scheme); Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 27 And The total, gross, annual income of the owner occupier/s and his/her spouse/partner must be less than £40,000; B. Boiler eligibility To qualify for the Boiler Replacement Scheme: Your existing boiler must be at least 15 years old. 1. Applicant details Title: First Name: Surname: Date of Birth: National Insurance Number: 2 Details of spouse/partner Title: First Name: Surname: Date of Birth: National Insurance Number: 3 Address of property where boiler is to be replaced Post code: To be eligible for the Boiler Replacement Scheme, this address must be your sole or main home. Holiday homes, bed and breakfast establishments, static caravans or houseboats are not eligible for consideration under this scheme. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 28 4. Contact details Please indicate () your preferred contact method Home telephone number: Mobile telephone number: Work telephone number: Email address: 5. Representative/correspondence details If someone will be acting on your behalf, or if you want us to send correspondence to another address, please provide details below. Name of representative: Representative’s relationship to you: Address: Post code: Preferred telephone number Email address 6. Do you own your home, or are you entitled to your day in the house, or are you currently in the co-ownership scheme; and do you occupy your home as your sole or main residence? Yes No You must provide your latest mortgage statement. If you do not have a recent mortgage statement, we may accept your current certificate of house buildings insurance. You must also submit a recent utility bill (rates demand, electricity, gas, telephone bill). The Boiler Replacement Scheme is NOT available to private sector tenants nor to tenants of the Housing Executive or registered housing associations. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 29 7. Is your existing boiler at least 15 years old? Yes No 8. Are the works the subject of, or included in, any other application to the Housing Executive for grant aid or assistance? Yes No If “Yes”, please give details 9. Apart from the additional funding available as part of this scheme from Phoenix Natural Gas or Firmus Energy, are you applying for any other help to replace your boiler? Yes No If you are applying for other help, the Housing Executive will not pay an allowance under this scheme. To be eligible for the Boiler Replacement Scheme, your total, gross, annual income must be less than £40,000. Income consists of: Earnings from your job (including self employment); Benefit income; Any other income including income from a pension, property rental, maintenance or similar. 10. Is your total, gross, annual, income less than £40,000? Yes 11. No Income details If you answered “yes” at 10 above, please provide details on the next page of your total, gross, income and the total, gross, income of your spouse/partner. You must confirm, under the categories listed, all sources of income or benefits that you or your spouse/partner receive. If you and your partner are employed, you must enclose with this form a recent payslip or have the enclosed certificate of earnings form completed by your employer. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 30 Anyone else who may be registered as an owner of this property and who occupies it as their sole or main residence must also provide details of their income. Please continue on the additional sheets, see pages 10 and 11. If you require any help or clarification, please contact your Grants Office on the telephone number on the front of this form. When entering amounts in the boxes below, please indicate whether payments are received on a weekly (w), fortnightly (f), monthly (m), 4 weekly (4) or annual (a) basis For example: a = Annual income You Spouse/Partner (Amount) Gross Salary/Wages (a) £14,112 (Frequency) 00 Earned Income 69 a (Frequency of Payment) Spouse/Partner £ £ £ £ Type of benefit You Spouse/Partner Attendance Allowance £ £ Disability Living Allowance £ £ Incapacity Benefit £ £ Self Employment Gross earnings from self employment (c) £11,223 (Frequency) You Gross salary/wages (b) a (Amount) B enefits Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 31 (d) Retirement Pension £ £ Pension Credit £ £ Occupational Pen. (Gross) £ £ Income Support £ £ Job Seeker’s Allowance £ £ Employment/Support Allow. £ £ Child Benefit £ £ Child Tax Credit £ £ Working Tax Credit £ £ Other Income/Benefits (please specify and show amounts and frequency of payment) Other Income/Benefits You Spouse/Partner £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ I/we declare that I/we have accurately recorded all sources of income received. I/we understand that we may be liable to prosecution if we make false statements I/we understand that the Housing Executive may share my details with other agencies as appropriate. I/we understand that the Housing Executive will contact other agencies as appropriate to verify the information provided Signature of applicant Date Signature of spouse/partner Date Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 32 12. Boiler Replacement Allowance The amount of allowance you might get will depend on your total household income, and the works you propose to carry out. Joint income of owner occupier/s and spouse/partner Option 1. Option 2. Option 3. Option 4. Oil to oil Oil to oil with controls Oil or natural gas to natural gas Oil to wood pellet Less than £20,000 £700 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £20,000 - £39,999 £400 £500 £500 £500 If your existing boiler runs on LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas, which is usually provided in bottles or tanks), and is more than 15 years old, you may be able to install a new LPG boiler, in which case you might be eligible for the levels of assistance set out above at Option 1. Alternatively, you might be eligible to convert to oil or natural gas (as above at Options 2 or 3). The Boiler Replacement Scheme is not available to convert from oil or natural gas to LPG. If you are converting from oil to natural gas for the first time, the gas utility companies will give you an additional contribution. Phoenix Natural Gas will give you £200 towards the costs of converting to natural gas under this scheme; Firmus Energy will give you £300. For further information, you should contact: Phoenix Natural Gas on 08454 55 55 55 or Firmus Energy on 08456 08 00 88. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 33 13. Please let us know how you first heard about the Boiler Replacement Scheme NIHE website Boiler Replacement Scheme leaflet Family or friends Which was sent to my home From the NIHE Grants Office From an Occupational Therapist From a Gas Company (Phoenix/Firmus) From an Oil Company/Distributor From Health Trust (Doctor’s Surgery/Hospital) Local Post Office Local Library Local Church From a newspaper Belfast Telegraph Irish News News Letter Local paper (Please name below) I was advised by a gas/oil company that a grant was available An installer called to my home Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 34 At an event Balmoral Show Local agricultural show Specific local show or event (Please name below) Other (Please give details) Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 35 14. Declaration. To be completed by the applicant. I authorise the Housing Executive to obtain information from any source which may be relevant to my application and to share this information with other agencies. I declare that to the best of my knowledge the details provided on this form are correct. I understand that if I give information that is incorrect or incomplete, I will be liable to prosecution. I declare that I own and occupy as my sole or main residence the property at the address shown at section 3. I declare that my existing boiler is at least 15 years old. I enclose the following: 1. Latest mortgage statement or Current certificate of house buildings insurance (I do not have a current mortgage statement) 2. Most recent utility bill (rates demand or electricity, gas, telephone bill) 3. Most recent pay slip or certificate of earnings (if working) Please tick the boxes appropriate to the documents you intend sending to us. You must provide either of the documents at 1 plus one of the documents at 2 and, if you are working, one of the documents at 3. Signature: ________________________________ Date:_____________ Warning: Anyone knowingly making a false statement to fraudulently obtain monies is liable to prosecution. You must not commence work on the boiler replacement before the Housing Executive issues you with formal approval to do so. If you do commence the works without formal approval, the boiler replacement allowance will not be paid. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 36 15. Fair Processing Code and Data Protection Act 1998: The Housing Executive must collect personal details for the purpose of establishing eligibility, facilitating the processing of the application, if eligibility is established, and enabling us to pay the Boiler Replacement Allowance, if approved, to a specified bank account. In order to comply with the requirements of the “Fair Processing Code” and other obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Housing Executive has prepared an information leaflet which is available at your local grants office, or by visiting our website: Notes to applicant 1. The Housing Executive accepts no duty of care for any works carried out under this scheme. 2. The Housing Executive accepts no responsibility for the quality/standard of any work carried out under this scheme. 3. The installer you choose to install your new boiler is responsible for carrying out the works in a competent manner. If you have any problems with your new boiler, or if your property is damaged during the boiler replacement works, you should contact your installer. 4. The boiler manufacturer will issue a specific warranty for the boiler. The installer should make clear to you that he will provide a separate guarantee for his workmanship. He should make clear to you what aspects of the works he will guarantee and for how long he will guarantee them. You should talk to your installer before any works begin to agree a warranty period for his workmanship. 5. We would advise that all electrical works carried out should be carried out by a competent electrician registered with NICEIC, ECA or an equivalent body. 6. If you are converting from oil to natural gas for the first time, your chosen installer MUST be Gas Safe registered. 7. You must ensure that all works carried out in your home comply with all statutory requirements. 8. The Housing Executive will not pay any allowance under this scheme until we have received the following documents: a final detailed invoice from the installer in every case; clear instructions on paying the allowance (BACS 01 or BACS 02); a Building Control completion certificate in every case; a commissioning certificate in every case appropriate for the type of boiler newly installed under the scheme; and planning approval certificate where necessary. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 37 9. All information provided by you may be subject to verification. We reserve the right to refuse to make payment if you supply false information and you will be prosecuted. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 38 This section is to be completed only where there are additional owners living in the property. Please record the total, gross, income details of additional owner occupiers Earned income Gross salary/wages Additional owner occupier 1 Additional owner occupier 2 Additional owner occupier 3 £ £ £ Additional owner occupier 1 Additional owner occupier 2 Additional owner occupier 3 £ £ £ Self employment Gross earnings from self employment Benefits Type of benefit Additional owner occupier 1 Additional owner occupier 2 Additional owner occupier 3 Attendance Allowance £ £ £ Disability Living Allowance £ £ £ Incapacity Benefit £ £ £ Retirement Pension £ £ £ Pension Credit £ £ £ Occupational Pen. (Gross) £ £ £ Income Support £ £ £ Job Seeker’s Allowance £ £ £ Employment/Support Allow. £ £ £ Child Benefit £ £ £ Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 39 Child Tax Credit £ £ £ Working Tax Credit £ £ £ Other income/benefits (please specify and show amounts and frequency of payment) Additional owner occupier 1 Additional owner occupier 2 Additional owner occupier 3 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Please note: The partner/spouse of an additional owner/occupier must also provide details of all income received. Please ask for additional income sheets if you need them. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 40 I/we declare that I/we have accurately recorded all sources of income received. I/we understand that we may be liable to prosecution if we make false statements. I/we understand that the Housing Executive may share my details with other agencies as appropriate. I/we understand that the Housing Executive will contact other agencies as appropriate to verify the information provided. Please print name of additional owner occupier 1 Signature of additional owner occupier 1 Date Please print name of additional owner occupier 2 Signature of additional owner occupier 2 Date Please print name of additional owner occupier 3 Signature of additional owner occupier 3 Date Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample application form 41 Boiler Replacement Scheme Office Stamp Certificate of Earnings Any information you provide on this form will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. If you are working and cannot provide a pay slip, please have your employer complete this form. Ref. No._______________________ Employee’s Employer’s name (official stamp) Address: Occupation: Payroll No: Employer’s NINO : If paid WEEKLY, the following information should relate to the previous 4 WEEKS or, if paid MONTHLY/4 WEEKLY, the previous 4 MONTHS/16 WEEKS. Date Gross earnings £ : Office use only p Week/month/4 weeks ending Week/month/4 weeks ending Week/month/4 weeks ending Week/month/4 weeks ending Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Certificate of Earning 42 Boiler Replacement Scheme Office Stamp Appendix B – Boiler Installer Form The applicant for the Boiler Replacement Scheme should ask their installer to complete this Form and return it, when completed, to the Housing Executive. Ref. No. ___________________________ Please read carefully all notes, including the additional notes at the end of the form. Please contact the Grants Office should you require advice or guidance on completing the form. All information provided on this form will be treated in strictest confidence. Please return this form when completed to: Tick () answer boxes where appropriate. For assistance telephone 03448 920 900 1. Name of applicant 2. Address of property where the boiler is to be replaced Post Code: Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Installer Form 3. Installer details Name Address Post code: Telephone number Email address 4. Under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, it is illegal to work on natural gas installations if you are not Gas Safe registered. The Housing Executive will not make payment in such circumstances. Please provide your registration number in the box below. Gas Safe Registration Number If you are OFTEC registered, please provide your registration number in the box below. OFTEC Registration Number 5. Details of existing boiler The Boiler Replacement Scheme is designed for the replacement of central heating boilers that are at least 15 years old. Stoves or ranges used exclusively for cooking are not eligible for replacement under this scheme. Age of existing boiler: years Is there primary flow and return pipework from the boiler to the hot water cylinder separate from the central heating flow and return pipework? Yes No Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Installer Form 44 6. Boiler replacement works to be carried out Does the existing boiler run on (tick one only): Oil LPG Natural Gas Will the proposed new boiler run on (tick one only): LPG Natural Gas Oil (with full dual controls*) Wood Pellet Oil It is permissible to convert from LPG to oil or natural gas. However, we will not fund conversion from oil or natural gas to LPG. (*Full dual controls mean the capacity to heat water without heating the radiators. This work will require full compliance with current building regulations) 7. Details of new boiler Make: Model: SEDBUK ‘A’ Rated: 8. Yes No Declaration of installer. Eligibility for the Boiler Replacement Scheme will be based on the information provided by the installer. I undertake to comply with all Building Control and other statutory requirements in the carrying out of works under the Boiler Replacement Scheme. Signature of installer: ________________________________ Date: ___________ I declare that the information provided is accurate. I understand that I am liable to prosecution if I make a false statement Signature of installer: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Installer Form 45 Fair Processing Code and Data Protection Act 1998: The Housing Executive must collect personal details for the purpose of establishing eligibility, facilitating the processing of the application, if eligibility is established, and enabling us to pay the Boiler Replacement Allowance, if approved, to a specified bank account. In order to comply with the requirements of the “Fair Processing Code” and other obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Housing Executive has prepared an information leaflet which is available at your local grants office, or by visiting our website: Notes to installer 1. The Housing Executive accepts no duty of care for any works carried out under this scheme. 2. The Housing Executive accepts no responsibility for the quality/standard of any work carried out under this scheme. 3. The boiler manufacturer will issue a specific warranty for the boiler. The installer should make clear to the householder that he will guarantee his workmanship. He should make clear what aspects of the works he will guarantee and for how long he will guarantee them. 4. All electrical works carried out under this Scheme should be carried out by a competent electrician registered with NICEIC, ECA or an equivalent body. 5. If you are installing a natural gas boiler, you MUST be Gas Safe registered. 6. The installer must ensure that all works carried out under this scheme comply with all statutory requirements. 7. The Housing Executive will not pay any allowance under this scheme until we have received the following documents: a final detailed invoice from the installer in every case; a Building Control completion certificate in every case; a commissioning certificate in every case appropriate to the type of boiler newly installed under the scheme; and a copy of planning approval where necessary. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Installer Form 46 Appendix C – Approval pack Date: Ref: Dear Northern Ireland Boiler Replacement Scheme Address of property: The Executive has approved your application for the Boiler Replacement Scheme in respect of the above property. I enclose, therefore, the documents listed below: Approval form BRS 17; Notification of Completion of Work form BRS 18 which must be returned to the Housing Executive as soon as the works have been completed – please do not wait until you have received all the other documents detailed below; Payment forms BACS 01 and BACS 02. The Housing Executive intends to pay the allowance directly into your bank account. You must, therefore, ensure that you have a bank account. You should complete BACS 01 to give us your bank account details and return it to this office. Alternatively, if you wish to have the allowance paid to your installer’s bank account, please have him complete BACS 02 (see attached letter for further clarification), Upon completion of the work, you must submit: Notification of Completion of Works form BRS 18 A detailed invoice(s), or, if you have already paid the installer, the receipts relating to the work to be funded by the allowance; Payment form BACS 01 or 02, as appropriate; A Building Control completion certificate; A Commissioning Certificate for the new boiler; Copy of Planning Approval where necessary. The allowance will not be paid until we receive all the documents listed above. This approval is based on the information provided by you and your chosen installer. If we subsequently discover that any of this information was incorrect, we reserve the right to refuse to make payment. Your attention is particularly drawn to the notes on the back of the enclosed approval form. The notes set out the conditions of the approval. Yours sincerely Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Installer Form Approval of application for Boiler Replacement Scheme Ref: Property address Applicant’s name Applicant’s address Levels of financial assistance available under the Boiler Replacement Scheme Income Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Oil to oil Oil to oil with controls Oil to gas Oil to wood pellet Less than £20,000 £700 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £20,000 - £39,999 £400 £500 £500 £500 1. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive hereby approves your application for the Boiler Replacement Scheme. 2. Based on all the information you and your installer have provided, the Housing Executive has calculated that the allowance payable in your case is: £ 3. You are required to complete the works within 3 months of the date of this approval. 4. Signature of Authorising Officer: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ 5. Please ensure you read the important notes overleaf Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 48 Approval of application for Boiler Replacement Scheme – NOTES You are required to submit a detailed invoice from your contractor prior to payment of the allowance. The allowance will not be paid until we have received the following documents: A detailed invoice(s), or, if you have already paid the installer, the receipts relating to the work to be funded by the allowance; Notification of Completion of Works form BRS 18; Payment form BACS 01 or 02, as appropriate; A Building Control completion certificate; A Commissioning Certificate for the new boiler; Copy of Planning Approval where necessary The Housing Executive does not accept any liability or responsibility in respect of the work carried out to your dwelling. Accordingly you should not rely on the inspection or payment of the allowance by the Housing Executive as any proof or guarantee that the contractor you have engaged to execute the works has completed the said works to a proper standard. Any monies due to the Housing Executive as a debt will be set off against any monies payable. All electrical work carried out should be certified as being in compliance with the applicable edition of the IEE regulations. The appropriate health and safety standards must be adhered to if any item of works includes the handling of asbestos based products. The Housing Executive accepts no liability in respect of any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with: Approval of any scheme by the Housing Executive; Non renewal of any such approval; Withdrawal of any such approval; Any act or omission on the part of any company or body concerned in the management or running of any such scheme; Any act or omission on the part of any building contractor involved in work or any act or omission of any servant or agent of any such contractor. The amount of allowance payable under the Boiler Replacement Scheme depends on the total, gross, annual income of all registered owners who occupy the property and the type of new boiler it is proposed to install. The allowance is payable solely towards the cost of installing a new boiler as specified by your installer. If you ask your installer to carry out additional works, you must arrange with him to pay for those works yourself. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 49 Your new boiler must be SEDBUK ‘A’ rated for maximum energy efficiency. A new gas boiler must be installed by a GAS Safe registered installer. If you use an Oftec registered installer to install a new oil boiler, please let us know. You must also, on completion of the works, provide a commissioning certificate appropriate to the type of boiler installed. Income means earnings from a job, including self employment; benefit income and any other income including income from a pension. This approval is based on the information provided by you and your chosen installer. If we subsequently discover that any of this information was incorrect, we reserve the right to refuse to make payment. BRS 17-09/12 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 50 Notification of completion of work Applicant Name: Property Address: Boiler Replacement Scheme Reference: I would like to inform you that the boiler replacement work at the above address has been completed to my satisfaction on Date ___/_____/ 20___ I now wish to claim my boiler replacement allowance. Applicant’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________ PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT NOTES 1. In order to save unnecessary journeys by the Housing Executive’s Technical Officer, please do not submit this form until ALL WORKS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. You are required to have the works completed within 3 months of the date of the approval. 2. Please read notes number 3 and 7 on the back of your formal approval document which state that the Housing Executive does not accept any liability or responsibility in respect of the work carried out to your dwelling. You need to satisfy yourself that you have appointed a competent installer to carry out the works. 3. Please note that while we encourage you to complete this form, we can make payment without it because payment of the allowance is conditional on the work being carried out to the satisfaction of the Housing Executive Please return this form to the Grants Office at the address above. BRS 18-09/12 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 51 Date: Ref: Dear Northern Ireland Boiler Replacement Scheme Address of property: I refer to your formal approval for the Boiler Replacement Scheme for works to the above property. The Housing Executive intends to pay the allowance directly into your bank account. You should, therefore, complete the attached form BACS 01 to give us your bank account details and return it to this office. If you wish, you can authorise us to pay the allowance directly to your chosen installer. In that case, please complete section A on attached form BACS 02 to give us your installer’s bank details. You must also sign the declaration in section B on BACS 02 to confirm your authorisation for us to pay the allowance directly to the installer. The completed form should be returned to us at this office. Please note that, once we receive the signed form of assignment, we must pay the money to your installer unless you both agree, in writing, that the assignment should be set aside. Yours sincerely BACS 09/12 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 52 Boiler Replacement Scheme BACS 01 Bank Name Bank Address Post Code Name of Account Holder Sort Code __ __/__ __/__ __ Account Number __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Roll Number (if applicable) __/__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Applicant’s signature Please return this form to the address at the top of the covering letter BACS 01-09/12 Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 53 Boiler Replacement Scheme - Assignment of allowance BACS 02 Name of installer Signature of installer Installer address Post code Installer’s telephone Installer’s VAT No. Bank name Bank address Bank post code Bank account number __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Account sort code __ __/__ __/__ __ Roll number (if __/__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ applicable) Have you previously been paid by the Housing Executive? Yes No If yes, did we pay the money into this account? Yes No If you wish to assign all of the approved allowance to your chosen installer, you (the assignor) must complete the following assignment of allowance declaration. I, the Boiler Replacement Scheme applicant (assignor), hereby authorise the Housing Executive to pay all of the approved allowance to my chosen installer as specified above. In agreeing to this assignment, I am aware that the assignment is irrevocable at law and cannot be waived or set aside without the prior written consent of both assignee and assignor Signed: Date: Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Sample Approval Pack 54 Appendix D – Revised invoice template INSTALLER NAME INSTALLER ADDRESS BRS REF. No: TEL. NO: FAX NO: _____________ Email address: BOILER REPLACEMENT SCHEME INSTALLERS FINAL INVOICE INSTALLER DETAILS: VAT REGISTRATION NO: (If not VAT registered you should still detail VAT on materials) GAS SAFE REG. NO.* (If gas boiler installed) OFTEC REG. NO. (If applicable) CLIENT NAME: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Revised Invoice Template 55 Works carried out Total cost Oil to Oil £ LPG to LPG £ Oil to Oil with Controls £ LPG to Oil with Controls £ Oil to Gas £ LPG to Gas £ Gas to Gas £ Oil to Wood Pellet £ LPG to Wood Pellet £ OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3* OPTION 4 VAT (5% on grant aided works) £ VAT (20% on non grant aided works) £ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE £ * Please ensure you provide your Gas Safe Registration No. if a gas boiler has been installed. THE AMOUNT OF GRANT PAID IS BASED ON THE TYPE OF BOILER INSTALLED. INSTALLERS SHOULD ENSURE THAT INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT. ANYONE KNOWINGLY MAKING A FALSE STATEMENT TO FRADULENTLY OBTAIN MONIES IS LIABLE TO PROSECUTION. Boiler Replacement Scheme – Installers information Pack: Revised Invoice Template 56 The Boiler Replacement Scheme Process Step 1 Submit a Boiler Replacement Application Form. (Contact your local grants office to get an application form.) Step 2 When we receive your application form, we will determine your eligibility and issue a Boiler Installer Form. Step 3 You should seek the advice of an installer about the type of new boiler that best suits your needs and get him to complete the Boiler Installer Form. Step 4 When we receive your Boiler Installer Form we may inspect your existing boiler. If your boiler is eligible, we will issue an approval to install a new boiler which must be SEDBUK ‘A’ rated for efficiency. We will also let you know the amount of allowance you will receive. YOu muST nOT START AnY wORkS unTil we HAve iSSued APPROvAl Step 5 When the work has been completed, you or your installer should submit the following documents: Notification of Completion Building Control of Works Form Completion Certificate Installer’s detailed Invoice Boiler Commissioning Certificate BACS form (Instruction to Planning Approval pay allowance into a Bank (if required) Account) Step 6 We may inspect the work following which payment will be issued. DPS/74/08/12 September 2012 Help with your Application If you require advice or assistance our Grants Office staff will be pleased to help you. � For more information, please contact your local Grants Office Tel: 03448 920 900 North East Area Covers: Antrim, Ballymena, Moyle, Coleraine, Ballymoney, Carrickfergus, Larne and N’abbey District Council areas Belfast Area Covers: Belfast City Council area South Area Covers: Armagh, Craigavon, Banbridge, Newry & Mourne District Council areas South East Area Covers: Down, Lisburn, Ards, Castlereagh and North Down District Council areas. West Area Covers: Cookstown, Omagh, Dungannon, and Fermanagh District Council areas North West Area derry-londonderrygrants@ Covers: Londonderry, Strabane, Limavady and Magherafelt District Council areas Twickenham House Mount Street Ballymena BT43 6PB Boiler Replacement Allowance ble a l i a v a ay be oiler m 0 0 0 , b 1 Up to £place your old to re Laganview House 95 Ann Street Belfast BT1 3HH 35-45 Boat Street Newry BT34 2DB 3 Graham Gardens Lisburn BT28 1XE McAllister House Woodside Avenue Omagh BT79 7BP 3 Horace Street Londonderry BT48 6JS • do you own your own home? • do you earn less than £40,000 a year? • is your existing heating boiler at least 15 years old? if you can answer “Yes” to all of the above questions you are eligible to apply for the new Boiler Replacement Allowance. lable i a v a e ay b m 0 iler 0 o 0 , b 1 d l £ o Up to place your to re who is eligible to receive the Boiler Replacement Allowance? The Boiler Replacement Allowance is funded by the NI Executive and administered by the Housing Executive. It is aimed at owner occupiers. The total gross income must be less than £40,000. The Allowance is not available to tenants in either the public or private rented sector. what types of boilers are eligible for the Allowance? Your existing boiler must be at least 15 years old. The Allowance applies only to existing oil or gas fired central heating boilers at least 15 years old. It does not apply to Economy 7 heating, stoves used exclusively for cooking, back boilers or room heaters. does the Allowance apply to any house? The Allowance is only available for the house in which you live. It is not available for properties used for Bed & Breakfast, second homes, mobile homes or caravans, boats, or buildings used as temporary accommodation. How much is the Boiler Replacement Allowance? The amount you receive depends on your total income and the type of boiler you plan to install. The table below shows the amount available. Annual Income Income under £20k Income £20,000 to £39,999 New Oil Boiler No Controls £700 New Oil Boiler with Dual Controls £1,000 New Gas* Boiler Conversion £400 £500 £500 £1,000 *These allowances will also apply for converting to a wood pellet boiler How do you work out my income? Your total income will include all earnings from your job (including self employment), and any income you receive from benefits, pensions or any other source. Income from all owner/occupiers and their partners will be taken into account. what type of boiler can i install? Your new oil or gas fired boiler must be SEDBUK “A” rated for efficiency. Your installer can advise you about this. Dual control boilers mean you can heat your hot water without turning on your central heating, but can be considerably more expensive to install. Can i convert from oil to a gas or wood pellet boiler? You may convert from an oil fired boiler to a gas or wood pellet fired boiler. If you are installing a gas boiler for the first time you may also be eligible for additional help from the gas companies. You will need to contact the individual gas company before you carry out any work, as this aspect of the scheme will not be administered by the Housing Executive. The contributions available from the gas companies are in addition to the Boiler Replacement Allowance, and are as follows: Firmus £300 Phoenix £200 Can i do the work myself? The work must be carried out by an installer who has suitable experience and expertise. You must use a ‘Gas Safe’registered installer for gas boilers. How do i Apply? You can apply by contacting Housing Executive Grants Offices, either in writing, by phone or by e-mail. Grants Office contact information is shown at the end of this leaflet. The office will send you an application form to complete and submit. Please see the step by step guide to the application process on the following page. Telephone: 03448 920 900 Alternatively you can email the Grants Office for your area at the address overleaf. YOu muST nOT START AnY wORkS unTil we HAve iSSued APPROvAl