Bradley James Lindseth Electrical Engineering Dept. University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND 58202 701­777­5449 SUMMARY Brad Lindseth received the BSEE degree and the MSEE degree from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. From 2007­2013 he was with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. In 2010 he was elected Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He was awarded first place in the 2011 NXP High Power RF Design Challenge for a 2­kW UHF radar pulse amplifier. In 2012 he received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado. From 2013­2014 Brad was with the RF Center of Raytheon Company in Tucson, Arizona. In 2015, Brad joined the Electrical Engineering Dept. of the University of North Dakota. CORE COMPETENCIES Power Amplifiers, High Power Pulsed Solid State Radar Transmitters, Radar systems, Systems Engineering, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Antenna Analysis, Design, and Simulation, Test and Evaluation, Atmospheric Propagation, Radar Engineering, Radar Development, Radar Signal Processing, Phased Array Radar Antenna Design, RF and Microwave Engineering, VHF, UHF, and Microwave Communication Systems, EMI and RFI Mitigation, Digital Signal Processing, Technical Project Management, Systems Integration, Electro­Optical Systems, Technical Writing, Cost Analysis, Microsoft Office EDUCATION University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2012 Advisors: Professor Zoya Popovic and Dr. William Brown, NCAR Dissertation: “A 449 MHz Modular Wind Profiler Radar System” focused on high power kilowatt­level amplifier design, antenna array design, system design, electromagnetic simulations, and atmospheric measurements conducted during radar field deployments. Used Ansoft HFSS, EMSS FEKO, Agilent ADS Momentum, AWR Microwave Office, and Matlab for antenna pattern and power amplifier simulations. Extensive system measurements using Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs), spectrum analyzers, and power meters controlled by Labview and Matlab. Washington University, Saint Louis, MO BS and MS in Electrical Engineering WORK EXPERIENCE University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering 2015­present Teaching electromagnetics and research in the RF, Microwave and Radar Laboratory. Raytheon Company, Tucson, AZ Senior RF Engineer 2013­2014 Solid­state transmitter and radar engineering in the transmitter, receivers, and exciters group. IRAD projects involving microwave systems from X­band to W­band. Contributor to 2013 GaN Modular Transmitter project. Significant contributor to DARPA MEDS (Methods for Explosives Detection at Standoff) project between Raytheon, University of Arizona, and NIST. Modeling, configuration, and measurement of performance of W­band detection system. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Research Associate (Courtesy) 2013­2014 Designated Campus Colleague (Courtesy Appointment) in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Professor Hao Xin's Millimeter Wave Circuits and Antennas Laboratory. Liaison with Raytheon for DARPA MEDS project. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO RF Engineer 2007­2013 Lead engineer in the Wind Profiler Radar group at NCAR, a US Government Laboratory. Development of a new 449­MHz wind profiler radar system with very high sensitivity (­150 dBm). Development and engineering of 449 and 915­MHz phased array wind profiler radars including the Integrated Sounding System and the Multiple Antenna Profiler. Deployment of radars to projects around the US and abroad. University of Colorado Ph.D. dissertation work focused on the 449 MHz radar system. Author or co­author of 12 journal and conference publications from this work. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO Research Assistant 2005­2007 Worked in optical frequency measurements group on laser­based devices. Conducted experiments to demonstrate applications of high sensitivity Rubidium­87 resonance magnetometer. Development and fabrication of chip­scale magnetometers using clean room techniques with microscopes and wire bonders. Led packaging and development of the magnetometer to measure magnetic fields. Coauthor of 7 journal and conference publications from this work. Washington University, Saint Louis, MO Research Assistant (full­time), Research Engineer (full­time) 1999­2005 Directed experiments to study a biological magnetic field sensor (MS Thesis). Materials characterization of magnetite / iron particles using Magnetic Force Microscopy, AFM, SEM, TEM, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Inductively Coupled Plasma­Mass Spec, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. Built magnetic field coils for laboratory use. Wrote proposals for and ran Synchrotron X­Ray Fluorescence studies of iron at the Argonne National Lab in Chicago (Nov 2003, Jan 2004, April 2004). Design and implementation of 200 and 400 MHz NMR transmission line RF probes and Two­Pulse Phase Modulation systems for biochemistry and polymer studies. Development of Fourier Transform­Mass Spectrometry data acquisition system using LabWindows/CVI and VXI/PCI bus modules. Development of Unix­based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data analysis software in C and IDL to support studies of memory and cognition. Analytic Services, Inc., Arlington, VA Space Systems Analyst Intern Summer 2000 Evaluation of airborne phased­array satellite transceivers for the Air Force Military SATCOM program (MILSATCOM). Communications and Power Industries, Inc., (formerly Varian), Palo Alto,CA Satcom Transmitter Engineering Intern Summer 1997, 1998 Worked with product development team on C­band and Ku­band klystron and TWT­based high­power microwave power tube transmitters. Tested power density levels against IEEE C95.1­1991. Prototyped and tested new microwave and power circuitry. Wrote documentation to assist customers with cooling of amplifiers at satellite earth stations. SSR Engineers, Inc., East Grand Forks, Minnesota Engineering Intern Summer 1995 Assisted electrical and mechanical engineers in the design of power and control systems for industrial and commercial construction and remodeling projects. Projects include apartments, water and sewage treatment plants, banks, military installations, schools, and factories. Organized computer system for access to the Internet and introduced co­workers to its services. THESES Lindseth B. A New Portable 449 MHz Spaced Antenna Wind Profiler Radar and Amplifier. University of Colorado Ph.D. Dissertation, 2012. Lindseth B. "Characterization of a Possible Magnetoreceptor in Common Pigeons (Columba Livia)" Washington University MSEE Thesis. 2005. REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Jordan J, Law D, Hock T, Cohn SA, and Popovic Z. Wind Profiler Radar Antenna Sidelobe Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, January 2014. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Martin CL, Hock T, Cohn SA, and Popovic Z. First Results from the NCAR 449­MHz, 126­Element Wind Profiler Radar. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 9­12, 2013, Boulder, Colorado. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Jordan J, Law D, Hock T, Cohn SA, and Popovic Z. A new portable 449 MHz spaced antenna wind profiler radar, IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing, September 2012. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, and Popovic Z. Low­cost 63% Efficient 2.5­kW UHF Power Amplifier for a Wind Profiler Radar. IEEE IMS 2012 International Microwave Symposium, June 2012, Montreal, Canada. Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, Lindseth B. The NCAR 449 MHz Modular Wind Profiler Development. Presented at 92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 22­26, 2012). 2012, Available: Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Jordan J, Law D, Hock T, Cohn SA, and Popovic Z. A 449­MHz Wind Profiler Radar With Low­Cost 2.5­kW Transmitter. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 4­7, 2012, Boulder, Colorado. Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, Lindseth B. The NCAR 449 MHz modular wind profiler—prototype deployment and future plans. Presented at 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology. 2011, Available: Cohn SA, Brown WOJ, Lindseth B. A deployable Modular Profiling Network. 15th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, January 16­21, 2010, Atlanta, GA. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, Jordan J, Hock T, Lopez N, Hoversten J, Popovic Z. “High power amplifier design for a new 449 MHz Wind Profiler Radar.” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 6­9, 2010, Boulder, CO. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, Jordan J, Law D, and Hock T. “A new 449 MHz wind profiler radar: evaluation of antennas, amplifiers and capabilities.” 34th Conference on Radar Meteorology. American Meteorological Society. October 5­9, 2009, Williamsburg, VA. Lindseth B, Brown WOJ, Cohn SA, Jordan JR, Law D, Hock T. “Engineering aspects for the 449 MHz Modular Wind Profiling Network (MPN).” The 12th Annual MST Radar Conference, May 17­23, 2009, London, Ontario, Canada. Brown WOJ, Chilson PB, Cohn SA, Hock T, Jordan JR, Law D, Lindseth B, Palmer RD, Politovich MK, Yu TY. “Development of a modular wind profiling network (MPN).” 88th Annual American Meteorological Society Conference, January 20­24, 2008, New Orleans, LA. Lindseth B, Schwindt P, Kitching J, Fischer D, Shusterman V. “Non­contact measurement of cardiac electromagnetic field in mice by use of a microfabricated atomic magnetometer.” Computers in Cardiology 34:443­446, 2007. Kitching J, Knappe S, Moreland J, Liew L­, Shah V, Gerginov V, Schwindt PDD, Hollberg L, Brannon A, Lindseth B, Popovic Z. 2007. Chip­Scale Atomic Devices Based on Microfabricated Alkali Vapor Cells. Lasers and Electro­Optics, 2007 and the International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEOE­IQEC 2007 European Conference on:1­1. Schwindt PDD, Lindseth B, Knappe S, Shah V, Kitching J, Liew L. 2007. Chip­scale atomic magnetometer with improved sensitivity by use of the Mx technique. Applied Physics Letters 90:081102­081102­3. Schwindt P, Lindseth BJ, Shah V, Knappe S, Kitching J. 2006. Chip­scale atomic magnetometer. Lasers and Electro­Optics, 2006 and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference CLEO/QELS 2006 Conference on:1­2. Lindseth B, Schwindt PDD, Knappe S, Shah V, Liew L, Moreland J, Kitching J. "A Microfabricated High Performance Magnetometer", Laser Science 2006, Rochester, NY. Schwindt P, Lindseth BJ, Knappe S, Shah V, Liew L, Moreland J, Hollberg L, Kitching J. 2006. Chip Scale Atomic Magnetometers. Magnetics Conference, 2006 INTERMAG 2006 IEEE International:386­386. Lindseth B, Schwindt PDD, Knappe S, Shah V, Liew L, Moreland J, Kitching J. "Improved Sensitivity Rubidium­87 Chip­Scale Atomic Magnetometer using the Mx Technique" Contributed Poster, International Conference on Atomic Physics 2006, Innsbruck, Austria. Lindseth B, Huss D, Indeck RS, Angelaki D, Dickman JD. "Synchrotron X­Ray Fluorescence of Iron in the Pigeon Lagena" 2004 Washington University Graduate Research Symposium. Lindseth B, Huss D, Indeck RS, Dickman JD, Angelaki D. "Magnetic Field Sense in Columba Livia: MFM and EM studies" 2003 Washington University Neuroscience Retreat Symposium. Lindseth B, Huss D, Indeck RS, Dickman JD, Angelaki, D. "Magnetic Field Sensor in the Pigeon Inner Ear" 2003 Washington University Graduate Research Symposium. Rempel DL, Russell AL, Barbacci DC, Lindseth B, Gross ML. "A Method for Coupling the Two­Time Constant and a Delay Gated Trapping Strategy to a Normal MALDI­FTMS Sequence" American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2001. FUNDING 2013: RF Test Equipment grant in­kind: signal generators, US Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency and National Science Foundation, approx $60,000. 2010­2013: Lead Engineer, National Science Foundation, through National Center for Atmospheric Research director. 449 MHz Wind Profiler Radar Development. $300,000. 2011: RF Test Equipment grant in­kind: signal generators, US Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency and National Science Foundation, approx $15,000. 2011: 1st prize award, NXP Semiconductor High Performance Design Competition, $3000 2011: Travel funding to attend IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, NXP Semiconductor Inc. $2,000 2011: Travel and prototype funding for power amplifier testing at NXP Laboratories in Smithfield, Rhode Island. $3,000 2010: RF Test Equipment grant in­kind: power meters and signal generators, US Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency and National Science Foundation, approx $30,000. 2004: Scholarship to Attend Polar Aeronomy and Radio Science Summer School, Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Funded by University of Alaska, National Science Foundation, and Air Force Research Laboratory. $2,000 HONORS 2011: 1st prize, NXP High Performance RF Design Challenge for “A 2­kW Amplifier for a Portable 449­MHz Spaced Antenna Wind Profiler Radar”, presented at 2011 IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland. INVITED LECTURES AND STUDENT MENTORING EXPERIENCE 2013: Invited talk, “2 kW pulse amplifier design”, Coherent Inc. Electronics Department, Bloomfield, CT. 2013: Invited talk, “A 449 MHz wind profiler radar”, North Star Scientific, Kapolei, HI. 2011: Guest Lecture on Wind Profiler Radar for Graduate Radar Remote Sensing course, University of Colorado, Boulder 2011: Invited talk, “High power amplifier for a wind profiler radar”, NXP Semiconductor, Smithfield, Rhode Island 2011: Supervised two Summer Engineering Student Internships at the National Center for Atmospheric Research 2010: Supervised one Summer Engineering Student Internship at National Center for Atmospheric Research 2009: Supervised one Summer Engineering Student Internship at National Center for Atmospheric Research 2007: Invited talk, “A chip­scale atomic magnetometer”, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. 2007: Invited talk, “A chip­scale atomic magnetometer”, DRS Technologies, Dallas, Texas. 2007: Invited talk, “A chip­scale atomic magnetometer”, Arete Associates, Arlington, Virginia. 2006: Invited talk, “A chip­scale atomic magnetometer”, University of Colorado RF and Microwave research group. 2005: Invited talk, “A biological magnetic field sensor in animals”, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Optical Frequency Measurements group. SERVICE National Center for Atmospheric Research Safety Committee, Jan 2009 ­ Dec 2010 NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory Outstanding Publication Review Committee, 2010 Nederland, Colorado, Parks, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Board, 2007­2009 Founder and President, Washington University Sailing Club, 1994­1996. President, Washington University Amateur Radio Club, 1996­1998. MEMBERSHIPS AND LICENSES Elected Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Magnetics Society IEEE Aerospace and Electronics System Society Amateur Radio Operator, Callsign N0UAG