The following summary was provided by Hugo

The following summary was provided by Hugo Graumann in response
to the committee's questions about the status of the Junior Labs.
QUESTION: Can any of the experiments we have be reworked easily
into a 2 hour window?
The short answer to your question is that we dont have any experiments that
will fit into 2 hours without a huge reworking of the writeup. That is
a do-over. I think for the most part, all of the experimental apparatus
could be
changed to support a 2 hour window if there are sufficient numbers of
available for three labs in parallel, but the current writeups and
would all need to be started over. Error analysis could be removed
That will save about 30-40 minutes per experiment. But that is not enough.
The procedures will need to be changed as well. Some, but not all, of the
experiments can be changed take advantage of computer aided data
This will require more changes to the writeup. Maybe some paragraphs and
pictures could be lifted from the existing writeup. Perhaps the theory
sections of existing experiments could be used nearly intact. But that
is only true if labatorial writeups will have a theory section. The 3 hour
labs are all written in a standard format that a previous laboratory
reached consensus on. This means that all the labs are designed with the
same assumptions and targets. For example, the writeup length is tuned to
require an average student to prepare for at least 1 hour for a three hour
lab. For a 2 hour labatorial we havent even discussed how much preparation
time would be required, but likely less. However, changing the preparation
time directly impacts how much prose is written down and therefore affects
how much of an existing writeup can be transferred into a labatorial and
determines how extensive a theory section would be. More details below on
the apparatus that could support reworking into 2 hour format.
QUESTION: Would it be possible to get a summar of what labs etc. we
have available as well as their status?
Some of the lists you seek already exist, others will take a bit of
time to put together because they are in a new area for us.
The lists you have requested follow below.
1) Here is the updated list of all the experiments
operational or nearly so for the physics junior labs.
January 2008
Operational Experiments
Astrophysical craters (24 sets)
Brightness of stars (16 sets)
Electricity and Magnetism
AC and Pulse measurements and sources (24 sets)*
Axial and non-axial magnetic fields of a coil (5 sets)
Current balance (16 sets)
E/M experiment (8 sets)
Electric field mapping (16 sets)
Electric motor and generator (16 sets)
Electromagnetic induction (6 sets)
Hall effect and magnetic hysteresis (6 sets)
Kirchoffs laws (24 sets)
Magnetic fields (6 sets)
Magnetic force (6 sets)
Nonlinear resistance measurement (6 sets)
Oscilloscope and multimeter (16 sets)
Parallel plate capacitors (16 sets)
Physical inductor (6 sets)
Power supplies, lights, and switches (16 sets)*
Radial and non-radial magnetic fields of a coil (5 sets)
Resistance measurements (24 sets)
RLC resonance (6 sets)
Tangent Galvanometer (6 sets)
Fluid Mechanics
Archimede's principle (16 sets)
Bernoulli's principle (16 sets)
Poiseuille's law (16 sets)
Balloon physics (16 sets)
Laboratory Practice
Error analysis and metrology (6 sets)*
Linear regression (32 computers)*
Measurements and uncertainties (40 sets)*
Bifilar suspension (16 sets)
Cantilever beams (16 sets)
Centripetal acceleration (16 sets)
Centripetal force (16 sets)
Coefficient of Restitution (24 sets)
Collisions and conserved quantities (24 sets)
Compound pendulum (16 sets)
Conservation of energy (24 sets)
Coupled harmonic oscillators (6 sets)
Damped mechanical oscillators (6 sets)
Force and circular motion (16 sets)
Hanging chain (16 sets)
Hookes law (16 sets)
Impact craters (24 sets)
Inclined Atwoods machine (24 sets)
Kater's pendulum (16 sets)
Moment of inertia (24 sets)
Newtons second law (24 sets)
Planar pendulum (18 sets)
Projectile motion (18 sets)
Pulley systems (6 sets)
Simple harmonic motion and the pendulum (18 sets)
Static equilibrium and the addition of forces (16 sets)
Torque and the beam balance (16 sets)
Torsional oscillations (18 sets)
Uniform circular motion (16 sets)
Modern Physics
Absorption and dosage of radiation (6 sets)*
Balmer series (12 sets)
Black body radiation (4 sets)
Bragg diffraction (4 sets)
Bubble chamber tracks (6 sets)
Color temperature (1 set)
Compton scattering (1 set)
Critical potentials of Helium (6 sets)
Electron diffraction (6 sets)
Electron gas in metals (4 sets)
Geiger counters (1 set)
Models of PN junctions (6 sets)
Photoelectric effect (1 set)
Plancks constant from LEDs (16 sets)
Pulse height analysis (1 set)
Quantum defects in Helium (6 sets)
Quantun defects in Sodium (6 sets)
Radiation counting statistics (16 sets)*
Radioactive decay of Indium-116 (16 sets)
Radium decay (1 set)
Rutherford scattering (1 set)
Scintillation counters (1 set)
Angle of minimum deviation and dispersion (12 sets)
Brewsters law (1 set)
Concave mirrors (16 sets)
Faraday effect (6 sets)
Fizeau bands (6 sets)
Fraunhofer diffraction (16 sets)
Fresnel biprism (5 sets)
Photometry (16 sets)
Malus law (6 sets)
Michelson interferometer (6 sets)
Reflection and refraction (16 sets)
Thin lenses and optical instruments (16 sets)
Thermal Physics
Boyles law (16 sets)
Constant volume gas thermometer (6 sets)
Electrical equivalent of heat (24 sets)
Law of Dulong and Petit (6 sets)
Newtons law of cooling (24 sets)
Thermoelectricity (6 sets)
Thermometers, thermistors, and thermocouples (6 sets)*
Vibrations and Waves
Fourier synthesis (6 sets)
Longitudinal waves on a spring (6 sets)
Principle of equipartition (6 sets)
Speed of sound (16 sets)
Spring of air (8 sets)
Standing waves on a wire (16 sets)
Travelling waves (5 sets)
* Experiments that are mandatory for all physics majors and constitute a
laboratory curriculum of topics that are not usually covered in lectures
Laboratory Support Documents
Fitting a straight line to experimental data
Formal laboratory report format
Graphing experimental data
Health and safety in the physics laboratory
Introduction to the laboratory
Laboratory experiment schedule (each semester)
Laboratory instructors manual
Laboratory notebook report format
Laboratory room assignments (each semester)
Linearization of experimental data
List of physics experiments
Procedure for comparing two values
Semiformal laboratory report format
Williamson regression
Experiments that are useable but not entirely operational
Clausius Clapeyron equation (6 sets)
Free fall (16 sets)
Fresnel diffraction (6 sets)
Vapourization of LN2, sublimation of CO2 (6 sets)
Method of mixtures, specific heat of lead (6 sets)
Properties of a real gas (1 set)
Rectification (6 sets)
Stirling engine (1 set)
Experiments under development
AC bridges (40%)
Aerodynamic drag (70%)
Capacitor charge and discharge (10%)
Cavendish balance (10%)
Electrostatic balance (30%)
Friction (30%)
Kelvin double bridge (20%)
Lenz law (30%)
Moseley's law (10%)
Non-uniform acceleration (40%)
Transformers (25%)
Two slit interefence one photon at a time (30%)
Vacuum systems (50%)
Lost Experiments (have been done in the past but we currently cannot do
AC bridges
Ballistic pendulum
Conservation of angular momentum
Continuous flow calorimeter
Dimensions of a molecule
Electrical breakdown of gases and Paschen's law
Electrochemical equivalent
E/M of a proton
Electrical filters
Focault method for determining the speed of light
Fiber optic method for determining the speed of light
Hall effect in metals
Kelvin double bridge
Mechanical equivalent of heat
Millikans oil drop experiment
Production and measurement of high vacuum
Resistivity of metals
Semiconductoor coefficient of resistance
Stokes law
Surface tension
Thermal conductivity by Searles method
Triode tube oscillator
Ultrasonic interferometer
Vapor pressure
Potential Experiments in various stages of research and acquisition
Amperes law
Annihilation radiation and positron emission
Beta spectroscopy
Boundary conditions, standing waves on a wire with
two different diameters
Center of gravity
Center of mass of a stack of overhanging plates
Chladni plates
Circular polarization
Classical circuit theory: Thevenin, Norton,
Telegen, and Superposition theorems
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Color measurement
Debye theory
Doppler effect
Electric field mill
Fouriers law of thermal conductivity
Grounding and shielding
Hertz contact
Impedance and Reactance
Impulse, momentum, and collisions
Inclined plane
Lens aberrations
Lock-in amplifier
Magnetic circuits
Magnetic torque
Mean velocity of a molecule
Natural radioactivity of potassium
Neutron activation
Neutron detection
Neutron shielding
Optical stops and depth of field
Parametric resonance
Photon arrival statistics
Pinhole diffraction and zone plates
Planar linkages
Radius of the earth by variation of g with height
Radon gas in the environment
Ramp launched ball
Rod and roller problem
Schlieren optics
Simple machines gears, cranes, linkages, screws
Skin effect
Stress and Strain
Thermal anomaly of water
Thermodynamics of air flow, nozzles
Water waves
Wilberforce spring
2) Here is a list of available computer simulations.
Although the number of physics simulations available
on the internet is manifold, three candidates appear
practical enough to be deployed here.
A) The MAP system (Modular Approach to physics) was
designed and built locally by Hans Laue. This
system is operational and can be deployed immediately.
These simulations can be seen at:
The list of available pages and simulations follows
The MAP system
Terminology and Notation
Time rate of change
MAP notation
Motion & Interaction
Get A Glimpse (simulation)
Basic Facts
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Magnitude and direction (simulation)
Vector specification (simulation)
Test yourself
Displacement vector (test)
Velocity vector (test)
Magnitude addition (test)
Simulate it
Magnitude and direction (simulation)
Vector specification (simulation)
Get information
Scalar Multiplication
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Get information
Test yourself
Scalar multiplication (test)
Scalar division (test)
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Tip to Tail (simulation)
Parallelogram (exercise)
Add three vectors (exercise)
Addition quantitative (simulation)
Simulate it
Two addition methods (simulation)
Add two vectors (simulation)
Add three vectors (simulation)
Get information
Test yourself
Basic addition 1 (test)
Basic addition 2 (test)
Collinear vectors (test)
Three vectors (test)
Resultant magnitudes (test)
Resultant angle (test)
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Add the negative (demo)
Comparison (demo)
Simulate it (simulation)
Get information
Test yourself
Basic subtraction 1 (test)
Basic subtraction 2 (test)
Basic subtraction 3 (test)
Scalar Components
Explain it (demo)
Simulate it (simulation)
Get information
Test yourself
Resultant magnitudes (test)
Resultant angle (test)
Vector Component
Explain it (simulation)
Dot Product
Explain it
Geometric (simulation)
Analytic (simulation)
Simulate it
Geometric (simulation)
Analytic (simulation)
Vector Product
Simulate it (simulation)
Simulate it
Sine function (simulation)
Trig functions (simulation)
Get a glimpse
Explain it (simulation)
Get information
Simulate it (simulation)
Position change
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Displacement versus distance
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Test yourself
Displacement vector (test)
Distance Travelled
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Get information
Simulate it
Stopwatch (simulation)
Timer stopwatch (simulation)
Simulate it
Distance/time (simulation)
Weighted average (simulation)
Get information
Basic facts
Get a glimpse
Get information
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Get information
Simulate it
Displacement/time (simulation)
Simulate it
Free motion (simulation)
Circular motion
Simulate it (simulation)
Basic facts
Get a glimpse (simulation)
Planet activities
Explain it (simulation)
Get information
Simulate it (simulation)
Constant acceleration
Get information
Test yourself
car chase 0 (test)
car chase 1 (test)
car chase 2 (test)
car chase 3 (test)
car chase 4 (test)
car chase 5 (test)
car chase 6 (test)
Due to gravity
Get information
Simulate it
One ball (simulation)
One ball no air (simulation)
Two balls (simulation)
Two balls questions
Which one first (test)
Intersection times (test)
Monkey and hunter (simulation)
Planet Motion
Planet motion 1 (simulation)
Planet motion 2 ( simulation)
Test yourself
Projectile motion
launch speed/range (test)
which one first (test)
intersection times (test)
Get information
Simulate it (simulation)
Radial (centripetal)
Get information
Explain it
Direction (simulation)
Magnitude (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Test yourself
Direction of velocity (test)
Direction of acceleration (test)
Magnitude of acceleration (test)
Simulate it (simulation)
Newtons 2nd Law
Get information
Explain it
Fletcher (simulation)
Simulate it
Fletchers trolley (simulation)
Accelerating incline (simulation)
Block on springs (simulation)
Newtons 3rd Law
Get information
Simulate it
Skaters and blocks (simulation)
Colliding planets (simulation)
Simulate it
Binary star system (simulation)
Weight and orbits (simulation)
Projectile motion (simulation)
Normal Force
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Quantitative (simulation)
Simulate it
Block on springs (simulation)
Accelerating down an incline (simulation)
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it
Fletcher (simulation)
Test yourself
Fletcher tension 1 (test)
Fletcher tension 2 (test)
Fletcher tension 3 (test)
Fletcher acceleration (test)
Simulate it
Particle in E-field (simulation)
Particle in E-field (simulation)
Particle in B-field (simulation)
Thompson experiment (simulation)
Simulate it
Uniform sphere (simulation)
Weight and orbits (simulation)
Point charge field
Simulate it (simulation)
Dipole field
Simulate it (simulation)
Uniform sphere
Simulate it (simulation)
Straight wire
Simulate it (simulation)
Current loops
Simulate it (simulation)
Explain it
Ball collision
Simulate it
Skaters and blocks (simulation)
Collisions in 1d (simulation)
Collisions in 2d (simulation)
Basic Facts
Get a glimpse
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Kinetic Energy
Get information
Work and CM-Work
Get information
Work Kinetic Energy Theorem
Get information
Explain it (simulation)
Potential Energy
Get information
Explain it
Uniform force (simulation)
Simulate it
Uniform gravitational field (simulation)
Binary star system (simulation)
Uniform electric field (simulation)
Nonuniform eletric field (simulation)
Energy Conservation
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Fletchers trolley (simulation)
Test yourself
Fletchers speed (test)
Fletchers acceleration (test)
Apply it
Simulate it
Qualitative incline (simulation)
Energy race (simulation)
Fletchers trolley (simulation)
Energy and orbits (simulation)
Fletcher activities
Weighted spring (simulation)
Qualitative pendulum (simulation)
Quantitative pendulum (simulation)
Get Information
Simulate It (simulation)
Angular Velocity
Get Information
Simulate It (simulation)
Moving car (simulation)
Planet motion 1 (simulation)
Planet motion 2 (simulation)
Basic Facts
Explain it (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Lever Arm
Explain it
Qualitative (simulation)
Quantitative (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
About an axis
Explain it
Qualitative (simulation)
Quantitative (simulation)
Apply it
Physical pendulum (simulation)
Simulate it (simulation)
Basic Facts
Explain it
Abs/Rel Error
Get a glimpse
Explain it (simulation)
Test yourself
Question 1 (test)
Question 2 (test)
Question 3 (test)
Question 4 (test)
Sys/Ran Error
Explain it (simulations)
Propagation of error
Explain it (simulations)
Significant digits
Explain it (simulations)
Electric Circuits
Basic Facts
Get a glimpse
Explain it
Simulate it
Practice (circuit simulation)
Go to the lab
Get information
Explain it
Simulate it (circuit simulation)
Test yourself
Connect a bulb (test)
Bulb combination 1 (test)
Bulb combination 2 (test)
Resistor combination (test)
Get information
Explain it
Simulate it (circuit simulation)
Get information
Test yourself
Potential divider 1 (test)
Potential divider 2 (test)
Explain it
Get information
Test yourself
Resistor combination 2 (tesT)
Explain it
Test yourself
Resistor power (test)
Kirchoffs laws
Explain it
Get information
Simple Harmonic Motion
Basic Facts
Simulate it
Weighted spring (simulation)
Simple pendulum (simulation
Energy conservation
Simulate it
Weighted spring (simulation)
Pendulum (simulation
B) The Phet system (Physics Education Technology) from
the University of Colorado. These simulations can be seen
This system is fancier but requires a more modern browser to support
Deployment of the more modern browser in the required
kiosk setting is about 8 months away.
The list of available simulations follows.
Starred ones are physics 211/221 related
Balloons & Buoyancy
Balloons and Static Electricity
Band Structure
Battery Voltage
Battery-Resistor Circuit
Blackbody Spectrum
Charges and Fields
Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC)
Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only)
Color Vision
Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction
Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
Electric Field Hockey
Electric Field of Dreams
Energy Skate Park*
Equation Grapher*
Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
Faraday's Law
Forces in 1 Dimension*
Fourier: Making Waves
Gas Properties
Geometric Optics
The Greenhouse Effect
John Travoltage
Ladybug Revolution*
Lunar Lander*
Masses & Springs
Maze Game*
Models of the Hydrogen Atom
Molecular Motors
Motion in 2D*
The Moving Man*
My Solar System*
Neon Lights and Other Discharge Lamps
Nuclear Physics
Ohm's Law
Optical Quantum Control
Optical Tweezers and Applications
Photoelectric Effect
Plinko Probability
Projectile Motion*
Quantum Bound States
Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
Quantum Wave Interference
Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields
The Ramp*
Reactions & Rates
Resistance in a Wire
Reversible Reactions
Rutherford Scattering
Salts & Solubility
Self-Driven Particle Model
Signal Circuit
Simplified MRI
Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Stretching DNA
Vector Addition*
Wave Interference
Wave on a String
C) Physlets are a java application framework for writing
web based physics demonstrations and tutorials. An overview
is located at:
Several textbooks have been written using physlets and a wide
variety of physlets are freely available for noncommercial use
from other contributors. Notably, Alfredo Louro has created
physlets that are located at:
a list follows:
Uniformly accelerated motion in 1D
Free fall
Projectile motion
Simple harmonic motion
An interaction illustrating Newton's laws.
Doppler detection of extrasolar planets
Ptolemy's theory of planetary motion
Retrograde motion of the planets
Illustration of Kepler's 1st. and 2nd. laws
Kepler's 3rd. law
Circular motion
One-dimensional collision in the lab frame
One-dimensional collision in the centre-of-mass frame
Electricity & Magnetism
Electric fields: A review
Systems of charges
Electric field lines
Oersted's experiment
Magnetic field due to a current loop
Faraday's law
Virtual optical bench
Ripple tank - 2 source interference
and Randall Stafford has a collection of physlets as well
His list follows:
The physlet system also requires a more modern browser to support it.
so deployment in the required kiosk setting is about 8 months away.
D) Maple, Matlab, IDL, and Mathematica are all available to have
students write and execute their own simulations but such usage
is restricted to physics majors only due to volume constraints.
3) Available demonstrations
Two sorts of demonstrations are available. We of course have physical
apparatus available that can be used to manually perform demonstrations.
We also have an extensive collection of virtual demonstrations consisting
of movies of physics demonstrations, that can be placed online for use
by instructors and students.
A) Physical demonstrations
PIRA # "Title"
-------------------- 1A10.10 "Basic Units"
1A10.30 "Standards of Length"
1A10.35 "Meter Stick"
1A20.41 "Vernier Calipers"
1A50.10 "Radian Disk"
1C10.05 "Ultrasonic Detector and Students"
1C10.22 "Air Track and Glider"
1C10.26 "Velocity Air Track Glider"
1C20.10 "Feather and Cork"
1C20.16 "Drop ball and paper"
1C20.17 "Drop Light and Heavy Ball"
1C20.30 "Inclined Air Track"
1C30.10 "Free Fall Timer"
1C30.55 "Catch a Meter Stick"
1D15.55 "Brachistochrone"
1D50.10 "Ball on a String"
1D50.20 "Whirligig"
1D50.50 "Welch Centripetal Force"
1D52.20 "Spinning Water Parabola"
1D60.20 "Monkey and the Hunter"
1D60.65 "Water Stream Trajectory"
1F30.10 "Persistence of Motion"
1G10.10 "Acceleration Air Glider"
1G10.40 "Atwood's Machine"
1G20.45 "Dropped Slinky"
1J10.12 "Center of Gravity Shapes"
1J11.50 "Rolling Uphill"
1J30.20 "Tension in a String"
1J40.20 "Torque Balance"
1K10.30 "Walking Spool"
1K20.30 "Static versus Sliding Friction"
1M20.10 "Pulleys"
1M40.10 "Bowling Ball Pendulum (nose basher)"
1M40.20 "Loop-the-loop"
1M40.40 "Ballistic Pendulum"
1M40.90 "Rattleback"
1N22.20 "Water Rockets"
1N30.10 "Newton's Collision Balls"
1N30.60 "Astroblaster"
1N40.10 "Ramp Launched Ball"
1N40.10 "Ramp Launched Ball With Collision"
1Q10.20 "Torsion Pendulum"
1Q10.41 "Rolling Objects"
1Q20.15 "Rolling Drum"
1Q40.13 "Rotating Stool with Weights"
1Q50.20 "Bicycle Wheel Gyro"
1Q50.50 "Precession Gyroscope"
1Q50.59 "Bicycle Wheel and Turn Table"
1Q60.30 "Tipee Tops"
1Q60.40 "Tossing a Book"
1R40.30 "Happy and Sad Balls"
"Mass Spectrometer"
"Spring Loaded Carts"
"Euler Disk"
"Variable G Pendulum
"Conservation of Energy Tracks"
B) Physics demonstration movies
physics-demonstration-movies/Units and Vectors:
1. Basic Units.mp2
2. Vector Addition.mp2
3. Vector Addition2.mp2
4. Vector Components.mp2
5. Vector Dot Product.mp2
6. Vector Cross Product.mp2
7. 3-D Vector Cross Product.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Linear Kinematics:
8. Constant Velocity.mp2
9. Bulldozer on Moving Sheet.mp2
10. Rolling Ball Incline.mp2
11. Constant Acceleration.mp2
12. Sting and Weights Drop.mp2
13. Reaction Time Falling Meter Stick.mp2
14. Guinea and Feather.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Linear Dynamics:
15. Sting and Weight Acceleration.mp2
16. Atwood's Machine.mp2
17. Acceleration with Spring.mp2
18. Dropped Slinky.mp2
19. Candle in Dropped Jar.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Motion In A Plane:
1. ShooterDropper.mp2
2. Monkey Gun.mp2
3. Vertical Gun on Car.mp2
4. Vertical Gun on Accelerated Car.mp2
5. Air Table Parabolas.mp2
6. Range Gun.mp2
7. Velocity Vector Addition.mp2
8. Bulldozer Moving on Sheet (2D).mp2
9. Sliding Weights With Triangle.mp2
10. Sailing Upwind.mp2
11. Local Vertical With Acceleration.mp2
12. Shifted Air Track Inertia.mp2
13. Inertia Ball.mp2
14. Foam Rock.mp2
15. Tablecloth Jerk.mp2
16. Egg and Pizza Pan.mp2
17. Pencil and Plywood.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Action and Reaction:
18. Reaction Gliders.mp2
19. Reaction Gliders Momentum Conservation.mp2
20. Car on Rolling Board.mp2
21. Fan Car With Sail.mp2
22. C02 Rocket.mp2
23. Water Rocket.mp2
24. Fire Extinguisher Wagon.mp2
26. Helicopter Rotor.mp2
27. See-Saw Reaction Carts.mp2
1. Air Track Friction.mp2
2. Static vs Sliding Friction.mp2
3. Area Dependence of Friction.mp2
4. Weight Dependence of Friction.mp2
5. Surface Dependence of Friction.mp2
6. Stability of Rolling Car.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Work, Energy, and Power:
7. Pile Driver.mp2
8. Spring Pong Gun.mp2
9. Spring Jumper.mp2
10. X Squared Spring Energy Dependence.mp2
11. High Bounce Paradox.mp2
12. Energy Well Track.mp2
13. Galileo's Pendulum.mp2
14. Bowling Ball Pendulum.mp2
15. Triple Track.mp2
16. Hand Cranked Generator.mp2
17. Generator Driven By Falling Weight.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Center of Mass:
18. Prony Brake.mp2
19. Stability.mp2
20. Irregular Objects Center of Mass.mp2
21. Center of Mass Disc.mp2
22. Chair on Pedestal.mp2
23. Clown on Rope.mp2
24. Double Cone on Incline.mp2
25. Loaded Disc.mp2
26. Toppling Cylinders.mp2
27. Air Table Center of Mass.mp2
1. Force Board.mp2
2. Clothesline.mp2
3. Load on Removable Incline.mp2
4. Pulley Advantage.mp2
5. Pulley and Scales.mp2
6. Simple Machines.mp2
7. Levers.mp2
8. Horizontal Boom.mp2
9. Arm Model.mp2
10. Torque Bar.mp2
11. Hinge Board.mp2
12. Torque Wrench.mp2
13. Torque Wheel.mp2
14. Balancing Meter Stick.mp2
15. Meter Stick on Fingers.mp2
16. Bridge and Truck.mp2
17. Roberval Balance.mp2
18. Ladder Forces.mp2
19. Broom Stand.mp2
20. Bed of Nails.mp2
21. Egg Crusher.mp2
1. Colliding Balls.mp2
2. Equal and Unequal Mass Collisions.mp2
3. Elastic and Inelastic Collisions.mp2
4. Coefficient of Restitution.mp2
5. High Bounce.mp2
6. Air Table Collisions.mp2
7. Air Table Collisions (Unequal Mass).mp2
8. Air Table Collisions (Inelastic).mp2
9. Egg in Sheet.mp2
10. Pile Driver with Foam Rubber.mp2
11. Ballistic Pendulum.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Rotational Kinematics:
12. Radian Disc.mp2
13. Cycloid Generator.mp2
14. Circle with Gap.mp2
15. Rotating Disc with Erasers.mp2
16. Spinning disc with Water.mp2
17. Ball on Cord.mp2
18. Coin on a Coat Hanger.mp2
Plane on a String.mp2
Whirling Bucket of Water.mp2
Centrifuge Hoop.mp2
Water and Mercury Centrifuge.mp2
Spinning Chain.mp2
Rotating Rubber Wheel.mp2
Centrifugal Governor.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Rotational Acceleration and Energy:
1. Angular Acceleration Machine.mp2
2. Bike Wheel Angular Acceleration.mp2
3. Air Rotator with Deflectors.mp2
4. Rolling Bodies on Incline.mp2
5. Spool on Incline.mp2
6. Bike Wheel on Incline.mp2
7. Spool with Wrapped Ribbon.mp2
8. Maxwell's Yoyo.mp2
9. Loop the Loop.mp2
10. Penny Drop Stick.mp2
11. Hinged Stick and Ball.mp2
12. Center of Percussion.mp2
13. Foucault Pendulum.mp2
14. Coriolis Effect.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Conservation of Angular Momentum:
1. Marbles and Funnel.mp2
2. Train on Circular Track.mp2
3. Tail Wags Dog.mp2
4. Rotating Stool and Weights.mp2
5. Rotating Stool and Long Bar.mp2
6. Rotating Stool and Bicycle Wheel.mp2
7. Gyroscopic Stability.mp2
8. Wheel and Brake.mp2
9. Satellite Derotator.mp2
10. Bike Wheel Precession.mp2
11. Gyroscope with Adjustable Weights.mp2
12. Bike Wheel on Gimbals.mp2
13. Double Bike Wheel.mp2
14. Motorized Gyroscope.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Rotational Phenomena:
15. Static and Dynamic Balance.mp2
16. Football Spin.mp2
Tippy Top.mp2
Ship Stabalizer.mp2
Spinning Rod and Hoop on Wire.mp2
Stable and Unstable Axes of Rotation.mp2
21. Sections of a Cone.mp2
22. Ellispse Drawing Board.mp2
23. Cavendish Balance.mp2
1. Hooke's Law.mp2
2. Spring in Series and Parallel.mp2
3. Torsion Rod.mp2
4. Elastic Limits.mp2
5. Young's Modulus.mp2
6. Bending Beams.mp2
7. 2 1 Scaling.mp2
8. Bologna Bottle.mp2
9. Elasticity at Low Temperatures.mp2
10. Tunig Fork with Light.mp2
11. Mass on Spring.mp2
12. Air Track Simple Harmonic Motion.mp2
13. Torsion Pendulum.mp2
14. Different Mass Pendula.mp2
15. 4 1 Pendula.mp2
16. Hoops and Arcs.mp2
17. Pendulum with Large Amplitude.mp2
18. Physical Pendulum.mp2
19. Variable Angle Pendulum.mp2
20. Circular Motion vs Spring and Weight.mp2
21. Circular Motion vs Pendulum.mp2
22. Phase Shift.mp2
23. Periodic Non-Simple Harmonic Motion.mp2
24. Inertia Balance.mp2
25. Pendulum Waves.mp2
26. Lissajous Figures.mp2
1. Bowling Ball Pendulum Resonance.mp2
2. Resonant Driven Pendula.mp2
3. Driven Spring and Weight.mp2
4. Pump Pendulum.mp2
5. Reed Tachometer.mp2
6. Glass Breaking with Sound.mp2
7. Coupled Pendula.mp2
8. Wilberforce Pendulum.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Mechanical Waves:
9. Wave on Rope.mp2
10. Pulse on Moving Chain.mp2
11. Tension Dependence of Wave Speed.mp2
12. Torsional Waves.mp2
13. Wave Speed.mp2
14. Longitudinal Wave Model.mp2
15. Longitudinal Slinky Waves.mp2
16. Wave Superposition.mp2
17. Reflection of Waves.mp2
18. Spring Wave Reflection.mp2
19. Wave Coupling.mp2
20. Refraction of Water Waves.mp2
21. Single Slit Diffraction of Water Waves.mp2
22. Double Slit Interference of Water Waves.mp2
23. Moire Pattern.mp2
24. Tacoma Narrows.mp2
physics-demonstration-movies/Standing Waves:
24. Longitudinal Standing Waves.mp2
25. Slinky Standing Wave.mp2
26. Standing Waves.mp2
27. Three Tension Standing Waves.mp2
28. Rubber Tube Standing Wave.mp2
29. Drumhead.mp2
30. Chladni Plates.mp2
Lastly, to answer your question, here are existing experiments
that I think could be reworked into 2 hour labatorials that
might fit into the physics 211/221 curriculum. All would need
a new writeup.
Centripetal force (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- cannot be converted to a digital lab
Coefficient of restitution (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Collisions and conserved quantities (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Conservation of energy (24 sets)
- no issue with shortening
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Free fall (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab
Hookes law (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- easy to raise apparatus count to 24
- can be converted to a digital lab
Impact craters (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours with difficulty
- already have 24 sets
- cannot be converted to a digital lab
Inclined Atwoods machine (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Kater's pendulum (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours with difficulty
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab
Measureements and uncertainties
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Moment of inertia (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- cannot be converted to a digital lab
Newtons second law (24 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Projectile motion (18 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- cannot be converted to a digital lab except with video software
Pulley systems (6 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab
Simple harmonic motion and the pendulum (18 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab with new simpler apparatus
Static equilibrium and the addition of forces (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab
Torque and the beam balance (16 sets)
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- easy to raise apparatus count to 24
- cannot be converted to a digital lab
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- can raise apparatus count to 24 with moderate difficulty
- can be converted to a digital lab
Cavendish balance
- currently untested
- can only be done as a video exercise
- video labs not ready yet
Nonuniform acceleration on the air track
- can be shortened to 2 hours
- already have 24 sets
- can be converted to a digital lab
Ramp launched ball
- currently untested
- new apparatus requires construction
- cannot be converted to a digital lab
In the interest of completeness, other sources of experiments and tutorials
are also available. The addition of computer sensors to our apparatus
the design and construction of completely new experiments. This list is
short since the new apparatus has not been assimilated at this time.
Some ideas presented and/or used by Dr. Hicks and associates last semester.
Acoustic motion sensor experiments
- exercises while walking towards one
- free fall
Force plate experiments
- pushing against a wall
- pushing against each other
- pushing on a wheeled object
- standing on it
- stacking force sensors on top of each other
- walking on a beam
- walking on a table supported by 3 or 4 plates
1 axis accelerometer experiments
- holding the accelerometer and moving it around
- turning it upside down
- playing catch with it
- jumping
3 axis wireless accelerometer experiments
- playing catch with one
- swinging on the end of a pendulum
- elevator trip
- jumping
- turning it around
- circular motion, strapping it to the rim of a bicycle wheel
- holding one on a skatebord or rolling chair
- tumbling about each axis
Some ideas contributed by Jason Donev that could be also be used in
physics 211/221 from previous similar courses he has worked on
- Math review
easy to support, interesting questions
- Investigating motion
similar to acoustic motion sensor experiment mentioned above but
more complete
- Rolling bodies
requires construction of ramps
- Free Fall
similar to free fall lab mentioned above
- Using a pendulum to find g
easy to support and digitze
- Projectile motion
this is the ramp launched ball experiment mentioned above
- Projectile motion in 2-d
we will need air tables in order to perform this experiment
but it handles projectile motion without resort to video
cameras or other indirect methods of inferring the trajectory
- Force table
we will need force tables to perform this experiment
but force tables would be a nice addition to our repertoire.
Force tables can also be used to experiment with static equilibrium
of planar bodies involving torques and forces in physics 341
- Static equilibrium
Requires a spreadsheet infrastructure which we dont have available
for first year students yet
- Newtons second law
similar to newtons second law lab mentioned above
- Conservation of energy
similar to conservation of energy lab mentioned above
- Simple harmonic motion
similar to Hookes law lab mentioned above
- Rotational motion
pure tutorial on rotation, no apparatus needed
- Conical pendulum
experimental version of the whirligig demonstration listed above.
I am worried about rooms filled with students swinging something
over their heads.
- Moment of inertia
requires construction of ramps
- M&M
interesting edible statistical experiment. Large amount of
M&M's required for a first year course.
- Collisions in 2 dimensions
required air tables, but would be a nice addition to our repertoire.
- Air drag on a falling object.
we have a balloon experiment like this that was used in physics 225 and
could be used in physics 341. This version can be digitized, the
version likely cannot be digitized.
- Air drag simulation
would be good to have a simulation of air drag. This version uses
a spreadsheet for which we are not set up yet for first year students.
I think that pretty much summarizes the relevant information I have at
Hopefully, this gives you a better picture of the current Junior laboratory
situation and answers your questions.
Hugo Graumann
March 12, 2008