International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEE'2011) Modulated Laser Signal Sensing in Bending Guard Control System for Press Brake CNC Machine Kyaw Thu Htet, Maung Maung Latt, Zaw Min Naing and Hla Myo Tun injuries still exists. Because of this exposure, the operators must be safeguard from point of operation hazards. Best safety practice is when operators are never required to put their hands or a part of their body in the point of operation at any time. Sometimes as the work piece bends up, a hazard may be created between the part and the front face of the slide. When this happens, be sure the operators do not place their fingers on the top or sides of the material, but support the material from underneath. The productivity of a Press Brake is determined by the cycle time to complete a stroke which determines the number of bends per hour or productivity rate of the machine. Short cycle times require maximum fast speed operation thereby minimizing slow speed operation. Cycle time is dependent upon following factors. 1) Descent speed of the ram 2) Back-up speed of ram 3) Back-up height 4) Mute point setting 5) Controller functionality 6) Safety guarding system employed This laser bending guard system is designed to provide minimum impact on productivity while at the same time providing maximum operator safety protection. [2] Laser-based press brake guarding system uses a double row of light bands set 10mm apart vertically to give a 10mm deceleration zone for the top tool from fast approach to pressing speed. Below this zone the required bending speed is maintained, but above this zone a much higher rapid approach speed can be obtained. Three laser beams are paralleled with ram and beneath the upper tool. The first one is parts 10mm from upper beam. The next one is place 15mm front of first one and the last one lay at least 5mm under the first one, though it has manually adjustable according to the thickness of the work piece. The upper two beams are to detect the obstacles and lower one is to detect the work piece. If the laser beams encounter any obstacle the machine stops the downward movement of the ram and reverses a few inches upward. Once the obstruction is removed, the operator can continue the bending process by pressing the foot-switch again. This process guarantees maximum hand and finger safety within the area of the three moving laser light beams. During Abstract—This paper discusses frequency sensing in modulated laser signal which used in bending guard control system for press brake CNC machine. Laser beam has suitable propagation angle to detect any obstacles (flat work pieces and hand or parts of operators) in bending process. Prevention of auxiliary laser sources and effect of signal transmission noises, we used the method of modulation security signal in process. However to far away from missing with one signal to another of itself, the modulated signals have in separate frequencies. Each of three laser transmitters feed to the laser receiver with different data frequencies in the same modulating frequency. Photo diode detects the laser signal and demodulator circuit purifies data signal from the modulating frequency. PIC 16F628 is used to detect the incoming signals which feed from laser receiver and controlled the bending process according to the received signals. Keywords—Hand security control, Operator’s safety control, Laser transmitter, Laser receiver, Bend Guard. I. INTRODUCTION P RESS brakes are one of the most difficult machine tools to safeguard because of their general purpose-type use in industry. General purpose means a press brake can be used to bens from very small parts to very large parts. Production runs on these machines can be one part to thousands of parts. With this type of operation, press brakes must be versatile. There are three basic categories of press brakes: 1) Part-revolution -Mechanical-Friction Clutch -Air Clutch (single- or Two- speed) 2) Hydraulic (Down acting and Up acting) 3) Hydra-Mechanical There are servo-drive electric press brakes that can be safeguarded. [1] Most press brake operations do not require the operators to place their hands or any part of their body into the point-ofoperation hazard; however, exposure to point-of-operation Kyaw Thu Htet is with the Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar (phone: 95-09-2300401; fax: 95-02-57360; e-mail: kyawthuhtet99@ Dr. Maung Maung Latt was with Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia. He is now with the Pro-rector, Meiktila Technological University, Meiktila, Myanmar (e-mail: mgmglatt2020@gmail. com). Dr. Zaw Min Naing is with the Pro-rector of Maubin Technological University, Myanmar, on leave from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (e-mail: 184 International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEE'2011) bending of boxes or tubes, in the "nesting mode", the outer laser beam can be switched off. Therefore, forming perpendicular flanges is no longer a problem, and operator safety is still assured by the middle beam. 38 kHz frequency. It has a wide operating voltage range and even provides visual indication of the output. [3] Tx = Transmitter Rx = receiver Fig. 1 Positional diagram of laser transmitter and receiver Fig.5 Carrier oscillator circuit using 555-timer IC To obtain three data signals, we used the NAND gate astable multivibrator circuits. The timing cycle is determined by the time constant of the resistor-capacitor, RC network. Then the output frequency can be varied by changing the value(s) of the resistors and capacitor in the circuit. [4] L1, L2, L3 =1st, 2nd and 3rd Laser beam Fig. 2 Positional diagram of laser beams in Bending guard system II. BENDING GUARD CONTROL SYSTEM There have three pairs of laser transmitter and receiver which have specified modulated data signals. For that, we use the On-off Keying also known binary pulse frequency modulation method. We specified the 38 kHz of modulation frequency and three data signals are 1 kHz, 1.5 kHz and 2 kHz. Micro-controller senses the signals which are detected and demodulated from laser receivers. Laser transmitter 1 Laser beam Laser transmitter 2 Laser beam Laser transmitter 3 Laser beam Fig. 6 NAND gate astable multivibrator circuit Laser receiver 1 Data signal 1 Laser receiver 2 Micro-controller On-off keying method is sensing of carrier frequency. Carrier frequency present is defined as bit 1 and when absent of carrier frequency well known as the bit 0. According to this process, on time and off time duration of clock pulse in data signal represent the binary bit 1 and 0 respectively. A NAND gate IC, CD4011, act as a modulator IC in On-off keying modulation process. According to the on time of both input signals of the gate IC is represent to output high and which of one is absent, the output of gate IC means off condition. [5] The modulated signal feed to the input of laser driver and the laser driver drive the laser diode according to the modulated signal. Control signal to CNC Data signal 3 Laser receiver 3 Fig. 3 System block diagram of laser bending guard system A. Modulated Laser Transmitter Laser Transmitter blockdiagram Carrier oscillator Data signal generator Modulator Laser driver Laser diode B. Demodulator (Laser Receiver) In sensing of laser wave, the wavelength of transmitted wave is radiated in coherent to the laser receiver. According to transmitting laser light’s wavelength, about 650 nm, we used the laser photo diode DTD – 15 (Everlight) [6]. It produces the response signal according to the laser light. The photo diode’s output signal is too small to detect from the demodulator circuit. CA3140E is a high frequency operational amplifier and useful for amplification of photo diode signal. Advantages of signal to noise ratio and bandwidth of the Laser beam Fig. 4 Laser transmitter block diagram There are several ways to generate clock pulses. A square wave generator is one of those pieces of equipment that has many uses in the workshop yet few hobbyists actually have. This simple kit, based on the popular 555 timer IC, generates 185 International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEE'2011) amplifier is help to demodulation and sensing the laser modulated data signal frequency. [7] have a problem how long times wait to found the rising edge. PulsIn command takes 131.1 msec to be timeout period. That is too long for our condition. So, we use time limitation depend on frequency of one cycle time. When the signal is being 0 that time over a cycle of frequency, we defined that is absent of input signal. And also we defined when the counted value is not in the range of ± 5% of the definite value, that is absent of input signal. [10] Laser receiver blockdiagram Laser beam Photo diode Data Amplifier Demodulator signal Fig. 7 Laser receiver block diagram 0 start Op-amp’s output signal is passed through the differentiating RC circuit to reduce the amplification and dc supply noise. It has demodulated with a high frequency diode and RC time delay circuit. The output of the demodulator circuit is sampled with the TTL compatible circuit. The output can feed to PIC to sense the frequency of the input data signal. 1 start 1 kHz 1ms 1.5 kHz C. Micro-controller Unit The system needs three frequency input pins and one interrupt access input pin. There need 4 input pins and 8 output pins. External interrupt function is used for box bending selector switch. PIC 16F628A is a flash-based 8-bit CMOS micro controller and a middle range of microcontrollers. It has enough I/O pin and special function for this work. [8] Pin 1, RA2 used for 3rd laser beam indicator LED Pin 2, RA3 used for blocked and paused system indicator LED Pin 6, RB0 used for box-bending function selector switch Pin 7, RB1 used for input of 1 kHz signal Pin 8, RB2 used for input of 1.5 kHz signal Pin 9, RB3 used for input of 2 kHz signal Pin 10, RB4 used for control signal output to control CNC machine Pin 11, RB5 used for box function on/off indicator LED Pin 13, RB7 used for buzzer alarm control Pin 15 & pin 16 are external oscillator input and output Pin 17, RA0 used for 1st laser beam indicator LED Pin 18, RA1 used for 2nd laser beam indicator LED Box bending function is initially off condition and when press the push button first time, the function is on and the next time of pressing is off the function. We write the instructions of the program used in PIC Basic Pro programming. We used the modulated laser signal to prevent the external sources of laser. Detection of input signal is right or wrong is handled by control program. We used the sensing of signal frequency is as follow. [9] In PIC Basic Pro, PulsIn command is counted in a variable of the continuous 1 or 0 condition. We can calculate on time of pulse and off time of pulse in value of the counting variable. We sensed the continuous 1 and 0 twice, and then divided by two because we want to be definite. The sampling is started from 1 is not a problem; we can wait till the falling edge and sense the next 0, 1, 0, 1 in series, that mean two cycles of signal frequency. When sensing is started from 0, we 0.67 ms 2 kHz 0.5 ms Fig. 8 Time duration one cycle for each frequency and 1 or 0 starting condition Box-bending function selector switch is a push button switch, pressing that button is being the external interrupt function. So the program called to the interrupt subprogram function, indicator LED on/off and sound signal beat. III. ALGORITHM FOR PROCESSING METHOD By the program flowchart, the micro-controller has three functions. It senses the incoming three signals which of each have in predetermined frequency range. And then, determine the safety condition of the operators. After that, it produce the output depending on the condition of safety zone for monitoring. At first the system is waiting to get the signal from the lowest laser beam (L 1 signal shown in Figure 2), after that upper inner signal (L 2 signal) and then upper outer signal (L 3 signal). That need for ready to use condition, if one of that is not sensed, the condition is not ready to use and make align the transmitter and receiver. When the system is ready to use, the system is sensed the first laser signal which is detected the object of workpiece. After the workpiece is passed through the first laser beam, system is checked out the second and third laser beams for safety. Second laser beam is absent, the condition is in unsafe and the third laser beam is absent, may be the condition in box-bending function or unsafe condition. We used box-bending selector switch is the input from B0 pin because of external interrupt special function. The system know the sense of the box-bending function switch on/off at any time of the process, because when the interrupt is come in from the control pin, the program pause at reach and go to 186 International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEE'2011) work to the interrupt subprogram. The interrupt subprogram is enough for executing the represented value changes and produces a sound buzz and monitoring LED depend on the condition of on or off. The box-bending function is started in normally closed condition. Start Assign var: A < 100 ? Start Delay 10µs A+1 Yes Read Pin B =0? Decleration 0 1 Read Pin B =1? Call subprog; Check pin B3 Read Pin B =0? 0 K 1 Call subprog; Check pin A0 YES Flag 2 = 1? Read Pin B =1? 1 Time delay Cnt + 1 0 Time delay Cnt + 1 0 Read Pin B =0? 1 Box On ? NO Flag 3 = 1? 0 Pause machine Cnt / 2 1 Call subprog; Check pin A1 Flag 3 = 1? 1 Time delay Cnt + 1 Box On ? Call subprog; Check pin A1 1 YES 0 1 NO 0 Time delay Cnt + 1 0 No Flag 1 = 1? 1 Goto Start for next bend No Signal = 0 Defined Cnt ? 0 Yes End Signal = 1 Call subprog; Check pin B3 return Flag 1 = 1 & A=0? 1,1 A=Flag 1 Fig. 10 System flowchart of sensing signal (a) A 0, Flag 1 Call subprog; Check pin A0 Flag 2 = 0? Start 0 Assign var: Pause machine 1 K Read Pin B =1? Fig. 9 System flowchart of Bending Guard control system 1 Time delay 0 When sensing the signal’s frequency, the PIC Basic Pro command PulsIn has a function of counting the time period of on time or off time of the signal. The important thing is the input signal need to clear from noises, because that may be getting the error results of measuring frequency. When the system is started to sense the frequency of the signal, that may be in two conditions, the first is being the signal of off time (0 interval) and the signal of on time (1 interval). Sensing process is waited till the next start of condition because of sure the sampling value and to neglect the lost value of time interval. When sensing is started from 0, the system does not want to wait till the overflow time of the PulsIn command (131.1 msec), so time checking is defined 1 msec by doing looping as shown in Figure 10 (a). It has a good response time for the absence of the sensing signal and that has enough time intervals for sensing for each signal. After that, counted the on time interval and off time interval in twice to sure the amount of interval time. When the counting is finished, the amount of count value is divided by two to get only one time-duration. Read Pin B =0? 0 Time delay Cnt + 1 1 Time delay Cnt + 1 0 Time delay Cnt + 1 1 Time delay Cnt + 1 1 Read Pin B =1? 0 Read Pin B =0? 1 Read Pin B =1? 0 Cnt / 2 Signal = 0 No Defined Cnt ? Yes Signal = 1 return Fig. 10 System flowchart of sensing signal (b) 187 International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEE'2011) In Figure 10 (b), the system is started to sampling the signal from on time. The signal is already started from 1 and it is just only need to know the frequency. So, it waited to the end of on time interval and after that is counting time intervals and divided by two to get the one time-period of the signal. The main purpose is to detect the signals which sense the operator’s safety. These signals are feed to the microcontroller’s input pins respectively. The micro-controller detected the all signals and it determine in which stage need to produce the control signal to pause the press brake machine. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION V. CONCLUSION The laser sensing system is started testing with an output of frequency generator to detect the pulses in frequency. When the result is sure for the showing of the input function generator and the allow pass signal, the next step is sensing from the laser receiver demodulator. The demodulator output is shown in Figure 11, the oscilloscope’s channel 2 prove is connected with the output of the receiver and the channel 1 is measured to the laser photo diode’s op-amplifier output. In this project, the laser base transmitter circuit is accurate in specified frequency modulation. The outputs of the laser transmitters are modulated according to different frequency of data signal though the carrier frequency is in common. The laser receiver can sense the laser beam and amplified in clear condition. The demodulator circuit worked for acceptable output frequency signal generation. Testing for sensing signal has in result is remarkable. Though most of the frequency meters use the method of counting the rising edges or falling edges of the sensing signal in the defined time interval, here, use the method of counting time periods of the on time and off time of the sampling signal. In the result, this method has the best response time and gives the exact value of frequency. So, the result of the bending guard control system has fast response time for enough to control the CNC machine in defined safety zone. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The The author wishes to acknowledge Prof. Dr. Zaw Min Naing, Pro-Rector, Technological University (Maubin), and Dr. Maung Maung Latt, Pro-Rector of Technological University (Meiktila), for their kind permissions, providing encouragements and giving helpful advices and comments. Special thanks are also owed to Dr. Hla Myo Tun, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, for thoroughly proofreading these paper and giving useful remarks on it. The authors gratefully acknowledge his lovely friends and many colleagues at Mandalay Technological University who have contributed to the development of this paper. Fig. 11 Output waveforms in laser receiver circuit Second step is simulating test for three inputs signals and the interrupt function, as shown in Figure 12. The inputs are entered from the pulse generator sources. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Machine manual and user’s guide, TRUMPF V130 CNC machine Bend-Guard for TRUMA BEND (optional part lists) Guru, “555 Timer and its Applications,” PEDC2DC, Feb. 19, 2006. http://www.electronics-tutorials/ws/index.html J. J. Abbott, “Digital Emulation of Pulse Frequency Modulation for Neuroprosthetic Sensory Feedback”, Member, IEEE, and Sanford G. Meek, VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2007 [6] [7] G. Lochead, “Photodiode amplifiers; application handbook,” Mc GrawHill, second edition, 1996. [8] , data sheet of PIC 16F628A [9] Know it all; PIC Micro-controllers, Newnes, 2008. [10] Programing in PIC Basic Pro, manual book Fig. 12 Simulation test program for frequency sensing circuit The final testing is with the PIC based control unit and three modulated laser input signals. Fig. 12 Testing for frequency sensing circuit 188