The Vision “Education is the first step to a successful future. Keep on investing in your future” Vision Statement S.A.Beauty College is today recognized as a respected International Health and Skincare Therapy Training Institute offering sought after diploma inter alia: City & Guilds, SETA Services & SAQA. S.A. Beauty College prides itself on an extremely high honours and distinction pass rate. This proven success is due to our dedication to uphold the highest possible standards of quality and excellence whilst maintaining our integrity at all times. S.A. Beauty College is at the pinnacle of education in the field of Health and Skincare. Our graduates enter the profession as leaders in the Health and Skincare field – sought after, employable practitioners. We foster professionalism and ensure the maintenance of the highest standards and ethical conduct. S.A. Beauty College will always remain a leader an icon and role model for training providers, professionals and our graduates. Our Mission Statement “The Strongest Principal of Growth Lies in Education” To this end we believe not only in compliance with National and International Standards and norms – but extending our expertise to unexplored dimensions. Our dynamic structure and approach to institute new ideas, change and growth is embraced and implemented. The lecturers continually upgrade their knowledge base, making the team a solid foundation for the college. As a modern training provider we do not have stagnant views entrenched in our constitution. Our vision is expansive, inclusive and infinite. It is conclusive to state: “Education is the path for a secure future.” Diplomas Offered: S.A. Beauty College offers the world's most prestigious diplomas and is endorsed by leading International and National examination boards. These diplomas include S.A. Beauty College, City & Guilds International, SAQA registered and SETA SERVICES Sector Education & Training Authority. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE DIPLOMAS BEING OFFERED AT S.A. BEAUTY COLLEGE:- S.A. Beauty College Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Level As an independent institution we pride ourselves on our dynamic structure and approach to excellence and the quality and success of our graduates in Health and Skincare both Nationally and Internationally. City & Guilds International City & Guilds is the UK's best-known awarding body for vocational qualifications for 120 years. City & Guilds qualifications are known and respected throughout the world in over 120 countries. Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Level 2 FULL TIME COURSE 1st Y ea r S yl l ab u s - AE ST H ET ICI E NN E ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 11 Business Management 1 and 11 Applied Dermatology Health and Skin Care Therapy Lash and Brow tinting Manicure and Pedicure First aid Waxing (depilation) Make-up Techniques Hygiene, Sterilization and Bacteriology Co u rs e O b je ct iv e s 1. The first year training course provides the student with in-depth understanding of the primary theoretical and practical aspects of skin and beauty care therapies. 2. On completion of the first year, the students will be able to perform:ϑ Full skin and body therapies utilizing the latest electrical apparatus, ϑ Apply make-up suitable for all occasions, ϑ Perform manicures, pedicures and waxing techniques, so as to complete the full compliment of treatments required from health and skin care therapists. 3. Sales and Marketing Techniques 4. Advanced Business Studies 5. Self Development Training 6. Thesis and Assignments 7. Projects and Case Studies 2n d Y e a r S yl la b u s – PHY S I AT R IC S an d H O L I ST IC T HE R AP I E S ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ Anatomy and physiology Hot & Cold Stone Therapy Diet and Nutrition Aromatherapy Physical Education Reflexology Body therapy Indian Head and Shoulder Massage Electrotherapy Socio-Psychology Manual lymphatic drainage Electrolysis Massage Relaxing and Swedish The above heading constitutes the major subjects covered within the academic year. A number of complementary topics and current advancements are also encompassed with our unique syllabus. Additional subjects may be studied on an individual modular basis. 3 Co u rs e O b je ct iv e s 1. The second year Diploma is an extension and development of the one-year program. 2. This forms a natural progression where the students will be exposed to dealing the therapeutic requirements of clients that need more complex therapies. 3. Sales, marketing and practical clinic experience is an important aspect, which students gain during this year. This will create more job opportunities and enhance their entrepreneurial skills. HO L I ST IC ST U DI E S ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ Hot and Cold Stone Therapy Indian Head & Shoulder Massage Aromatherapy Reflexology Reiki S kin C a re T h e r ap y The skin care therapy course includes all aspects of elementary skin care treatment skills. This course includes: ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Anatomy and Physiology of the head, neck, and face ϑ Electrical treatments of the neck and face ϑ Skincare Analysis ϑ Extractions ϑ Exfoliations ϑ Masks ϑ Massage ϑ Product Knowledge Na il T ec h n o l o g y Learn the most up to date technological systems in this field with the renowned nail products. Master the arts relating to acrylic, fibre / silk and gel nail applications. This course includes: ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Anatomy and Physiology of the hands, arms and nails ϑ Hygiene and sterilization Sp o rt s M a ss ag e This course focuses on intensive training for the student who wishes to pursue a career in the field of specialised sports and remedial massage therapy. This course includes: ϑ Massage Techniques 4 El e ct ro l ys i s The study and art of removing unwanted hair permanently by the use of electrical current. This course enables the student to perform safe and effective electrical epilation treatments. Electrical epilation including galvanic, blend and diathermy. Detailed study of the endocrine system with special emphasis on hair and hair disorders. Detailed study of the skin and its functions, hygiene, aids, herpes, hepatitis. Sterilisation, after care, record keeping and client handling. This course includes: ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Anatomy of the hair ϑ Hygiene and sterilization ϑ First aid Ar o m at h er ap y Aromatherapy is the use of specifically selected oils combined with massage therapy. The student will learn to treat the client holistically, taking into account physical, mental, emotional aspects and benefits of aromatics, thus stimulating the body’s ability to heal it self. This course includes;ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Anatomy and physiology ϑ Massage techniques (anatomy and physiology course requires) Ref le xo lo g y Reflexology is the study based on an ancient Chinese and Indian diagnostic and therapeutic system that works on the soles of the feet. Zones and reflexes are studied on the feet, which are related to the corresponding organs, glands and other parts of the body by means of meridian or energy lines. This course includes: ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Applied anatomy and physiology of the hands, feet and body systems Sw ed i sh & R e la x Bo d y M as s ag e This course encompasses theoretical as well as practical knowledge of Swedish & Relax Body Massage techniques which improves physical, mental and emotional health by dispersing everyday strains and tensions, bringing about a general feeling of relaxation, stability and well being. M an icu r e & P ed i cu r e The art of performing safe and effective treatments to the hands and feet. This course includes: ϑ Theory and intensive practical training ϑ Anatomy and physiology of the hands and feet ϑ Hygiene and sterilization W ax in g Effective removal technique of unwanted hair using the hot and warm wax method for face and body. The aim is to understand the method, the principle, and advantages of waxing. 5 An a t o m y & P h ysi o lo g y This course includes intensive study of all the systems in the body, including their function and related diseases. This course is a pre-requisite to specialised therapy treatments. M an u al L ymp h at ic D r ain ag e Manual lymph drainage is a slow and gentle massage technique, which is applied to the body with the aim of stimulating the lymph flow, which in turn will activate the parasympathetic nervous system and improve the body’s immune system. Re ik i It is the science and art of activating, directing, and applying natural, universal life force to promote healing and wholeness. Reiki is used as a healing modality. In d i an H e ad & S h o u l d e r M as s ag e Indian Head and Shoulder Massage is an ancient technique featured Ayurvedic medical texts. Its philosophy is creating balance and harmony, resulting in a state of well-being. Ho t & Co ld St o n e M ass ag e T h er ap y This unique re-energising stone therapy massage creates a cleansing, harmonizing and soothing effect on the body, utilizing Chakra balancing. 6 Ca r ee r O p p o rt u n it i es : Be au t y T h er ap is t ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ Therapists practicing in a health spa or skin care clinic Therapist or manager on board a cruise liner Therapists consulting and practicing within a medical environment (i.e. pre and post plastic surgery) Clinic or health spa entrepreneur Clinic or health spa manager Career as a lecturer, teaching at a training institute Representative, product trainer or manager of a professional cosmetic product house PRO or journalist within the health and skin care industry Aromatherapist Reflexology Nail technologist Colon hydrotherapy with complementary health and skin care treatments The student receives full practical and theoretical knowledge in all aspects as required for the Health and Skincare qualification. The learner is provided with in-house clinic experience and enables them to be an asset within the clinic environment, during their training. Learners completing the 1-year qualification will be able to work as a cosmetologist and clinic assistant. A continuation of the “1st Year” with a natural progression to advanced treatments and techniques and forms part of the ‘”2 Year” Health and Skincare National and Internationally accredited examination. Students are fully competent in all clinic treatments and complimentary therapies. Advanced training in all aspects of Health and Skincare and Complimentary Therapies enabling the learner to focus on the inner self and holism. The graduate will be in demand Nationally and Internationally with special emphasis on Day Spa and destination Spa treatments enabling the learner to receive the Somatology qualification. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Entrance Requirement & Procedures The college reserves the right to accept or turn down enrolments at their discretion with no explanation necessary for their decision, A fully completed applicant questionnaire. Students are selected on merit Applicants with more than two years work experience will be selected on merit. Personal interview to ensure student is dedicated and a people person. Modular training is suitable for all educational qualifications that meet minimum requirements. Last report and testimonial On Acceptance Students Must Submit:An accurately completed memorandum of agreement form with all guardian and parent signature on each page. Copy of identification document and parent identification document. 2 x recent ID photos. Deposit. O r i e n t a t i o n D a y: Years payment either post dated cheques or debit order. Payment for kit. Product and admin fees. First da y of college Completed registration form and payment Requirement kit To be wearing full uniform 7 F u ll - T ime C o u rs e F e e s F o r 20 0 8 St ru ct u r e d As F o l lo w s: 1st Y ea r – AE ST H ET ICI EN N E DI P L O M A On acceptance a deposit of R1000.00 must be paid immediately. Balance of payment, by debit order or post-dated cheques to be presented on orientation day to cover one of the following payment options:a) Years cash payment (Or if paid in equal instalments by 25th Feb) b) Years payment on a quarterly basis (term in advance) c) Years payment on a monthly basis Complete Therapy Kit, Basis Uniform & Course Material R R R R________ 2n d Y e a r – P HY SI AT RI CS an d HO L I ST IC T HE R AP I E S DI PL O M A Payment, by debit order or post-dated cheques to be presented on orientation day to cover one of the following payment options:a) Years cash payment (Or if paid in equal instalments by 25th Feb) R b) Years payment on a quarterly basis (term in advance) R c) Years payment on a monthly basis R Complete Therapy Kit, Basis Uniform & Course Material R________ F e es Ex c lu d e: ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ Product house trainings All external examination bodies registration and exam fees. Kits / Text Books Certain visits/ lectures Nail course Attached purchase list Attached compulsory uniform list First aid course (compulsory during college ) All additional courses and talks, which are not compulsory but recommended 8 INDIVIUAL MODULES PART-TIME COURSES Cost Kit Course Facials Level 1 Facial Level 2 Manicures & Pedicures Level 1 Manicures & Pedicures Level 2 Waxing Make-Up Body Slimming Level 1 Body Slimming Level 2 Swedish Massage Relax Massage Indian Head & Shoulder Massage Lymphatic Drainage Massage Hot & Cold Stone Massage Sports Massage Level 1 Sports Massage Level 2 Shiatsu Massage R1985.00 R1985.00 R950 .00 R950 .00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R1500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 Aromatherapy Level 1 Aromatherapy Level 2 Reflexology Level 1 Reflexology Level 2 Reiki Level 1 Reiki Level 2 Reiki Level 3 Nail Technology Gel System Level 1 Acrylic System Level 2 Silk & Fibre Level 3 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R2500.00 R1500.00 R1500.00 R1500.00 R1500.00 R1500 .00 R1500 .00 R1500 .00 R500.00 R500.00 R500.00 R3995.00 Inclusive All three Levels Nail Technology R950.00 R650.00 R850.00 R750.00 R950.00 Exam fees R350.00 per modular course / Manuals R150.00 Please note prices are subject to confirmation