"H " I The Big Spring Daily Herald Latest News AU of Today' New ' TODAY1 -C- V OMTLETB "vol. io-t- td. ii COVERAGE MEMBER THE "ASSOCIATED- BIG SPRING, TODAY SIX PAGES 88 O'F P,R v The Weathei' PARTLY LEASED WIRE SERVICE F V L L E-S-S r CLOUDV AND TBMDAT, -- TEXAV MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1937 A FIVE CENiS PRICE U.S. EMBASSY MOVING OUT OF CHINA CAPITAL V-- V kVaWleurAinong-ThoB- t T FQLSOM, Calif., Sept. 20 (AF; --Warden Clarence Folsora state prison guards ttfnd five convicts lay wounded in the prison hospital loday, victims of a bloody escape attempt in whjch a guard and two convicts were killed. NEW YORK, Sept. 20 UP) Twenty thousand legionnaires and visitors packodnto gayly festooned Madison Square Garden for tho opening session of tho n Legion convention today arid &L heard Governor Herbert H. Lehman of New York urgo continua o tion fight for Jtaur uroat Lar-kin,,r- u It1 ii i mm -4- j.y frf ( IT' of-th- principles ty."f rjPB?t yjf'i of dcmocracjCon'dvllber- - Harry W. Colmery of Topcka, Kas , retiring national commander of tho legion, presided, His report warning or naziinnuenco in America and calling for protection of tho constitution and fornn Independent Judiciary was to bo the highlight of tho day's program. Thoreport, made public In vanceHjf tho opening session In Madison Square Garden today. dealt bluntly with Issues expected ta bo acted upon later this week by tnn Trinrn thnn 1 3fin rlnlnfmtnc Neutrality In Lahgr Disputes Colmery upheld the ii 'lit of legjonnaites to be sworn in a33d0i titles dining labor disputes bu pledged tho organization Itso'f to Jwp?'-'-- ! - Near Dcath- One of the wounded convicts, Ed Davis, reputed instigator of the break, 'was believed near death, Larkln suffered 12 stab wounds. Tho battle began when seven prisoners rushed tho wardcii during his usual Sunday morn- clng InterVltjw with prisoners In the office of tho captain of the guard. Tho Jjeven men armed with crudo Krilji'es and two dummy pistols, stopped from, line, seized Larkln and Guard Captain W, Ji Ryan. They demanded Larkln', . o r d e r guards onfTtho prison wnll0t5 hold K Am-lea- 'i imM OTK immfti. rmrr. SHANGHAI, Sent. 20 (AP) Tho' Ajxierican. embassy decided tojiight to leave Nanking in the face of a Japanese threat to laynwasto to the Chinese capital, emphasized by a morning aerial raid in which4(ctviliansiwerejqlled and et',sdit; yi yV H Hk MmmmmmMmWx x? v ??i X " W, k 1m s if & smb.? " 30 Miles Uprlver United Spates Ambasrtfdor Nelson Johnson, with his aides, work ed feverishly to transfer documents to tho American patrol boat, Luzon, for tho trip 0 miles up tho Yang " tze to Wuhu. Amid tho rush of evncuatlon. mmmmammmmmmmBm3mm8mKKJSBK't ""?. l. "&i tho In thirty years of scrvico that. I am forced to leavomy post. t jiur-eillnn- ServiceClubs To Hear tylahon In Vandenbgfg Cdalitiori Suggestion Draws Little Response lt nt Pleads Guilty for-To- Polkr 4pogs vQ Even Members Of His ftwn Party In Disagreement Over Plan d Britain Hails Possibility Of Aid Ffom U. $. In Crisis eSOTiP O ?mmmmmamWmWmKmmmmmw3IBmmWk$ 0 homes destroyed. - i,to speak. mKt a km. Mrs. Elizabeth B. oDomer Curtln Wtnsor, Ardmore, Pa., WASlflNGTON, S.opf? 20 UV) Rooscelt, former Vlfo ofEI-llo- tt Surgeon General Thoinaj Parrnn to whom her engagement was second of son Itooscclt; reported today that cholera in tho0 president, lit sho.n will o announced. Sl'anghal "mW In ofi'iclally considered of epldeni.o propjrlfons." B" "rarran was ndisod by health scjrtico ngents that strict neutrality wnsj being maintained their fireXtLarkln jefused. 0 coiled for a survey to fletcr- - at Honolulu and Manflnwto preHe In the meantime, Ihe warden's mlno "all nations' teirltorlal noifds sent tlm .nprend of tho disease to. secretary heard the argument over as part t a progiam for removing this country. an open telephone. He phoned the tho Causes of war. and Urired carlv as Larkln soon shoot to as guards "But, under instructions from adoption by congress of tho unl-J- j open. tho in captors wcro nndrhis versal draft act now pending1 be- Washington, I cannpt risk tho lives .4p . Stabbed To Death. fore it. Ryan and Guard James Kerns Ho roportcw tho legion member- Ing, and I hope to return to Nan- highest In King by motor during the enforced had seilous knife wounds. H. E. ship was freighter Wichita to a barge In Cases containing war planes presidential decree prohibiting .. n Martin, a guard was stabbed W absence.". its History. consigned to China are shown thq outer Harbor at San l'edro, arms shipments to tho Or.'ent to Tho embassy staff planned death. Tho national commander termed Calif.. In accordance with a as they were unloaded from tho In government-owne- d vessels. ' v 4 German claims to the right to prop- leave for Wuhu early Tuesday Convict Clyde Stevens, Instigator WASHINGTON, Sept 20 UV) Senator Vandcnborg'g suggestion agandize nazlismln tho country a3 morning, thereby observing a de of an equally desperate prison an coalition In 1910 drew llttlo favorable response a "gratuitous Insult" and "a bra2n mand by tho Japanese naval force for break attempt at San Quentln prisciti Tho Japanese had warned Uiat today from tho dissenting democrats to whom ho was appealing and affront to eVcry'XAmcrlcan on In 1935, was dead as was "Benny disappointment even .to, his own parly. zen." Ho suggesrea an immediate foreigners would faco dancer of brought some Kucharskl, convicted robber. "'Tho Michigan republican's forjiiht ot n party realignment, madu dcafli organizatho nazl from at Investigation air beglnn.ng of all ath' Larkln, a broad shouldered Sea-Pirac- y noon Tuesday, i Japanese oulclals In nn address Saturday night, ro - i W tions Sn tho United States. lete, met a fate he himself decreed widespread In :eivrd attention would Tiot bo re- "Wo hear from beyond tho sea," declared Japan ss iccently in a talk to pilson guards. of foreign I'fef olUlcaI Uclt2 ho said, "that tho German gbvern-rac- sponsible ho 'Tf T .nm over ..kidnapped," quickly Senator Borah claims tho right and intends after that hour. ' said, in our tq. Tho British, Russian, German lohllcd. however.- that a coalition organize gipups nazl Q and Lfm obey ny :rfqnmiT X:X purpoa1. and Italian,. cmbaaaic3 decided to would do no goaAlmtfessiltiinclud So-Eorgeinot the momontr ed arrepudiatlon or thoo now.4n x 5Jc Is to savo iisfrom commUtt rcmalnpatrlKTst-f- or y LONDON, Sept 80. '(iD Great Britain today luiiled the possibility of Amcricainld to case gravely what I tell you start shooting." and British and Frcn,ch naval com- cbtjrgo of tho party organization Ism. where Increasing menace Europ"e, warships tho In tension Mediterranean, ran tho'p,cacfl of hostile he when kUled Martltfwd3 manders warned Japanese that Veteian politicians wcro wary In Study orConslltutIon Two-YeSecretary "of State Cordcll Hull's declaration that complete Isolation is hd'j6ngcr possible for the -Suspended into the "fight-t- o aid tho warden. ""'The Ameilcan people have a they would bo held strictly lesions. forecasting a political realignment, United States received a warm welcome as lerhni3 Drcsaclnir nartl.il relaxation' of America's nolicv of " for nny loss of life or damage such as that suggested bycvanden-berg- . Sentences Asness-"e- d aloofness from Eurore's troubles, T" light to go communistlo !? they slblo At the same time new trepidation was aroused bv Paris rcnorts that Italy, onirrv at not foeinir offered They cited many practical want to although tho leg oh w.ill vo piopoity of their nationals. By Judge e a more Important role in tho Mediterranean hunt, might net up a rhnl patrol with tho aid oppose that to tho finish, as It has Ihp American commander-In-- i difficulties and recalled, that freAslaflc Portugal of Gcrmanj, and Albania, a right to do, Vhlef of tho United States quent talk of the kind In tl'iu past Seventieth district court opened . Increasing tho danger fleet. Admiral Hatiy Qlrncll, brought no results. its third week of tho current term or a clash tnatlnlgrt spread to 'ln,ono of tho most outspbjeon. dcclaicd that thoLiizon and Tho most obvious objection, some Monday morning with" a busy ses convention messages delivered by a war. sister-shith;o Gbam, would said, would be tl(o ;rcluctunco of sion. on'inte iul gov- her ?f Informed Rome quarters declared legion commander l' nationals. g Threo other service clubs will democrats, paillcuiarly Tho court j hcarda guilty plea ernment problems, Colmery sug- piotcct Ameilcan although no that, was such patiol Tuesday i, noon cmbaafsy staff, of the join with the Rotary post held every rein' to south, gested those tho volo tho lerjon that to a chargo ot" planned at present, Italy docs not paved. tho way for withdrawal publican ticket, and a similar dis- .'ropi Cliff Moslcy in honoring Rep. George Mahon, foigery, nnd upon pfootof restitu Intend to perm t Mediterranean of tho jvar ciaft as requested by taste among stalwart republicans Seo LEGION, Page 0, Col. V congressman from tho 19th district, two-year tion, assessed a seaplanes which gany thousands of suspend, tho Japanese. who .will be making his" first ap- for any chaffgo In tho historic ed scntenco. ' Leave To To pa: To Compile Wednesday tons Data shipping, of to be Italian to returning of relays since in n.nrnnrn here Tho Japanese planes, party. namo of , their trolled entirely by ves Bill Duvall, alias Bill Hart, "and" On Swing Across Support Bid For. 3lxeto a squadion, subjected Nanhis homexln Colorado from Wash 'Vandcnbcrg, In his speech to . sels. ' ington. king to terrific bombardment foi, Michigan republicans, said It was Brady yaughn wore 'arraigned on 'Schedule Wee: ', ft an Indictment charging rapo, and Prime Minister Neville Chamber tluee houis dutlng thj morning, Approximately 150 people aro ex toJaprophesy- - develop- botljjjtcrcd pleas of not guilty. h aiming at Nanking government too early the American lain grappled with tho problem of HYDE, PARK, N. Y., Sept. 20 UP) westbound stop pected "to. hear tne congressman ments, tho suggested emci-- Duvall's motion for sevcranpo was bullcllngs but striking residences genco of but Two definite speaking engage- westbound Stop tho American lessening tho renewed tension with sneak. a now "coalltlorffjiarty un-d- irantea, and hla case was set for S? Italy w thout weakening the strong instead. were placed on President T. W. Ashley, picaldent of the ments new name" "smpathclle or a .France and Britain have tak Tho Ameilcan embassy staffjwlll cooperation under liospuauio re Sept. 27. Vaughn's case was conhost club, said thatVlrtually tho Roosevelt's west coast ltineraiy to- Monday by Dr. P. W. Malone, chair atana tinued until November on hla mobo rctuired to Nankhig when jhe publican Body Of Loiu-Tim- e ?ntlro nrocram would be turned day at Bonneville dam near Port- man of tho chamber of commerce en Ji intly to stamp out mysterious banners." t& tion. maiauders Mediterranean. danger H believed past. Ot er over to Representative Mahon. , land, Ore , and Chicago as offi- aviation pommlttce. Is Here Resident a Roose Senator Rtissoll "Courageous Speech" Judgment was entered ?for deAmericana, likewise, were evacuatHeads of the Lions,- - KIwanis and cials, continued to chart the 6,000 Encouragement came Sunday The British press saw aid to Taken To Lampasas ing up ilver aboard a Br.tlsh velt supporter, said ho did not take fendants In th2 case of Nola (Qlrtls American Business .clubs said their mllo Journey. company off cinli a from of gioup Vandcnbcrg's suggestion veiy seri- vcisus W. It. Purser and Sons, suit causo InSecrctary Hull's membership would turn out en Tho steamer. swing, planned at Fort Worth, ho said, and Dr. Britain's "coura'geous speech" made In an Death claimed another of. the announced thoy 'had ously. on note, Agreed judgment of 5550 Japanese masse for tho meeting. to givo tho chief executive a f list- - Malone hoped that Informa.lon lonr-tlm- o residents of Big Spilng lost appto'.imately 4,000 dead and Abandonment of the name of tho was entered In the damag: su't of ar hand picture, df admlnlstiatlon could be produced, heio soon h c'l international radio broadcast WaltenlJonncr, --JI by tho Nat'onal Peace con- f Sunday" when John l" 6unded In the Shanghai sector republican party and tho ndoptton Petty Dally against tho West Texprojects and ah opportunity to would result In affording tills city ference last night. man nnu oaiuer, slnco August 23 when they first of a now party designation, poli- as Oil company. CORSICANA OIRL gaugo interior and Pacific coas: an acilal outlet to the west. s durhospital tical experts said, would piescnt Hull 'declared, that though Amer succumbed, at aocal troops. statement landing Tho Bryant Payne, charged with CRASH VICTDI Two tilings will bo nec;s?ary to ica Is dqtprmlncd nolther to thrust ing an operation sentiment on his broad economic man child desertion, won a contlnuanca In kv- -n tnnilrt hnv H.1I1I.. In rnfllto Chl- - additional problems. congress adjourncompany objectives since stop, In 1900 the interest the states, party they said, a new hciself rior to be drawn into armed Bonner came hero around Miss ed, of IiIh pasu to tho November term. BREMOND, Sept. 20 UP) that fighting had lulled will start from hero lato Wed- ho bplleycd,, that tho alrmslj confl'ct between othoiAiatlons "this nnd foi years "was an employe of 03o c'alms Shanghai beeaujo tho Jap- would hivo difficulty getting onto Cilmlnal cases set for Sept. 27 round Doiothy Drane of Corslcana wa? nesday. aa-poundage to tho west coast and ad- policy,, must be supplemented.1' company a railway limiting laws ballot because of the T. & P. SubIa, anese had suffered such heavy thp vveio those of Prudcnclo killed today when tho automobile passenger would ditional tiafflo the pailTcs. to recognition two IIo;left established 'A, policy of complete isolation cai repair woiker. weeks later, .most It will end they had to wait foi chaigcd with seduction; Mildred casualties In which she and another passenstop. justify 1023 a such the lailioad in services of the fiomMho outsldo .world In Its ulti Washington after a speoch Dickey nnd Hattlo Hagen.'Indicted more ichijorsoments. , . ger wcro riding turned over round- likely 6at dedicating tho federally- - Thc officials to whom he talked mate effects would bo as ineffec- stUke and for years was a barber qhcio was but llttlo activity at for felony theft, and E.IT. Lawson, ing a cuivo six miles south of hero Oct.. FORMER RESIDENT city of a said Inclusion as that health, this however, Falling as here, bridge tive opposite in the extreme," ho Mrs. George financed Outci Drlvo billed on a count of driving while Tho passengoft west stop would naturally entail ln- - said in wotds that cheered Britain forced him to glo up, this occupa- Shanghai to gleet the airlvil yes- TAKEN BY DEATII Chicago. 4 ',eulay of tho sixth, regiment o: iitoxlcatw. Blown of Coislcana, suffered only costs. eased operations in ago, They ci years few tion a or sumo mo press meanwhile s,aw sections Polltlcal . observers lnjurios. ' Jnitqd States marines. The ,unit, irlnor son, pro only If would m bo dlcatcd is an that Surviving facts h of " today was heio Word received uoudio in tho spesch, San Diego, Calif., Joe Rumple, Bicmond undertak- wcio wondering. wnotner tne prcs'- sentcd to show that revenues would slnco It signuicanco followeo closely President WillUnTA. Bonner, Fort Worth. He ushed fiom tho death of L. C. Gallcmote, 20, In STRAY BULLET tho aimy transport Chau- - Tipton, er, said Miss Drano was on her dent would, mention tho supreme bo sufficient to justify the stop, the Roosevelt's aboard Bonatlibr, his also Calif, of ihfantllo parulysis dlctatois, WifC. leaves criticism In of viowl de- way to College Station when the court In his. Chicago talk, Amerlccn mont, doubled tho ner, Lampasas. Saturday, HEARNE, Sept. "20 UP) Robert "ll inose words mean octlon-nn- d of tho fact that tho highest trib- company would be willing to th"5 turn Her to failed mako contingent. ense rir It. Services wore conducted Monday Mr. Rooscvelt'sadmlnlstintlotmioes Services were conducted In that (Cotton) Evans, University of Tex unal convenes its fall term tho day body was brought he o not usually spedk unless actwi is morning at the Eberlcy chapel with city Monday moinlng, according to ns baseball plucr, was recovering Justice Dr. Malone said that his cammll-tebefore, when Associate roports. would begin work soon to com-pll- o Intended thoy nro tho most hopc- - Rev. G. C. Schurman, pastor of the FATALLY nURNl-i.cdny from u head wound inflicted L, Black. Is scheduled to take Hugo L INJURIES-FATAsupporting data for an applica- jui j.iai navo como across tho At First Christian church, In chaise. TYLER, Sept, 20 UP) Funeral A foimcr resident of Big Spilng, by a stmy bullet Friday, tho bench. UP) L Henry PARIS, vSept. 20 tion for tho sc'icdulo change which lantic in many a year' commented Tho body was taken overland In sei vices, wcie to be held today ot L. C. moved fiom hero threo yeats Ho was treated nc a Bryan hos The News Chronlclo.Snddlng JJaynard, 55t died today of Injuries would pei ml t persons boardln the a Rtx funcial car to Lampasas 3'g Sandy in C)shur county for ngoQjut visited In tho city several pital and released Immediately. In col WEEK night tho FIKE PREVENTION flufleied Saturday was planes hero for the west coast,' and speech suggested that "tho United Where last rites are to bo held Mrs. Lauta White, CO, who was times' since. Hl3 sister, Mrs. Pete iZvWis, homo foi the"week-end- , P) , Sept. 20 WASHINGTON, automoan n 2 p, m. Ho will bo 'n- - fatally burned Friday when her Matlockr resides heie, Hit) mothoi, assisting inch. School Footoau lision of a tiuck and which would mako posslblo lound States may bo pieparlnn to ranco Tuesclay N21! I....IJ. .1I..1 ...Un pioclalmcdjthc ui. ...I.. Roosevelt shock Buffered President Itself with other democracies in de luiii'll ucatuu ma wim, viiu uluu p.Iothing became Ignite from firo Mis. Ida Gallcmoro, lives in Blair, Coach Cochran ot Wood field whon bile. Mis. Maynard trips from hero to tho cast. f termination to withstand Fascist heio a year ago. Okla. ho wad struck by the, bullet. and bruises but her condition wm week beclnnlni' October 3 as fire andcr u wash pot. , week, &prevention aggression. Pallbeaicis here weie members not serious. V I.p.O MOTOR COMPANY IS lodgo F. of which of tho local Bonner was ono of the oldest mem BY FIRE DESTROYED a REPORT BIG E-TOIL , DEAL bors. EX ROBSTOWNtS&ept. 20 Ul) Hrc CLOSEDMONDAY of unknown origin early ToUaj in 7i deal reporTecT To Tio a $100,-00razed tho Robsjown Motor Co. tiansactiOn, Otis Chalk, ranch building In tho main business secman, Monday leasod tho AUSTIN, Sept, 20 lP) Another tlngham testified tho piessuro drop tion hero. Tho company Is the lo- south half of W&NW, section big drop In bottomholo pressure In per million barrels of oil produc cal Ford agent. p as cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco nnd scheme. WASHINGTON, Sopt. 20 UP) ' in T.lnv1 TJnhla threo times as large the famed East Texas ol! field was tion had been tne other grains, frqits and vegetables, outlining Wallace, Secietaiy damage Extent tho of had nul convoyeu said Ho a know just "will farmer me i.(mia acres 320 12 to September 12 a; disclosed at tho slato tallroad com- from June and attempts to exactly what he is supposed to do this morning and ono pioduclng oil well to WEST TEXAS Partly cloudy to broad provisions of next years as period preced been determined mission's monthly proration hear- during the $500,000500 farm benefit program hold, down their acreage. " Thirteen no wears and 13 used ccij, Noblo In the, deal. All pipe, tqnks night and Tuesday. to , with the plan and just Ing 12. Juno ing today. EAST TEXAS Generally fair to described It today as an Improve It also encourages planting of howcomply all ownod by the company, and two and equipment on the acreage were much ho will receive, for com' Farmer said ho was participating cars In the shop for repairs were mvoivea in tne trado. V. E. Cottongham, chief engineer night und Tuesday, grass and clover, by classing these pliance. ovor earlier plans. ment Only one type of payment In tlft hearing to obtain informa believed TKAIIUSKATUJIKS utdfJ-- voll build will be made." Ho said, however, that It alone as for the commission, saTd average lo't, unalk'a recent Np. ItC fee tc3t, Mon, Ing," bottomholo pressure in East Texns tion for tho legislature's use- in Its Sun. control provide not adequate would east oxtension to tho Chalk pool, la 1'ho prognftn offers special indeclined 12 89 pounds per snuaro special session opening next Moa A limit or "ggl" on nit tho "soli I m, a.m. of major crops. tho well. Involved. It tested 515 28 ducements in the Oreat Plains area crops' ALLRED STARTS WORK ban Lis two group I 85 as Is 73 depleting" a ,r, Inch In the month ended Septem- day. es agricultural conservation "Tho weeks ago fiom a for returning' cultivated Und to .J1,..-....- . 3 m 75 87 ber 11. It was the third successive Cottlnglmm told' the Fort Worth depth of 3,981 fcetn brown lime, piogiam la not a production control tabllshed and llkewiso a 'goal" for grass, and also Includes a rsnge 3 .tf month' he had reported a substa- legislator that tf the East Texas ON TAX MESSAGE 88 goals 73 soll.consorvlng. Theso are "In said. bo absence piogram, Is and it consideied une of tho In the West and South, a AubiiW, 5i!)( 2u Uti Governor ntial decrease. ,. 88 l7l ot other legislation, nonnalweathur then split up among states, coun program ,4 field was shut down for two weeks naval stores jJiogram, and payJames ,V. Allied Intends to start pest proepocta In thaj terrltoiy, rAliditinnH over several BeasonH ties, and Indlvldnaltfarma. The continuing decline has fed gas piessuro would rise. 71 at (!? on commercial orchards and on tils message to the 3 ,..,,.. 6 fecelvo benefit pay ments farms, some oil men to feel the commis71 87 In tho accumula- to vvl((ult In again Farmer endeavored to show that work tBnlghtfjCislon order of the legisla- HELD IN CALIFORNIA 7 70 sion will attempt to cut the area's certain other fields were allowed a ments, faimcis tntist stay within truck wuu Ol UUlUbllSUIUU HUipJU9e9, IMIKMttMMHIIH M AdmlnUtiatlon will be through TULARE, Calif., Sept. 20 UP) O oO VrJ production, which now is mora much greater peicchthge of. their ture opening next Monday, Congressional leaders have prom their and equal region, MttlMIMM state, and county AAA or77 7 K ised to make farm legislation the or exceed tho 'soil building goal ganization potential production thaf& East It probably will not bo finished Rlchaid Jt. O'Clalr, wanted in than 475,000 barrels dally. Others lMIMtMM"IIM tint have operated a atSlew week. end the county, of on Blanca until the Tex., be will " no curtailment Tolley. 7 believe Texas, He claimed the Van field, AAA administrator. previous, national first order of business at the next IL R. If r ltMf(MM 75 farm programs, The, governor has Indicated he, charges of breaking jail and for11 tempted unless the drop becomes about 60 miles away, wfis permitted 72 70 said assignment ot Individual goals A maximum session. payment will .be es raise an gery, was held here today for Texas 1 greater. ,, 75 77; to produce-2per cent of its dally will 6sk tho legislature to year Tho new boneflt program, woik- - to farmers should "prove simpler tablished for- - each, arm that t-$15,000,000 a additional in authorities, after his arrest yester Under questioning by Rep. Clar-nc- a cd out under the soil consetvatlon and mora effective than ths two day. See taxes. Tuesday OiSJ a. m. Pate 8, CoL 5 1833 E. Farmer of Fort Wprth, Col- art, cissies most major crops, such progiams which preceded" ths See WALLACE, Rife , CeJ. S 963,600-sccon- tf ".n.n, Faco,, ' .' TO WED E Danger OfDoatlf Constitution I '! ,,..,, ,. EX-WIF- Foreigners Warned,,, 'To Get Out Or Protection-jO- f- W ELLIOTT'S Destruepdn--OfNa- fc Also Appeals For r UNLOADWR PLANES -FOR - CHINA - JEIERBAN C Hurt In Fighl; E cape Thwarted' , Japs Threaten Legion Chief--J Into Nazi Activities In U S. Tfinee Killed,. 8 Wounded In Pej (R-Id- J .'. ar anti-pirat- ever-prese- FD Schedules. tysy Restore s Speech Tuesday 5 Two Talks o With-diawa- Hie-lon- Airline Stop how-avc- J.W.oiinei:Is non-Itali- ?j iT ke-wi- p, -- Tlie-Nalid-- 1 -- Death Victim i tr -- ), cross-count- spqn-soie- la fc ' 1 - 7 PRESSURE LEAD JR0P MAY TO ALLOWABLE CUT er-o- ll 91-2- Weathei Broad Outline Of Farm Bertefit Plan Described By Wallace ,,,,, ,,,,,,, .'.,:.... ....;... & th' ...,,.., ' 4 u jpMjim' Guests Entertained With Chicken Barbecue tfr, atld Mrs. Fred Stephens Cn tertalncd with & chicken barbecue Saturday" night In honor of several MC -- StH jQuestjt wern Mr. nnd Mm. Horn don Johns of Houston, Ed Wright, Tom W. McAfee. Vanco D. Hoff- mastcr, 01m Brent and Charles L. Bcall of 'Dallas, Karl Hogue and Cliff Knott of Abilene. iiiiiiiyrlfta ' Allen Boono has returned from a few days stay In Cisco, where he visited with friends and relatives and transacted busftiess. a Mr. and Mrs. Q". N. Crosthwalt have returned nomo from a two WfieksJEacationspcnt In Fort Worth and Dallas. They visited with refatlvesand friends and at cxposl tended the tlon'. and Frontier Fiesta. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burn am of Cisco- - were visitors In Big Spring this' weekend because of the Illness ofQfr. Burnom'a aisterV Grid Ticket Sales Begun AND IBP ?jg.fejg..iyr i frock with pink satin sash and ac cessories. They wcro then ushered toVthe spacious back lawn, whero games were -- flayed and an, hour of fun was spcht. Group pictures wqro made of tho guests and of tho' honoree, after which refresh ments wcro served from a table cerilcrcoTb'y a huge "white cake Iced with pink and giccn rosebuds and topped with candles. On cither side of tho cako was tho inscription "Happy Birthday to Emma Jeanne." The table, was loaded with1 toy dogs. balloons and Plato favors were cellophane wrapped packages of serpentine. The guest list included Patsy Anne Young, JeanelloSplvey, Virginia Ferguson, Barbara jean. Lytic, WJ1; ma Jo Taylor, Mina Mao Taylor, Helen Blount, Peggy Anne Har grove, JUary EdltfarNeal, .Marguerite Wood, FrcddleWSA.dklns, Paul inc Shubert, Edith Paulino Tucker, Fatsy Ann Stallltlgs, Donnle StallIngs, Harry Mlddleton, Vivian Mtd-dlcton, W. R. Newsom Jr., Donald Ray Newson, Harry Weeg Jr., Ed- Annually, from the middle of Juno to approximately tho middle, of August, publishing is at what Is Conventionally described as "low obb.' Publishers Ho exhausted in their gardens reviewing past cf- fall catnpalgnr-- " Then, In August, a, deluge h& gins. Books begin gushing from every press, and collecting on cv- -f cry rovlewer'a desk. By mid-Se- p tember this dclugo has reached al most Biblical proportions, it not yet having occurred to tho publishing world that spreading their books iwuty uvci uiu ,yeur youiu give each book a better chance! A lot of this spate of printing naa oecn reprints and translations,, and of these by far tho most amus ing is Lewis Galantlcre's transla tion of "Thov Goncourt Journals'' (Doubleday, Doran; $3,80). This Is made" up of the reflections of two exquisites. brothers, professional founders of a literary manner and observers extraordinary. It is full of malice and Is supposedly scan dalous In part althoughthe scan dal Is pretty tame. What Is Im portant about the Journals Is first that Galantlero has eliminated most of the trash about tho broth ers Edmond and Jules' megrims, and second, that the Joufnals mako a perfect historical resume of the period from 1850 to 1870. Cu -- Next-,, most, amusing (of all Clcnden-ine's thlngsf) is 'Dr. Logan "TheHuman Body" (Knopf: $3.75), which has sold an average or 20,000 copies a ypar since its first phbhcjUlon 10 years ago, and which no&rhas been rewritten and freshened up and made into an Ir- resistlblo. and fascinating expe rience for anybody who has been confused by all the rot written By The Drink ., Price for the'HtSkels, which will prlvllego the buyer to, see five homo games, has been set at $3.7$; nccordlng to (Edmund Notestlne, who 1,3 handling the distribution. Should fans seek thclr'iclccts by mail, they nu asked oio write d!recUyalhcJgBlgSprlnghl6h cchool. The 'pasteboards can also, telephone bo reserved by0 calling , number 415.. at prices Box scats from $25 to $17 this season. raninc ga g arcO-scllln- HttWtHtHtj,EM, DALLAS, Sept. 20 UP) Texas pollco have cracked down on vice. A crusade, originating principally with local police, Is in full swing.. Tho main fire of the police la directed at marble boards, slot machines, disorderly houses and tho sals of liquor by drink, started In North Tex as, Dallas and Fort Worth took the lead. Fort Worth has had a steady campaign against marble boards for months. Court orders for the destruction of 100 machines ihave bft'p 'asked there. Dallas police drdve hard at nil forms ofuvlco last week Houston7anAilonlo and(Auatln have thrown a scare Into vice lords. Galveston has no crusade ; under wav. notice saldi. but thev are V watching conditions. Fort Worth police last week aim ed at ponderers' and houses of 111 n repute. and 28 women were nabbed in raids there, The,drivo will continue, pollco said. Tho-nuro- -e Twcnty-soVcnme- JDallas,mothcrs and fathers-Joi- n WTO MOHOAY, Texas Police War On Marble Boards Sale . ,, Football fans may sccuro season tickets until Friday of this week by applying In tho lobby of tho Settles hotel whero the ducats will bo placed on sale dutlng tho hours of S tu m. to 1 p. m, and 2 p. m. to WRITING ' Vice Crusade Is Underway Ducats Good For Five Home Grimes Priced At $3.75 READING Un thwf have 20,"?. riU4" fcwn somewhat ' " Tho move In far "West Tex, ana the jPanhandlc has tact w;thiHf,. cession many fronts. Abilene ra potted the only coin operated there were scales, pca- nut vendors and five cent phono- grap'-s.- ' . SEEK TO RESTORE WATER SUPPLY rk. KELLER, Sept. 20 men used acetylene torches on ex- plosion wrought and f Bteel wrcckago today, In nn effort' to restore Keller's water supply be- UPh-Wp- , fore-noo- nr- A grain dust explosion yesterday afternoonjstartcd a flro which tho clcvajor ondeed-storesof C. J. .Johnson at an estimated loss of $22,500) gutted tho water-- . . worksTJond melted supports of tho water itank, sending lt" k k ' 57,00O-.stc- nvor thn BUPnlV well. Meanwhile, truckers hauled tor from nearby towns. rnl?far t wa- - ' TO ME INJURED " MT. PLEASANT, Sept 20 UP) D. A. Campbelh 28, refinery work er, was .In a 'serious, condition day nndCharlcy Cap'chart, 50, mat- tress factory operator? was recov- ef Ing from "'injuries suffered yes- - i' q ln'a highway accident. ed police in a campaign against all jciday forms of gambling. Parents have Campbell received chest Injuries y agreed to notify police the location and a skull fracture when thQjcdr riding-turn- ed of marble boards, slot macKjries In which the two men were 'Monday Evening over. Many and bookmakers. machines c:00 Dance Ditties. havo been seized and bookmaklng BUB B(1L Basham. Is on wane, the crusaders reported, 5:30 American Family Robinson At (.Houston,? marble machines 6:45 On The iMall. banned several months ago, were (6.00 Works Progress 'Program. mund Notestlne, John Weir Notslowly creeping back. The Harris Mrs. Sam Goldman andNhuiKh- 6:15 Evening" Serenade. . Billy cstine, 274ST 5l Wozencraft, Don No. PATTERN Hank county grand jury began looking ter. Miss Jlmmle Lou, are expected 6:45 Curbstone Reporter. McDaniels, Pat and Luther Mc to return from a few days visit in Everyday household articles, like P..T.A. NOTICE into things and Mayor R. H. Fon- 7.00 Smile Time. Daniels, Emily Fahrenkamp, Sara something can dish be' towels, made Dallas. vlllc, gambling foe, told pollce-vt7:15 Baseball News. The Junior High School Parent- - Jane Strange, Mary Ellen Tuckei, clean up. 7:30 Mellow Console Moments. you'll be proud to own (or give Billy Wester-maMarie Tucker, Cella Miss Helen Fay Rankin of Colo Teacher association will meet at j7.45? FlashCowhands. Police Chief R, Dl Thorp at Aus Sara Maud Johnson, Jerry oclock Tuesday afternoon in rado was guest this weekend of away) If they er attractively dec8.00 GeOrgeHall Orch. tin warned against Installation of Dee MlssBUUo KelWain'the home of urui.eu.y4 fiese umuruiucruu iuuiii- - the Senior High School building, Tucker, Joan Winn, Maxle 8ilB Home Folks Frolic. marble boards and slot machines, Billy Jean Younger, mles are so simple tocwork, yet can room 309. All mothers of seventh Ybunger, Mr. and Mrs. IiFtS Terry. Salon Mpderne. Raids against disorderly houses Dorothy Ann Meador. Mamie Jean make a set of towels into a charm graders ars tfted to attend. VTwlsters. Rhythm O have been staged. Meador, Wanda Joyce. MerrickJji' MoJ!. jKJEarluof-- McCamey was ing addltlon-t- o your home,-- , or a 9:00 "Goodnight" Friday guest in thejjhome of Mr. lovely and welcome gift (for a San Antonio polica have acted Nell Robinson, JBeverly Ann Stult ' Mottling Tuesday and Mrs. J. C. .Shlpman. v against vies, and reported condlj ing, Clarice Hetty, Billy B. Lees, frlcqd. , 7.00 Musical Clock, y Billy Crunk, Barclay Wood, LaRue u 7:25 World Book Man. Z Mr. and Mrs. S. FrulttCspent "The pattern envelope contains hot Tucker, Buddo Edwards, Connje transfer for sevens' motifs. 7:30 'Jerry Sheitonf tne weeKendMn Sweetwater with Irbn P 2 won, jane InchesVach; averaging 6x8 also .Diane iawaras, 7:45 Devotional. relatives aiidlfrlends. Upderwood, Joan Lewis and Don complete, illus 8:15 (Hillbilly Harmonies. CHICAGO, Sept. 20 (JP) Colum- - Pickle, Forks, trated to Charlinc with diagrams RosoNell directions, Mr. and Mrs. H."Chastaln of 8:30 Museum Memories. A, . Odessa were Sunday guests in the aid you: also what material and bus and Milwaukee. chamDlon and a'ueker, Lu Ann Ware, Johnny Mae 8!45- Hollywood Brevities. I"JV Tf.inmn!nn nf ti Amorlnn nnqrb Uilmer, Joe Nell Slkes, Billy Ray homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. how much vou will (need. 0.00 All Request Program. To obtain 'this pattern, send for elation, jvlll fight it out for theLGllmer, Dorothy Anne SikeB, Tom e, Bluhm. Musical Grab Bag., n ArferS playoff title and the my Reece Gilmer, Lyn Porter, about health. No. 274 and enclose 10 cents In 9:45 Lobby Interviews. ,, Mrs. Mary Robertson of Dallas stamps or coin (coin preferred) to right to meet the International Mary Evelyn Johnson, Mary Joyce socially to news will the be 9.55 5. Minutes of Melody. It Is a house guest of Miss Louise cover service and postage. Address league rulers for the Little World Summers, Joe Dick and Jack Merunsure that Emily Posts long- - 10 00 Piano Impressions. rick, and Lillian Nell Tamsltt .Sncelero.ver, the weekend. Big Spring Herald, Needlework De scries crown. DOnular "Etiauette." has also been 10:15 Newscast partment, J?. O. Box 172, Station D, Columbuswinner of the 1837 asGifts were sent bv Mrs. R. p. modernized and pointed up (Funk 10.30 Serenade sociation pennant, qualified for the oiaugnter, gronamotner or the & Wagnalls; $4); tl diplomatical 10.45 Melody Special. New York, N."T. (Copyright 0937 by the Bell Syn final playoff series yesterday, de honoree, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Slaugh- ly minded will rejoice in the re 10.55 Market Report reaung Minneapolis 7 to 2 lor a ter, "Janice and Jess Jnr Miss.Lur- publican in one volume of Vis- 11.00 Concert-Maste- r, dicate, inc.) H U fourth victory in six games played. line Faxton, Miss Jane Marie count Grey's "Twenty-fiv- e years; 11:30 Weldon Stamps. Milwaukee's Tingle, Betty Lou McGinnis, Beth (Stokes; $4 50); the lit 11:45 Jlmmle Qreer's Orchestra? C. W. Cunningham Is In Dallas At the sfini9 time, v who placed fourth in the McGinnis, and Dorothy Marie Was- erary will dash out Immediately to Tuesday Afternoon this week visiting with his mother, Brewers, regular sen. schedule standings, wallop Ssa Songs. Mrs. Fannie Wilson. He will also Mansfield's short 12. w qi)uy Kathcrlne ; 12 to 3 for a fourth ,win Mrs. Slaughter was assisted by storids,saJl 88 of them, now collect- 12 30 Art Tflfum. ""H spend some time with his daughter, ed Toledo six in tilts. Mrs. Edmund Notestlne, Mrs. Carl ed into singf? volume and duly 12.45 Singing Sam. Mjss Doris, who left last week to Really !A "Marvelous ' Merrick, Mrs. W. P. Edwards, reintroduced to the public by mAtkim?msfmrtnM n 1.00 The Drifters. attend S M.U. Lat?y, r&2Lj? ZTt & To YourSpcclaIOrdcx! s Assortment KILLEDBY. CAR -j Misses Freddls Adkins, Marguer StringrEnsemble. Murry (Knopf ;'$3 50). MEXIA, Sept. 20 UP) All Work Guaranteed Fundi al ite Wood, . Pauline Shubert ' and TimeT' Melody r1 5 Miss Cornelia Frances Dougless, services will be helil today for . . Paulino-Tuckel!45 Master Singerg, Phone 1067W daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Prospero Agullar, 70, Thornton Edith 2,00 Serenade Espagnol.'T1 For Information DaUgless, has enrolled In Mary farmer who was struck by an 2:15 Newscast Called For and Delivered Hardin-BaylModern fabrics often contain as college tobeg!n her automobile-'whlle- he crossed high-wa2:30 Afternoon Serenade.- warn JwLf AVlia? mk "T year's work. many as five or six different fibers 14 near hero' yesterday. Easy To Rcmembe3 00 Market Report. ) 3.05 Concert HaH'of the Air. 3:30 Sketches In Ivory. by EDDIE BRIETZ 3.45 Monitor Views of the News. & NEW YORK, Sept 20. UP)Uax 4.09 Dance Hour. tune-up Schmellng will take on two 4:15 , Carol Lee. bouts before'incctlng Joe Louis for 4.30 -- Harry Reset Orchestra. 1 1 m W . bo . ono will tho title next June 4:45 Wanda McOualn. Germany In against Walter Nfcusel Tuesday Evening . . . the other will be hold in this 5.00 LNeAV Dance Ditties. country In February, probably in A Garden of .Melody. . football . New , York The Miami 5:30 Amerle3fc Family Robinson. Giants to a man say Sammy Baugh Tho Church in the of Washington Is the hottest thing to come up from the college ranks a6.00 20 Fingers In Rhythmic Harsince Bretnko Nagurskl jolted the mony. Chicago Bearjg from Minnesota. , . 6; 15 Newscast? . MODEL 7 TUBIS 3 BANU 1 The only thing wrong with the 6.30 Evenlng'Serenade. V - ? You'll njoy thiPgrtsttit trut ol Pompton Lakes training camp of 6 45 Curbstone Reporter. your life whon 'you'luttn to this M. ThiUand Scnors Garcia and 7,00 Weldon Stamps. Ton MonitorvRdio mw nd Montaner Is that nobody around 7:15 Eventide Harmonlzers. 'Ixar tomelhing you'v,nvr hird the joint can speak English. 7.30 Baseball News. befor with ny rdlo tbsolutoly 7:45 Jimmle Wlllson, Organ. Alabama V. and, Auburn can't . --. m , mtntui rtproductioi In Fact We Have A Com8.09 George Haft" Orchestra. how Louisiana 'State understand n" w8:15iHome Folks Frolic. plete NewjFall Wardrobe walked off with two. star Ala8:3Q'Stromlng Along Melody For- Every Member Of bama golfers Suddtiy Horner of ' Lane. Montgomery and his brother, 8,45 Wrestling The Family! Matches. Horace, Jr. . . . Answer: Louisiana State was glad to put out' 10J15 "Goodnight." ir See Our Windows Q3 jjjfgar-ggwifscholarships for two boys to carAnd Save! -ry on for Freddy Haas and Faul QUILTING POSTPONED everything-ttheLeslie . , . Left banders commmmmmammmms prise more than ten percent of The quilting which was schedthe membership of the golfers' at uled to take place Wednesday by rM ELEOTBIO SHOP ' East Hills country club out;,at the Homemaltcr's Class of the First St J6seph, Mo. , . . "Elmer Lay-de- n Baptist church, has been, postPhone moans Notre Dame fans poned until next week, It was an- 110 E; 2nd expect too much of his team . . . nounced today. -What, with 11 "bona fide Irlshers on the squad? ff)BBBBBPi' BiMR:S-j?l- i n, A , i HtRALD By JOHN SELBY Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slaughter, Guests wcie greeted at the en trance by the young honoree, who Somo reprint out of a busy fall .tphan. A ftAHY Llttle'MIss Emma Jeanne Slaugh ter celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary with a party given recently at tho homo of her parents, company InBurnnco out-of-to- 1 "1 representatives, who ore . friends and business associates of Mr. Sto- - a THC Party Celebrates .7th Anniversary Of Emma Jeanne Slaughter Bright Towels v; ff G r $ut Of Town , .: O- - THE WORL6 Of? WOMEN I ,: JV kj BREWERS MEET RED WINGS IN AA PLAYOFF J. a f post-seaso- 1500 KILOCytLES f " NEW FALL FASHIONS f- - HERE! . FURS Ladies' - paired Dresses NIT0R 1892-1B1- Remodeled or 'Remade ifewvrMl'c-s- v- is. Mfd-dlsto- 5 , .New r. SPORTS y r M O THE R S r . ROUNDUP Shoes" rHwNl 5 DADS! wiul HiilH P New Hat uits Hats Men's Do you have a.Boy or Girl Who Wlld-woo- d: New Men's4.': has gone away to School? B G-- E Send Them The It s better anaf, a Paper! 'Home-Tow- - n from home every day they can folks and friends arid ir l3.SXiflWjm5!5!n! keep up with all the Best Town Topics! TAYLOR'S w Big Spring Daily Herald EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Swedish- - -- s3.00 Ootlat fa Use Coupon Below lllr Spring Herald t SIGNED Mil offer food for tho remainder of September only ACT JTQDAyj bargain positively will sot be ayallabkL after fm Sent Anywhere by Mail Gentlemen: 'Enclosed please find $3.00 for a sill crlptlon to the Big Spring Herald from now until June 10, 1033, according to your special school offer, NOTICE (t , , School AddrtM tlftttttt4 9)rji4fltftt3inft9tL tTTt . STRUCK "BY CAB TEXARKANAWSept, 20 UP) Bowie county officers today sought the driver of a car which injured a deaf mute identified as Jim Miller, about 20, of Fort Worth, In an accident several miles west of here, Miller suffered a broken hip but hl condition was described as good. "V TUNE IN PAY US LATER -B- UT GET KELLYS NOW . . LIFE 0M . DON'T RISK YOUR TIRES SMOOTH-TREA- D ..UpTof 5 Your Credit is Good U - vnArm6rubberKellvs Months Pay! Your Old Tires WiU Make Payment can have the security of Kellya right You can forget the posaibilities of blowouts or skids on those old tires of yours. Get set for Bafety, first. Pay us later. With these new Armqrubber Kellya, you get wo saiest, toughest tires In Kelly history. They're special . . . made of a different, denser, harder kind of rubber . . . Armorubberl Mada for the stop and Btart strains or today's driving J Ready for anything, anywhere any time ! ,Come in and see how easy it is to buy today You To The Down c, pTwM Do" '5PayBieht 1 1 .,,, ,t,lfll(l,l,ll(llllltlllMII l Q ... -- Michigan-State-football forathe Entire SchoolTerm- - From Now Until June 10,th, 1938 - Sensational PHce of ,. Don't look for Clark Grflflth to send Nick Altrock on another scouting trip soon . . . the clown was (Tdispatched to Sioux Falls, S D., to look over a pitcher named Anderson , , , Nick wired Griff. a "Have signed Joe Anderson, He Is a .honey." . southpaw It tumed out Andersons front name is Arnold and that he is a right hander . . , He won 14 of 17 starts , , And slncee's signed to a Washington contract, Altrock probably will. say, "Sd what?" . Old Nelson, end, and Helge Pearson, both members of squad, the wrlto letters to their- - parents In 210-pou- TOSTUDENTSAND At the l ef Subscribe to the & . IJ500 c Xfee KILOCYCLES Dally Herald "Lead V Your Staoa Ban St4ii OrwJrd HM : SANDERS TIRE CO. J$9Eat,Srtl J. O M. WaggMer, 0 iV r- - MONDAY; SOTlMillt.- 'W 20 nMMaifc - M Th e SPORTS RARADE HART HANK A ealuto to the family of champions, Mrs. Ohio'. Bristow. Kslollo stepped out to vVlnhcr 'fir's. tltlo Sunday afternoon In disposing of that veteran camnalencr. Mrs. Gordon Phillips, In tlio flnaiif of the Muny womens golf tournament, ono up, Oble. you know, had' earlier car(h'o Lubbock turdTl invitational ubie Bristow New Titlist At Country Club Defeats Alice Phillips, One Up, Sunday fe" J. BLANCHARD -- BLANKS OILERS, COAHOMA GRIDDERS ' -- tournament. , Cliamp Comes From Behind To Win tfver 36 TitHst N.ew a reigning golf champion Sunday afternoon at tho country club when Bho swept froffit fts Obifev behind to o'ust Mrs. Gordon Phillips, defending tltllst. In the finals of the Big Spring women's annual golf tournament, opo up. Thewife of the current Lubbock kingpin 'fired? an" 88 over tho 18-- I le course&to snrlnc her second surprising tip'Set injtwo days. Sat- uiuaj. .suu ituu ucaivu wioi .. Stalcup; 3 and ,2. The Forsan Continental Oilers and the Lubbock 'Hubbcrs will probably meet' for 'tho third time this season next Sunday. Th pHub- manager .evidently Jlkcs th. difnan- ner Jn which tho Forsan tea rrpeocs about losing .because he had orfjp lnally intended to close the seasofj yesterday. Tommy Hutto, who .ui, played in- - thoiSunday affair, said that Maxlfr Beard was at his best and would have, ended up better jluring- - tho maroh, Mrs'u Bristow had he fi3t made onjts mlstafS. This dropped, Btlll further behind. on No, Blancharcf fellow In thn elns&IPRt 11 when she took a five. pitcher li West Texas circles while Halving 12, Estcllo r6co'vered on r Beard's caglnessm- -cariles ItDii a Jong tv a 13th with to cut" 50 per !way aissavnntago away'ana cent'ortne -V F . shot back lnio with several or the boys who appeared then tfipdnent on No. 14 4.i ,thc Steer lineup Friday night ftcr favored Isparkllrrer three. against" Wink arc going- - to need with a The finalists halved the next two more seasoning before tRfcy can to clinch their position. The holes to apnfoach tho 17th where Mrs. guardi position's, w era a sore spot all MrsrrBristow1' o'utstcadled Evening and Murphy apd Bran- Phillips to win with a five while don may bo forced to use some one tho '36 tltllst wa,s taking a bogey six. else there. '. ..... , Murphy was well pleased with some of his line, Including Anderson and Hart, and the work of Bigony-lenothing to be desired, hut Ihe A?holetcam is going to get some pollshlnJ5eforo the Eastland ft -- . Friday nlcht. Kama - ' had eight fion&the squad of appeared pretty tough n lloslng's-tferqwnwopd last week, 1350. l fho 'invaders may be plenty hard to handle. - ,'-- . Murphy can '.thank his stars Jic doesn't have as tflugh, a game, However, as has Harry Taylor's Bqb-fitThe. mighty Stephcnjille 'Stepped last week from tlielr role of daikhorse to a ranking favorite by slapping over Weatherford, 41-The Mavericks '30 ahcl o Coming in on 18 the champ-to-b- e matched the wood specialist stroke the match for stioke to close-oone up. ut Bristow Phillips Bristow Phillips Mrs. Mrs, Mrs Mrs. out1..,526 out ...535 in 456 435 In 446 545 655 435 43 664 45442 5564386 566-45- 87 Major Teams To Open SatuKIay By HUGH 8. FUttJERTONJ JR. .NEW YORK, Sept.. 20 (P) The 1937 collece Sotball season,., which gained considerable starting Im petus last Saturday, shifts into high gear this week at a time when the The Bobcats defeated Thomas fans are used to, looking at early- games, but season "warm-uJefferson, San Antonio, tgj doing it. had plenty of trouble Acknowledging the fact that Mr, Jonathan Public, the guy who pays - Xoadingateams of every league, me ireigni, naa ne warns seem to 5je having trouble In their real action for maicatea d his Shaughnessy playoffs this week. bucks, the schedule makers have Only the Newark Bears, most pow- listed ono of the, strongest Septem erful minor league team In base-V,- ber programs on record for the went through the first round coming w'eekend. without losing a game, "defeating juven tne conservative East has Syracuse In four straight games. Its big encounter when Cornell and Vo to five City had Oklahoma Peim State come together atflfhaca eamesbefore triumphing over San Satuiday. West Virginia and West jLr ntonio.' They, slid into the final Virginia Wesleyan, old neighbors round where they will meet the and jlvals, meet In their opening Cats who also had to go the limit games, whllo Pittsburgh opens in defeating Tulsa. u(,u...ub v.a.u ,v v.Ilh.J.l' tlllV. linVjr " Columbus and Milwaukee both against William and Mary. The South, off to a' head start 5 had trouble un in the American with some fairly Important games - Southern theIn while Association h last week, buckles down to Berlous f Association all teams have been conference competltion.Duko and t defeated at least once. Little Rock Virginia Tech and North Carolina won their BOContKvictory over New and South Carolina Dlav ,.'ln the 'Orleans Sundayji-2- , defeating a Southern conference. In fhajSMith- , former ; Galveston hurler, Jack there are the tyjokuckl, )A dolg,lt, while Atlanta Kentucky-jYanderbland Louisiana tfp place second to oust' a flwarmed encounters. Tulane for their clinching and Clemson play an Memphis, ft win. They piled up a total of "22 ence game. ' base hits, T.O.U. In Columbus i & r Two Western conference teams -, Arizona-TexaleagueEI s v 'In tho may find they have bitten off conPaso, season's paco setters,' lost. out siderably more ,than they can chew j to Tucson while third place OpeOhio State! opens against the . lbusas copped first place In the When Texas Christian Horned Frogs and Evangeline League. Iowa goes west to tackle WashingMany followers say it Isn't right ton at Seattle. (earn to place for a third or fourth Other WeBt coas high spots are Jump up and bowl over the sca- - the encounters between California a may in be not leaders. It arfy St. glory's and Stanford and ,jon's --fway but then there are seveial ar- Santa Clara. On TTrlrfjiv ttht. a mimonta in tho TllflVOff's faVOr. A mngs up the curtain, playing Ore team may not necessarily show its1 gon in tne first Coast conference along rolling witn game. season's punch, 5 Just enough steam to remain In .the The upset season started with to the curtain raisers last enough yet havo v first division Saturdav time tlje the when leaders defeat when lyio Elon bowled over 12-'conies X Louisiana Then" too, the Icadels are award-- " Centenary to a scoreless season. the of end tie and Morchad, Ky ed a piize at the Tea,chers knocked off the University Vf Cin A paity composed of sport fans cinnati, 6V0, One of last year's few finm El Paso stopped here Sundjiy unbeaten teams, Tepriessce Wes Vnofnlng for bieakfast.'TJiore'were leyan, bowed to King, In its to first start of tho year. 10O peoplo on Board returning , tho border city after seeing the El customary .openers saw Viiginla Tech beat Roanoke, 27-South (Carolina rout Emory enry, anu mo beat Wofford. 38-Clnmqnn trim byterlan, 460; and Ohio university,' which gives Illinois its first oppoFor sition this week, roll up an 80-- 0 score against Klo Grande, u. s. p' 19-1- 3, hard-earne- eastern-conferenc- lt State-Florid- J 14-- Intei-confe- r- f, 19-1- free-scori- P. ififtaICTOR Domestic Peace and Happiness t TaUo It with joti anjwiW. LUImr Room, IUtchen, Bed Room, pPaso-Nort- Side h -, l'loy Room or Office. In Models to Flfttse Any Taste or rurposc .iMribMMttiM ( uv antJ 1 EASY TERBIS See Them CARL STROM d 213 Mome, AppHancea WesSrd & Phone 123 . , '(Fort Worth) ' a.n -- - l Most entliuslas'tlc followers ihero of tho Texas League playoff game between Tulsa and Fort Worth, was, of course, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Blount. Mrs- - Blount and Tonv York, sparkling OlleTsHorlstop, are cousins and Tony is due to visit here soon, Several years ago when Tulsa? sent Jim Levey tcf Dallas In exchange for Tony Tulsa fans raised a howl but tho youngsterl3 I ho darling of tho Oklahoma fans now, Ho clouted .292. for; the sea son whlclv will earn him a trip Into higher company next year and yes terday collected his fourth hit of the seiles with Fori Worth. Tho carried a two column plcturs of the flash Jn action in their Sundaycdltion. PHONE 109 HQ0VER PRINTING CO. 20G TH. 4Ut Street FAYETTEVILLE, ry () 8--5, O. 5--1, Nfitloitnl tl Inguo -lT Boiton Cincinnati St. Loula 3. PillsbUigh Phllid"cllila 7W), Now York 4. con- - ArkCScpt. Thomson-wh- 20 5. Standings AniTlcnn League' Taami NewYork.. u w. ..83 n(Jt, Pet. 45. 92 -.- 072 .597 .55. 56 ,.78 Beard Whiffs 12 Hubs But Is J)ef eated fja Baylor Vs. Southwestern, Wnco. S. M. U. (0) am. Noith Tcxns Teachers (0), 45itlas. .,,.,, fMnxic A lli)itaJ) 1 rtrlrnnsns-- Ur vfcCentrnl Okim Six Hits, Gives homa Teachers, Faycttcvllle, Ark. University of Tcxns Vs. Tcxni Tt. )lil. ' IT. Rn..u " t iccn, Austin. Oct.-- ! LUBBOCK, Sept. 19 Jorrylf Baylor (48) )L. Ohlahoma City U. Blanchnid nnd Lefty Maxlo Beard (0), OltlnhomKftity, qkln. hooked up in a pitchorjafducl hero Sunday afternoon nnd volsrnn Vrknimnji tl. LullbQcItanjtvaa,thc-A'lctoV.n- s T. C. U. (1R vr ho led (l4V, FaycttcvllTe, Ark. tho Lubbock Hubbcrs to a 0 University of Texas' (flVvs? LOuls tho ForSan Contlnintal iana Stnto (0) Baton Rfiugc, La, -- llcrt here on Parrh field. 0 3. M. U. vs. Centenary fflllUige, For the better part bit e'ght In- Dalits, nlriL's the carry wrortr'trtandpr from Rice vs. University of Oklahoma, Coahoma matched up Vlth BliCnch-or- d Norman, Okla, In every department but .Bill Texas A. & Mx (13) vs. Jftnhat Howell finally, cracked out .tho tan (6), Now Yoik City. money blow with mcn.on second t Oct. 0 anil third and that was all tlio T. C. U. (IQ) vsl Unlvcislty of team "needed. -- 0 Tulsa (7), Foit Worth Illnnehnrd lyjowed-th- e Howard -Aiknnsas U. (14) s Baylor flOh c6uhty 'team only fle hit and Waco. , struck out 13 jnon while Beard was Texas A. A M , vs. Mississippi' olnj&st as good setting the Hubs Statp, Tyler. down with six hits nnd whiffing: TStas UH6) vs. Oklahoma U. (0) twelve: A, Dallas. Howctl colleoJtcU thice of the. six S. M,U. s. Washington U, St Lubbock blows. Louis, Mo .000 000 OdO 0 5 0 For Ban . -- Vb. I, S U. (201, Hous Lubbock RICO ,000 000 02x 2 6 0 ton. "Beard and' Scott; w C.5 Batteries , Gel. IB ,' Blanchard Llncle, and o 2 T. C. U. (7) ju Texas A. A M Q (TS (18). Foit WoltlF Baylor (0) vs. Centenary CollegO1 (10), Sluecpoit, La. KS --- 8-- Fred is Detroit a pessimist, but a downtlght Chicago University eves bel fatalist of Joston tie Aritansas uazqrjacKs arc not a na taovcl'nnd UP$-On- (With 1930 Scoics.) Conference games. Sept, 25, ' T, C. U. vs. Ohio State, Columbus, American Loaguo Philadelphia Cleveland Detroit '8,' Now York 1. Washington Chicago BosTon-S- t. Louis (rained out). JackJltobbuis, JVloa-tSuccessful Passer -Of '36, Is Back of stories otOhi Southwest 'ferenco football prospects.) S'West Schedule yrTijitDAY kesults y The other halt of tho Bristow WITH FIVE "HITS 2-- 0, Standings Thomsen Sobs But Porkers AreTouffh if Mr.-rin- , PwMI YnPW ,5 .asi.ii.hu ItJLJl -- BY j? (. 62 It.! 1 71 63 ..530 .52., 71 60 , , ttonal powerhouse 'this falljii Washington .47v .07 73 Coach Thomsen, of tho.ijjlups Philadelphia 91 .341 47 Thomsons, wouloylmuch St. LOuls 98 .295 c- - singing ...41 13 : : 5: spaus vet about seven Tho Coahoma Bulldogs, piclaco Fowler, o; landing, Elton iathcrtalk Lcngtio National crans who were graduated In tho tured above, meet Loralno this Echols, e: J, E. Bro?vn, tj L. W. Pet. spring than a brilliant bunch he Is Team ivccki Lnst ,Thursday thoy were 53 .613 ,,.&1 groolnlng to defend their Southwest Now Yolk Italph o; rhlnrtey, Lawtoiv Laiiicsa defeated by tho Chicago conference title. c-Vto right, 78 65 .530 "Tho more I think of our seven 3t. Louis kneeling, are Tolllo Hale, t; b; RaymcfrVcl Arthur, b; 75 IttsUuigh 66 .532 I,. B. AVhcat, g; Elvln Logs-deHerchcl Fowler, bV and Coach graduates from last yc'sr's cham Boston . ........... iBl '7li J04 pionship squad tackles Von Sickle Lloyd Eevnn. c; Weldon Engle, g; Wal- , 79 .435 ..,.61 and pillers, halfbacks MnrtlrPnnd J.ooklyn 9G 55 84' Keen, fullback Brown, guard San- - Cincinnati 85 .393 55 xlcrs ajid center Lunday," sobbed Philadelphia Thomsen, the more I wonder If t our replacements will stand up, TODAY'S GAMES Anyway, only three of thososeven AuiCrlciin cue I named failed tostart In every' Gl'tloKnliln lUtn.lnroV game last season." Detroit at Now York Wade Complete sets of reserves for tho vs. Gomez or Peaison 1 ends, tackles nnd guards prqvldo St. Louis ato Boston (2) Hlldc-bran- d vs a problem for Thomsen, he Insists, nnd Knott By HAKOLD V. KATLIFF and adds that deciding on astttrt-in- Marcum afld Wolbcig S. M. U (10) . Vandnbllt (0) DALLAS, Sept. 20 UP) Five dc- is back"field fullback 'his head(Ohly games scheduled). F.OUT VORTH, Sept. 20 First 'A Dallas ' , fendingistrict champions (Srero showings ". ache, new" ffCH,styles in of the (16) vs U Tvxns JU Arlcmins lltsed among the defeated teams N.itlftuul o Looks At Chances rt), Austin. X Southwest conference football wll today with tho Texas intcrscholas- - bo Memhers of the Steer fMtball D," i'We'regoJng to plajr a game at (ProB5ble pitchers) msjjle this week .at Waco, DalRh;!Ys.B3ili.(aslty of, Tulsa Ti:.tchinp;"ivlilch Mglton Louis St. York tlc football campaign but two las New at "wenr down bsoroj- -; said (17fe) vs, Wclland" Austin, Te"x.; Fayettevillc, a time and .not iQ scasqn," and fHouslon. weeks old. O10 Chargfi of anlnsplred0 Wnk'A' commenting5 ' on Thomsen in 0 Ark,, and Columbus, O. 2T Oct? . Brooklyn Vat Cnlcagp, Frank cjoven roportetl to U02snes bv the state Efcht others-heade' T. C, U. s roiilh'un, Slew York, But Advance information has t that envances of hanging upT a Qcond house ) and .Lee Murphy and Carmcn Brandon champion Golden (Sandies. of,Am!i "The aerial phase will be ".,.thorpaceUn City. sfct will . d(Only games scheduled), the high rmo iiaa tiiCKea- - away viciones gridiron fashipns;3 Baylor (0) s Texas A & M .Sunday afternoon ot verbul",drlllthey proba- stressed again and I feel certain school for a two hours but several .cast wary glances 'at bly v6n't dlsQlose but (0), College Station. too much iit spectators will leaVo 'Arkansas , p ng. games satisfied with the show they thOj week's sphcdule which brings U s, S M U. 17) Aikansas initial showing. Tho Moun- saw. their '11m Bovines, showing nostiltllng o lew "Dreamers, 1 (0), FottSmltU) Alk. I. scheduled to go up O tain eleven , woiEtiess In the line, will scclt,to ChildicSsl champion of district 2; against the Bronchos of the OklaThomsen reminded thatalast year Rico 47) vM;niiisit uf Texin rovee th( gaping holes that wcro M3 North Side, 136 wfnher in the Foil homa Central Teachers a gootl the Porkeis modestly laid claim to (0), Austin. opened wljru regularity in last Worth district; Hillsboto, which bunch of boys but not good enough the "passingest team In tho nation' Oct. 30 week's clash (OJ carried off the Central Texas pen- to push Coach Fred Thomsen's title after tossing 282 heaves for T. C, U, (28) vs B.ilof secondary failed to Murphy's 119 completions nant last season; North Dallas, dis men very hard. and 1,377 yards, Waco. show thu offensive power that the (18) trict 8 tltllst, and Kerrvllle, finalist U. s A. Texas Arkansas Back 4 on tho firing will line be Eyes of the football woild will mentors had looked forward to and In the state raco after coming M. (0), Faycttc!llc, Alk. candidate?' 'ldan upqn. CoachvPutcn Meyer and their 6 tho backs will undergo heavy drills through the San Antonio district, be S. University M. U. S. (It) boy a Bobbins, Jack who actually hl3 Horned rogs, who will display '01 tho Maytllck clash this wck, had absorbed crushing defeats Tcxa (7), Dallas. outpassed Slingin' Sam Baugh last their 1937 style of gridiron 'play year jHillsboro one offthem. One-Pd- r Houston.-Nov- ; s fje Auburn, over season tho full rout. Wally Clouts es against Coach Francis Schmidt's G Amarillo maintained Its long Ohio State Buckeyes In Columbus. tistics will show. Not bnlyvwlll Round T. C. U (20) vs CentiSnHly Cor strihg of victories byvsmashing a Schmltty's eleven Is favored to take RoUblns do the bombarding, but he H leco (0). Shrcvenoit, Ln. Chicubs Win stiong Clois, N. M 'team 7 in the Texas visitors in tne nation's also will kick again and gain most Baylor (21) jCb.tuhhersliy ot its initial test of the campaign. El tco intei sectional lit, but those of the giound on running plays By SID FEDER . Texas (18), Wacra Paso High ofdistrict 4, GainesVlIlcSj fighting Frogs have upset stiong-c- r His three companions In the Sports Writer Texas A. & $T(22) Vs. S M, U H Tlio Associated rwss of district 5, McKinncy of district backfield likely will be Ralph Raw- - Assoclntcd Press dope.than this Is only (6)r"Colleg Station. This of .people. lot To a 6, Longvlew of district 9, Lufkin o The tussle for tho Texas, League The question that the Southwest llngs, "rabbit quarterback; Dwighr the time to get reauy ror tno enu- Unhetsliy of Arkansas (20) Vs nennant and n 6erth In tho Dixie district 10, Corpus Christ! ;ol dls particularly, wants an answer to is; aioan, a ruggcu boy who can do to bills; but . Rico (11), Houston TlnUhl.. )n trlct 15, and Edlnburg of dlstuct "How do the Christians look with ndHllll-lHier ies 'tcRlay found Oklahoma City's baseball, it looks like the week for .Nov. IS 16 were other defending champions out Slingin' Sam Baugh and that most as.wcll; and Marlon Fletcher;! Indlnns and Fort Worth's CaW been has everything headed which (27) ot Unlvcislty C. U. vs T. looking to Tuesday night and the hanging up wins; quartet of stellar ends that caught ruuoacK'wno disappointed a bit last since tho "play ball' signal back Texas (6), Austin. Shaughnessy finals dpener, piloted..,. fall but seems to have hit his stride Kerrvlllo Walloped hl3 passes last year?" " April. iff U, (7) M (13) a. S by two astute bascballers full of" Bailor Childress lost to Pampa 25-Dana X. Bible's first fall show- In practice. Another backfjcuYer Unless nil mgns nre pointed back plans" of victoYy, NorfhJSide fell befoie El Paso Hlg.i ing will be made against' Pete who will play almost as much as ward, before- tho week runs out the Dallas (01, vs, (3) M Rico Hdtricr Peel wntched his third was downed by Cawthon's Matadois of Texas Tech. anv of them 1b LIovd.Mnntrnmnro Hlllsboio t the Houston. Yankees will havo clinched place Cats trounce the second place Gainesville 32-North Dallas, was The plaips eleven has managed to aYdarlng type who kicks well.1 league pennant, and the American Mississippi U vs. ArlcnnsasU. Tulsa Oilers yesterday to win defcaftd by LongieV 25 0, and make things mighty Interesting for or ieiicrmcn Giants and Cubs will either have n lettermen the right to go to Oklahoma Clfyf Kerrvllle was walloped by TeTnple Southwest Sixteen opponents in recent are available settled the NnUonalIeogue'squab-bl- e Memphis, Ten)). 20 Tuesday, tlfen last night said al s.Ni. pr given definite indicptlo'n as yeais, and it may take quite a lot from which to pick a staiting Rice 10), Jort most bluntly he expected his club T. C U.(13) Port Arthur, king in distijct 111 qf dazzle for the Longhoms to con eleven, andthe way things shape to Just whtt Mr. Gus Fan can ex.-. 4 Worth. to win. . un now Thomson nrohahlv will pect-last season, did not play last wcekv vince the Tech bos. j Bajloi vs Loola-g- f I. A, Beau"Tho men displayed "rare spirit A Neither did Abilene, champion 01 The Methodists are not expected have a 205pQund average?' forwaf 4. From the senior cnult stand In downing mont. Tulsa," ald. "And " Peel ana a 188 pound backfield In point, New$York's Giants and Chithe Oil Belt, noiHhb Houston dis- to have too much trouble with the wail ' L. A, Los An- 1 don't hcllevo they'll lej down. S. M. U. most time, tifct titlUt. of the are, at cago's who JJtlon Cubs, bolstered tf Eacles of Denton Teachers. Like geles. Calif Gieer and Reed are pitching bet. This week lfsts more than 60 wise, 2 apart moment, games ttho 2. In Jn injury a game baseball to tho Baylor Bears should tak" Arkansas U. (6) s George Wash ter now than In "weeks, and thcyv games, eight of whfch are ,yi univer Lloyd Woodellr last year's soph con that order, go to work on each Injrfon (13), Little Rock, Ark. Pirates .ilwas been rough, oe tho Indians.", S champloaship. hearing .in district the starting a scries In throats othfer's considerably tcr, weakens that sity. But SdUthwcst football fol "Nov. 25 Reld was his choice, said Pcelr laces. Two conlerence games weic lowers will bo interested to see just post, but rangy Art Withers, a '36 tomorrow. From their three-gam- e (0), for Jhe opening assignment. Texas U. (7)i,s. A. BrOwnwood stagger pjaycdlast vbk-flnmay Giants will tho firts, cither squadman, Coaches, fill the bill It pop ' much power and ,(,1, vvif tuiiiu aii iaa, ui id, viiu opening the Oil Beltdilve with a how thepennnnt, or College Station. . all but tntf . nr..l. .. Tt Peellv iiad carrier piedlctcd' would Jennings Woodell falls to respond. Matty Bell and Morlcy., 0 " win over Eastland and Austin put on to way to tnqir wniiop win Guards the falrjy uubs well set aie with the field meet th6 Cats In the finals, wore (13), Tulsa, Okla. In of El Paso blasting off to the tape. missing becauso of (wo runs driven S. M. U. won from tho Teacncrs veterans Geoigo Gllmorq; and B A. a fight down f Nov, 27 g loop, meantime, rival the disttlct.. 4 by crushing Fabens 48-in Owen, Over genius, the on other None of the T. oSt). (0), s. S M, U. (0). in by Manager Jim Keescy of tho A.. i. 'nt ln.nl.iut. 6 to 0 last year. 1936. hand, but Its a thiee-wa- y scrap bcr the Yjirikecs, with a"'10 lr2 game Fort Indians to back up a sevcnhlt Worth, teams from elevens met In tlonnl lead, only nceil nny combination of Lefty Brlllheart and Baylor (10) vs Rice (7) Waus- ings and Lunday Corbett. all sonhs five victories or fivo"Detrolt Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana give the ttibesmen a win yes-- '' or a collection of tho two, t0Ik . and Mexico with representative iiast year, lor tne two tackle slots tcrday. uec. Texas squads, headlined by a clash No finer ends aie found, In this mathema.jjcally( to eliminate the Keosoy said he would pick cither S. M. U. (Q) S."Rlce (0), Dallas section of the countiy than'jJIm Tigers antr nail tho flag to their between Classen High of Oklahoma TO Texas A. & M."?(38)vvs San Fran Ralph Buxton or Jim Moore for Benton, City and Wichita Falls, a Wist Texlast vcar. mast for another year. opener, tho and It probably would It and Ray (Red) Hamilton, who Before swinging at each other, cisco U. (14), San'FranclscoCallf. as favorite. Classen High usuallj " NEW YORK, Sept. 20JP), K bo Buxton. has one of tho stiongest teams in looks as though Mike Jacobs ''will, many thought was .Benton's equal, tho Giants and Cubs have a little gamps of the finals The tvo first out his of In preliminary work today winding speAlnir a "make oil usual, little" Market as Both adept at 1'liint Hormones Oklahoma. Robblns1 were scheduled for Oklahoma City, boxing festival choice passes, as well as spllljng up their scries with the St Louis PULLMAN. Wush. (UP)-W- ash AmarllUVs of Indication An two for Fort Worthrand Polo Brooklyn's night at Cardinals and Thursday daffy the game mo enemy on In a defense, they end strength will be given ington State college has extended any additional back In Oklahoma jf Thomsen's won les until he gets to Dodgers, respectively. between! El Paso High and Clovis, Grounds. the field of hormones to plants. As City. Wally Real Hero 5 The reason that's news this time tlllnlrlnn, aknn. .nnln.Al'i- N. M. The season's records showed both Experts ngrceO that a careful It seemed ".ate" was taking a a result of thqlr findings, several Indians contests of inter Is because all the best, curbstone ami Cats had won tho Jv yestcr; Sixth ave hand behalf promoters around in Giants' the fight watch should be kept Greenville on est send the surprising Neil Marfirms arp 'selling lwrmones for same. numbei?pfamei at home, as" tliey nosed out tho Cards, day scalper tho old nue ticket tin, bounding a acioed a against? Sherman, district halfback team had lost in 10 innings. Behind lt Man- plants which aie giiaiantoed to 53; but Oklalionia"CHy flvo favorite; Wpodiow Wilson, finally had got himself singed when they describe as the best biokcn only 26 while Fort Worth dropped ' reached'Jifto ' money to growth.1 ager hasten Important Teny Bill promised hat the ho to peiform.at field twistei Dallas'" champion Arkan boomed for tho ' 28. x ship, and Highland Park, another four champions (or, anyway, thrcc sas since tlio days of ."Cowboy" and came up with a futile plnch- champipns) to defend Kyle. Still another soph backflelder hlttcr for his most powerful pound I'M Cuol us Diet i:utcn opener 'Dallas team with tltlo "asplratlon-- i and one-hathe took Phils after the on the same night. mentioned Is Ray Cole, 190, who er, Hank.Lelber, In the seventh. TOKYO heat strikes The Boiton Bees and .Cincin in tho district 6 lace; Waco and their crowns Afterward, there was nothing .to nati Reds did the samcthlng, Bos Julian, the populace takes to eat-the experts felt sorry may surpilse and slip Info tho full aschal of Fort Wotth. both of Tho"Wman In do out a total of 1105,000 but give Lelber's center field ton coming through back slot. Pd lmnresslvo victories Ur whlrh and tht)ning ej Bcsddes llkinsjeel, the Jap . . ..-.- job to Wally Bcrger, who has been losing Jhomsen "just hopes" 'IiIb on of Goodman' twospancso noui mat consumption msr wpnK'jk jmcivinnuv jiiiu couusuti Sjjarnntees for the oight principals auas events, xo popular with tho Giant run homer and Gcno Sclrott's thrcc- - tho snakc-lilc- o tour will stand up. Last year it about fish is protection Dallas; Porl Arthur anaLyler, and m tnenow, to long an advance a modestly, boss time as a couple hltter. for puueu tniougn seycr.nl lirtirow against heat. Corpus Chrlstl and San 'Jacinto 01 mlts of broken throwing arms. In tho salo of around 175,000, and the squeaks. Houston Wally howqyer, bslts4, Legionnaires hayen'tstartcd buying nlntht j nomqr to tie tho score and ultitheir pasteboards yet. A popular es mately 7-- 0 to lead the, a 40,000 Giants heartgath will is fans timate that St. Mary's Loses, breaker win over Lon Warnekc, er under Coogan's Bluff and pay Meantime, big Max Butcher held SAN FRANCISCO. Sent. 20 UK $350,00 for the privilege. tho CUbs. to four hits; 'but one of St, Mary'aSinlvetsIty of Texas footTho tickets for.,..Thur8day night thQso was Gabby Hartnett's homer ball team and its transcontinental aro going good, .jjcsplte the fac.t Iitih rntn nn linmn 1lllllV with a mate aboard-jus- t enough WUVV 11 ffliltn mmwj nfl. that Jacobs' unpredictable pals, the UUB YJdV CLEVELAND, UP) Sept, 20 er opening tho 1937 football season New Yoik State athletic commls- - Horton Smith and RalphlGuldahl. to cash In on. Curt Dals' classy flffiglng for of lanky CKlcagbans, Battled wliij ocrvtho by dropping a T slonets, have altenrft-blto-outIn today Tn" Brooklyns, leaving pennant lre tho bald an to0 d'eclslon to' tho . 'IJnlvorslty of ono of his champldrfs, playoff a of Uia tlo for Frenchman, Marcel Thll, They have Wostorn Open golf crown whlcj? 'situation In this form: San Francisco ycstci-dayTo pass over tho goal lino deUJi-A that Marcel Isn't tho world eluded nearly 150 other contestants W. V U B'h'd Play In New In by tha Dons after repeated assaults middleweight champion days three of tournament play Qlanls 53 17 ,,,..,,84 on tho San Antonio school line had York, so that leaves him only the at Canterbury country club. 57 14 Cubs .,..,....83 24 failed gavo San Francisco victory champion of tho International Box up Winding par at even 288 for Auker's ball Elden siibmailno ing approximately Union, or half the early in the fourth miaiter. tournament route, both baffled the Yankees no end, and a champion. Tho prevalent odds Guldahl and Smith could look back the Tigers trampled .the American 1 2 only be a over to will he are that their tourney play to rocall league leaders, Tho White Sox Frenchman1 when Fred Apostoll of JuxAViu Opener, 6-- 4 they might have won in tho were mathematically elimintcd San Francisco gets through tflth whero UP) regulation distance but for short from the pennant race by only QPELOUSAS, La., Sept. 20 him. ftpputts Jong which stayed out .and Tho Opelousas Indians, who breaking even In a twin bill with All the other champions are In "" lshed third in tho Evangeline tact, Barney Ross, the welterweight putts that came close but didn't the Senators, losing the opener, PARADE AT NQON STREET League pennant chase and then UlngJia, rated a 2 to 1 favorite In sink. and taking the nightcap, won the playoff, found themselves some quarters over his Filipino Philadelphia's unpredictable Athone down today .to the Jacksonville rival, Ceferlno Qarola. Lou Ambers letics astonished themselves, the RADIO REPAIRING cub, champions of the East a"exas li a popular choice to retain his baseball world In generaLbut most League, In a new piayoii serie. of all the Cleveland Indian by top lightweight title against Pedro Household or Auto Radios clouted the Montane? of Puerto Rico and SIxto The Jax fromTexas ping the Tribe twice, 4 and Special Prlco Fot This Date Only All "Wok Guaranteed The Boston, Red Sox-S- t, Louis Tribesmen last night to win 8 to 4. Escobar, bantamweight champion, to50c 23o RADIO SERVICE again U favored over Harry Jeffra, but WmSLETT Browns bargain bill was rained ouV The teams tangle here Pittsburgh' Pirate split With 3rd night in the the odd are iborter to these two SOS Phoae 7W I the Phillies, winning the afterpiece match. bout. ...... ij ,.357 Pan-hnrra- lo . n, K FIVE CHAMPS DEFEATED GRID Intersectional I.! TClTs Game Is Games On Tap ' his Week C6-- (7-2- (19-1- Texas Feature (5-6- (12-1- a q 1 Steers To Work On Weaknesses (8-1- (8-1- (15-10- ' (13-13- ). (10-9- pen-ia'n- t. n WitliB erger Help, Jents Still Lead f y Indians, Cats Open Tuesday XP 19-- "--y e 1 - C0-- 4 , 31-- r - 41 &f, "In"-Wi- ...'.. th 13-- thlld place-kickin- iramea-match- es APOSTOLI DUE LICK FROG ' Intcr-dlstrl- super-coloss- al ct 2-- lf 5--1, (UPX-Whc- 8--1. .'... 1 1 0 n Ial SNEADADES AS TEXAN TIES FOR WESTER OPEN' vu a-- 2-1 BIG SPRING 8-- ONE DAY ONLY 5--4, TUESDAY, SEPT: 8-- at 28 5--3. CHILDREN ADULTS t. O e & A . C BfijSi FCfc-- ON EJO BPIUNQ HBRAXd, Inc. V -- R I .MnnaRltiK Ifidlloi ., .Business Manage! ' MARVIN K. HOUSE, MnTintp. rn RiinHnmnEiia feubeerlboni desiring their addrccica chanced will plcasa stat In Iheli communication both tho old and now addresses Telephones 728 and 729 0 210 Boat Third St pff.ii fe-- ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES lWiW0 WW Jf Kvolr.'aiTS 6 t" (MUs Thompson's colnnnt Is publlslicd ns nn Infornwtlonal and news feature. Her views ro prrsoiuit nnd arc not to bo con strucd ns necessarily reflecting Uio editorial opinion of, The Herald. Editor's Note.) ' . mc :.. XMVffjt.'W I' 't in 3i! Jifl, fS'DLAMJiJW i- - a p . CIIAVTER XXU Charlie, his cnr. Ills trailer and his passenger bowled along the highway In the cheerful morning. Mrs. lily had not asked any questions at breakfast but now she- felt that Bho was entitled to gtvo her curiosity some rein. She spoko ono word but she spoke It provoca-tivol' "Well?" "Well what?" - Carrier Mil. JUSTICE BlJVdK ANB J8 0Q THE COMIO SrjKIT $3 25 t. ...A ....i.. . $1,75 In his justly famous Essay on 60 Cnmedv. George ..Meredith 1 has a .......... ,11 1.1 iii V:'. Infl Tnrtf n describing a force essential nassanc NATIONa?REPRESENTATIVE Bank, mug.. Dallas, Texas, to thd sanity of socioty. nini imiiv' Press Lcacuc. .Mercantile you bc- Michigan Aye. . Chicago.' 37" to tho sanity ofysoclcty. "If 180 N. jClty, Kansas Lathron Ono Year Six Months Throo Months t .... ....... jj. . Bide Lexington Ave.. New York. Unit t""'' ',".rS .... '".f'S V iC . T)ia nuhllehom nr nn rMnonfiftlla for CcrfTv OmlSSlOnS. tyPOSraPhl cal errors that may occur further than to correct It the next issue after it i hrnimht in their nttcntlon and In no case do tho rAlbllshcrs hold themselves llablq for damages further thah the amou.it received by them Tor actual space covering tne error. ine ngm is rrserveu to reject or od' all advertising copy. All advertising orders .are accepted on this basis only. civil- ization Is founded in common senso (and it Is n This raper's first duty la totprlnt all the news that's fit to print Sphonestry and falrl? to all, unbiased by nny consideration even including Its own editorial oplnloft. j T Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any persons, flrm(or corporation which may appear In any Issue of this paper will bo cheerfully corrected upon being brought to tho attention of tho management our "that IP THOMPSON of sanity to lDt'tyou will, when contcmplat Iiik men. discern a spirit, overhead. Tt rtma the 1 sage's (brpw, and j the sunny 'mallei) of a faun lurks at the corpers of ' the lialf-clos- ea 'upon ent th mvututtj nc ABRnniATTiin press not attract it; their" honesty Tho Ansrvlntrri Prnu (k excluslifalv entitled to tho use ai republication dies in the present of all news dispatches credited to. it or not otherwise credite4 In the and shapeliness paper and also tho lecal news published herein. All rigm tor they wax out and whenever docs; ' , of propoitlon.apvcrblown, .of special dispatches are also reserved. affoctod ' i lipsrrrrMcn's-futur- e w thtj YjJuJuiojLEcxfccUyiYiJLJKhalj See hereHCbarlla Jones I've Bat around with my mouth shut for days) I've flown up hore with o hysterical woman! I've watched you run off with Irene Agnewl I wob amused, I'm still amused. But I'm otd onough to bo your dutch aunt and it's time for an cxplann- -' says, lie ,;ieve," - ifTr& iir y n n.nriiiwt ' i r wawmu i iMimir i aca tloffiH Charllo took both oiklils hand3 off tho wheel nnd spread them out In a gesture of disavowal. Tho car lurched. Mrs. BIy said, "Don'Udo thatP' Charlie grinned. "What do you want to know? My lrtcntions?" "Cejtainly. Since you put It that r a S V ropuu-Mentio- fa -- J2- whenever it - or "hood sees them winked. Riven to run riot In Idgla tries, drifting Into Vanities, congre gating In absurdities, planning Uniform Parole Laws 0 nnHnTsH jKaWKt - 'C. . HPTIMtCR 20, n ,. . By DOROTHY THOMPSON s Pulltsher Jffit WV . OALBRAITH..,....... JK ert' w. wiupkey. M MONDAY ,' . xne jumiu ooui RECORD IhmdAy morning ana eacn wiaia&y afternoon except Satur ,., ,, r H6RAU ,, . r, B'g Spring Daily Herald rnltoiiut OAHY SWING 116 THI i plotting demented-- l Other states "were urged the other day by Governor are at variance tney ly; whenever to City, Allred, in the conference of governors at .Atlantic professionsr.offend with Jthclr reason, fair justice the join with Texas in a system of uniform probation and parole sound will look Tiumancly Spirit overhead regulations, to prevent' abuses of parole provisions. This malign, "and cast an oblique light of problem has been under consideration in all the states for a on tticm, followed by Is vplley.s the Comic silvery laughter. That MwmnmtWi. jru! number of yearg, but little has been done toward solving StSIHt rV&rME A RAfceT, FMDS ThfiTT WlLi'b to be It distlnculsht to Not iJ ifc Each state has its 6wn0regufetlpns, and is unable to ex HAmLettWTUDESigi to the Spiritual, and to ine d 0 -icy ercise supervision over parolees from other states. The re- - deny the existence 'of a mind of MOAhJOn ..w... IHtULWUCIC IlJliU. w mi-to released returned incln conjunction. suit is that too many parolees are .n --TTeS A i LAR6E RSD.. FLAG . Ton IT4Ek , A na' " crime. ti "You must, as I have said, be its state of society is imc. v Governor Allred pointed out that there is need for an lieved that our sense, other common In founded exchangePof prisSSers, so that persons paroled in Texas but wise you will aot be struck by the living in another stajte could "return totneir rormer nomes contrasts the Comic Spirit per friendship, upon the world, are antf under proper supervision begin the long fight toward ceives.... You will, In fact, be there but concealing slits? Why Daily In that peculiar oblique does this sheeted whiteness recall regaining the respect at their fellow citizens. The parole standing light." of beam Who Is Knight who this a shroud? of 'adequate System breaks down only where there is a lack H2 , V tf 1itM!wS S. JllaBL no, I think she's In Now York." "I haven't scon her nil winter." "Neither have I," said Charlie. "She's been In Reno establishing a. residence." They drove for a whllo In silence-Mrs- , Bly wntclicd the passing countryside with interest. tFcoplo were planting gardens. Farmers were ploughing. 'Tho proprietors of roadside stands woro taking down thcr Cnttlo wero grazing wlntciiflrmor, In bright green grnss. Tho world lookcttvery pleasant nnd Inviting. "Anbihot thing," said Charlie. "A' couple of days nftcrI met Ircr.o I sneaked over to her frace on libng Island and rcconnoltercd. I called onh6V secrctlyjln tils gnrdpn. I looKet? over tho mona'gQ and tho servants. run away with ircno oui to movo Whllo P In on the whole family. was thus engaged, my attention was brought to ono of the most, piiccless human brings I have ever heard about." Mrs. Hlv frowned and then-denly laughc. "Yoo mean ,. ,AMt. il . ..JIM" ll V f i bUiIT Jrm Ko .". " fifoll IWtHf jut short-sightedl- , mmwiiim mm mm . hull-blin- " " .- 3ft'. WWWM 'till' vr$.c, - wwsn w im u . ' n u v Biif Kcough steeled himself. Being uTJ I rt Q I n. .... tim lilffAf tlinmlTlU. ilaliufl .., ttttfl .. O' ; way." .ougll? Ho was still grinning. "My Inten"Iteough," said Charlie solemnly. tions arc dishonorable as possible." "A great maYou know, when I "That's what I thougWJ" was necking Irene in a pcigolo. I "You mean that's what you found him lying In the bushes d hoped." as a tramp. Another' timo She glared at him and then he followed us in a milk wagon.',' laughed. "You're incorrigible and 10. Algerian w ACBOSS " Solution of Saturday's PuzzU "Disguised as a soaport 'J a cad.'1 L European "No. Disguised as a delivery boy. j moan tains PcnltenUal It contrary the "On GalaSlAlYMSIOMAlRMPtLhf I'm Sir periodS. Bitter vetch I guess be couldn't get the proper 8. Undemonstrahad." I. R EMR YE 18. According Jo tive fact Mrs. Bly sniffed. She. had one of kind of truck. I got wondering 12 Deal out C 30. Irish explett sparingly tho most pronounced sniffs infhc where ho stored all hlscostumcs 1 ITHN A MlAISl 21. Type meaaursa 1J. Parson bird social register. "Listen, Charlie. so I burtfarlzcd his quarters one Fairy tale li. 12. Sourccrof N T1E1MMEIEIRMC E T Are you going to come clean oi day. If you "ever want to have a monster water IS. Saccharin I E shall I tell Marglt Agnew that laugh, go over' to Marglt's houso 33. Vocal solo IT. At homo you'ro , really a respectable citizen and put u ladder up toQKeough'3 37. Llkora.staT 18. Sientfy WitK'a-goo19. Order JS. Title of a family and a pilvate window fiom the second floor I I 22. Bad belnc " CPbaronet s porches fortune and a penchant foi 30.vPlaced apart St. Abraham's as one's blrUiplaco and an artistic reputation "At my age and with my weight-- 15. Australian shsra tfiat has gone tp your head?" not to mention my dignity shin-- a JL.Lccal claim bird ' Charlie sighed. "1 guess I'll have nying into a but!ler's bedroom Is 26. Rubbers 33. Tako on cargo A HOUL do 29. Compartment . rrovancator to confess. Although I am sure it out of the question." In a stnbls .33. Brazilian isn't jiccessary. See here, EllavFm Chui lie .nodded sympathetically. 33. Scraped linen cflTnoney of fifttlng'bn Madison Avenue trjlhg "You olifljeoplc miss a lot.'"?' , 34. iroublo CAtconnt A 40. CoKrcd 3C Ldmb's pen to catch the mood of those beauti"Rat!" v?w 43. Qreok market name EC Ed0 2. So!y , . i place 17. Tardier ful dissatisfied creatures who think ' "It was all fflot of fun until I jffij 45. FinestJ9. Pierced vtjth 3. Aerccabl iS. Liquefy lealizcd of themselves as modern woman. thatmMargit had seripjisly 4C. Always many hpltj 55. Lirgest 4.Uophet Along comes a perfectly terrific blclced this magnificent hoofiy on 41. Meadow 47. Unaaplrated orean- - 5. And; French 43. l'orcer 48. Scan'Jtnalaa 6. Iestroy my trail inhe belief that she blonde" 44. Unity navigator 7. Burn super breadth iD'halr's "Iicno Is pietty terrific," Mr. could protect Iienc. That's what Warllllei w ficially 49. Town la Hi. Small whirl-- ii. Ipecac AlaaK-- i 1 8. Substituted a 50. gave mo the Idea p"f a chase. Right Bly admltttd. pool plant 5L Altcrnatla Hebter for a S3. Old times: "Irytlie tight furs she's tops foi now Keough thttlka' that" I anigA DOWN poctlo morn sever t0 her typcO. K. I lure hereto my European criminal," For 'the" next , Helps to the penalty U. Pen CXCC5S S5 Transmitted 57. Mrself 9. Moldlne salesman easel. I thlnkTat first that she'd a five minutes ho outlined his antics L snoD. xut sne saves mo ?rom a at the Prince James Hotel. .WhprfV rapacious flatfoot and I see the Mrs. Bly Slopped laughing, Charlie'1' hpart of gold. Naturally, I take her tapped his mirror. "Don't look . over to Spike's and buy hei a back look lfl here. A" gentleman Stink. Also I know who she i." two cars back In a topless model 'Naturally. And you therefaie T roadstej. With a straw hatband buy as many as you can force overalls and Uncle Sam whiskers.'' H.,'Not!" down hei thrpat." "Natihally. I find this oichida- - Chnrlle nodded nnd giggled. "In- ceous creature -- has a fiance tropld Operative Seventeen" Wounded, but .game, I Invite the When Mrs. Bly had recovered her gent to join 'us. I've seen guys front plate she murmured Incrcdu I've lously, "But thocar ?" who've been seen punchKlrunk fighters. This "Oh Kcough's" always stealing 28 So, 31 32 Wldo has only been 27 cars. This Is the fifth one I've no he's worse'off than any tlced so far. How about a llttls Then In comes lunch?' of the others. 3S 33 "How fatv-lMai git. The ideal I was looking it to the next town?" for on Madison Avenue." A prodi ."Town? Why we're Independent " 3B 3f gious "scorn filled his voice "The of towns, Ella"? Can you cook?" fo buslriess woman! 'A professional "Cook what? Cook where?' killjoy If I ever saw one! An arro An hour later they were sitting 42 Igstuck-ugant, in tno trailer. OvcyMhc tiny gas norant misanthropic sexless fe stove Mrs. Bly had made wafrieJ male Teformer,'The club woman In and bacon 'and coffee. ("From the embryo!" contents otjthe refrigerator Charlia But darn go6d looking," Mrs. had prepaicd an excellent green -Bly murmUred, salad. They ate with relish Charllo nodded. "Sure! A lot oi Around them wele trees through" d tamales are which blew 'a gentle brocze. Across those beautiful when they're young, I tho road a hayseed of the first or. 1 1 1 suppose a new guillotine is BT5rt-t- y der had stopped his 'anctent Ford looking job, too. Anyway, and wus npparcntly struggling with suspecting came the worst, its motor. To his nostrils drifted so what screaming, and clawing )tn li did I do? I did what any self- - con. But Kcough steeled himself respecting gentleman would under Ho had forgotten to provision hla the clicumstnnces. I tossed a small stoion motor cnr. Being a detective of hoi no. itaiJlttcr moments. bomb into the peifeclloii vanity of MVs. Bly und her exuberant host menage. Imaginc'the liand-plck anybody who Nvould noticed Kcough's predlcamcnt.'fnd somebody else's husband and nni- - enjoyed it fully. "You know.C'siId him for a year before she tho fbtmer, ns she polished off the turned him oct! Why that giti Inst scrap of her endive, "I've al. was simply dlssectipg'out what lit ways thought these bailers were tle flpme Waldo hnd nnd enjoying dreadful little things," doing It! The obvious thing to do "Dreadful? Why they're like lux ' In the way ofbomb throwing was ury cruisers."" 'The,mlnuta I get back I'm golnsr to run away with her sister." "The hell It wus,'' said Mrs, Jiiy to buy one.' Thpre was a pause. Her tone changed. "What're" you cnlmk', CmA Ultf U. In.1,.,1 .v.. going totdo when you get back?" 1IQ IU I114 .1 (lb l.n. 'Sl In( 1U..1U Ilse, "Could yon have thought of She looffedjat him, "I.mean seriously? After all, you taught Marglt unythlng better?" her lesson " 'Sure!" Chnille utared into snace and 'What" 'Running away with Marglt her noddcll, "Yeah, I taught her a les IS IT- ROMANCE? son. She needs to learn one more' " illcjiey Rooney, lfl, and Judj .together.. Here th ara eating selfHe stared at hei, "You've got Mrs. Bly was looking at him A , tOnrlaud, 14, show up once In n .......... 1. !..!.. lunch ou the steps of tho studio .11. Ella, Td auuiuiiiUKiy, JllJUUl wijail too mucjj. Imagination, I' while at a premiere or dnnco sclioolhouw, jingo." "About peace replied ho lamer iry to mno iraciaicon Him fully "And I'm just tho man for tiger." from a sabre-tootJaynrs Uth premleto of "The tins any time for gtils at all. There my cimngea me suujrvi. that Jessm too In a week or so 'Mis. Firefly "Nsjow that Mickey und are hs his orchestra, Ilow's Evelyn?" Judy have been teamed In a new his bowling team and whatnot, and Chailio laughed again. "I dun- - ChurlleV woriU itoum (u luive an pJctuie , rThoroughhred Don't now that uutumn Is approaching ominous ring. Can he really best Cry") further developments are ths girls with designs on the der way any time now and with tho strong-wlUc- d Margitr Don breathlessly awaited. Rooney heatt ara warned to make tho Rooney "Bluo Devils" getting nUss tomorrow's ciUsodo In which Business Oome Vint tho moL;bfthelr time now, In a Into training, there'll bo no women still unollinr laullful stranger en Mickey, of course, Is a very busy few week he'll ho giving them up on tho Rooney ichtduU until New lexs uio laiMElea plat. jounr man, and It's a wonder he1 entirely. Football praqtlco gets un- - Year. (To bo continued) -- a Crossword Puzzle p &.. comes riding? he the parfit That laugh of the Comic Spirit, gcntll Knight ofIs Progress7 ,, more intellectual than the laugh of Or Citizen of Invisible Em humor, mora tempered thiin the pire, aa Knight ofthethe laugh of satire, more kindly than tho laueh of Irony, deluges the Klan? air around Mr. Justice Black with The price of zealotry, of false Its silvery volleys. What a denoue- humility, of overcqnfidence, of rt ment of a Great Crusade for Lib-n rule, is of erallsmi What a, delicate revenge injuredjyeslght. Angels wearwhlte upon com persistent assaults for robes, but so do others. Look 'again. mon sense, for willful refusal to And ask others to gaze also. Do you acknowledge that there is "a mind see what I sec? j, of innn where- - minds'of men-a- re Retribution, like Justice, la' .al working In conjunction"! ways poetic. It proceeds inevitably, They have not, however, been out of men's follies. It has an Inner working 'in conjunction, but at the logic most absurd cross purposes. He who demands conformity will "Quickly, quickly; quickly!' Time be. humiliated by his conformers. will not wait on us, evenswhlle we For the candid and honest mind is think! Reform is urgent! Higher not a rubber stamp. It is skeptical wages, shorter" hours, better farm and courageous. He who demands incomes! To conceive the ideal is zeal without thought, reform withto act Economic Royalists are plot out leasop, justice without justness. ting! Nine old men stand In the needs carefully to consider where imnede w.iv! Tories nrozress! that zeal may have been directed These. b)ack robes are the symbol yesterday, and where it may be di-, ot oiacK itaciion; rected tomorrow. & Ana;nc who abandons the minds A few voices said. Gentlemen, let conjunction will us sit down and think together. Let reach out one day desperately, and justification the us remember that od seek for themER of Democracy is tHfe idea of a com (Copyright, 1937, New York Tri mon goou, aim lis autiiniiieiii bune Inc.) .2? through reason and consensus Let j Us hear bpth sides of eafirrjease. Let to find exacUy whst meas".; ures may really achieve for us the. By GEORGE TUCKER; 11 goal of greater prosperity for all. we are us be quite certain that NEW YORK Architecturally, the face of New York, Let really furthering Uie public good. Sights and Sounds" is undergoing privisurgeons, redistributing plastic and 'nqtJust as if attacked by a coterie of Robbin Coons rBy we chaougfVnanncr. leges, a If in n drastic chanee. The Times Sauare area has been the one call ourselves liberals, let us re most effected there being no less than .two solid squares of member that we . are, therefore, onHOLLYWOOD Intimate reports the love life of a boy star, Mickto b'gotxy, fanaticism and alterations completed in the last year. This nas claimed tne hostile zealotry (. as such. If we are ey Rooney: past aide of Broadwav from 45th to43rd street, with new blind At 10, MJekey.'s affairs of the conservatives, let us remember of floors lower buildings, the cinema theaters and office that we are sensitive to behavior, heart already are numerous. Some of tho girl friends are film young-stci- s, which have been grabbed up by alert managers of dime sciupnlous about means like himself; but just as many Buggy Drown Horse voices! and shopkeepers. , .Stores, pharmacists and not. Strangely enough they are TIip old stretch of outmoded white way,, which onco cd out in the chaos of rancorous are clamor of saviors heie and saviors all alike in one respect: none of included the famous roof garden where Ziegfeld, as a begin theie. The move. to "reform the the girls Js more than five feet tall. producing court" begins with trickery. One The leoson? Well. Mickey him ner, made his early bids for recognition as a trick begeta another. The atmos self is five feet two, and he cant genius, has disappeared, and in its place has come a bright phere becomes contagious, There is bear to be Seen with a girl taller sweep of chromium fixtures and neonic displays. He has almost de a vacancy on the bench. Aha, now This is only a minor fractipn of what, they say, is yet we have caught the president! We spaired of .growing any tallet, and untili its be willsatisfied never wlllfglve him Senator Robinson! it irks him. For a time he used to to come. The town really hold him! measure himself every day against no solution Thar-Wll- l traffic system is completelydreorganized,.and But the Comic Spirit hasalrcndy a black chalk mark in the shower, permanent satis offers which none is. itself that drawn his bow, and there is malice, But tho only way ho could move factionexcept a widening of the boulevards and perhaps and some trace of humane pain in the maik up was to stand on tiptmaster whom oe-. Then he began affecting a mil his feasting smile,-erection of elevated runways tor tne siae streets 4 all must acknowledge removes Sen- itary haircut that brlsues in front Robinson. And the president It mnkes him" look an inch taller. Crossing the island is now a hopeless andrequently, a ator o), iwatch that oblique light above The fact that it also makes him injffiillion seven experience. Of New York's nerve-rackin- g youi will cap that trick with yet look as If he'd just escaped from habitants, nearly a million and a half reside on the island, another. I wllf give them one of refoim school Ts Beside the point. Social Club! Let them swal Courting At School L and as there are twice as many automobiles as bathtubs, their low him atd like it! GenUemdn, To be a Rooney 'Vnte" a girt nn ran imderstand What the problem is. say, around five nominate Senator Black! as well as ba 'short, A supervision over parolees. It is to provide such supervision rVinr in Tpvns rhprp is nnw in oneration a Droeram which the constant assistance of a county board whose duty is to keep in touch with each man and by aiding him in securing employment to po?nt mm toward & . and self respect. It can not be said, of course, that the Texas system, so recentlvDul into operation and supported'by a constitution al amendment which takes politics out of it, is a complete success. In most "counties, however, the local parole"board have been functioning witHr' surprising success? Men who were sentjto tne penitentiary as iirai, uneuueia iui vanuuo crimes have been released from prison and paroled to the county boards, andarcnow living acceptably while, com- pleting the terms for which they are sentenced. Restoration oflull citizenship rights is recommended for them after they have satisfactorily completed their sentences, and they arc permitted to live in their home communities under concu tions that enable them to become worthy citizens. The states should enact uniform Jegislation on this subject, so that the paroled convict may never be "without adequate supervision until after he has earned full inde- pennence oy, exejiijiary nviug;' . ia an unpiwm.- but.not necessarily as complicated as many governors ap Bulletin.) pear to Ku-Klu- f- self-suppo- r one-ma- I .. ., ,- of'men-worklngv- in believe.-(Brownwo- Man About Manhattan . Mi woo O Ho us-tr- ' than-hiras- elf. Run-pest- s 1 must dunce to get in the afternoon with everyone rushing lickety-spl- it Rooney "dute" Invariably means Is Uujre now, light Ceitalnly, i.a..1i i.nl.HAl .... ,Mnt. .1 . V..1 . into or out of the city. is everywhere. The air with vibrant week allowance, out of Hobart B. Upjohn, the architect, says the town now is light, Tlio obedient chorus carols, His $10 a busy his clothes, allows traffic He thinks "It Is the light of liberalism! It Is which he a"hqpeless jungle, of everywhich-wa- y Ills him widening the streets iiTthTj only sensible solution, and check- Iho llghT of progiessf Tfie pco'plo King" still consldeis too much In sat seen who have pro-darkness (that such a claim dutlng sissy, but one a week Is all mates opponents to his scheme, who trrent llcht!" T cess would carry away important "frontage" by pointing out But In'tlio midst' of the light, h right If you tteat It In the offhand, fashion. You cleai voice is ringing. Shattering may even be .seen at an occasional that only the cheap and dirty back yards would be "lost To move the buildings back and eliminate theseack the IlKht with the silver laughtcl nrcmlere with a young lady, be- cnuso It's tho accepted thing, but yards, he says, would save .the city enormous wealth and of sanity. nlso do awav with accumulations of refuse andj rubbish. Is not this whole Black incident otliemiso you'dgot to go easy on absurd? Has it not that this lov$ stuff and prove you can With no. back yards, he says, there would be no place to cosmlcally of human folly talcafll"ar leave it, That's tho code. tragic undercurrent dump rubbish, Tiki schoolioom at Metro hi which makes great comedy' t as a juvenile Is this that comes up. robed somewhat limited Who ' matchmaker, for there are onl It ifl true that desirable rentals are scarce on the island, in whlt8.IPUrKed of the sina of Uie two In tho school snywheio ibere beiag an overwhelming demand for satisfactory living AmcrlcanTTast? Is It not a perfect near girls Mickey's age, They are Judy -- . nuariira. Mr. Uniohn believes Manhattan might easily ac- - symbol that the new figure on the bunch shouldwear the White Robe Garland, 11, and Betty Jayncs, 10, cemisoiate aix million residents witljout trouble, which must of Progress 'in contrast to the Judy used to be Jackie Coopei $ steady, but since Jackie started atcause astonishment n some quarters uecause oi tne ami' Black Itohes" of ponscrvatlsnl? Hills high school radtv the island now has in carine for its million and a half. Why, then, la It hooded? Why Is tending Bcvcilypeems ' to hy wa face of its wearer concealed, that romance Anyway, it'a a thought And almost "any cost, if. the the In fact, H waJ concealed Into uniformity, conceal- vered somewhat. be up, would cleared be onose-tow- a traffic situation could with other Mickey who Gycoi Ud Judy to the ed into conformity, ipeeptable. CoWUtiona sb they exist now are annoying and aasks? Why, where human eyes prenuee oi ois vwapuui v.ou Bit h. took Betty with ragecus." should look out candidly, MM oa uie ui$i;buuu. . O 1 "I O '. f1 MA milk-man?- - OBAF NiAOiNEAmEsrn 1 1 1 dixJaleJann NTERHEDlSlES -- 1 oFps RBECT MERbMNAPMlGpES on d high-jink- PEACOCK! EATPTRjEADlASA reHsIeIeIdiyBrIEId ' eire-tab- le 123 ps? H r!f M2f H55 Wf WWW1 "J j man-handle- d. ' woman-handledb- r WP w44 W43 BPI WWW fft r p, s, high-hande- 1 - Irr-B- he f tci-bic- - iik. h ' song-writin- U - l u US a --- ,v. '. y, V - , StniMMR HOAY, '. o BMC1 wAmm nla PIANO In 200 call On Insertions So tine, 0 line"" mlnlmum. Each successive Insertion! (o Una. Wiekly rate: $1 for 0 Una minimum; So per line per Issue, over 0 line. Monthly rato: $1 per line, no change In copy. Readers: 10a per lino, per Issue Card of thanks. So per line. Tcu point light face type as double .rate. Capital letter lines double ' - irons, ment, jou week dally; 'new customers cohiing In call at 105 AlgerlU St. ' ... TORRENT ' " A rolc8ilcd Automnti-- $)U1 payable In advance1 want-ad- s or after first Insertion. Telephone TBS or" TV , ANNOUNCEMENTS Fcrsonal 3T" t 2 O UENl GETEVIGOR AT ONCE! ' NEW OSTREX Tonlo Table, contain raw ovstcr lnVlKorato andother.Btlmulants.'?. One tioso peps up" organs! glands, Blood. Reg. price $1.00. Introductory price 89c. Call, write Collins c Bros. Drugs. Pnone 18Z v 1 tho duties of tho commissioner of pardons and paroles. This five- by the member group, appointed governor, cnooscs a director oi corrections to havo charge and parole, probation, and prlsonsand-nome- s wardenB formerly appointed by the le by siate cxccuuvc. parole board, A LANSING, Mich., SepL 20 (UP) Michigan Is offering its convicts a "new deal" under n. corrections commission' established y the 1037 legislature. te Professional Bedrooms tf" Starting Generator Publlo Notices FRONT bedroom; private entrance to room and bath. Gentlemen ,NOTICE TO PUBLIC We have preferred. Phone 1327. Othre'6-chanew opened a barber BEDROOM for rent; 1101 Scurry. shop at 305 Main street In the - Harry Lester building, will ap SOUTH bedroom ailjoinlng bath at preciate your business. Ben Al- 10U7 uregg; pnone bbv, len s located in this shop and SOUTH bedroom; gentlemen1 pref- will bo glad to see hla customers errea; 704 Runnels. , Batyc & Wllkerson Barber Shop. ROOMS nicely furnished; Thod' BARBER Red wisttefc to announce crni 815- - E. 3rd .St. Afternoons tP his friends and acquaintances , callo0508? . that- - he has moved to 705 E 3rd St., O. K. Barber Shop by the YOUNG roommate; desires' lady, Community Ice'" Plant; ladles anfi Call in the evening betveen.6 and cnildren.jSUr specialties. O 7' at 705 Main. J T 1 - ir rtl L UJEE-EI Card "This match nightclub: bJHAX fcf d Instruction j NoTiOC WANT TO .RENT 8 m ECONOMY Laundry for 1st class 40 40 Houses C shirt work, 9c each, jgh. 1031; servico We are WANTED: Four-rootkuuklnu ifnfurnlshed equipped to movek livestock, oil house in south or southeast part field equipment and furniture; of city by 'October 1; call 626. pnone 1156. H. .1. Wilkersbnf MARTIN'S RADIO SERVICE REAL ESTATE .HAVE yourLradid.put in shape for me worm series. 48 Farms & Ranches Phone 1233 , 201 E, 2nd St Threo' good work SALE FOR Woman's Column 9 good binder; two row horses; "WEAR-ever- " news Mrs. C. W. Hanes of ISOS.'fNolan street wins planters!" wide torque Wagon; prko a3 best hostess of month; necessary horness; to lessee of 170 acre farm in cultivation; bar address box 1143 for 'Wear-Eve- r' gain; Mrs. J li. Uideon, uarucn service. City Route; mile couth of Lee's SPECIAL, oil permanents, $1.50 up; , Store. Shampoo and Set 50c; Eyebrow and lash dye, 50c Tonsor'Beau- - ACREAGE for sale; have several ty Shop, 120 Main St, Phone 125 ten acre tracts on pavedhiprh- way and gas line; six mileseast' or iown;epienry or water ai imy EMPLOYMENT -- EAT " . . I.HHI -- .5ytEastThircLStr Club Caf "Wo Never Close" C DUNHAM, Prop. G- - & JLMSiaJUUJNS'l'A INT. CCasb Register 'Paper and Rcpjilrs Adding Machine and Typewriter Ribboas All Work Guaranteed. vjrn b- v JVJ Ki-- u. - i- - 7 J GEE ADVERSE-fHlMcS- S -- i 5.n i RIIXSE. UJH?T PLAyiNG' AfeE yoU LjboKIMO c -- - &U r ! yt T.. ''A' 4 loPPrtfnurfRtwK.-Ef- E fe SsSS-J- IU 9H IHI - " - UMc 1ttT ! I'M QUITE - in - .ii ii .. c .. w . aT-STTn- 3 YS3m& Wl-KT- B 11 - rff - by Wellinprton & AV A V-- ! m ' t 5?J IBI' ISh am I 1 ! The Easiest Way f AW nV Trr-- T UtriiU j i 4 ALL. v , ?Trr)"THi5 CpMefroaT mmouoi TfrH UJAyTo ALASKA l srS8v n - Bunnels- HAH! UJHATsThIS AH MATCH CAR.D APVEE.TlSIN5 ?HAPpy DAS CiASIrAp! UJHEfcEC lOHlZ. MATCH CAKD5 - - 207 Phoiio788- giumy.iui OF 6oUK.SE yoU CAN SAX That. But How do iVcmouj ;111 '.. I wM THE AT S L,1t l SON-IN-LA- W it5mw!:5i1?eI )) S ll Business Services Vie xrv: cT my A UiSBlillsSBlSni Cb. . BEASrnJY OFMCnHAWTTIM;i5rTVIA"r pig apnng weraia.'' ? G. ,9-"- 3 PA'S rfl Mr2J --. -.- .-- v. . 1 i kvV ' fr m -? feet; .ten acres for ?250f,tcrms; A. M. Sullivan, 105 E.,5nd St. T3 a- - HRLPj WAWTED If you like to draw, Sjttetch or paint writofor Talent TSt (NO FEE);,glveage Big and occupation; BoxULD, O....I tolling IT U XIVIUIU. TRAIN, PLANE BUS'SCHEDULES ' I'' Help Wanted Female 12 " TAP Trains Eostboond Depart Arrive woman WANTEp- - A middle-age- d 8:00 a. m 7 140 a. m. 18 , miles In No.' 13 for housekeeper; 12:30 p. m. country; call 9006F12 or writo No. 4 Mrs. Akin Simpson, Luther, Tex. Na 6 ......11;10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. TAF Trains Westbound Depart .Arrive T FINANCIAL -8:15 p. m. 9.00 p. m. No. No. 7:10 a. m 7:40 7 a. m. iG Money 'ToJLoan 16 4:10 p. m. No. FARM, ranch and 'city loans; Buses KUistbound money at easy terms; liberal Arrive Depart options; prompt service; write 6:65 a. m. 6:15 a. m i Henry Bickle, box 1052; San An- 10.S7 a. m. 1105 a. m. gelo. 2:16 a. m. 3:20 p. m p. m. & 7:35 a. m. 11:34 .p. m. 11:40 p. m. FOR SALE Westbound Buse ' 12:88 a. m. 12:46 a. m. 1 8 18 4:20 a. m. Household Grtods 4:25 a. an 10:64 a. m. 11:00 a. m I OK SALE Two 0x12 ru?s; 4:20 p. m. 4:26 p. m t phone 'J14 after 6 p. nC ' 8:00 p. m 7:00 p, m. Buses Northbound (A CLASS. DISPLAY 10:00 p. m. 7:15 a. m. p. nv U:20 12:00 Noon ATTENTION POULTRY 0:16 a. m. 7:10 p. m. Duses Soathhoand RAISERS!. 11;00 a. m. 7:16 a. m. p. m. , u:05 a, m. Use Eggstrnctor. Doubles egg pro- - u:w , 10:15 p. m. 8:00 p. m. .lluctlon, eliminates all jexternal l'lanec Sastbound t parasites fend all worms. It must 4;60 pu m. 4:65 p. m make you money or your money Dr. J. R, Cunningham refunded. Contains 10 drugs accepted by ill authorities, dependOsteopathic Physician General, Practice & Obstetrics able and makes and saves you Office Thone lMj money. $1.00 per bottle. Sold e r p wam-"4- r- k- -si mBSs-mm- ' TH' PHONG? V OH, GBbT IT AWST BE IZODNEY)fJ DOVNSTAIBS, SAID YA 1 RICH fTTX-W- U tflfTiS I Wrong Number , , OAoTT 2iP!iJF . . 1 , " tJ&k - ST' - . I . y, S LJ l'VVV' A 111 . - 7 ft .by Don" Flowers L !T2 fSif fjELLO- -- HELLOY fei!'5Ev QH'BaJH'LO, fefSrt? &Ji&''WltA Bx0&,3 . A (j fA 4ft jMf THS-r35&- f instant - A OOOLEYT YOU Give ME XHATJ j 'PHONE W - Qiff7 JfTTiag.wc. ' . M) Ur - mmm-m- i BOoWeT J ) SsjO jSi ' tvL.?7 3...... '' . SCORGHY-S- H PICKINGS 2 by Mr. John Davis. il THE STORY : Scorchy. tex AND BLIMEY HAWKIN9 CAME TO NINCRW, gHINA,T0 TRAIN AVIATORS FOR WITH.THEM CAME THE ATTRACTIVE VOUMC WYMAN, - WRITERV KIMBERLEYy ' 5S If you need to borrow money on your car or refinance your pres-unotes come to see us. We trill advance more mosey and Deals reduce your payments. iosed In S minutes. TAYLOH EMEBSOW Wis Theater Bld nt J. B. COLLINS AGENCY ft Tersonal fcOANS We Write AU Kinds Off INSURANCE Local Company Keadsrtaf Satisfactory Service" F&eae Big Spring Tewis - - - Glass Old Mirrors BesUvered ( Reasonable THE MIRROR MAKERS 1310 Scarry , ' r?' I wn itiWfc vS -- ( BLIMEY LEARNED OFA'MVSTERIOUS AIRPORT in WO'S UNDMANDARIN WITH 5C0RCHV HE VOLUNTEERED TOTRY TO RND OUT PURPOSE - Ws 3MaJndER Sfi'7HEEVVAY' nn Von SUPPOSE OLD rlr Thos. J. Coffee )mi nctol OiSVUESSOFGEmrAerU 6T0CK PlCtr WfiRD FE- - j M THAT AVID UBT fff "EVPLM- A J- JKr TDLEARNTWU'S PLANS JylHJwH'A55UMED - t. fy Blimey mana&ed to get in wu' army, and scorchy in wufe airf0rce - bumey was later caught", but scorchv learned of wvs pun TD ATTACIC.NINCFO0 J 9 Vs ..- - WX '. ZJf rwium wSltsW I WlTkND Scorchy escaped from wite Ki I TiAH'r- 7 H - CAUfiW TAPPING ON THE WALLS - - .U-- -- WERE HE . - zdSLmessz FROM KPPF WARN CHUNCYING I me On Guard, Everybody 1 ry ) T? 9W KjUJ p ( ) V V L T ( f HiHIIlt l ..- -. ,..,.K-r- A "VJ? V,uil uc ha-- o ws itefftlisiBsk. ..,; S 4jffi ttjek 175511 H f- - ! wpmm si mjliji VErt! VTU1 JrSK,5KKrl BSS? ' V V1' vr J I 1 I TW I fr BL Courts 7 SUITE LESTER KI8HEH BVILDINO PHONK Ml llS-lS-1- - fU DID YA NOTICE W(UP LOOK IM EVE? w t by Fred Locher VLL EE? A CLOSE vWtfTCW OU HlVAl V. BE TOO BAt IF VJEt Zl WAVE TO LOCK W Geaenl Practice la All ) A airport and A TRAIN - USIN& THE LOCOMOTIVE. INTERCEPTED HE HOPES TO SMASH THROUGH, WRRlCADED SUTFU CANYON, AND WARN NINGFOO PEF0RE -DAWN s. got to i ve C.PT AUMV by Noel Sickles IT ' Trademark Bee. Applhid V. O. l'atent Office HOMER HOOPEE s ts k i - Picking Up The Story - GRACING U? J TMAT "Attorney-at-La- oi 189 TfliitlHInv il TTTS Mirrors sTtor fWj Plate Window ft Auto Glass LOANS S" Residence V Trademark Reg. Applied V. a. Patent Ulllee $ Automobile " Bft$ MUSTN'T kS&EP) K?a'? fry vM& . WAITINGrr" &f& .rl?a GANGWAY. js&rp wanted, ro :! w ) 7 m$ ll..;. ..;... 5, AUTO i"'Fsp- I b V HEY, DIANA. ff ..H ?m ffi&S? iUZ -P I ANOA " mMvm: For DIANA DANE eAKSN' ' m mmrn V wr m , - RQQT'BESR "The health Drink" TTrimI CuHATdlT UJAS A9VERmslM3- 1(6: "B o. lin OackDaliney,.Prop.-S10Ilunn- el cGcrr That IN OGAg. STbE. KEVEfc 787 lfty- 1 DABNEY'S So o UiSt.iT excepting DBstin Scarry FfcM JAIH CTKOSTX IMS hard-boile- News Stand and Slilno Farlor Shoes Dcd SOo Slilno loo MERRyLE5S rs- - W DcMverr osi Wtaew, LImom A. H. to : 4 I Tj - 35 Koqms & Board MALE INSTJtUCTION: We, want to delect- - reliable men, now em- ROOM AND BOARD... Mrs. Peters. ployed, with foresight, fair edu- vSOO.Maln. Phone 685. cation anH mechanical' inclinations, willing to train spare time ROOM AND BOARD with $1 or evenings, to become Installa worth of personal laundry free. tion and service experts on all 906 Gregg. Phono 103L . types AIR CONDITIONING giving age, present occupation ROOM and board In privateihome; Utilities Inst, bpxiCDF, care of -- phone 654. -- HUMPH - cl- - free There are not two other' war dens In the country like these men," ho said, "because they both pom advanced university degrees Their appointment was part of my ' ' El b IALKJNS tlABQUT T o' stgps prisons, Sauce For The Goose -- ? i tlons act, appointed Moore and Garrett Heyns, who holds a Ph. D and was a former school superin tendent, as wardens of two state i., I.. I' ' - - b plan to follow advanced Ideas of enol6gy ahd. stress rehabilitation instead of punishment. The day of rhi!AntiiropUtAoccpurro8t d tho schools of wardens Joel R. Morse, warden of tho la'passjpg and want Michigan to state prison of southern Michigan bo In the leadI In making the near Jackson, was appointed assis- change.? tant director In chargo of penal Institutions, ' and M, Hubert O'Brien, Detroit attorney and philanthropist, accepted an appointment I director Inchargo- - of parblcs. Murphy, In Inaugurating h s "new deal" In prison admlnlstrn-tion'bcfor- e passage of tho corroc f T. E. JORDAN Si CO. 113 W. FIRST ST. JUST rHONB'lM ' you I ernor, who will make the final de cision regarding clemency. A division of criminal statistics was created to keep records of prisons, prisoners, paroles, pardons and other law violation lnforma tlon tabulated by enforcement of' fleers on all offenders. HUmcr Gclleln, Detroit, pardon and parole commlsitorter under the Murphq administration, was named director of corrections by tho new commission. PRINTING Lighting Speedomet- Ignition Magneto er and' Auto Repairing OU. Field Ignition SOS'W.- - 3rd rhone'2CT SOISIS i m - OH, UirjEfcE. yoU )bUR.' SPENI3 SPARE TiVSEt, IS IT ! t-- 6 & iJTJg i 7 'J7JZW iii -A - tor the gov- - mako recommendations , L. Onto AUTO ELECTRIC BATTERY SERVICE L. F. McKay MR. AND MUS. Ben M. Davis A Company COOL. SLEEPING ROOMS and , Auditors furnished apartments. Stewart Accountants 310 Austin Strut. 817 Mima Bide Abilene. T.xaa r Hotel. rX hearings onapplications for pardons, reprieves and com mutations of sentence were mado mandatory and the board will thrcc-'membc- i f.til-7-iC- FOR RENT - Applications will bo made automatically when an Inmate has served his minimum term or has become eligible under a classification and examination system pro vided In tho act. c r sstcm-- f 32 was 'part of thoatdminlstratioAv ApartrnntB 3$ FURNISHED apartment; cvery- - gislative program proposed Gov. Frank Murphy which liwas ining , Modern; j private Wth; 001 Lancaster. NEJWLY finished .three room fur- fi'nnrttviAtA U BU11UU1U .U,JJU1 W. E. 0i$PBEL$j; M. D. Sf. rnnnlft! 7lT7 Ahrnnm " Limited to ONE room furnished apartment: Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat . couple 'orily; alio three room un- , Abilene, Texas' ,, furnjshed apartment for rent. 211 , -- In i Y Jf " one-ma- cally Unclcr X2 nntysoiicitca. -'- 'A v directly responsible to the new di rector, took the job which had given Michigan governors many wor ries, previously, executives had fol lowed the recommendations of their parole commissioners in granting clemency, but now this work is handled by the boaro. No Parole Applications The new system emphasizes restarted. habilitation rather than punishWork Is ment. Tho board has sole Initiative A corrections commission operat to grant paroles and no appllca consolidates state-- tion'xau be accepted-from-p- r! son welfare department has taken over crs, their attorneys or relatives. ' Applications For Pa-', v DAILY' HfftALD adopted and signed. "This will be one of the most ad Vanced and outstanding systems In the nation," Murphy predicted when ho approves the act. The law was effcctlvft lmmedl ately and preliminary work of changing over from tho old prison n parole commission and system has been commissioner equip CLOSING HOURS 11A.M. ,f FORMER Neel's 'hotel and courU Week Days Saturday 4P.M. v at 108 Nolan under now management; clean sleeping? rooms; hot Kb advertisement accepted oh 'nnd'i Cold water: comfortable nn "until" forbid" order. A sped' and furnished courtsjtbalH, show fto nupier of. Insertions 'jnust vra, luuuuiiumc. perujuuent icn bo glvi. (& i SMMl condition; 20th BU sale; mangle, tf !, ,j.-t- we SMINiS THE " Michigan Law 20 Musical Instruments 20 perfect cheap; Ej at Opens Wide ?6 Miscellaneous 26 press, tiAUNDRT for Pen Reform wasner ana' ouicr per paying wltn INFORMATION r.tr . V for sale; CLASSIFIED regularrate. l - ij m a gi Lj I J 1 .ytyr. L pmrm ft :f r rztrn JTf -- - o C Ci 0 o r ' V :j r, ? PAGI r THE , A Z KHhT today SfrfSJS MllHrHfiFN' PW? IAST tImes LAST TIMES TODAY " SINGASONG 1 I MHKJp""wih',Pittiffi ESmmks W itr liugSt from th ''attaieaaaayBBWHtt0iaaiii'mifc"M Wffl J ItS' t- 2 1 0 A1 HcRALD Bfenew Work Hearings Oh Beer ForHigWay For Tomorrow (Continued from Fnge 4) Licenses Slated tains lis "goals." This will be cal eulated on tho following basis: Locnl Coininiltcc, En tl.BO for each ae'ra within thn general giuccrs Duo To goal." This will bo adjusted according to pro' Meet Tucsdny ductlvlty of farms. '. If special . oals are attafned each Developments Monday revived Inacre within this will rccolvo pay terest In tho Andrpws-BI- g Sprlig ments on -- normal yieiu"' as fol- road to tho highest lcv61 slnco the lows! Corn, 10 cents a bushel: cot chamber of commorco was forced ton, 2 cents n. pound; tobacco, .5 to Jo mnlto Ha secondary objective 1.7 cents .a pound; rice, .2 cents a Ucro durlni: this cllv's crmnalEH pound; peanuts, .12 conts a Bound ior location of tlio stato hosplta" 70 conts'fOr each ncro within unit hero. c.QnscjJilnjjiiic'r.caga nr nnctourth Umlfif W66d, Andrews' coUnacroago If this .is ty tho judge, conforrcd with J. H larger. urccno, of commorco wuiitB iui- utiuii ucrc iesioreuio manager, clmmucr hero Monday mornln grass in Great Plains states. $2 an aero for commercial vege and said tliat- although tho rightbond election thcro had tables grown on farms In 1936 and y 1937 and commercial orchards on been postponed until Oct. 23, thcr'' ? niiio qouDt would .TrfnTUV --101(1 . tnat'.it fnrm , , ,,. ,, , TWO ARE INJURED JN TRAILER ACCIDENT - -- Hearings on nil annllcatlons for supplementary beer licenses win m ield in tho county courtroom at 2 p. m. Tuesday, County Judge t Jttaymoi ik. !1 . II A HB- - "Paramount News f$ '? Adolpho Menjou tir-- o f j 1 Govt. Spam 1 II MarketS t$& FORTAVORTH FORT WORTH, Tex., Sept. 205 OP) (U. S, Dept Agr.) Hogs 1,500; truck ,tbp'"ll:45 paid by shippers; packer top 11.35; bulk good to 0 lb. 11.30-4butcher choice pigs 9.00 down; packing sows fully ? steady, mostly B.50. Cattle 5,200: calves 4.000: market slow; load good to choice fetijrycar' lings from experiment station 13.00; most steers and yearlings ell glblo to sell from most M. beef cows good heavy cows COO upward,, most bulls 4.25' 5.50; stock steer calves of gopd 180-30- t . E- - k ,.x 5; V V '' 5.50-9.0- IN "CURBSTONE REPORTER" KBST 6:45 P. 4.25-5,7- quality I Public Quarreling On Stage Seems .V. Sept 20 UP) and nervous i-- Ivives have found a new cure for family rifts, a therapeutic theatre .here, where they go on tho stage nnd quarrel to their, heart's con " new publication, journal- - of "Sgciomctry," lnter-person- rela-tlnna- ." Thocdltor f is Dr. Gardner Murphy df, Columbia University. 'The publisher is J. L. Moreno, M.D., who, built the theatre. Tha Idea Is defined thus "The s full psychodramai'bf our not emerge; it.is burled In and between us." In''tlis theinterrela-'tlona.doe- atre, (iEP-(US- " ' , play-actin- plny-octln- IVA' JEWELRY? BROOKS and LITTLE W State Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 393 -- up-tllt- spontaneous done Under; medical supervision , has by&Sflht out some of the hidden facts of married lives. The new Journel describes the things wont wrong. g of "Robert" and , his Another couple was "George" some life "Mary."' They She seemed to suffor j3Lthelr,.tiffs,jind at.ihe.'eamo time andjjiAnne." fromf hysterical outbursts when afo'no' with her. husband. In pub-lleshe treated him like a superior bc(iug;f Alone, she called him vile - ' rfames, . She was an actress, her stage parts always' "sweet" dlsposltloncd. On tho thercapeutic thcalro stage she was given exactly opposite roles, and told to be a tcrmangant. These she- enacted at first with COMPLETE LINE persons other than "George." She acted these role's "with' de Your credit is good here. light." Gradually she developed a Enjoy wcarl'jg it wliile sense of humor about them. Then pay. you she nnd her husband began acting together on tho therapeutic stage, ST. MAIN 40 209 PHONE iHer sense of humor persisted, and in a xcw. monins ner nysicncai ins at home, stopped altogether. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- 1,500 through; market slow, few spring lambsi a;rcd wethers and fat cwcs steady; spring lambs 9.D0 down; most of tho kood springers includ ing fqur decks by rail held at 9.75 and "10.00;. yearlings scarce, aged spoke aloud the thoughts they had wethers 5.00; fat ewes 4.25. felt, but not uttered, during the CHICAGO & quarrels V CHICAGO, Sept. 20 HOgs 12,000; top.12.G0; bulk god f'SKb never puts things In. the right placo," wia ono qf "Robert's" and fcho.ee 19030 Ik 12.356Q; most sows good packing asides.- - One of "Mary's!- - was! "ili Cottle 21,000; calves 2,500; grass 1st so restless. Why didn't he let cOjVs, heifers and shortfed steers ( under prcssur.e,"Jt,eers selling at me 'Wash the' dishes.?"-."Robert's" "trouble, it developed, 12.50 downT early top fed steeis one about time 18.75; several loads held at 19.00 was two nUbrc-scsand .the other about space. He'tl-wiy- s and above; fed yearling heifers and worried for fear of' betngplato weighty fleshy cows lully steady; This 'tm9 ' bulb fully steady; voalers steady to for appointments. trouble was so bad that he wenrto -- o lower ai u.uu uown. one appointment three hours early Sheep 16,000; spring lambs slow; to escape worry over being late. In early sales and bids on natives 25 "s'pace" anything misplaced, even and more lower; talking 11.25., to corner of a 11.50 on good to choice 'natives: the slightly rug, worried him. best' held above 11.75; as yet noth"Robert" and "Mary" found the ing done on westerns; sUAep steady cure for.', their troubles on the to easier; ewes 3,50- They learned 5.00. tticrapcuttc stage. how to talk to each other when 10.75-11-.2- 5. of -- the 7 first six Tha resjjlts' tnontha..use . of this theatre jTor se'rlthese domestic,' and for more 'ous mental ..troubles, is. reported in a Including 4,500 Rifts TbBeCurSFor troubled husbands 7.50-3.5- Sheep LODGE'i(iJI5ETING )i S. Morrison, acting worshipful master, reminded mimlinrn nt thn Masonic lodge of a meeting at 8 p. m. toaayin the lodgot hall, Work COTTON NEW ORIGANS NEW OREEANS, Serf!, 20. UP) Cotlon futures,1 ctosed steadv at net declines of 9 to 15. paints. Open High X,ow Close Oct. 8.78 8.78 8.71 8.72 oJcc. 8.79 8.81 M'ch.- 8.88 May 9.00 Jly. 9.07 Jan. 8.79 8.81., 8.70 8.70 8.74 8.74 8.85 8.83-8- 6 9,01 8.C0 8.90 0.10 9J3 9.03 k NEW ORLEANS, Sept. '20. W) Spot cotton closed, steady; 15 points lower. Sales 16,933; low middling ,aj; miudling u.w: good middling 9.25; receipts 9,238; stocks 307,C0S. MEW YOB- K- - NEW YORK, Sept. 20 (PJ Cot ton futures cloaedjbarely steady, p toll Oct Dec. '.""J. lower, v Open High Low Last 8.80' 8.82 SV70 8.71 Jan; , fl', . , . . 8.75 8.70 Men- ,..i....8.85 8,85 ........ 8.7-- 8.75-7- 8,63 8.07 8.77 8.63' 8.07 8.17 6 Ladles Ifecpert All BEAUTY $ " M Barber Operator nf CULTURE T .Irian 8"1 8.9U-7.8- Up But SwTv affecting pressure. ' GENEYA, Sept. 20 UP) -- jgiThe League of Nations assembly re fused today to grant government Spain a seat in the league council for ihe next three years, to the jubilation of member nations sym pathetic wun tne insurgent regime on Generalissimo Francisco Fran co. ii consequence of a statement Saturday by Ernest O. Thompson commission chairman, oil'men" "at tho hearing were of the, opln'dn the state's, basic. allowable' for October - : . .i .. wouia pe sinrjjtantally less than the allowance of 1,499,384 "barrels on September 18. T,he bureau of mines estimated demand for Texas olKnext month at As a, " - barrels daily&Purchasers' Lesion Woo r nb H iV f-- & Iv &o a vJiruiii-iiH- "v. -- JtLJ.-.'- (t- t . ;-. o -- ' - - 06d thilsfS'.- with to eatc z'mmBx Madrid-Valenc- ia tWo-thlr- W"'" .- fP v KM?m A government (Contijiue rrom rage 1) failed by nino votes, to obtain the -'majority s'necessary for r,n... l.MAn Cnntn-k' (num. ,a.,a,1 kill W at least one meeting this fall (. .,u .i;. .it. uiam a fii;9i;iii. 3tudy tho constitution. , year ferm expires this year. "In the face of the 'trend over' r A few minutes later, the assem bly r.lso rcfuscd'.to declare Turkey period of years away from loca' eugiDio tor election to tno'councllj self'govcrnment," ho declared, "t'p Spain' rema ns, ot course, a mem- -' ncreased tendency toward centraliber of tho' league" ami may send" a zation" "of government authority representative to counclU sessions tho proposals-.ttransfer judicial ISpaHiHJHHPHraHraHMHKHJBHHHBHHjHH dealing with matters 'concerning authority to the legislative x. x x iYta Tionil frtf ailfn-nctVlosn trnrtrlfl will to vote right lack her but the In council,. such a tudy" . j Tho vote came at a ses The commander described the whei'aln British Foreign Secretary constitution and "an independent Anthony Eden deplored that "peo-- judiciary" as the "only bulwark pics of tho world seem as afar "ai through which to' preserve tho free- ever from atta'hlng peace." !om andjibertyiof the clt'zen," H Eden,"nledging Br tain to un did notjmention" either Presidont stinted Effort toward preserving Rdbseelt'or tho new dcaj ' name. peace, nevertheless, belittled the Adherents of six candidates for importance, of. Germany's demand national commander wero busy for return of war-lo"colonies, peeking support for their favorites some of thera now under British in elections tb be held Thmvrday. control; and Inferred Italy herself Candidates' for national com was to blame 'fortho limited patrol mander Include: Dan Dohertv of areas .offered hre by 'tho Nyon conMass., Stephen F. ferees on piracy in tho Mediter f'oburn, Seattle, Wash., Raymond ranean. :Celiy of- Detrcil, I!lch Lynn U. Stumbaugh of Fargo, N. D Mllo J. Warner of. Toledo, Ohio, and VinTHEATRE EMPlfOYE cent A. Carroll of' Philadelphia Pa. r.The "? v HI rT : nominations .for October were 1.- oao.oju Darreis daily, a decline from September of 9,420, Ml HI r iN . 1,430,300 ' - .- - ia)fJBZ Wv jj b-- st KILLED IN CRASH AmericaiTrBusiness Cliib Wins Next Dist. Meeting. DALLAS. Sent. 20 UP) Funeral :3rvices will bo held at Navasota, icx., this afternoon tor George Ehinger, Jr., WichltalFalls theatre employe, wKoYdl'ed "fioro'ye'sterday from Injuries .received In an autoDouble honors came to Big mobile coljislon at Grand Prairie Spring at the conclusion of th,e anSaturday niht. nual mooting of district .Noo 8 of Survivors are Mrs. Ehinger, 25, tho American Business club3 in tho .wldowf-'undc.rtreatment for i' Enid, Okla., Saturday evening. actured leg anuVhead abraslonc W. D.Carnctt, first president or received lj.tho.Bamo'iijccldent, nni "Big Spring cliib", "was named 'Jr.' nnd Mrs. Georgo II. Ehlngor? tho district governor and Big Sprinn parents o! won Gr of Fort Worth, in Jts campaign for tno uia -- ' ,. Ehinger. trlct convention hero In 1938. Selection of Big Spring as the meeting place, and Caractt a" RESIDENCE HERE IS w next governor gave'Tcxas a clcanswecp DESTROYED BY FIRE of the, club's cSnvcntions fof 'no:: car, slnco AmarlllbJhad previously Oamaco estimated at $1,500 rtf- - won the'rlght to entertain tho nex suited tfrom a firo which destroyed convention, , a house Jat 400 North West Third nationalieadcrs Club hero said that tlio street Sunday morning, he!'" bo Firemen sa.d that Johnnie Green, district convention would Osto negvo who lived at tho house, told hero either in September or them, tho Jilazo originated from an ber of next yeah Attending tho meeting rrom nerc oj stove explosion. Only his three wero Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reet'.cr, M- -. chlldien wero at tl'io house at the and Mrs- - W. D- - Cariett,. .Eugcn.1 time of tho blast, ? No'insuranco wasearrlcd cither Thomas, Lucille caublo and HUSi on the house or the furnishings, -- JHBEIft JrlPB5B in frosty bottles from your own refrigerator,1 Ice'Cqld is a natilfarpaftner of 'good things to eat. Try it with buttered ' and salted popcorn. You11.be glad you did. ,. Coca-Col- a, l ' J ft ' ? SUFFERS INJURIES J, E. Paynu, president of the Ros- well, N. M., ball club, was'Itiju'-o'- ' I ; -.:, wnmMamMmkmmmmfri '.- - Hospital Notes '8.88-8J- 2a:) 5-- 7-- 8. YF,i &fy l fflW ysssSS ttt 5-- 5-- 3-- .' '1 Enjoy Capttiline's Action 5-- 33,-90- t'J jllf 3-- 1-- 4. 1-- fjt P. " ii&wJBlraRatwHTHllr' ti- S8Ht.Hi " Here comes refreshment-pu- re, wholesome refreshment -f- or all the family and jts friends , , . in a sfebottle carton, Sbc,bottIes forydur ice-bat home. oi ;'! '3 C O C A-- C 1--8, ralaxation-apu-dln- 0--8. 3--8, ... j., 'i j mi rur an i. 1-- 2, Carftrs J FOR HEADACHE 5--8. 3-- W. Hon-Jr(- Paradfo Bauty Salon s. ACTIVE STOCKS Permanents $150 DeiuedPost With L gu.e. slightly. Saturday night when his car ovei turned twice threoa miles Big Spring Hospital 4.ycaivold will-b- e easl-o- fKlven-ln Miss Wanda-Lo- ur Coleman-.- Robert'-Darn'eU ilay...,..,,8r95 " rKasald, Haskell, was also sllghjly hurt. daughter of Mr( ahd Mrs. B. F. 9,03 9.05 ."8,07 8..98-0-9 JUly Petty, 1502 Nolanv8treet, underwent formerly resiaca; ncro. Spot quiet; mlddllni.8.95. a tonsillectomy at the hospital tries. Jhe Teachers have earned SON BORN C. Monday mprnlng, ono vjctory and played once to u Born, to Mr. and Mr?. J, W, scoreless lie. H. S, Brlcker of Mldlondwas In Wood at Blvlngs hospital Sunday Sales, morning, a son. Mother and child tho liospltal Monday morning for It NEW YORK, Sept, neljihango of are doing well. closing price and tonsillectomy. the fifteen most active, stocks to' CONDITION TJNCHANGED day: A. R. ICavanugh, Texas & Padown 1 US Stl, 52,600, 8S cific engineer, who Is under treat-tnedown 1 Anac, 46,700, 41 at Blvlngs hospital following Gen Mtr, 36,500, 49.7-8- , up attack suffered Friday, down 1 Rep Stl, 31,800, 20 Mieart up about the some today, lie 9 Radio, C EXTRA Is In a serious condition. down El P&1200, 15 down, 2. Kenn, 33,000, 47 EXTRA 0ctlon !' C.pujln. !t'i Teeth down 1 tha( mk ta many popU prfr It fo& Avoid Fa? Gen El. 22,600, 44 ot tlmpl )i.dclm jid other tli down 1 Int Nick, 22,100, 52 . iifopnirit; or Slipping Inonuilg pIm. WliyT Ukiuu CjuiHii. up qutcklr but lt tXTHA Chrys, 22,000, 94 You needryticar false teeth drop not only rll action brlngi .vrondttful rIatlon. up ping or slipping If you'll sprinkle a Param Fict.,20,800, 18 you r tlfJ, your nr tlm NY Cen, 2J&00, 28, up f fvd by ! carta anil worrlaa of tha day, little Fastoeth on your plateseach and you hava a baadacha, iutt try Capu-dln- a morning. Gives all day comfort and Pal, 19,700, 2 down The Morning AfterTakintf Gra ul and dlicovar tha btnafm of tnla dowu Colura G&gLjf 17,900, 10 teeth hold tight. Deqdorizes. 'No EXTRA action. You'll particulargummy, pasty, tasta or'feellng,Gel ly appraclata tha rattful Liver Little Pills quickly tha whlla la aaIn It brlnxa M down Pure Oil, 16,800, 15 Capudlna from any dni( it era Fastccth from your druggist "Three Cat Ealn, 8lze.-A- d Beth Stl, 16,800, 75, dowa 1. Ifrc, XX, or Ma alaaa. ladf.l 5-- Paradise Beauty Salon , ,T- -.. Will Lack RJsht To "Vote On Subjects Before Council LIVESTOCK HHHHHMNnnnni jML Kg, C SO SiS lent. C.oiisfjpat iosi ..If. r- ll Tl TIJIi ' " -- m jFj Tyiono Powot. ' by . Wz&few XorottaYoura SjV5-ij!- i- S$)T TMl ol'ttl rMunb" ((JIUDYARD KIPLIHO A Public Records Xt ; Ui dlrtjyju.. l If! deUgkrful i dHcioin ,.Jfc.. 'AflA I?C5k-'- rggfthec BEACON, - . TrT, " Pursued Hei& Starting Tomorrow Greta Green" auto-mobl- lo , " Starting Tomorrow aCTJNE Pls: "VAUDEVDLLE . FES"TTVAL" '$! "Villian Still' XT 20lh;tf ,.JMV JHHHHHHHTJ Plus: ' ;Hi amHI Jmr. - J "S.tream- - SigR v iVI 4hk HHU , Bur-roug- rr: Plus: Metro News i Two people' "wcrq Injurcdf non Ecrlously, fata Sunday afternoon' whclKa trailer attached to an broke looso 'and overturned oh tho San Angcto highway About 25 mites south of horc. M.-- , J, Alford and Ban, M. J, Jr., riding In tho trailer being, drawn by a car (driven by Frank wcroxtho injured. Tlio party was on routo from Rocjcdrijo tr Lamcsa wherd ttiey wero to pick cotton on a farm near Lamcsa. J. 1.1, Morton, also of Rockdale, was In tho car with Burrough. Alford's nephew, Hilton Avcrltt, 'Rbckdalc, Wns uninjured.- ,' They wore brought to Big Spring hospital where young Alford wa treated for a fractured' Jeft arm and faeo and body lacerations. Mrs. Alford sustained lacerations and bruises about tho body, Charles Sullivan announced Mon day. Approximately a dozen such an- plications havo been filed. Tho supplementary, permits wit' bo required after Oct, 1 for all places selllnK beer between' Vac hours of midnight and 7 a., m. anil on Sundays. ,In order to sccuro such licenses, :no -- operator or tlio biaco af f eclou 'iy tho permit must provo that the normal salo of food and other com modules for human 'consumption exceeds In valuo ,tho salo of beer during tho hours covered by tho supplementary license. It was believed that tho requlr- CITY COURT BUSY licensed ?,? andsrrTTT, f jnpunh," ho said, "to Bhow folk" y result In tho closing of some In a' .busy weekend, city pollco ujjro mat wo. mean ousinoss.wc or tho. suburban beer parlors at brought1 13 cases Into cbrporato to aro going wdnt to know soon midnight. court Monday, .'morning. Just to what point wo will join tho E-J- ex Although the licenses are grant- - Six were charged with drunken road at thq Martin count1 HibV ness, thrco with traff c violations, Grcono announced that tho spo-cl- d by tho countv.- ludiro. Judco Sul- - ono with .speeding, ono with vagUvan reminded that tho stato l'qusr (Continued lrrom rage 1) commttco on tho Anjlrcws-B'f- ! rancy, ono with potty theft(and ono 3prlng "road would bo "called to Control board has nuthor!tjt,4to for nffrgjj. If an Investigation of tho apjjoicnuni wnuo juast Texas was meet Immediately after tho noon plicant's Included In tho activities of po business warrants. session limited to 2.32 per ccnt-o- f of hero alservlco clubs hourlv llco were tho expulsion' of four per-- ,, potential." Cottlngham replied- that Tuesday, . sons from tho city as,, suspected5' isast Texas must be .held down to Ho added, that W. A. French, Abi narcotic addicts. One of thoso ar obtain the greatest ultimate oil re lene, and Georgo Finloy, Pecon, rested on another charge was held ' covery. i 23 a suspect for another city. division engineers of tho state h!gh Building Permit rno engineer sad h s nrcssuro way department, would bo here T. A. to garage build Morris a at drop calculations wore mado from N,Ar,rl(?. ..,). , tn rrr, n.,M i a , tests In only 90 wells but ho con p03ed routo and. givo tentative app 1108 E. 6th street, cost $50. sidered them representative. conitlpatlon . cauiea .you G. In- -. i, roval, if. possible.- - G., M- Garrett, Marriage Llpenso A. LAGulbcrson of Dallas; raised jtbbock, division' 'cngTnccr, wac Wesley Hudson, Midland, and- A lv"sltln. Vet nulclc relict with ADLE- tho point thfttpart of the 'decline Unabloto Attend., thqparloy but Dorothy Taylor, .Midland (negroes IUKA.. Thorough in acUon ret en- lirei',Renito anu Bate. was due to Targe withdrawals" of notlf'cd local leaders- - that his road water, which Cottlngham, eskiroat- - division could meet the road any Now Car --C. H. Borpff, Ford tudor. ca amounted to 70,000 barrels a day whore on the east Andrews line. irom the woojtblne sand. McmbTers on tho special comm't- Biles & Lone-- , l'liarmacy, Inc., and If the water withdrawals could teo are Grover Dunhntn, Joyo' Fish- - Ted Groebl, J. L. LeBleu and Cal Cunningliam & Philips, Druggist "" bo stopped, Cottirighr'm sa"d, the R. T.. Cook, W. T. rr 7 . Soykin. Adv. " field could produce an additional 50,000 barrels of oil dallysVIthout '.. & TBT,lba. irv varlablo-rates-for-pastu- Hi 201937 SEPTEMMR MONDAY o Wallace - HftHBPWMWflHvHHHIHHS ti DAILY SPRING QUEEN LYRIC TODAY p LAST TIMES 1IG 3--4, Telephone 859 H O LA BOTTLING GO. 1008 J East 3rd St, 1