Volume 14, Issue 3 - The Barony of Rivenstar

Hail to the New King & Queen of the Midrealm Cameron II & Amalie II
Volume 14, Issue 3
The RivenSTAR
Bimonthly Edition
The Saints and an Investiture
By Katrín Grímsdóttir
n Saturday the twenty third day of the month of
April, we as a barony gathered to celebrate the
investiture of Maighstir Adhamh MacAoidh and
Uaile Malie Bean MhicAoid as the next Baron
and Baroness of Rivenstar. This historic event took place
during the evening court of Their Royal Majesties Nikolai
and Serena and witnessed by Their Royal Highnesses
Cameron and Amalie as well as members of baronies
and shires from lands near and distant throughout the
Hail to the New Baron & Baroness
of Rivenstar Adhamh & Malie
Before allowing our beloved Moonwulf and Takaya to
step down, Her Majesty gave us a heartfelt story of how
Moonwulf had protected her in the field of battle. The
room must have been quite dusty as so many of us had to
wipe our eyes before we could watch as brave men and
women took their places and raised their swords
overhead as Adhamh and Malie were called into court.
Our herald, Nikolai, was given an Award of Arms for his
excellent service to the barony. Hoobah to Lord Nikolai!
Francoise Katze was taken
by surprise as she was
called into court to receive a
Dragon’s Heart for her
service that, as always,
goes above and beyond to
the Barony.
Our site, Ross Camp, was a picturesque backdrop for the
Japanese style vigil during the day. Both candidates for
the Order of the Laurel were elevated during court.
We further honored Their Excellencies by holding a
Constellation Regional Arts and Sciences Competition.
While the awards were handed out at court, we learned
that all entrants were eligible to enter the Kingdom Arts
and Science Competition. Congratulations to the winners!
(Continued on page 11)
All photos on this page submitted by Katrin Grimsdottir and John Skinner.
Inside this issue:
Newsletter Information & Officer Contact
Business Meeting Minutes
Three Saints and an Investiture Photos
Calendar of Upcoming Events
The RivenSTAR
Important information about this publication:
This is the May/June 2016, issue of the RivenSTAR, a
publication of the Barony of Rivenstar of the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). The RivenSTAR
is edited and available from Kathleen Hill, 2601 Soldiers
Home Rd #17, West Lafayette, IN 47906. It is not a
corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate
SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2016 Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting
photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication,
please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in
contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect
the legal rights of our contributors.
The RivenSTAR gratefully accepts submissions of articles
and artwork. These must be copyright free and of interest
to the SCA community. The editor reserves the right to
edit material before publication due to content or space
constraints. Artwork should be submitted in electronic
format (gif or jpg files, please.) Use simple fonts like
Times New Roman or Arial for text submissions. Please
e-mail artwork, text submissions, and corrections to the
RivenSTAR editor Lady Katrín Grímsdóttir email:
Credits: A portion of the images in this publication are
protected by U.S. and Worldwide Copyright laws, and are
owned by Microsoft® Publisher 2016.
Clipart was downloaded from www.hasslefreeclipart.com
Officer badges can be found at the MK Chronicler’s
website in the clip art section http://www.midrealm.org/
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Regular Weekly Activities Info
Every Monday
Madrigal Singers Rehearsal
7:00 pm - Stewart Center
Contact: Pieter van Doorn email: sirpieter@juno.com
Baronial Business Meetings
8:00 pm - Stewart Center
Seneschal's contact information in officer’s list below
Every Wednesday
Heavy and Rapier Fighter Practice
6:00 pm - Summer Practice Held at Slayter Hill
Marshal contact information in officer’s list below
Every Sunday
Equestrian Practice
1:00 pm - Huis Doorn (Spring to Fall)
Archery & Thrown Weapons Practice
4:00 pm - Huis Doorn (outdoors weather permitting)
Marshal contact information in officer’s list below
Other special activities and classes will be announced at
meetings, Facebook, or www.midrealm.org/rivenstar
Medieval Society of Purdue Contacts
President - Elizabeth of the Marshes
email: marshe@purdue.edu
Faculty Advisor - Gallien le Cavalier de l'Ile (Lyle Janney)
Officers of the Barony of Rivenstar
Baron - Maighstir Adhamh MacAoidh (Adam Shepherd)
email: baronofrivenstar@gmail.com
Herald - Nikolai Vasilei Stefanov (Drake Meed)
email: nvsrivenstar@gmail.com
Baroness - Uaile Malie Bean MhicAoid (Molly Magee)
email: baronessofrivenstar@gmail.com
Chronicler - Lady Katrín Grímsdóttir (Kathleen Hill)
email: katrinthescrivener@gmail.com
Seneschal - Brianna the Small (Breanna Jones)
email: brej939@gmail.com
MoAS - Signora Aurora Lucia Marinella (April Maybee)
email: auroraluciamarinella@gmail.com
Knight's Marshal - Lord Orentil (Ron Schanlaub)
email: rschanlaub@gmail.com
Exchequer - Lady Françoise Katze (Ann Nordmeyer Longcor)
email: ldyfrancoise@netzero.net
Rapier Marshal (MIT)- Roberto de Barcelona (Bob Bruner)
email: cneko71@gmail.com
Chatelaine - Lady Marilynde of the Rocks (Mary Rusek)
email: Mary.rusek@swiftenterprises.com
Archery Marshal - Wilhelm of Rivenstar (Ryan Jones)
email: jonesra789@gmail.com
Web Minister - Lady Eirinn nic Dhomhnaill nan Eilean
(Jennifer McDonald)
email: rivenstar.webminister@gmail.com
Equestrian Marshal - Countess Takaya Mereleone,
(Vickie Poole)
email: takaya@juno.com
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Dance Mistress - Briana Stonefield (Mary Ellen Miller)
email: mxmiller21@gmail.com
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes 4-4-16
Event Reports:
Bob went to Rites of Spring and reported that despite
straight line winds, the event was successful once they moved
fencing indoors. It seems like the wind caused quite a mess
at Unicorn as well. Malie and Adam reported a tree fell on
the church they were in, but it didn’t do much damage.
We sang Happy Birthday to Moonwulf. And as his gift to
Moonwulf, Pieter admitted he was incorrect.
Officer Reports:
The first outdoor practice was cancelled due to severe wind.
They will try again this weekend. We discussed the pros and
cons of materials used for the new arrow back stops.
Rocky will bring the loaner garb to the Wednesday practice
before the event.
Katrin asked permission to include a yard sale Ad in the
Newsletter. Katrin and Djenn (Jen Hayes-active in Rivenstar
back in the 90’s) are having an enormous yard sale
Saturday May 28th. Many of the items will be of interest for
people in the SCA especially newbies.
Francoise received another prepayment. This makes 6.
Bob is our newest MIT. Geo is thinking about starting up the
Rivenstar Irregulars fencing team again. Malie is willing to
make new cloaks for new members of the team.
They are working on the coronets and mounting bezels.
Pieter made a groan worthy joke about being embezzlers.
Recommendations for kingdom awards were made.
New Business:
Armory Scheduling
- Gallien informed us a major scheduling issue with the
Armory over the next few months. We might need to move
the Wednesday night fighter practices from 8-10 pm to 6-8
pm. He will keep us updated. This may be a good time to
look into alternative to the Armory should the need arise.
- He will also track down the MSoP president and see if the
Monday and Tuesday night rooms have been scheduled as
well since we are getting to the end of our spring semester
Medieval Society of Purdue T-Shirts
- Griffin came in and gave us an update on the t-shirt
order. We have until the end of this week to get him your
orders for either style t-shirt and size. So far, we have
enough orders to reduce the price to $13.99 each. There
was confusion about when the money was actually due. See
Griffin for more details.
- The money will need to go through the club treasurer since
it’s an MSoP activity.
- Rachel, Briana, and Rocky get free t-shirts for submitting
their designs. Pieter suggested we just increase the price of
the t-shirts for everyone else to pay for those three shirts.
Griffin also wants to hand out free t-shirts at the next BGR
event. He is looking into funding for that.
We talked about having buttons for Purdue recruiting events
as well. Katrin has a 2 inch button maker and would be
willing to lend it to the cause. We would just need to buy the
button parts.
Upcoming Craft Fairs
- Fleece Fair (Greencastle Fiber Fair) is coming up Fri and
Sat April 15th and 16th.
- Purdue’s Bug Bowl and Spring Fest is the same weekend
Sat and Sun April 16th and 17th.
- For more fiber events... http://fiddleheadfibers.com/
Spring Event
- Once Sigulf confirms that we can rent the dorm rooms, we
will be able to offer rooms to rent. We already have
several requests.
- We discussed more specifics about Royalty
accommodations. Mostly a repeat of last week (see last
week’s minutes.)
- We are not holding a separate Baronial Court. There is
too much going on. The Investiture will be short and sweet.
- Sigulf discussed the various signs we will need to make
and what signs we already have. We have sign holders and
Wulf’s iron stanchions.
- Francoise confirmed that the A&S Faire people will have
all of their own signs. She volunteered to be our onsite A&S
liaison and will inquire what room they want as a tally room.
- Sigulf will also ask Brian (Ross Camp) about WIFI
accessibility, electrical outlets in the classroom building, is
there a microwave in the dining hall, and if we can use that
spray chalk on the grass to mark out lines.
- Katrin passed around the draft for the site handout. We
discussed building names and several schedules were filled
out. We are guessing at the times for court, so everything is
still tentative.
- We discussed having the royal court at the dining hall and
having the royal presence at the list fields. We can have
some strapping young lads carry the chairs back and forth
for both courts.
- Site tokens are ready. ‘Coise has a box of old Saint cards
that were left over from previous years that will work well
for tokens.
- Aurora is designing the Feast recipe booklet which will
also serve as a feast token.
- The Facebook page has high numbers of people saying
they want to attend and people interested in attending. We
expect 250 people so far give or take cancellations.
- Troll will not take Lunch money and there will not be a
lunch token. People will pay at the dining hall for lunch.
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The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
Rocky requested that we have a check in list at troll for
people who are interested in buying lunch so she can see if
she will need to have someone do an emergency food run.
- Rocky will plan to have cheap and easy breakfast food
options for royalty and their attendees staying overnight at
the A-Frame.
- Gold Key (loaner garb) will be located in the dining hall.
- The girl’s dorm will be set up on the list fields. Loading
tents onto Nan and Pieter’s truck will happen Thursday 4-1416. Adam volunteered to drive the truck to the site.
- If you want to sign up for being an A&S judge, go to the
A&S Faire website to sign up.
- Briana is making Kumihimo favors for the archers and can
make more for favors for royalty.
- We can be on site on Friday as early as noon, but most
people won’t be there until 5:00 pm. So if you need
direction or help setting up, plan to be there at 5:00 pm or
shortly after.
Meeting Minutes 4-11-16
Officer Reports:
Submitted quarterly report. There was some discussion on
Facebook about missing reports, but that has been resolved.
We are still accepting stars (smaller ones) that will go on the
new cloak, preferably white or silver. The patterns were
posted on the baronial Facebook page.
Due date for all submissions for the next issue is April 15th.
Katrin would like to have the newsletter ready to present at
the event.
Nothing new to report until after the event. They plan to
begin practice with a basic horse intro and will use some of
the better behaved training horses.
They were snowed out again. We discussed more
construction details for backstops. The archery crew needs to
meet to iron out the final details for the event.
Katrin pointed out that someone had posted to the event
Facebook page offering to marshal and bring their own
gear for thrown weapons. We hadn’t planned to host thrown
weapons, but if someone is willing to host, staff, and supply
the gear, then we do have space for it. Wilhelm will follow
up on their offer.
We have two new people; Rocky introduced them at the
meeting. (I didn’t catch their names.) Rocky will have the
loaner garb available this Wednesday at practice.
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Coordinated the schedule to get the new signatures for the
bank. Discussed types of ID required. The event fee wording
was finally updated. There will be some discussion of being
able to prepay for registration in the future.
Pieter will not be here next Monday. The singers decided to
hold the practice in his absence.
To all officers, make sure you check the submission dates for
your reports and send them in promptly!
Will update Ursus with the changes to the website that
occurred tonight.
New Business:
Medieval Society of Purdue T-Shirts
- Griffin updated us on the status of the T-Shirt sales. We
have 3 options for taking payment: the student org pays for
the t-shirt order and every pays the student org back, we go
through the barony and have the Exchequer cut a check and
take money from the populous, or we hand money over to
Griffin or some other third party. Time was a critical factor
since the students will be leaving in a few weeks. There were
no Purdue logo conflicts that we could see in the design, so
Purdue approval was unnecessary. Underground Printing
requires the full amount of the order up front before they
will send an approval version of the shirt.
- After a lengthy debate, we decided it was best to have
the barony pay for the order up front and we can pay
money to Francoise. Griffin will update the students and an
announcement will be made on Facebook. We agreed to
round down the prices of the shirts since they had such odd
numbers. We have the money from last year’s lunch that was
earmarked for the student org to make up the difference.
- Griffin will make out emails to those with shirt orders to let
them know their final totals. Make checks out to The Barony
of Rivenstar.
Regalia Committee
- We discussed independent gifts versus baronial payed
and owned regalia. There was some confusion as to what
items will and will not be reimbursed. As of today, all items
purchased before budget approval will be considered gifts.
Those items include the cloaks and coronets.
- A formal budget for items needs to be brought up to the
Exchequer, the head of the regalia committee, and Their
Excellencies Moonwulf and Takaya, with consideration for
Their “Nexcellencies” Adhamh and Malie before anything
should be purchased if you hope to be reimbursed.
- A budget was passed around for the construction of the
candle holder. The general consensus was to make them
compatible with electric tea lights since so many events are
flame free.
- We also discussed thrones and the throne box that Palinor
is making. After a lengthy debate, we finally decided that:
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
The thrones can wait until after the investiture to be
commissioned. The wood is to have a natural stain finish.
We would like just a simple white Rivenstar on a blue shield
without the other wreaths and augmentations to decorate the
matching throne and box.
- The new spoon of authority will be here next Monday. We
discussed the designs and embellishments.
- The Regalia Committee would like to have greater
transparency, so people can know what’s happening behind
the scenes. Drake will work on having something that can be
posted on the web.
Spring Event
- The freezer is full again. Marion updated us on how the
food prep is going. She would like to have a meeting with
everyone who will be helping out with feast this year.
Meeting TBA.
- We’ve been getting requests to volunteer to help from
people outside the barony.
- Sigulf will bring in the volunteer sheet next week. We also
decide to have a different section for those wanting to
volunteer for Royalty duties. Both rosters will be open to the
barony and the non-baronial populous. The sign-up sheets
will be posted online.
- We will post the non-parental children forms, non-member
waiver, and the underage children forms online so people
can fill those out ahead of time. There will be hard copies
available at Troll as always.
- Sigulf will send Wilhelm a list of signs that we need made.
- Consolidated notes from the Facebook post by Sigulf and
the meeting: Spray paint is okay for marking lines. The
classroom building (#8 on the map) has electricity, but no
WIFI. There is a microwave in the A-Frame, but not the
dining hall. There are 10 rooms for sleeping. 8 with bunk
beds, 2 with a single twin bed. Rooms will be cleaned and
locked when we pick up the keys. We just need to report to
Brian which rooms we used for billing. The bunks have access
to showers and bathrooms.
- Since WIFI is sketchy, people shouldn’t plan on live
streaming the event. There was mention of videotaping the
court, but no one has volunteered to run the camera.
- More discussion about tents and tent transportation.
Nothing new was discussed.
- There are no brewing entries as of yet, but the A&S
coordinator still needs to know time and place for judging.
We decided the judging will happen at Wulf’s house at
1:00 pm if we have any entries.
- A&S judging will end whenever they are done with all of
the entries so there is no need to put an end time on our
- We have four merchants signed up so far.
- The A&S class schedule will be finalized next week.
Meeting Minutes 4-18-16
Officer Reports:
The Mar/Apr Newsletter is done and will be posted online
soon. Verified the names of the t-shirt winners to update the
Practice was successful and people met to finalize the
archery/thrown weapons schedule for the event.
Collecting money for t-shirts. Wulf and others will get the
word out to the students that they need to get us their money
ASAP. There are still issues with the bank and getting the
signature cards changed. If the problem persists, we will
consider going through another bank.
Verified with their Nexcellencies that the change of officer
paperwork is being submitted.
New Business:
Regalia Committee
- Wulf showed off the finished coronets.
- Adhamh brought in one of the finished candle holders for
the feast tables. They were made over the weekend in and
Adhamh and Malie’s garage.
Photos submitted by John Skinner.
Spring Event
- Takaya brought in some of the feast food experiments for
everyone to taste.
- Francoise asked about feast tickets and the cash box. We
decided to seed the box with $200 of 5s, 10s, and 20s. We
will have 80 tickets total to sell for feast. We have already
sold half that.
- Arranxta is making the Feast token cards instead of
- We discussed prizes and tokens for tourneys.
- Someone wanted to know if they could park an 18 foot
trailer on site. Sigulf will clarify if it is just to be parked or if
the person wants to camp in it.
- TRMs want to use the A-frame.
- There was discussion of transporting hay bales, tents,
regalia, thrones, and other equipment. People coordinated
schedules for the site Friday and Saturday.
- Confirmed that there is no morning court, just an evening
court to be held before feast.
- Sigulf will make sure the A-frame kitchen is cleaned up
after the A&S people are done with it.
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The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
- There are no alcohol entries so far.
- Katrin will make 300 copies of the site handout.
- The online volunteer sign-up sheet issues have been
resolved. We just need to get the word out that they are
online. We will also have sign-up sheets at troll.
- There was concern about having court in the dining hall.
The weather reports seem to indicate nice weather, but it is
Indiana. The chairs in the A-frame are NOT to be used
outside. Someone will post online to bring chairs, hats, and
- We discussed the best route to take people into the site
since there is so much construction. Wulf will post the signs.
We did post directions on the Pale Ad, but they are not the
best now due to construction. Sigulf will post an
announcement online to have people check google maps.
- Sigulf will be on site as early as 7:30 am.
- We created a cell phone contact list for the event. It’s
been easier to use cell phones than using walkies.
Meeting Minutes 4-25-16
Officer Reports:
Getting ready for upcoming wedding performance.
The newest newsletter edition has been posted online. Hard
copies will be available next week.
Passed out lots of garb Wednesday at fighter practice and
during our event. Rocky read off her quarterly report and
will be sending it out soon. Clair (Danielle) has volunteered
to be an apprentice for the office of Chatelaine.
Has a report due the 15th. Ursus has been diligently working
to update the website.
The archery group is happy to have the proceeds from the
event’s lunch. There will be an outdoor practice this Sunday.
People at our event were so impressed with the archery
targets this year, Wilhelm received a request to bring our
archery backstops to the 50th Year event. If we bring them
to 50th Year, then we will have to replace them for our own
use since we expect them to be wrecked by the end of their
event. The consensus of the group was to go ahead and
donate the archery targets.
Bob will be acting rapier marshal for Rivenstar until he gets
his full MIC status. Then he will take over for Malie. We had
4 members authorize at our event.
Seneschal/Student Org
Gallien reported that the student org has not held elections,
but he will follow up as well as check on the room
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reservations for the summer. He also reported that we should
have our regular Armory schedule when we return in the fall.
The process of getting the signatures changed at the bank is
progressing, but we still want to look at other banks. ‘Coise
will look at PEFCU as an option. We are still collecting
money for MSoP t-shirts. The t-shirts will be available this
New Business:
Spring Event
- We served 145 people during lunch and brought in
- Over 300 people passed through troll. We will have an
exact number next week.
- We oversold feast by 14 tickets, but we still had plenty of
food left over.
- Overall, the event was a success with great weather and
not too many problems.
- Court was very well attended with standing room only.
Breanna stood as the royal court seneschal. Nikolai stood as
queen side herald.
- Francoise received a Dragon’s Heart and Nikolai received
an AoA.
- Both vigils and the investiture were successful. We
received numerous comments about how beautiful our site
was especially for the Japanese vigil.
- We discussed site cleanup. No complaints from Ross
- Since we only had 3 bathrooms (two single unisex in the A
-frame and one men’s and women’s two stall bathrooms in
the Feast hall), we should consider renting port-o-johns.
- There was discussion about merchant placement in the
future and how to arrange the lists. We had too many
people walking right through the list areas including archery.
We discussed some ways we can dissuade people and kids
from crossing those lines.
- Archery and thrown weapons activities were well
attended despite being tucked behind buildings. The thrown
weapons group brought a large banner which helped
people find the two areas. We may want to look into
getting a banner like that for future events.
- We had lots of wasps everywhere and several people
reported getting stung. We were able to get some insect
spray and hit a few key areas later in the afternoon.
- There was still a great deal of confusion about the
building names and their purposes despite Katrin taking the
Ross Camp building names off of the schedule handout. Our
barony members just need to stop using the Ross Camp
building names and just use the names we gave them.
- There were lots of items left in the A-frame and the Feast
Hall. Come claim your stuff! If you took stuff home that
wasn’t yours, post it on the Facebook page as lost and
- We need better signs for parking. The signs for troll and
some other places were eventually found too late in with the
kitchen stuff. We should separate those so they are more
easily found.
- Moonwulf declared that someone else needs to post the
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
directional road signs next year.
- Lots of people were tying up the bathrooms due to garb
changing. There was a suggestion for a changing tent.
- Having lunch and feast prep together was doable, but
more difficult than it needed to be. We moved it so the A&S
cooking entries could have a kitchen space. If we use the site
again, we need to go back to using the A-frame for lunch.
- We need to make a list of alternative sites now rather
than later. Ross camp is beautiful, but their kitchen has some
serious downsides including a lack of dishwasher.
- People commented that this year’s feast was more sweet
than savory. We discussed people’s likes and dislikes of the
menu items. The feast progressed faster this year since court
ran so long.
- We discussed setting a budget for food for the royals for
when we have another royal event.
- Submit your receipts ASAP to the exchequer to get
50th Year
- We have under 5000 sq. ft. of space for the barony so
- Start thinking about what activities/parties we want to
host during the week.
- Gallien has offered to be the camp manager, but he will
not be able to be there a few days during the middle of the
week. Others have said they plan to be there all week. We
will have a schedule set up for people to “man the booth” so
to speak.
- Last day to pre-reg is May 17th.
- There will be standardized rules for camping with
Rivenstar and they will be adhered to or people will be
- Don’t forget to register for PENNSIC!
Meeting Minutes 5-2-16
Event Reports:
Sigulf attended a free showing of the Princess Bride. He
says the local Goodrich theaters will be showing it again
during the 10 am children’s shows most likely next month.
Takaya attended the Sternfeld Equestrian practice. She
rode and marshaled.
Officer Reports:
Performed at a wedding for Leslie’s daughter. There will be
no singing rehearsal over the summer. The madrigals will
meet again during the 1st week of classes.
Newsletter is available online and in hard copy. Katrin is
collecting people’s SCA names so she has the proper spelling
for future use in the newsletter and online.
No practice last week due to wet weather. They plan to
start up Thursday night practices again. Archery practice will
be held at Huis Doorn Thursday starting at 5:30 pm.
Roberto will be the new Rapier Marshal. He is still an MIT,
but we have plenty of full status marshals to continue to hold
practices until he finishes his training. He will also store and
transport the loaner gear.
The bank now has the checking account signatures. They are
on their way to the regional officer.
Student Org
Purdue student org elections are not due until the end of the
summer. Bethi will still be a student next year and will most
likely remain the student org president.
Still getting receipts and writing checks for the event.
Francoise needs those ASAP so she can turn in her event
We are still collecting money for MSoP t-shirts. The t-shirts
are available now. We were shorted one shirt, so she sent
out a request on Facebook for anyone who wanted more tshirts. That second order was placed and will be here soon.
Various people said they would contact the students who still
needed to pay and pick up their shirts. The semester is
ending this week. We decided that if the students left
without picking up their shirts, we would put them back up
for sale. If we do this again next semester, we need to go
through the student org office and not the barony.
The auction organizers for Coronation are looking for
donation items to put up for auction. If you have an item that
would work for an auction, see Their Excellencies or others
that are going to Coronation this weekend.
New Business:
Heraldic Banners
Arrantxa found small canvas banners that would make
lovely pageantry for camp and demos and wanted to know
if we wanted to buy them for the barony. We need to
discuss this further, but the general consensus was that
people can buy them for themselves and paint them or ask
others to paint them with their heraldic devices. We don’t
necessarily need to have them for baronial regalia. The full
conversation and photos can be found on the Baronial
Facebook page.
Scroll Scanning Project
Katrin wants to help members digitize their award scrolls
and post them on the website to let people see the artwork.
Ursus is willing to create a page dedicated to the scrolls.
We can post them in order of precedence rather than by
person. Katrin works at the Downtown library which has an
11X17 color scanner and is willing to help anyone who
wants to bring in their scrolls. The scanner creates a .jpg file
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The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
that can be emailed or saved directly to a USB drive. If the
scrolls are framed in such a way that they cannot be taken
out of the frame, we can take digital photos of them. The
group approved the project and Katrin will be in charge of
collecting the images and getting them to Ursus to post
We hope that this will generate lots of interest from the new
members and we can showcase the great deeds and
artwork of our members. For our local scribes, we can post a
link to any galleries you have of the scrolls you have made
for others outside the barony. Only scrolls received by
baronial members will be posted on the website.
Populous Page
To go along with the scroll scanning project, Aurora and
Katrin also wanted to collect images of people’s heraldry to
create a populous page. Images need to be either a
computer generated graphic or scanned pictures of artwork.
We decided that only registered devices should be
displayed on the website. People who want to get their
devices registered with the college of heralds should see our
Baronial Herald Nikolai for submission advice.
Katrin will coordinate this part of the project as well, so
please send us your SCA and Mundane names, scanned
images or photos of your award scrolls, and graphics or
scanned images of your registered heraldic devices to
Local Recruiting Ideas
- We need to sign up for one of the large window displays
just before the Fall Semester callout.
- Gallien will confirm that we are signed up for a table for
Boiler Gold Rush and the activities carnival.
- We should find out when that concert on Slayter Hill is
going to be. Last year was serendipitous that we had fighter
practice at the same time as the concert. There was lots of
traffic and we made several contacts and brought in new
members. We could ask surrounding baronies/shires for help
as well for that evening.
- We discussed having a table and possibly doing a demo
for Mosey Down Main Street this summer to generate more
local resident interest. Katrin volunteered to contact Mosey
for a table and demo space for June 4th and August 13th.
We discussed using a popup tent, needing flyers and
business cards, doing fighting and dancing demos, and
manning the booth.
Meeting Minutes 5-9-16
Event Reports:
Lots of people attended Coronation. Pieter reported that His
Majesty restarted the Iron Ring Tradition for fencing and
held the first tournament at the event. Warder Kai (sp?) won
the Iron Ring.
Page 8
Officer Reports:
On hiatus until fall semester begins.
The MAR/APR newsletter is available online and in hard
copy. Last week’s meeting minutes were posted. Katrin
updated the Rivenstar blog and added web links to the
more important event pages such as 50 Year and PENNSIC.
Summer practices have begun. Practices are being held
twice a week at Huis Doorn Thursdays at 5:30 pm and
Sundays at 4:00 pm. One of our new members, William, has
offered to hold arrow making classes (TBA).
We had 9 classes at our spring event.
Aurora is looking for deputies to either hold classes or recruit
people to hold classes at least once a year. There has been
an offer to teach silk painting for adults & tie dying for kids.
Brianna will be attending Wednesday night fighter practices
once a month to be available as seneschal for questions and
to get to know more of the people who mainly attend
fighter practices.
Is working on her report. Ursus has updated practically
every page on our website.
Francoise is waiting for the Constellation Exchequer to help
her balance out the financial report.
- Their first report has been sent in and they have sworn
fealty to the new crown.
- They showed off their new mantles which are blessedly
machine washable according to Aurora.
- The Investiture video was uploaded to the Midrealm
Facebook page.
New Business:
50th Year Registration Deadline is May 17th
Stick (sp?) asked if she could register with Rivenstar at the
50th year encampment. We agreed that was acceptable.
Nan will have a sign up for the PENNSIC food group for
those camping with Rivenstar.
PENNSIC Registration Deadlines: Mail in - May 30; On-line
pre-paid - June 18; On-line unpaid - July 8
Purdue Student Recruitment – BGR, Callout, Display cases
- Griffin asked for volunteers for fighting demos for both
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
events which are scheduled in August. He will have more
information for us soon and possibly a slide show for next
week’s meeting.
- We have the large display cases back to back in August.
Aurora suggested doing a theme such as the life of a knight.
It would include a campsite scene with armor, camping and
cooking gear, garb, etc. The idea of using a digital picture
frame was brought up. There was a question of power
supply since it would be ongoing for a whole week.
- Griffin wants to use the same poster design as last year
with just a few changes to the dates.
He will have t-shirts and buttons for giveaways at the
Purdue events. We asked that he add a t-shirt order for
Takaya since she missed out on the last 2 orders.
- We also discussed demo rules of conduct specifically what
is and isn’t acceptable on campus and under SCA rules and
the insurance policy. An official SCA demo requires a
marshal present for fighting, but if we are merely
functioning as the Medieval Society of Purdue, do we need
to follow those rules? The general consensus was to adhere
to SCA guidelines wherever we are. We don’t want to
create false expectations for new people.
Mosey Down Main Street
- Katrin sent in a vendor application and it was approved.
We have a contract. She will submit the contract this week
with a copy of the SCA nonprofit 501(c)3 letter. The Mosey
dates we will have for 2016 are June 4th and August 13th.
- There will be a call for volunteers to run the booth on
- Wilhelm and Brianna offered a popup tent and a table
for use. - Katrin volunteered to arrive at 4:30 pm the day
of to register and get the space assignment. Mosey events
run from 6-11 pm.
Scroll Scanning Project & Populous Page
Katrina and Ursus are working on a scroll page and a
populous page. If you would like your scrolls and/or your
heraldic devices posted on the webpage, please send your
SCA and Mundane names, scanned images or photos of your
award scrolls, and graphics or scanned images of your
registered heraldic devices to
Meeting Minutes for 5-16-16 not available
Meeting Minutes 5-23-16
21 Members in attendance plus 1 baby
Event Reports:
The equestrian group had a wonderful day for riding this
weekend. There was a 5 hour archery practice with lots of
people in attendance. Nan and Pieter visited the Met
Cloisters in New York. Pieter attended a fighter practice
with a neighboring group.
Officer Reports:
On hiatus until classes begin. The first practice is Aug 22nd.
Katrin is updating the calendar for July and August for the
next issue of the newsletter. She confirmed several start
dates and meeting cancelations during PENNSIC.
We have had low attendance recently on Thursday
evenings. Nan and Pieter offered to have unofficial
practices at Huis Doorn until after the 50th year event when
the archery marshal can resume official practices.
William will be teaching a class on period arrow making.
The first order for supplies is being sent in, so contact Aurora
or William if you want to get supplies or take the class.
The Seneschal report is due at the end of the month. She
contacted Dani about doing the annual baronial inventory
which will be held May 29th at 2pm at Dani’s house. Several
members volunteered. We discussed what needs to be
included in our official inventory.
Eirinn and Ursus want to switch roles with Ursus taking over
as the officer of Webminister. We discussed the legalities of
the situation since Ursus does not live inside Rivenstar’s
boundaries. The Regional Webminister said that anyone
may be a member of the barony regardless of their
residence as long as the barony charter permits it. We put it
to a vote and the motion was unanimously passed. Ursus will
be our new Webminister.
No practice May 29th due to the holiday. No practices
during PENNSIC August 7th or 14th.
She submitted her report. The T-shirt money needs to go
back into the MSoP’s student account. The Archery group
needs to use the money we collected for them during lunch
at our event.
Nothing new to report, but they are currently brewing beer
and working on crafts and costuming.
New Business and Announcements:
Ice Cream Social Night!
Since we do not have a meeting scheduled in Stewart on
Mon 6-18, we will meet at the Silver Dipper on State Street
at 8 pm.
Page 9
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Rivenstar’s Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
Purdue Student Recruitment – BGR, Callout, Display cases
Gallien confirmed that we have the two August Student
activities events scheduled. We don’t have dates yet.
Mosey Down Main Street
- Mosey dates for 2016 are June 4th and August 13th.
- No one has contacted us back about performance demo
space. We will assume we only have the vendor space for
June 4th. Katrin will inquire further about the demo space
for August 13th.
- Wilhelm and Brianna’s popup tent is too large, so Takaya
will lend us hers for the June Mosey. We discussed tent
weights and Moonwulf offered the use of some of his
weights rather than buying materials to make new ones. We
will grab a few of the banners to hang on the tent after we
do the inventory.
- Setup is at 4:30 pm. Tear down will be between 9:30 pm
and 10:00 pm depending on how dark it gets and the tone
of the crowd.
- We also discussed being careful about bringing weapons.
- Katrin suggested that we wear garb or at least wear an
SCA related T-shirt such as the new MSoP shirts.
Children’s Book Markers for Mosey
- Katrin found the lowest cost for color printing on cardstock
at the UPS Store. 100 color copies on 80lb cardstock will be
$48.00. This does not include cutting. Katrin and a few
others offered to cut them. The group agreed to print 100
color copies which will give us 600 book markers. We can
hand those out at both Moseys, the student carnivals, and
any other demos we do.
- Malie offered to laminate a few if we want.
- Gallien asked about doing them on glossy paper. Katrin
looked into this option and said it was very expensive. We
could do a small run on glossy paper, but since this will
primarily be for children, the expense doesn’t seem worth it
for the June Mosey.
Three Saints Planning
Aurora suggested that we start planning earlier this year as
well as come up with a theme so that the A&S folks can get
started planning activities and decorations according to the
event theme. Lots of ideas were discussed, but we haven’t
decided on a theme just yet.
Camping Rules and Suggestions
We have lots of new folks who are wondering about what
happens at an encampment with Rivenstar. Gallien plans to
post a list of camping rules for 50th year. We will have a
few others post a list of dos and don’ts online.
News of Interest
Kira is leaving for Denmark and will document her trip on
her blog teneleven.blog.wordpress.com
Baronial Inventory 5-28-16
The 2016 Baronial Inventory took place at Dani’s Garage
Page 10
where most of the supplies used for events are being held.
Dani, Katrin, Nan, and Briana the Small spent time sorting,
organizing, and relabeling the storage bins, while Francoise
entered the data into the computer. We still need inventory
lists from those who are holding onto regalia and other
supplies. A formal report will be given at the next meeting.
No Business Meeting Held for 5-30-16
The students met at the Silver Dipper for
an ice cream social.
Notes taken by Katrin Grimsdottir
Did you miss the Investiture due to
Black Plague or invading Mongols?
We captured their souls on Renegade Paladin’s
You Tube Page for your viewing pleasure.
Scroll Scanning & Heraldry Project
Greetings Good Gentles,
The barony would like to show off the fruits of our
labor and love by creating a populous webpage
and a page that displays all of our award scrolls.
We need your help to make this a reality, so here’s
what we need.
1. Your SCA Name
2. Your Mundane Name
3. Your Registered Heraldry (if you have one) as
an electronic file like a .jpg. I can scan your
submission drawings for you if you don’t have a
4. The official blazonry for your Heraldic Device.
5. Scanned images of your award scrolls. I have
access to an 11X17 color scanner for the larger
Submit any of the above to Katrín Grímsdóttir
email: katrinthescrivener@gmail.com
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
Annual Spring Event: Three Saints and an Investiture
(Continued from page 1)
Speaking of A&S, even though our event was chockful
of medieval goodies to cover, I was able to break
away and attend the Viking Knit class offered by our
Arts and Science Minister Aurora. She also coordinated
with the other teachers who brought us numerous fun
and educational classes.
And of course there was fighting and lots of it. Both the
heavy and rapier lists were busy all day with
tournaments, pickup fights, and some tactical fun with
hay bales. The weather held out beautifully for the
afternoon Constellation Regional Rapier War Practice.
We also enjoyed a day of archery and thrown
weapons. The castle shoot was particularly well
received with delightfully creative backstops designed
by our archers. The proceeds from our Lunch Tavern
will go to funding new equipment for the archery team.
Since court overflowed with ceremony and fanfare,
those of us who had stayed for feast were famished.
Luckily, Rivenstar never disappoints when it comes to
food. The courses came out apace each tastier than the
course before. Finally it was time for dessert. Countess
Takaya put Russian Cream on the map, so when she
announced there would be no Russian Cream, those of
us armed with forks and knives became twitchy.
With a new Baroness came a new dessert tradition.
Sparkly Cake, as is was coined, was a heavily blue
dyed confection topped with a Rivenstar stamped
cookie covered with blue sugared sand. We eyed it
with contempt and suspicion. Seeing that he was about
to be drawn and quartered by an angry mob,
Moonwulf announced that he was “just kidding” and
brought us our long anticipated Russian Cream. It was
a close call!
The event was a great success and the Barony thanks
everyone who made this memorial event possible.
All photos on this page submitted by Katrin Grimsdottir and John Skinner.
Page 11
The RivenSTAR
MAY/JUN 2016
Vol 14, Issue 3
July 2016
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Dancing 6 pm
STEW 306
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 204
Dancing 9:30 pm
PMU South Tower
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Ice Cream Social
Silver Dipper 8 pm
(State Street)
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 204
Dancing 6 pm
STEW 306
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Simple Day
Sternfeld Event
WAR Begins
See the Rivenstar Facebook Group for last minute meeting additions, classes, room assignments, and schedule changes. Madrigals are on
hiatus until the first week of Purdue classes. Weds Fighter practice will return to the Armory 8-24-16 and start at 8 pm.
August 2016
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 311
Dancing 6 pm
STEW 306
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 307
Dancing 9:30 pm
PMU South Tower
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 307
Dancing 9:30 pm
PMU South Tower
Fighter Practice
6 pm Slayter Hill
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
22 Classes Start 23
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Madrigals 7 pm
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 307
Fighter Practice
8 pm Armory
Equestrian 1 pm
Archery 4 pm
Huis Doorn
Madrigals 7 pm
Meeting 8 pm
STEW 311
Dancing 6 pm
STEW 306
Fighter Practice
8 pm Armory
Archery 5:30 pm
Huis Doorn
Dancing 6 pm
PMU South Tower
Mosey Down
Main Street 6 pm
Set up 4:30 pm
Exact Boiler Gold Rush and Activities Carnival information
was not available at time of publishing. See Facebook for
further details closer to the first week of classes.