ME408, Alien species, Spring 2010 Group 4: Heidi Kallioniemi, Petri Sola & Sari Suhonen Evolutionary aspects of species introductions Exotic species introductions offer us an extreme number of natural experiments on evolution The most dramatic examples of evolutionary change often occur when a lineage is faced with a new set of biotic conditions. E.g. A species arriving in a new geographic place. Species introductions occur on a large spatial and temporal scale, many times into environments that are new to those species. The main advantages of studying introduced species are that introductions are replicated across space (the same species is often introduced into multiple places) and across taxa (multiple species are often introduced into the same place) and all in natural conditions. Very often we also know how long a population has been isolated from its historical range. Species invasion allows us studies in spatial and temporal scales that could never be accomplished in laboratory or simplified field experiments. The development of different laboratory techniques has helped a lot in analyzing the effects of introductions. Molecular markers have allowed enormous advances in studying exotic species invasions. E.g. In locating the source(s) of exotic introductions and providing tests for genetic bottlenecks. The study of species introduction and invasion can help us answer the following questions: 1. Does genetic isolation lead to rapid novel speciation? Will we experience the birth of new species due to introducing species into new areas separated geographically from the original population? 2. Is the lag phase just a result of the time it takes for adaptive evolution to produce invasive phenotypes? An invasive species does not usually become invasive immediately after introduction. Usually there is a time lag, before the invasion begins. 3. How often is the failure of exotic species to become invasive due to a lack of appropriate genetic variation and therefore evolutionary potential? Are those species that do not become invasive just not capable of evolving to the new biotic and abiotic conditions they meet in their new environment? 4. How does invasion affect on the evolution of the invasive species itself and/or the native species? Invasion may affect not only introduced species, but also native species, so that they too have to evolve in order to be able to co-exist with the invasive species. Mechanisms that drive evolutionary change Genetic variation is considered to be the most important factor in a species ability to evolve. Many succesful invaders often pass through short-lived bottlenecks followed by rapid population expansion. The length of the bottleneck period may be more crucial than the bottleneck itself. Endangered species often remain at low effective population sizes for extended periods, which may lead to significant losses in variability, and therefore weakens the species survival. Introduced populations often retain 80% or more of the genetic variation present in their source(s). Studies have shown that eventhough only little allelic diversity may be lost due to a bottleneck, rare alleles may change in frequency or be lost (Brookes et al. 1997), and the phenotypic effect of one allele or gene could effectively increase or decrease due to reduced variation at one or more epistatically associated loci (Brodie 2000). Most introduced species (those that have become established) are capable of responding to selection and genetically diverging from their source populations. Introduced species often exhibit dramatic phenotypic changes that are much larger than the changes observed in the same populations at neutral locations. Thus, selection is likely to be an important force in most examples of evolutionary change in small populations. (Wares et al. 2003) Hybridization and introgression can help a species to become invasive. Hybrids may absorb the parental stocks through introgression (e.g. GM plants) and introgressive hybridization may lead to genetic extinction of native species. (Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000) Additive genetic variance and phenotypic responses to selection It is important when measuring changes in the phenotypic composition of newly founded populations to separate the contributions of environmental, additive and non-additive genetic effects (Lõpez-Fanjul et al. 2003). Selection in natural populations may be quite effective at generating rapid and heritable phenotypic evolution (Reznick and Ghalambor 2001). The magnitude and duration of bottlenecks that accompany succesful introductions are often not severe enough to prevent substantial phenotypic evolution of invading species entering new environments and communities (Grant et al. 2001). Evolution of the niche How often is the evolution of species' niches directly responsible for invasion success? The lag observed in many invasions can reflect the fine-tuning of adaptation to new environments. Ability to evolve quickly may determine whether or not the invasion is ultimately succesful. If an exotic species establishes foothold in one habitat, it can then repeatedly send out propagules into other habitats leading to repeated evolutionary trials in the new environment. If niche evolution is required for an invading species to adapt and spread in a heterogenous landscape, this process may be more likely to be observed for species with female-biased dispersal. (Holt et al. 2003). Evolution of invasive species Requirements for a successful invasion To make a successful invasion, Lee (2002) argues that a species must respond to new conditions. It must be able to respond to requirements of environmental gradients and other species. Reaction can be due to a genetic and plastic response. For example the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has a leaner body and longer ears in warm Australia, to where it was introduced in 1859, than in Europe. Morphological changes were due to a genetic and plastic response, and the traits were heritable. When invading, species meet new species and interact with them. To make invasion successful, species have to respond to resident species. For example the velvetleaf Abutilon tehophrasti (Malvaceae) is invading cultivated fields in the USA. It competes for light with cultivated plants and has evolved different life-history strategies depending on the competitive species. Invasive species have also a possibility, that the release from familiar predation can potentially release defensive traits. This can be an opportunity to invasive species and it can lead to rapid evolution. Some researchers have challenged this theory, but on the other hand it hasn’t been studied so much yet (Lee 2002). Silent nights in Kauai, Hawaii Hawaii has many introduced species, so species are forced to meet many species they haven’t met ever before. For example field cricket (Teleogryllus oceanicus), which is native to Australia and Oceania and parasitoid fly (Ormia ochracea), which is native to North America, are both introduced to Hawaii and are interacting with each other (Zuk et al. 1993). Male crickets call and play a courtship song to female crickets by using their wings. Males have a stridulatory apparatus in their wings to produce the voice (Zuk et al. 2006). The Parasitoid fly is specialized in locating calling crickets. When a female fly finds a male cricket, it deposits its larvae near the male. Larvae burrows inside the cricket, consumes its tissues and when emerges, kills the male cricket. Natural selection against calling males is therefore strong. Nevertheless sexual selection is affecting in different direction, so there is a conflict between sexual and natural selection (Tinghitella 2008). Against their normal sexual behaviour, male crickets in one of the islands, Kauai, are silent. It took less than 20 generations that over 90 % of males had become silent and instead of normal wings, they have flat wings (Zuk et al. 2006). Researchers found a mutation from a sex-linked locus. Sexlinked inheritance is thought to facilitate rapid evolution. The usually maladapted type has become general really fast, although mutation has eliminated sexual signals. Female crickets are forced to be less picky and accept silent males. In this case selection against normal type and adaptation of females were both needed to make mutation successful (Tinghitella 2008). The Argentine ants of Southern Europe The Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) were introduced to Southern Europe from Southern America. They live in small, mutually aggressive colonies in their native areas. They fight, if they meet ants from a foreign nest. The introduction of the Argentine ant in Europe caused a loss of inter-nest aggression leading to the formation of two huge supercolonies (Giraud et al. 2002). It is unusual, that a genetic bottleneck improves fitness. The argentine ants got benefit from it, because they don´t fight inside the supercolony. Loss of intraspesific competition enabled the transformation into a nonaggressive multiqueen supercolony with a high population density. That successfully outcompetes native species. Also in Northern America, the invasion of the Argentine ant, has resulted in reduced intraspesific aggression, leading to the formation of supercolonies (Tsutsui 2000). Evolution of native species Snake and toad in Mallorca Endemic midwife toad (Alytes muletensis) have morphological changes caused by introduced viperine snake (Natrix maura) in Mallorca (Moore at al. 2004). Snakes are eating tad-poles and it causes size-selective predation. In some areas the snake has eaten the toads to extiction, but in this area they can live together. Snakes eat only mid-size tad-poles, and small and big tad-poles survive. Also tad-poles plasticity causes variation in toads morphology, for example their tails size metamorphosed. Snake and toad in Australia Toxic cane toad (Bufo marinus) is a very bad invasive species in Australia. It was introduced to Australia from South and Central America as a method of agricultural pest control. Toads have poison glands and tad-poles are highly toxic. Only part of the native snakes can eat them. The ability of the snake to get poisoned by consuming a toad depends on it's head size relative to it's body mass (Phillips & Shine 2004). According to this research, snakes who are toad-vulnerable, have morphological changes. Their body size increased after the arrival of toxic toads. Also the relative head size of the snakes decreased. This lead to the snakes being more able to tolerate poison. References: Brodie, E.D. III 2000. Why evolutionary genetics does not always add up. In: Epistasis and the Evolutionary Process (Wolf, J.B., Brodie, E.D. III & Wade, M.J. Eds.), pp. 3–19. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Brookes, M. I., Graneau,Y. A., King, P., Rose, O. C., Thomas, C. D. & Mallet, J. L. B. 1997 Genetic analysis of founder bottlenecks in the rare British butterfly Plebejus argus. Cons. Biol. 11, pp. 648-661. Ellstrand, N. C. and K. A. Schierenbeck. 2000. Hybridization as stimulus for the evolution of invasiveness in plants? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:7043-7050. Giraud, T., Pedersen, J.S. & Keller, L. 2002. Evolution of supercolonies: The Argentine ants of southern Europe. PNAS 99: 6075-6079. Holt, R.D., Barfield, M. & Gomulkiewicz 2003: Theories of niche conservatism and evolution: Could exotic species be potential tests? In Species invasions: insights into ecology, evolution and biogeography. pp. 259-290. Edited by Sax, D.F., Stachowicz, J.J. & Gaines, S.D. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland Massachusetts. Lee, C.E. 2002. Evolutionary genetics of invasive species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 386-390. Lõpez-Fanjul, C., Fernández, A. and Toro, M.A. 2003 The effect of neutral nonadditive gene action on the quantitative index of population divergence. Genetics 164: pp. 1627–1633. Moore, R.D., Griffiths, R.A., O’Brien, C.M., Murphy, A. & Jay, D. 2004. Induced defences in an endangered amphibian in response to an intoduced snake predator. Oecologia 141: 139-147. Philips, B. & Shine, R. 2004. Adapting to an invasive species: Toxic cane toads induce morphological change in Australian snakes. PNAS 101: 17150-17155. Rasner, C.A, Yeh P. & Eggert L.S. 2004: Genetic and morphological evolution following a founder event in the darkeyed junco, Junco hyemalis thurberi. In Molecular Ecology, 13. pp. 671–681. Reznick, D.N. & Ghalambor, C.K. 2001: The population ecology of contemporary adaptations: what empirical studies reveal about the conditions that promote adaptive evolution. In Genetica 112–113: pp. 183–198, 2001. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. Tinghitella, R. M. 2007. Rapid evolutionary change in a sexual signal: genetic control of the mutation ‘flatwing’ that renders male field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) mute. Heredity (2008) 100: 261–267 Tsutsui, N. D. et al. 2000. Reduced genetic variation and the success of an invasive species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U.S.A. 97: 5948-5953. Wares, J.P., Hughes, R.A. & Grosberg, R.K. 2003: Mechanisms that drive evolutionary change: Insights from species introductions and invasions. In Species invasions: insights into ecology, evolution and biogeography. pp. 229-258. Edited by Sax, D.F., Stachowicz, J.J. & Gaines, S.D. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland Massachusetts. Zuk, M., Simmons, L.W. & Cupp, L. 1993. Calling charesteristics of parasited and unparasitized populations of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 33: 339-343. Zuk, M., Rotenberry, J.T. & Tinghitella, M. 2006. Silent night: adaptive dissapearence of a sexual signal in a parasitized population of field crickets. Biol. Lett. 2: 521-524.