Rose Hill Baptist Church

Case Study
Rose Hill Baptist Church
Ashland Church Uses
Incentive Program to Save
Money and Energy
Project Summary
Lighting offers one of the largest opportunities to save
energy. Commercial customers in Kentucky Power’s
service territory are completing lighting upgrades
to reduce operating and maintenance costs. Energy
efficiency lighting projects are one of the most popular
solutions to capture energy savings for years to come.
Rose Hill Baptist Church, located in Ashland,
Kentucky, decided to include energy efficiency in
its annual strategy to lower operating costs and
minimize their carbon footprint. The local congregation
accommodates weekly services and private functions,
and serves as a school and daycare facility.
To maximize operational savings, church staff decided
to pursue ideas that would manage costs and allow
the congregation to invest in its growth. The facilities
committee recognized the opportunity for the church
to better serve its members and approached the
Kentucky Power Commercial Incentive team to develop
a long-term energy efficiency plan.
The financial incentives provided by Kentucky Power
encouraged church management to adopt energysaving initiatives. The church used incentives to install
high-efficiency lighting throughout the facility.
The Kentucky Power Commercial Incentive Program
team worked with the church to assess energy
waste and explore opportunities that would yield the
greatest energy-saving potential. The team focused
on implementing cost-effective solutions to lower
operating and maintenance costs.
At a Glance:
Customer Type: Church
Building Type: Church and
Special User
Measures Implemented:
Lighting and HVAC
Projected Annual Energy
Savings: 240,706 kWh
Program Type: Prescriptive
Lighting and HVAC
Approximate Annual Energy
Savings: $4,200
Common Areas and Exit Lighting
Rose Hill Baptist Church began its path to a
more energy-efficient facility by making several
improvements to reduce energy use. To manage
energy costs, the Kentucky Power Commercial
Incentive Program team first targeted solutions that
would likely deliver the most significant savings. An
energy efficiency engineer completed on-site visits to
ensure that the designed measures would increase
operational efficiency and help the church keep energy
costs low.
Exit signs are designed to operate 24 hours per day
and can consume a significant amount of energy. New
exit signs are brighter and use less energy.
The facility’s lighting system was inefficient; making
energy costs a significant expenditure. The light bulbs
were energy intensive and switched on in unoccupied
areas. Inefficient lights, such as incandescent bulbs,
increase energy costs and have a shorter lifespan than
energy-efficient lighting. Changing bulbs frequently
also increases maintenance costs.
After working with the team to establish design
goals, a plan was established that could decrease
Rose Hill’s operating costs and increase energy
savings throughout the years. Projects were chosen
by identifying the most energy intensive areas and
implementing measures to contain those costs. Energy
efficiency improvements were incorporated in the
auditorium, gymnasium, corridors and common areas.
Auditorium Lighting
The auditorium lighting retrofit project required the
removal of inefficient incandescent bulbs and the
installation of high performance compact fluorescent
bulbs (CFLs). To save Rose Hill money, the CFLs were
installed into the existing chandelier, recessed, can
and track-type fixtures.
The transition to efficient lighting in common areas,
such as hallways and classrooms, transformed the
areas’ ambiance and created a more comfortable
learning environment. By upgrading lighting in
common areas with reduced wattage T8 lamps, the
church saved 45,933 kWh annually.
Gymnasium Lighting
The gymnasium energy efficiency lighting project
contributed to a significant electricity savings. LED
fixtures were installed throughout the 10,272 square
foot facility.
As an added benefit, the energy-efficient lighting
improved ambient temperature control. This produced
additional energy savings, reduced demand on heating
and cooling systems, and increased occupant comfort.
Key Benefits
The energy efficiency projects are estimated to save
more than 240,705 kWh annually. The energy savings
and reduced carbon footprint align with Rose Hill’s
stewardship goals.
Financial incentives from the Kentucky Power
Commercial Incentive Program helped to offset project
costs and allowed the church to implement energy
saving initiatives.
The electricity savings reduced Rose Hill’s operational
costs as well as its environmental impact. According
to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the
total annual energy savings is equivalent to taking 35
passenger cars off the road each year.
To reduce the amount of time lights operate, a master
control was installed in the auditorium. This control is
used to shorten the amount of time lights operate by
automatically turning them off in unoccupied areas.
Kentucky Power’s Energy Efficiency Programs for Business
Kentucky Power’s Commercial Incentive Program provides cash incentives to help commercial customers purchase and
install energy efficient equipment. Prescriptive incentives are available for common commercial measures, including
lighting, HVAC, motors and drives, refrigeration, and food preparation and storage equipment. Custom incentives are
available for measures not covered through prescriptive incentives and new construction projects.
Version 2016.1
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