The Case for Effective Electricity Regulation

The Case for Effective Electricity
Akshay Sinha
his paper examines the case for independent and effective electricity
regulation. After a brief background on the evolution of electricity
regulation and common regulatory frameworks in existence today, key
structural and financial requirements with respect to regulatory independence
and effectiveness are discussed. Examples from existing global structures and best
practice are used to understand the key components of an effective regulatory
structure. There is a particular focus on independence and credibility, composition
and staffing, oversight, budgetary independence, and transparent decision-making
structures and processes. The paper concludes by discussing recommendations
that should play a critical role in ensuring delivery of value to consumers in an
affordable and environmentally responsible manner.
trols, effective April 2015, that are expected to
In late November 2014, the United Kingdom’s
transfer approximately £900 million in cost
main gas and electricity regulator, the Office
savings to consumers over an eight year peri-
of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), re-
od (Warner 2014). This step by Ofgem sends
jected the business plans of five out of the six
a strong message to network providers and
privately owned electricity network providers,
consumers and highlights how a strong and
citing that they could do more to “deliver val-
independent regulator can act to safeguard
ue to customers” (Murray 2013). This decision
consumer welfare while ensuring much need-
by Ofgem will require these organizations to
ed investment in public infrastructure without
invest approximately £17 billion to maintain
burdening the public exchequer and incurring
and improve the existing electricity network,
related macroeconomic consequences.
which also guarantees a significant share for
electricity generation from renewable sources.
One would think that measures such as Of-
More significantly, Ofgem finalized price con-
gem’s should be quite common, but this is not
Akshay Sinha graduated from the Master of Public Policy Program at the Georgetown University McCourt School
of Public Policy in 2015. He has previously worked as a management consultant specializing in the energy sector in
South Asia.
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the case. Across the world, there are few regu-
that are necessary for an effective regulator to
lators that have Ofgem’s long-term vision and
flourish. These revolve around ensuring inde-
purpose. The more common situation is one
pendence and credibility and span across gov-
that was seen in Bulgaria in early 2013, when
ernance mechanisms such as composition and
consumers received electricity bills that were
staffing, oversight, budgetary independence
two times higher than those of the previous
and steady sources of funding, and indepen-
month. The Bulgarian electricity market was
dence and transparency in decision-making
similarly structured to that of the UK, with
structures and processes. These issues are par-
three privately owned electricity network pro-
ticularly salient for countries that do not have
viders overseen by the State Commission for
a history of independent regulation or are con-
Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) (The
sidering the establishment of an independent
Economist 2013). Allegedly, the companies es-
electricity regulator to bring about vital and
timated electricity bills using complex and il-
long-term improvements in their electricity
legal formulas that contributed to a complete
utility industry.
lack of accountability to the government and
regulator. The situation reached a climax in
This paper is structured in the following
January 2013 with widespread street protests
manner. In the next section, I provide a brief
across the country, and finally culminated
background and history of how regulation
in the fall of the government (The New York
in the electricity sector has evolved since the
Times 2013).
late 1800s and compare common regulatory
frameworks. In the third section, I discuss key
What both the aforementioned examples em-
structural and financial requirements that are
phasize is that provision of essential services
related to regulatory independence and effec-
such as electricity is a critical and emotive is-
tiveness. I also highlight some best practices
sue for consumers. Electricity is an important
as well as ineffective and counterproductive
development resource as it facilitates the pro-
regulatory approaches found in developed and
vision of energy services that can be used to
emerging markets. Section IV concludes by re-
further other development priorities such as
iterating the criticality of effective regulation
healthcare and education. Electricity is also a
in ensuring delivery of value to consumers in
key production input for agriculture and in-
an affordable and environmentally responsible
dustry. The overall importance of electricity as
an economic resource also lends it considerable
political salience. Consequently, the electricity
regulator plays a central role in the success or
failure of the electricity market in any coun-
try. The purpose of this paper is to examine the
The origins of electricity regulation can be
case for independent and effective electricity
found in the early 20th century in the United
regulation for markets that are dominated by
States and Europe. The nascent electricity in-
either public or private sector electricity pro-
dustry, founded in the final quarter of the 19th
viders. After looking at several case studies,
century, consisted of mostly urban private sup-
it appears that there are a few vital elements
pliers who required a special franchise issued
84 | Sinha
by the municipal corporation. These early days
moved to an industry structure more aligned
provided fertile ground for predatory behav-
with that of the US, shifting away from a state-
ior: there was no structure or process followed
owned vertically-integrated model to a mar-
in issuing franchises, and municipal corpora-
ket-driven model based on private suppliers.
tions, often in cahoots with corporations, ex-
An independent regulatory system was set up,
ploited consumers and/or enriched themselves
headed by the Director General of Electricity
(Geddes 1992). Corporations also engaged in
Supply who would be supported by the Office
price discrimination, charging higher rates
of Electricity Regulation (OFFER). A board,
for rural and far-flung communities (Valentine
the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority,
2011). The prevalent issues of the emerging
later replaced OFFER and a single regulatory
industry had political salience, which laid the
office, the Office of Gas and Electricity Mar-
foundation for more centralized regulation,
kets (Ofgem), for both the gas and electricity
and also served to safeguard public interest
sectors was created.
by achieving the most efficient allocation of
public resources (Valentine 2011). By 1907, the
The move to a more centralized state or na-
American states of Wisconsin and New York
tional regulatory structure finds support and
led the way by enacting far-reaching laws to
opposition. An argument in support refers to
establish powerful state commissions that su-
the “natural monopoly” nature of the electric-
perseded the authority of municipal corpora-
ity utility industry, which holds that one firm
tions. Most states followed suit, and this struc-
can serve the entire market more efficiently
ture has largely remained in place since then.
and cheaply than two or more firms. Thus, the
Privately owned utilities are regulated by the
government allows the firm a regional monop-
government (Geddes 1992).
oly so that the firm can earn a “fair” rate of return on its cost and investment (Geddes 1992).
The UK followed a slightly different path. In
The argument opposing a national regulatory
the 1920s, central control of the electricity
structure holds that since municipal regula-
sector was enhanced through the creation of
tion encourages competition, state regulation
a “national gridiron” which later evolved into
is more able to protect producers and serve
the National Grid (Horrocks and Lean 2011).
their own private interests. Producers could
By 1938, the entire industry for England, Wales,
use regulations to insulate themselves from
Scotland, and Northern Ireland had been na-
competition, and thus operate in a monopoly
tionalized and by 1947, the British Electricity
and realize monopoly profits (Geddes 1992).
Authority (BEA) was established with the re-
This view has its origins in the theory of reg-
sponsibility for generation and transmission
ulatory capture, developed mainly by George
as well as policies and finance (Horrocks and
Stigler (1971). Regardless of the advantages or
Lean 2011). The US did not see nationalization
disadvantages, this current model of state reg-
at this level, though it did establish the Federal
ulation has largely remained in place.
Power Commission (now the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission), whose role was to
coordinate larger issues that transcended state
borders (Geddes 1992). In 1989, the UK finally
The Georgetown Public Policy Review | 85
decision-making independence of regulators.
However, even with this, US regulatory au-
The regulatory structures found in developed
thorities do not enjoy a high degree of discre-
nations dominate. Developing countries have
tion. The judiciary plays an active role in in-
typically modeled their organizations close-
terpreting regulatory statutes and does place
ly on different variations present in the de-
limits on discretionary powers of US regula-
veloped world, specifically OECD countries
tors (Brown et al. 2006). In contrast, the UK
(Eberhard 2006).
framework places more focus on achieving
compromise between stakeholders, rather than
The following categorization is helpful in dis-
resorting to the legal system and judiciary to
tinguishing the most prominent structures
resolve disputes and issues (Eberhard 2006).
and dynamics, and for understanding why cer-
Systems based on the UK construct are gener-
tain structures and features exist today.
ally bounded by legislation, case law, and evolving regulatory practices (Besant-Jones 2006).
One key difference between the UK and the US
Countries with colonial ties to Great Britain
regulatory regimes is the tariff-setting process,
share many elements of their regulatory re-
which is more informal in the UK (Brown et al
gimes (Eberhard 2006). Characteristics of this
2006). For example, in Australia (which close-
framework include independent regulatory
ly follows the UK framework), independent
agencies that operate in a legal system based
electricity regulators in states employ work-
on common law. The regulator is responsible
shops, roundtables, and forums to determine
for tariffs and service standards. It has con-
tariff changes (Brown et al. 2006). Federal and
siderable, though bounded, discretion in its
inter-provincial issues fall under the ambit of
decisions, for which it can be held accountable
the national competition and consumer pro-
(Eberhard 2006). However, there are signifi-
tection agency, the Australia Competition and
cant distinguishing features between the UK
Consumer Commission. This contrasts with
and US systems in terms of how that discretion
US, which has instituted the Federal Energy
is bounded. In the US, the model of state regu-
Regulatory Commission to determine tariffs
lation has always focused on providing produc-
(Brown et al. 2006).
ers and distributors with a significant amount
of operational autonomy, whereas in the UK,
incremental legislative change has been di-
Traditionally found in countries with colonial
rected at strengthening the independence and
links to continental Europe (especially France
oversight of the national regulatory bodies.
and Spain), these systems are dispersed systems
that generally operate within civil law codes
The US framework is characterized by a strong
and have a tremendous focus on public service
and well-established written constitution, an
obligations (Eberhard 2006). While there is
administrative legal code, and dispute and is-
usually no separate regulator, regulatory con-
sue resolution traditionally through the legal
tracts are the norm. For example, concession
system (Eberhard 2006). Other important
contracts transfer operating rights while also
features include financial, administrative, and
observing regulatory norms. In addition, there
86 | Sinha
are provisions for contract renegotiation and
arbitration (Eberhard 2006). In the French
Hybrid models that combine features of the
system, the highest court, or Conseil d’Etat,
two aforementioned frameworks incorporate
can legally enforce the contract as well as de-
the existence of regulatory contracts along
velop legal doctrines that shape and constrain
with independent regulators. For example,
contracts (Brown et al. 2006).
Uganda (a former British colony with an Anglo
legal tradition) has an independent electricity
This system relies heavily on a concession con-
regulator, known as the Electricity Regulatory
tract. The key aspect here is that the contract is
Authority, which was established and func-
not between a regulator and a utility provider
tionally outlined in the Electricity Act of 1999
as observed in Anglophone countries (Eber-
(Electricity Regulatory Authority of Uganda
hard 2006). The contract is usually between
2013). This body has recently enacted long-
the local or national administration (such as
term concession contracts ranging from 10 to
a municipality or national ministry) and the
30 years for the purpose of electricity gener-
utility provider. The administration acts as
ation, transmission, bulk supply, distribution,
a representative or agent for consumers and
and sale (Electricity Regulatory Authority of
producers with the private operator. Utility
Uganda 2013). Other examples from Africa
operating rights are transferred to private en-
are Mali and Cameroon, countries with ties to
terprises for a fixed duration of time as stipu-
France that have put in place concession con-
lated in the contract. The administration acts
tracts and established independent regulators
as a regulator by imposing regulatory obliga-
(Eberhard 2006). Brazil and Romania, civil law
tions on the operator such as maximum tariff
based countries, have also combined indepen-
levels, quality standards, requirements to serve
dent regulators with pre-specified tariff-set-
certain segments of customers, and procedures
ting regimes (Brown et al. 2006). Erstwhile
for the transfer and disposal of assets. Thus, no
British colonies in Africa such as Zambia and
separate independent regulator is envisaged
Kenya have independent regulators that are
in this system as regulatory functions are per-
expected to act in the public interest (Brown
formed by the government or local adminis-
et al. 2006). Francophone countries such as
tration. The government and private operator
Gabon exercise concession contracts overseen
have freedom to design the contract, which is
and regulated by administrative law and a ded-
usually enforced by the highest court of the
icated Ministerial Unit; no separate regulator
land. Some have suggested that the court plays
is observed (Brown et al. 2006). Senegal also
the role of a “quasi-regulator” or “super-regu-
regulates its water supply via an affermage
lator” as it is responsible for the critical regu-
contract (where the private operator only has
latory function of resolving disputes between
operational responsibilities, no investment
customers (government and local administra-
responsibilities) rather than an independent
tion) and suppliers (private operators) (Brown
agency (Brown et al. 2006).
et al. 2006).
The key philosophy of the Anglo-American
approach is the depoliticization of economic
The Georgetown Public Policy Review | 87
regulation: establishing an independent reg-
a well-functioning backup dispute resolution
ulator in order to remove politics and gov-
system. A greater philosophical divergence
ernment from the activities involved in regu-
from the Anglo-American model is reflect-
lation (Brown et al. 2006). This has elements
ed in the belief that the provision of a public
of both public and private interest theories of
service, such as electricity, is essentially a gov-
regulation. A regulator is required to maxi-
ernment responsibility. The government may
mize public interest by ensuring that market
choose to contract out the management of this
failures do not arise, and the regulator needs
responsibility, but it still retains ownership of
to be independent and free from political in-
the assets. In many countries, local and central
terference to ensure that “regulatory capture”
governments are prohibited from selling utili-
does not happen. Removing governments and
ty assets to private companies, which demands
politicians from the decision-making ambit of
the use of concession contracts. Even some
regulatory agencies is intended to minimize
countries like Uganda and Lesotho that per-
opportunities for vote maximization and to
mit full asset sales have chosen the concession
reduce wealth transfers between different in-
contract model rather than full privatization,
terest groups (Eberhard 2006). Regulators can
due to caution of the political repercussions of
do more to balance competing interests be-
tween stakeholders such as producers and con-
the responsibility of the government to ensure
that essential services such as electricity, water,
Regardless of philosophical orientation, any
and gas are provided continuously, it is not the
regulatory regime needs certain basic founda-
responsibility of the government to provide
tions to function effectively. Many structural
these services. Private enterprises are free to
decisions have a direct impact on the role, in-
provide these services (and own related assets)
dependence, and functions of electricity reg-
as long as they meet the aforementioned pub-
ulators. These decisions also have an impact
lic interest considerations. In practice though,
on the state of the market, which itself affects
most regulated entities are subject to limits
the quality of services provided to consumers.
on what they can and cannot do (Brown et al.
Considerations about the mandate of the reg-
ulator, the scope of its activities and jurisdic-
sumers, and therefore aim to maximize public
interest (Eberhard 2006). Moreover, while it is
tion, and the extent to which it is autonomous
The European approach stems from the belief
with respect to financing all have implications
that the concept of an independent regulator is
for its independence, which, in turn, affect
naïve and unworkable, as evidenced in the the-
performance. These issues are particularly sa-
ory of regulatory capture. This is in contrast
lient for countries that do not have a history
to the Anglo-American model that advocates
of independent regulation or are considering
for a strong government role in regulation.
the establishment of an independent electrici-
The Continental European model addresses the
ty regulator to bring about required and long-
pitfalls of political interference by specifying
term improvements in their electricity utility
obligations and responsibilities and creating
88 | Sinha
Based on an analysis of a number of interna-
tribution, and sale are the responsibility of
tional miniature case studies, four features
publicly owned State Electricity Boards (SEB),
are recommended in order to develop and to
which are both commercial entities and instru-
protect the independence and effectiveness of
ments of development policy. No independent
regulators. These recommendations are fun-
regulator existed prior to the turn of the twen-
damental enough that they can work in either
ty-first century. This mixing of roles of the
model. However, as they relate directly to an
SEBs resulted in tremendous political interfer-
independent regulatory authority, perhaps
ence at both the central and state level, result-
they would be more synergistic with the An-
ing in inefficiency, insolvency, incompetence,
glo-American framework where such bodies
and widespread graft (Dubash and Rao 2006).
are found. The recommendations are:
There is thus an element of regulatory capture.
However such a system also suffers from exces-
An independent regulator should be statu-
sive “politicization”.
torily empowered to independently set
The credibility and independence of a
regulator should be a central goal during
One way of addressing this issue is to set up
its creation, supported by robust selection
an independent regulator that is statutorily
and staffing policies and utilization of ex-
empowered to independently set tariffs. Even
ternal experts;
in such a scenario, political involvement is
unavoidable, but the regulator can minimize
Board composition and structure should
its impact by seeking to balance competing
facilitate transparent, calculated, and sus-
interests and ensure the financial health of
tainable decision-making procedures; and
utilities. Another Indian example from the
southern state of Andhra Pradesh illustrates
4. There should be safeguards for funding
how this can be accomplished effectively. The
sources and budgetary control indepen-
regulator worked with the utility responsible
dent of the government.
for transmission to undertake management reforms such as the improvement of services to
Regulatory effectiveness is deeply intertwined
well-paying industrial customers by setting up
with the relationship between the govern-
dedicated lines and giving them preferential
ment, independent regulator, and the utility
access to scarce power. This increased revenues
service providers. Interactions that comprise
significantly, which allowed the utility to keep
a working relationship stem from the pre-
tariffs fixed for subsidized consumer groups.
scribed division of responsibilities enshrined
These gains were consolidated by setting per-
in legislation. For example, in India, electric-
formance targets for utilities. The key pillars
ity is a “concurrent” subject under the Indian
of this process were a significant amount of
constitution and thus falls under the purview
negotiation outside the formal regulatory
of both central and state governments (Dubash
process and the introduction of measures of
and Rao 2006). Generation, transmission, dis-
transparency that restrict the postponing of
The Georgetown Public Policy Review | 89
difficult decisions for the future (Dubash and
electricity regulator. Once the government had
Rao 2006).
established the initial framework, it tried to
take a step back. In Andhra Pradesh, it large-
Detailed agreements with performance tar-
ly succeeded by driving internal management
gets may lead to a reduction in the power of
reforms that put the regulator in a position of
the regulator. Reforms in the Indian state of
never having to make difficult and politically
Delhi had precisely this result, even though the
sensitive decisions (Dubash and Rao 2006). In
preferred mode of reform was privatization
Delhi, the projected benefits of privatization
of previously state owned utilities. The initial
simply did not take place. Services did not im-
contract signed between the state government
prove, and the regulator had limited ability to
and the private operator stipulated perfor-
rectify the situation, further eroding its cred-
mance targets, thus removing them from the
ibility as truly independent (Dubash and Rao
control of the regulator. The government also
further limited the authority and scope of
the regulatory authority by setting the rate
of return and mandating uniform tariffs for
all privately owned utility operators in the
state. Thus the regulator lost the ability to link
tariff changes to economic performance and
found it increasingly difficult to balance sub-
sidy constraints and increase tariffs to protect
The credibility and independence of a regu-
the financial health of utilities. Consequently,
lator from the outset is a key determinant of
the relationship between the government and
regulatory strength. This can be boosted by
the regulator was hampered from the outset
robust selection and staffing policies. Without
(Dubash and Rao 2006).
independence, regulatory and even industry
capture may occur, as illustrated by the cases
What each of these Indian examples illustrates
mentioned below. Again, the Indian context
is that unless the regulator has won broad le-
provides examples of contrasting practice.
gitimacy with competing interests, it cannot
In Andhra Pradesh, external experts played
provide an alternative space for resolution of
a significant role in setting up the regulatory
conflicts between groups. While regulatory
organization. Consultants acted as important
reform has occurred in the Indian context,
change agents by defining the intellectual ap-
resulting in promising changes – such as the
proach and agenda and designing relevant im-
availability of procedural safeguards that pro-
plementation models. Over time, the staff of
mote transparency and public debate – inter-
the regulator internalized the economics and
actions between stakeholders in the system are
intricacies of the model and could implement it
still shaped by the political context. In both
effectively alone. Consultants also helped boost
states, there was no independent regulator and
cooperation across government departments
reforms were primarily driven by the govern-
and brought an apolitical influence without
ment. One of the outcomes of the reform pro-
any historical association with any particular
cess was the establishment of an independent
department. Utilizing external experts facili-
90 | Sinha
tated the diffusion of technical and managerial
expertise to the permanent staff of the regula-
tor, who learned skills and techniques through
association and interaction (Dubash and Rao
With regard to decision-making structures,
there may be two potential options that can be
Neutral external experts also act as a bulwark
employed. Regulators can be led by a single Di-
against forces that erode the independence of
rector who makes most decisions, such as the
the regulator. Indian civil servants belong to
Director-General positions formerly seen in
deep-seated networks and often work through
the UK. Single member commissions or Direc-
backroom networks and consultations, which
tors are susceptible to “idiosyncratic behavior,”
does not facilitate transparency (Dubash and
as observed in the actions of the sole regulator
Rao 2006). The presence of prior government
for the Indian state of Delhi. This gentleman
employees curtails the space for the emergence
reduced the auditing role of the regulator and
of a new and distinct regulatory structure. An-
halted attempts at pro-active scrutiny. In one
other source of recruitment in many regulatory
case of outright fraud committed by a private
bodies has been the technical fraternity of In-
utility operator, no action was taken (Dubash
dia’s publicly owned electric utilities (Dubash
and Rao 2006).
and Rao 2006). This, however, impinges on the
independence and image of the regulator since
An alternative to this single point of account-
erstwhile employees of a regulator bring insider
ability model is to structure agencies with a
knowledge and have personal ties with the reg-
commission of members who are responsible
ulated company.
for making high-level decisions. Commissions can be flexible in size, such as in Ireland,
Further, a long history of working in a bun-
where legislation provides for the ministerial
dled setup without an independent regulator
appointment of an electricity regulatory body
does not facilitate the learning of best regu-
between one and three persons (Tremolet and
latory practices or an understanding of new
Shah 2005). A commission structure may be
trends in competition and markets. The reg-
preferable as it enables the airing of multiple
ulator’s human resources procedures are typ-
perspectives. Some have recommended an ide-
ically also based on existing government pay
al commission size of three to seven members
scales and promotion criteria, which makes
for a developing country, as this will provide
it more difficult to recruit capable staff from
benefits of a commission structure while also
the private sector (Dubash and Rao 2006).
not burdening the legislature or executive with
There are examples of states attempting to
cumbersome human resources requirements in
overcome these trends: Andhra Pradesh has
selecting commission members (Tremolet and
tried to work around this problem by hiring
Shah 2005). Both the Electricity Regulatory
academic experts for senior and important
Commission of Mongolia and the Armenian
positions like Director of Tariffs (Dubash and
Public Services Regulatory Commission have
Rao 2006).
five commissioners including the Chairman
(Energy Regulators Regional Association 2013;
The Georgetown Public Policy Review | 91
Mongolia: European Bank for Reconstruction
Regulators Regional Association 2013a; Energy
and Development 2014).
Regulators Regional Association 2013c). However, reliance on government funds can impact
Commissions may also have a mix of full-time
political and administrative independence of
and part-time members, but care should be
the regulator. Many regulatory institutions
taken that part-time commissioners do not
prefer to move away from government sourc-
have a conflict of interest due to other ties and
es after putting institutional structures and
responsibilities. A significant majority of reg-
functions in place. For example, electricity and
ulators with commission-based structures are
energy regulatory bodies in Gambia and Trin-
legally specified, and most commissions make
idad and Tobago transitioned to levying fees
decisions based on majority voting, with the
on users or firms (Tremolet and Shah 2005).
President of the Commission casting a deci-
Nepal raises 25 percent of its funds from the
sive tiebreaker vote when required (Tremolet
regulated industry, while 47 percent is raised
and Shah 2005). In Mongolia, the Electricity
by Canada and Rwanda (Tremolet and Shah
Regulatory Commission has three permanent
2005). The Mongolian Energy Regulatory
members (a Chairman and two commission-
Commission finances itself completely from
ers) while the remaining two commissioners
fees collected from license holders, while the
are appointed on a part-time basis (Energy
Armenian Public Services Regulatory Com-
Regulators Regional Association 2013b).
mission’s budget is paid for through compulsory fees levied on regulated entities (Energy
Regulators Regional Association 2013b; Eu-
ropean Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-
opment 2014). Some choose to operate with
combinations of different funding sources. The
A critical issue that governs the independent
Energy Commission of Ghana places separate
functioning of a regulator is its financial
levies on consumers and the regulated indus-
health. Funding must be adequate and reliable
try, as well as receiving some funding from the
for a regulator to operate effectively and to be
government. This strengthens the regulator
free from external influences and pressures.
by decreasing reliance on any one particular
Commonly used funding sources are direct
source of funding and reduces variations in an-
transfers from governments or national exche-
nual budgets that may arise due to temporary
quers, fees or levies imposed on the regulated
financial shocks (Tremolet and Shah 2005).
industry, or tariffs and taxes levied on the consumption of a particular good or commodity.
One area where the government’s involvement
may be required is in the approval of the regu-
Typically, governments fund regulators during
lator’s budget. This may be done by the execu-
the initial stage of formation. For example,
tive (such as for the Public Utilities in the Ba-
both the Russian Federal Tariff Service and the
hamas and the water regulator in England and
Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Reg-
Wales), or the legislative branch (such as the
ulation of Natural Monopolies are fully funded
Regulatory Commission for Energy in Mexico
from their respective national budgets (Energy
and the Energy Regulatory Office in Poland)
92 | Sinha
(Tremolet and Shah 2005). In either case, the
detailing activities, income, and expenditures
process must be timely to ensure funding is
(Tremolet and Shah 2005).
available on time for critical functions and initiatives.
Regulation plays a central role in the electricity
Cumbersome and unwieldy processes – like
industry. It helps define a process for integrat-
those of the energy regulatory commissions of
ing new entrants into the market and serves
Ghana and Bulgaria – can lead to the delayed
two broad purposes. One is the protection of
availability of resources or reduced funds. In
the public interest through a public organiza-
Ghana, the Energy Commission’s annual bud-
tion, positing regulation as a public good. Reg-
get must first be approved by the Ministry of
ulation can also be conceived of as a private
Finance. It then becomes part of the Finance
good, serving specific public or private sector
Minister’s overall budget, which must obtain
organizations in the electricity industry, for
parliamentary approval. Only after these ap-
example through the power market exchange,
provals are received can the funds be made
which defines a set of rules governing interac-
available. In Bulgaria, the parliament approves
tions in this space (Besant-Jones 2006).
the budget, but due to the amending powers of
the Ministry of Finance, there are often reduc-
Public regulation provides a broad legal
tions to the final budget versus what was orig-
framework that governs transactions and re-
inally requested (Tremolet and Shah 2005).
lationships between actors. Public regulation
There should also be safeguards to ensure that
becomes even more important due to certain
the government cannot divert funds to other
characteristics of electricity infrastructure.
departments and thus impair the functioning
Developing assets requires a large amount of
of the regulator.
capital, which cannot be redeployed after investment. Investors face a considerable risk of
In some systems, approval powers rest with
expropriation and expect to be protected to
the regulatory agency alone, with no need
ensure that investment continues in the sector.
for approval from any higher institution: staff
The “natural monopoly” nature of electrici-
prepare the budget and the Board approves it.
ty transmission and distribution contributes
This happens in Zambia for the National Water
to this imperative. Due to inefficiencies in a
Supply and Sanitation Council (Tremolet and
competitive market structure in this arena, the
Shah 2005). The advantage of such a process
absence of competition signifies that external
is that it is quick and finalized amounts may
and independent regulation is required to pro-
be in line with requirements since the process
tect consumers from exploitation and abuse by
is internally controlled. However, the regula-
large monopolistic firms (Besant-Jones 2006).
tor may need to adhere to higher standards of
accountability as there is no external monitor.
Electricity is a critical building block of eco-
This can be accomplished through periodic fi-
nomic development and independence, and
nancial reviews, as well as ensuring total trans-
so the strength of the electricity utility sector
parency through, for example, annual reports
should be one of the highest priorities on the
development roadmap. But – as seen by Of-
The Georgetown Public Policy Review | 93
gem’s ruling to deliver value to consumers in
the UK – this creates considerable stress on
both the quality of electricity and the price at
which it is provided to end-users, particularly
within a development context. Effective and
independent regulation is pivotal in balancing
these priorities (Besant-Jones 2006). The mandate, structure, and function of the electricity
regulator are of vital importance in ensuring
the continued growth and sustainability of the
electricity sector and play a major role in safeguarding economic development.
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