Notice Notice reference number: 1114.15.09 Notice date: 25/09/2015 Effective date: 9/11/2015 What’s this about? ASX Trade ASX 24 ASX TECH Trading Clearing Settlement ALC ASX NET Operations Technology Market Data Rules Compliance Risk Other Austraclear System Enhancement Release 5 – Go-Live 9 November 2015 The purpose of this notice is to advise participants that the updated Austraclear Production GUI is now available for deployment and testing. As previously advised in ASX Notice 1050.15.09 dated 11 September 2015, the Austraclear System Release 5 Go-Live date is Monday 9 November 2015. Below are the key dates for Customer readiness for Monday 9 November. Milestone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Milestone Focus Completion of Austraclear Release 5 production build validations Industry testing of six or four character matching criteria and SWIFT confirmation message contains correct matched counterparty (on Release 5 Testbed A environment) Attestations from industry participants for six or four character matching and SWIFT confirmation Industry EXIGO connectivity tests to ASX (on Release 5 Production environment) Industry Implementation Rehearsal (on Release 5 Production environment) Go-Live Implementation and connectivity verification by participants. Austraclear Release 5 GO-LIVE Start Date End Date 10 September 28 September 28 September 2 October 1 October 9 October 19 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 7 November 8 November 9 November 9 November What do I need to do and by when? Software Installation For users who are participating in the industry test for six or four character matching on Release 5 Testbed A: There are two methods for installing the software for ASX Austraclear: 1. File Deployment – (Desktop Shortcut or via Program Menu) The software package needs to be downloaded and installed by your IT Department. The File Deployment version has been published and is available by accessing the following link: The item description is ““Austraclear R5 – Testbed A Software Package - File Deployment R5_V2.9.17”. 1/2 ASX Notice 2. (continued) Browser Deployment – (Internet Explorer) Weblauncher v2.8.1 is required. This version was used during Industry Wide Testing. Users can log onto Release 5 Testbed A by entering Participants testing the four to six character matching criteria and SWIFT confirmation should note that as advised in ASX Notice 0688.15.06 as of Monday 21 September 2015, the Austraclear Testbed A Environment is operating on the 2015 SWIFT MT Standards Release. Participants wishing to test this change and who are unable to do so using Standard 2015 messaging should advise the Austraclear Service Desk as soon as possible. To assist participants with their testing of four to six character matching, ASX has provided a list of prescribed test scenarios. For users who are NOT participating in the industry test for six or four character matching on Release 5 Testbed A and are only preparing for Production industry connectivity testing: There are two methods for installing the software for ASX Austraclear: 1. File Deployment – (Desktop Shortcut or via Program Menu) The software package needs to be downloaded and installed by your IT Department. The File Deployment version has been published and is available by accessing the following link: The item description is “Austraclear R5 - Production Software Package - File Deployment R5_V2.9.17”. 2. Browser Deployment – (Internet Explorer) Weblauncher v2.8.1 is required. This version was used during Industry Wide Testing. Users will log onto Release 5 Production, by entering Participants are advised that while the installation of the software for Release 5 Production can occur now, login will not be available until the Industry connectivity testing period starting Monday 19 October. Need more information? Issued by Brendan Laird, Senior Manager, Post Trade Operations Contact Details Any enquiries should be directed through to the Austraclear and ASX Collateral Service Desk on 1300 362 257 or via email to 5 4B Disclaimer 2/2