A Bibliography Representing The Interdenominational Theological

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From the AUC Woodruff Library
Faculty Publications Celebration …
A Bibliography Representing
The Interdenominational Theological Center
Faculty Publications
On February 28, 2006, the Atlanta University Center (AUC) Woodruff Library and the Library
Advisory Council hosted an exhibit and reception to celebrate the scholarly publications of
Atlanta University Center faculty. As a complement to that event, the AUC Woodruff Library
developed the publication, Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Brief Bibliography,
which highlights selected scholarly and research contributions of the Atlanta University Center
In 2013, the Library compiled the citations received over the years into individual campus
bibliographies. Each campus bibliography illustrates the richness of faculty contributions to
scholarship and research. Readers are invited to visit the Atlanta University Woodruff Library's
DigitalCommons (http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu) on the Library’s website for future reference
and use.
ITC Faculty Publications Compilation 2006-2013
Adam, A.K.M., Richard S. Ascough, Sandra Gravett, Alice Wells Hunt, Dale B. Martin, Edward
P. Wimberly, and Seung Ai Yang. “Should We Be Teaching the Historical-critical
Method?” Teaching Theology and Religion 12, no. 2 (2009): 162-87.
Akoto, Dorothy Bea. “Christianity in Ghana.” In Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, edited
by Daniel Patte, 457-458. Cambridge, MA: University Press, 2010.
_____. “Esther.” In The Africana Bible: Reading Israel’s Scriptures from the African Diaspora.,
edited by Hugh R. Page, Randall C. Bailey, Valerie Bridgeman, et al. , 268-272.
Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress, 2010.
_____. “The Book of Proverbs and the African Tree of Life: Grafting Biblical Proverbs on to
Ghanaian Ewe Folk Proverbs” PhD diss., Chicago Theological Seminary, 2012.
_____. “The Book of Proverbs and its Relationship to African Ewe Proverbial Communication.”
Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center 37, no. 1 & 2 (June, 2012), 43-68.
_____. “Gender in the Church: Wounded-ness and Toward Gradual Healing.” Maria Fearing
Fund for African American Partnership in Mission, Inc. 12, no. 1 (February 2013): 1114.
Akoto, Dorothy Bea and Timothy J. Sandoval. “A Note on Qohelet 10:10b.” Zeitschrift Für Die
Altestamentliche Wissenschaft 122, no. 1 (2010): 90-95.
Allen, Lisa. “In the Spirit: Worship in the African-American Tradition.” In Companion to the
Africana Worship Book, edited by Safiyah Fosua and Valerie Bridgeman Davis, 107-113.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2008.
Aymer, Margaret P. “Hailstorms and Fireballs: Redaction, World Creation, and
Resistance in the Acts of Paul and Thecla.” Semeia 79 (1997): 45-61.
_____. “Teaching Christians to ‘Read’: Theological Education and the Church.” Journal of the
Interdenominational Theological Center XXII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2004/Spring 2005): 1115.
_____. “Empire, Alter-Empire, and the Twenty-first Century [New Testament and
Roman Empire: Shifting Paradigms for Interpretation].” Union Seminary Quarterly
Review 59, nos. 3 and 4 (2005): 140-146.
_____. Review of Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul’s Letter, by Philip
F. Esler. Review of Biblical Literature 8 (2006): 483-488.
_____. 2008. First Pure, Then Peaceable: Frederick Douglass Reads James. Harrisburg, PA: T
& T Clark International.
_____. 2009. Approaches Black Biblical Studies. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.
_____. “’Mother Knows Best:’ The Story of Mother Paul Revisited.” In Mother Goose, Mother
Jones, Mommie Dearest, edited by Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan and Tina Pippin, 187-198.
Boston: Brill, 2009.
_____. 2011. Confessing the Beatitudes. Louisville, KY: Presbyterian Women, Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.).
_____. “Acts of the Apostles.” In Women’s Bible Commentary, 3rd Edition, edited by Carol A
Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, 536-546. Louisville, KY:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
Aymer, Margaret P., comp. “Works Cited.” Semeia 79 (1997): 107-118.
Bailey, Randall C. 1990. David in Love and War: The Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 10-12.
Sheffield, [England]: Sheffield Academic Press.
_____. "Reading the Book of Samuel As a Message to the Exiles: A Hermeneutical Shift.”
Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center XVIII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall
1990/Spring 1991): 95-118.
_____. "Beyond Identification: The Use of Africans in Old Testament Poetry and Narratives." In
Stony the Road We Trod: African-American Biblical Interpretation, ed. Cain Hope
Felder, 165-184. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991.
_____. "Doing the Wrong Thing: Male-Female Relationships in the Hebrew Canon." In We
Belong Together: The Churches in Solidarity with Women, ed. Sarah Cunningham, 1829. New York: Friendship Press, 1992.
_____. "A De-Politicized Gospel: Reflections on Galatians 5:22-23." Ecumenical Trends 22, no.
1 (January 1993): 8-9.
_____. “And Then They Will Know That I Am YHWH: The P Recasting of the Plague
Narratives." Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center XXII, no. 1 (Fall
1994): 1-17.
_____. "They're Nothing but Incestuous Bastards: The Polemical Use of Sex and Sexuality in
Hebrew Canon Narrative." In Reading from This Place. Volume 1: Social Context and
Biblical Interpretation in the United States, ed. Fernando Segovia and Mary Ann Tolbert,
121-138. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.
_____. "What Price Inclusivity?: An Afrocentric Reading of Dangerous Biblical Texts."
Voices from the Third World 17 (1994): 133-150.
_____. “'Is That Any Name for a Nice Hebrew Boy?' - Exodus 2:1-10: The De-Africanization of
an Israelite Hero." In The Recovery of Black Presence: An Interdisciplinary Exploration,
Essays in Honor of Dr. Charles B. Copher, ed. Randall C. Bailey and Jacquelyn Grant,
25-36. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995.
_____. "The Redemption of YHWH: A Literary Critical Function of the Songs of Hannah and
David." Biblical Interpretation 3 (June 1995): 213-231.
_____. “Wash Me White As Snow: When Bad Is Turned to Good.” Semeia 76 (1996):
_____. “The Danger of Ignoring One’s Own Cultural Bias in Interpreting the Text.” In The
Postcolonial Bible, ed. R. S. Sugirtharajah, 66-90. Sheffield, [England]: Sheffield
Academic Press, 1998.
_____. “Copher, Charles B.” In Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, ed. John
H. Hayes, 89. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999.
_____. "Academic Biblical Interpretation among African Americans in the United States." In
African Americans and the Bible: Sacred Texts and Social Textures, ed. Vincent
Wimbush, 696-711. New York: Continuum, 2000.
_____. “Samuel, Books of.” In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David Noel Freedman,
1163-1165. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000.
_____. “It’s Been a Long Time, a Long Time Coming, but I Know a Change Is Gonna’ Come.”
Union Seminary Quarterly Review 56, nos. 1 and 2 (2002): 45-49.
_____. “For and with Whom Are We Reading: Who’s Pregnant and Who’s Passionate?” In
Pregnant Passion: Gender, Sex, and Violence in the Bible, ed. Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, 8591. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003.
_____. “Learning from Our Ancestors.” The African American Pulpit 7 (Fall 2004): 33-37.
_____. “The Biblical Basis for a Political Theology of Liberation.” In Blow the
Trumpet in Zion: Global Vision and Action for the Twenty-first Century Black Church,
edited by Iva E. Carruthers, Frederick D. Haynes, and Jeremiah A. Wright, 91-96.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005.
_____. “He Didn’t Even Tell Us the Worst of It!” Union Seminary Quarterly Review
59, nos. 1 and 2 (2005): 15-24.
_____. “He Didn’t Even Tell Us the Worst of It!” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 59, nos. 1
and 2 (2005): 15-24.
_____. Review of The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology, by C. Marvin Pate. Journal of
the Evangelical Theological Society 48, no. 3 (Summer 2005): 610-612.
_____. “How Did We Get Reduced to a Parenthesis?” Black Theology 4, no. 1 (2006): 107-115.
_____. Review of Jacob’s Wound: Homoerotic Narrative in the Literature of Ancient Israel, by
Theodore W. Jennings. Religious Studies Review 32, no. 2 (2006): 116.
_____. Review of Racializing Jesus: Race, Ideology, and the Formation of Modern
Biblical Scholarship, by Shawn Kelly. Black Theology: An International Journal 4,
no. 1 (2006): 107-115.
_____. “Exegetical Perspective on Luke 1:46-55.” Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised
Common Lectionary, Year B, Vol. 1., edited by Bartlett, David L. and Barbara Brown
Taylor, 81-85. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.
_____.“What’s Right with Jeremiah Wright.” The Daily Voice.
http://thedailyvoice.com/voice/2008/03/jeremiah-wright-and-the-gospel000332.php#more (accessed March 17, 2011).
_____. “Exegetical Perspective on Psalm 96.” Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised
Common Lectionary, Year B, Vol. 1., edited by Bartlett, David L. and Barbara
Brown Taylor, 105-109. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.
_____. “Exegetical Perspective on Ps 98.” Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised
Common Lectionary, Year B, Vol. 1., edited by Bartlett, David L. and Barbara
Brown Taylor, 128-136. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.
_____. “Sacred Texts and the Dynamics of Oppression.” God is Calling for Liberation,
edited by Rainer Zimmer-Winkel, 7-19. Berlin: AphorismaA, 2009.
_____. “That’s Why They Didn’t Call the Book Hadassah! The Interse(ct)/(x)ionality of
Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality in the Book of Esther.” In They Were All
Together in One Place?: Toward Minority Biblical Criticism, edited by Randall C.
Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia, 227-250. Atlanta: Society
of Biblical Literature, 2009.
_____. 2009. David in Love and War: The Pursuit of Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 10-13.
Sheffield, United Kingdom: Sheffield Academic Press.
_____. “The Bible as a Text of Cultures.” The Peoples’ Bible: New Revised Standard
Version with the Apocrypha, edited by Curtis Paul DeYoung, Wilda C. Gafney,
Leticia Guardiola-Saenz, George E. Tinker, and Frank M. Yamada, 13-22.
Minneapolis: Fortress, 2009.
_____. “Introduction to Genesis.” The Peoples’ Bible: New Revised Standard Version with
the Apocrypha, edited by Curtis Paul DeYoung, Wilda C. Gafney, Leticia
Guardiola-Saenz, George E. Tinker, and Frank M. Yamada, 132-133. Minneapolis:
Fortress, 2009.
_____. “But It’s in the Text: Slavery, the Bible, and the African Diaspora.” Black Theology,
Slavery and Contemporary Christianity, edited by Anthony G. Reddie, 31-46.
Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2010.
_____. “The Greek Additions to Esther.” The Africana Bible: Reading Israel’s Scriptures
from Africa and the African Diaspora, edited by Page, Hugh R. Jr., Randall C.
Bailey, Valerie Bridgeman, Stacy Davis, Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Madipoane Masenya,
Nathaniel Samuel Murrell and Rodney S. Sadler Jr., 302-303. Minneapolis: Fortress,
_____. “Judges.” The Africana Bible: Reading Israel’s Scriptures from Africa and the
African Diaspora, edited by Page, Hugh R. Jr., Randall C. Bailey, Valerie
Bridgeman, Stacy Davis, Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Madipoane Masenya, Nathaniel
Samuel Murrell and Rodney S. Sadler Jr., 120-122. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2010.
_____. “Reading Backwards: A Narrative Technique for the Queering of David, Saul, and
Samuel.” The Fate of King David: The Past and Present of a Biblical Icon, edited
by Todd Linafelt, Timothy Beal and Claudia V. Camp, 66-81. London: T. & T.
Clark International, 2010.
_____. “Resisting Imperial Peace by Resisting the Biblical Text.” “Resisting Imperial
Peace. The US Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians”, edited
by Michael Andraos and Andrea Smith, Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Religion 1,
13.5 (2010): 1-34. http://raceandreligion.com/JRER/Volume_1_%282010%29.html.
(accessed March 16, 2011).
_____.“Why Do Readers Believe Lot? Genesis 19 Reconsidered.” OTE 23, no. 3 (2010):
_____. Review of Tight Fists or Open hands? Wealth and Poverty in Old Testament Law. By
David L. Baker. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 53, no. 2 (Je 2010): 384386.
Bailey, Randall C., ed. 2003.Yet with a Steady Beat: Contemporary U. S. Afrocentric
Biblical Interpretation. Boston: Brill.
Bailey, Randall C., and Anne P. Scheibner. "Preface." In Renewal in the Midst of Crisis: The
Church with AIDS, ed. Letty M. Russell. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990.
Bailey, Randall C., and Jacquelyn Grant, eds. 1995. The Recovery of Black Presence: An
Interdisciplinary Exploration, Essays in Honor of Dr. Charles B. Copher. Nashville:
Abingdon Press.
Bailey, Randall C., and Tina Pippin, eds. “Race, Class, and the Politics of Biblical Translation.”
Semeia 76 (1996): 1-169.
Bailey, Randall C., Hugh R. Page Jr., Valerie Bridgeman-Davis, and Stacy Davis, eds. 2009.
The Africana Bible: Reading Israel’s Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
Bailey Randall C., Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Madipoane Massenya (ngwan’a Mphahlele), and
Rodney S. Sadler, Jr. “African and African Diasporan Hermeneutics.” The
Africana Bible: Reading Israel’s Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora,
edited by Page, Hugh R. Jr., Randall C. Bailey, Valerie Bridgeman, Stacy Davis,
Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Madipoane Masenya, Nathaniel Samuel Murrell and Rodney
S. Sadler Jr., 19-24. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2010.
Bailey. Randall C., Penny Nixon and Wendell Miller. “Agents of Healing.” Lectionary
Commentary, 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Year B (2009): page nr.
http://www.hrc.org/scripture/?page=02-15-09. (accessed March 17, 2011).
Bailey, Randall C., Penny Nixon and Wendell Miller. “A Flash of Humanity.” Trinity
Sunday, Year B, (2009): page nr. http://www.hrc.org/scripture/?page=02-22-09
(accessed March 17, 2011).
_____. “The Politics of Coming Out.” Lectionary Commentary, 4th Sunday After
Epiphany, Year B (2009): page nr. http://www.hrc.org/scripture/?page=02-08-09
(accessed March 17, 2011).
Bailey, Randall C., Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia, eds. 2009. They Were
All Together in One Place: Toward Minority Biblical Criticism. Atlanta: Society of
Biblical Literature.
_____. “Toward Minority Biblical Criticism: Framework, Contours, Dynamics.” In They
Were All Together in One Place?:Toward Minority Biblical Criticism, edited by
Randall C. Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia, 3-45. Atlanta:
Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.
Battle, Michael A. “The Historical Significance of Hampton: The First Ten Years.” The
African American Pulpit 5, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 12-16.
_____. 1996. The History of the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference: An Experience in
Interdenominational Cooperation – The First Decade. St. Louis, MO: Hodale Press.
_____. “Visionary Servant Leader.” Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center
XXXII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2004/Spring 2005): 5-9.
Battle, Michael A, ed. 1994. The African American Church at Work. St. Louis, MO: Hodale
Battle, Michael A. “Visionary Servant Leader.” Journal of the Interdenominational
Theological Center XXXII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2004/Spring 2005): 5-9.
Battle, Michael A., Edward Wheeler, and David Maldonado. “The Unique Issues for
Racial/Ethnic Presidents.” In A Handbook for Seminary Presidents, edited by G.
Douglass Lewis and Lovett H. Weems, 189-205. Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006.
Bennett, Harold V. 2002. Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows,
Strangers, and Orphans in Ancient Israel. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company.
_____. “Triennial Tithes and the Underdog: A Revisionist Reading of Deuteronomy 14: 22-29
and 26:12-15.” In Yet with a Steady Beat: Contemporary U. S. Afrocentric Biblical
Interpretation, ed. Randall C. Bailey, 7-18. Boston, Brill, 2003.
_____. “New Brand of Pentecostalism Emerging.” The Atlanta Journal Constitution, 18
February 2006, sec. B, p. B1 and B3.
Brown, Thomas L. “Professional Ethics and Ministry.” Journal of the Interdenominational
Theological Center XXVI, no. 1 (Fall 1998): 74-102.
Burnett, Miriam J. “The Influence of Traditional African Health Beliefs and Practices on
Present-Day African-American Health Beliefs and Practices.” Journal of the
Interdenominational Theological Center XXXII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2004/Spring 2005):
Chapman, Christine D. “A Story Behind the Data.” Journal of the Interdenominational
Theological Center XXIX, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2001/Spring 2002): 107-135.
Chapman, Christine D., and Michael I. N. Dash. 2003. The Shape of Zion: Leadership
and Life in Black Churches. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
Costen, Melva Wilson. 1993. African American Christian Worship. Nashville:
Abingdon Press.
_____. 2004. In Spirit and Truth: The Music of African American Worship. Louisville, KY:
Westminster/John Knox Press.
Costen, Melva Wilson, ed. “African-American Worship: Faith Looking Forward.” Journal of
the Interdenominational Theological Center XXVII, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 1999/Spring
2000): 1-352.
Costen, Melva Wilson, and Darius L. Swann, eds. 1992. The Black Christian Worship
Experience. Atlanta: The ITC Press.
Crawford, A. Elaine. 2002. Hope in the Holler: A Womanist Theology. Louisville,
KY: Westminster/John Knox Press.
_____. “Womanist Christology: Where Have You Come from and Where Are You
Going?” Review and Expositor 95 (Summer 1998): 367-382.
Crawford, A. Elaine, and Anne Streaty Wimberly. “God’s People, God’s Earth Project: The
Interrelated Oppression of Women and Nature.” Journal of the Interdenominational
Theological Center XXXI, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2003/Spring 2004): 215-241.
Darden, Lynne. “Hanging out with Rahab: An Examination of Musa Dube’s Hermeneutical
Approach with a Postcolonial Touch.” In Postcolonial Perspectives in African Biblical
Interpretations, edited by Muse Dube, Andrew M Mbuvi, and Dora R. Mbuwayrsango,
63-74. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
Dash, Michael I. N. “Ministry, Spirituality, and Disciplines for Engagement.” Journal of the
Interdenominational Theological Center XXXII, nos. 1-2 (Fall 2004 /Spring 2005): 1750.
_____. “The Evaluation Process and the Members Voice Project: Perspectives and
Commentary.” Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center 33, no. 1-2 (Fall
2005/Spring 2006): 135-51.
Dash, Michael I. N., Jonathan Jackson, and Stephen C. Rasor. 1997. Hidden Whole-ness: An
African-American Spirituality for Individuals and Communities. New York: Pilgrim
Dash, Michael I. N., and Christine D. Chapman. 2003. The Shape of Zion: Leadership
and Life in Black Churches. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
Dash, Michael I. N., and Stephen C. Rasor. 2003. The Mark of Zion: Congregational
Life in Black Churches. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
_____. The Mark of Zion: Congregational Life in Black Churches. Eugene, OR: Wipf &
Stock Publishers, 2010.
Dash, Michael I. N., Jimmy Dukes, and Gordon T. Smith. “Learning from the First Years:
Noteworthy Conclusions from the Parish Experience of Recent Graduates of ATS
Schools.” Theological Education 40, no. 2 (2005): 65-77.
Earl Jr., Riggins R. 1993. Dark Symbols, Obscure Signs: God, Self, and Community
in the Slave Mind. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
_____. 2001. Dark Salutations: Ritual, God, and Greetings in the African American
Community. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International.
_____. 2005. “Christian Ethics.” [Hein-Fry Lecture Series participant, Practical Theology in the
Life of a Christian]. Philadelphia: The Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia.
_____. “The American Constitution: Its Troubling Ethics and Theological Paradoxes for
Blacks” The Interdenominational Theological Journal 35, no. 1-2 (Fall 2007/Spring
2008): 49-73.
_____. “Sankofan Socio-ethical Reflections: The Tuskegee University National Bioethic
Center’s Decade of Operation, 1999-2009” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and
Underserved 21 (2010): 6-10.
Ellingsen, Mark. 1990. The Integrity of Biblical Narrative: Story in Theology and Proclamation
Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
_____. Preparation and Manifestation: Sermons for Lent and Easter, Cycle A,
Gospel Texts. Lima, OH: CSS Publishers, 1992.
_____. 1993. The Cutting Edge: How Churches Speak on Social Issues. Grand Rapids, MI:
Geneva and William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
_____. 1995. A Common Sense Theology: The Bible, Faith, and American Society.
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
_____. 1999. Reclaiming Our Roots: An Inclusive Introduction to Church History. Vol. 1: The
Late First Century to the Eve of the Reformation. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press
_____. 1999.Reclaiming Our Roots: An Inclusive Introduction to Church History. Vol. 2: From
Martin Luther to Martin Luther King. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International.
_____. 2000. A Word That Sets Free: First Lesson Sermons for Sundays after Pentecost, Cycle
C. Lima, OH: CSS Publishers.
_____. 2003. Blessed Are the Cynical: How Original Sin Can Make America a Better
Place. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press.
_____. “Recovering the African Father: Towards an Inclusive Reading of Augustine.” Journal
of the Interdenominational Theological Center XXXII, nos. 1-2 (Fall-Spring 20042005): 169-189.
_____. 2005. The Richness of Augustine: His Contextual and Pastoral Theology. Louisville, KY:
Westminster/John Knox Press.
_____. “Are You Aware of Your Sacred Calling?” Insights(January 2005): 30-31.
_____. “No Peace and Genuine Dialogue without Justice.” Emphasis 7 (January-February 2005):
_____. “Mark Ellingsen Responds.” Emphasis 6 (March-April 2005): 64.
_____. “The Values Debate: Do Liberal Christians Have Any.” Emphasis 8 (March-April 2005):
_____. “It’s Good Jesus Is Gone, Because Right Now He’s Present.” Insights (April 2005): 4-5.
_____. “Take Away the ‘Social’ and There Ain’t Much Security Left.” Emphasis 6 (May-June
2005): 64.
_____. “Creation Groans: The Contributions of American Greed and Injustice.” Emphasis 6
(July-August 2005): 64.
_____. “A Fellowship between the Living and the Dead? We All Belong to the Lord.” Insights
(July 2005): 12-13.
_____. “Joseph Ratzinger (1927 - ): How Conservative Is Benedict XVI?” Theology Today 62,
no. 3 (October 2005): 388-398.
_____. “Working Outside the Box: God’s New Paradigm for Doing Business.” Insights
(October 2005): 4-5.
_____. “Justice for the Holidays.” Emphasis 6 (November-December 2005): 68-69.
_____. 2005. The Richness of Augustine: His Contextual and Pastoral Theology. Louisville, KY:
Westminster/John Knox Press.
_____. “What Kind of Life Are We Trying to Protect?” Emphasis 6 (September-October 2005):
_____. “Death Saddens Us.” In Life Everlasting, edited by Chuck Cammarata, 267-269. Lima,
OH: C.S.S. Publishing Company, 2006.
_____. “How Jesus’ Silence and Style Get the Church ‘Out of the Box.’” Insights (January
2006): 4-5.
_____. “A War with Only Lower-class Pain, So That the American Upper-class Can Gain.”
Emphasis 6 (January-February 2006): 64.
_____. “Destructive Dynamics in American Society.” Emphasis 7 (March-April, 2006): 70.
_____. “And He Could Do No Mighty Work There! Evil Isn’t God’s Fault.” Insights (April
2006): 20-21.
_____. “Is This the Church’s Business?” Emphasis 6 (May-June 2006): 58.
_____. “America and Its People Gone Astray.” Insights (July 2006): 24-25.
_____. “Assaults on the Elderly: What Politics Have to Do with It.” Emphasis 7 (July-August,
2006): 65.
_____. “He Celebrated Easter with His Life.” In Life Everlasting, edited by Chuck Cammarata,
251-253. Lima, OH: C.S.S. Publishing Company, 2006.
_____. “Gas Prices and the War.” Emphasis 6 (September – October 2006): 66.
_____. “God Never Breaks a Promise!” Insights (October 2006): 16-17.
_____. “God Is Maestro: Orchestra Still Errs.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. November 4,
_____. “God Will Prevail.” In Life Everlasting, edited by Chuck Cammarata, 240-242. Lima,
OH: C.S.S. Publishing Company, 2006.
_____. “The Two Kingdoms in America.” Dialog 45, no. 4 (Winter 2006): 366-375.
_____. “Somebody’s Child Is Still Fighting.” Emphasis 6 (November-December 2006):
_____. “Spirituality, Health, and Happiness in Ministry: How Neuro-Scientific Data Confirm
This Will Only Happen with Commitment and Cross-bearing.” Journal of the
Interdenominational Theological Center XXXIV, nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2006/Spring 2007):
_____. “Jesus’ Vision of a Fun, Free Life, Not Driven by Purpose.” In Sermons on the Gospel
Readings, Series II, Cycle A, by Charles L. Aaron, Lee Griess, Mark Ellingsen, Wayne
Brouwer, and Chris Ewing, 215-294. Lima, OH: C.S.S. Publishing Company, 2007.
_____. “A Love That Will Not Let Us Go.” Insights (January 2007): 6-7.
_____. “Favoring the Rich.” Emphasis 7 (January-February 2007): 73.
_____. “Conspicuous Consumption and Its Politics.” Emphasis 7 (March-April 2007): 77.
_____. “For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free.” Insights (April 2007): 18-19.
_____. “We Still Need Affirmative Action [As Long as There’s Sin]. Emphasis 7 (May-June
2007): 65.
_____. “Have We American Christians Become So Virtuous and Holy as to Be of No Earthly
Use?” Insights (July 2007): 10-11.
_____. 2007. When Did Jesus Become Republican? Rescuing our Country and Our Values from
the Right: Strategies for a Post-Bush America. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
_____. “Beware of Virtues.” Emphasis 7 (July – August 2007): 64.
_____. “What Christians Can Do to Help Our Schools.” Emphasis 6 (September-October 2007):
_____. “The Miracles of Christmas.” Insights (October 2007): 18-19.
_____. “Money Talks and the Poor Are Silenced.” Emphasis 6 (November-December 2007): 82.
_____. “Whose Agenda Should Lead the Nation?” Insights (January 2008): 12-13.
_____. “The War in Iraq: What’s Next?” Emphasis 6 (January-February 2008): 70.
_____. “The Health-care Crisis: Are the Candidates Really Concerned?” Emphasis: A
Lectionary Preaching Journal (March-April 2008): page nr.
http://www.sermonsuite.com/emphasis-online.html (accessed March 17, 2011).
_____. “People Who Matter Make a Difference.” Insights (April, 2008).
_____. “Should Government and the Church Mind their Own Business?” Emphasis: A
Lectionary Preaching Journal (May-June 2008): page nr.
http://www.sermonsuite.com/emphasis-online.html (accessed March 17, 2011).
_____. “Even Our Pettiness Can’t Put a Damper on God’s Love.” Insights (July, 2008).
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