A study of the transformer magnetic circuit Electrical Engineering irtJiv. i.r.r 1 ,1 J.,TB J? . of oi3 ARY V;-^V UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class MrlO-20M Book Volume Vv^V? } f^JK; Electrical Engineering College of Engineering UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS June - 1900 V V The DESIGN CONSTRUCTION AND TEST o a f RECTIFIER b y Guy Richardson Radley. THESIS for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering College of Engineering UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS June - 1900 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/designconstructiOOradl TAELE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. PREFACE. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM. CHAPTER III. D -SIGN. CHAPTER IV. CONSTRUCTION. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. TEST. CONCLUSIONS. INDKX OF TABLES. TABLE I. TABLE II. TABLE III. TABLE IV. TABLE V. TABLE VI. TA.BLH VII. TABLE VIII. Page 39. Data for Magnetization Curve of Rectifier. Page 40. Data for Short-circuit Characteristic. Page 40. Data for Dynamic Characteristic. Page 41. Data for Stray Pov/er. Pages 42-43. Synchronous Characteristics. Page 44. Efficiency Test - Separarely Excited. Page 43. SjTtchronous Characteristic Page 45. Efficiency Test - - Self-excited. Self-excited. .. TABLE OP ILLUSTRATIONS & CURVES. FIGURE 1. Page 46. Photograph of Rectifier. FIGURE O• Pace 47. Sectioned Elevation of Rectifier. FIGURE o• Pace o 48. End Section of Rectifier. FIGURE 4. Pace 49. Magnetization Curves of Rectifier. FIGURE 5a. Pare 50. Short-circuit Curves of Rectifier. FIGURE 5b. FIGURE (Zj r> Pag? 51 Short-circuit Curves of Rectifier. 6. Pare 52. Dynamic Characteristic of Rectifier. FIGURE 7. Pace 53. Curves of Stray Pov/er. FIGURE 8. Pace 54. Diagram of Connections for General Test. FIGURE 9. K • Pace JO Synchronous Characteristics, er 53.3 Cycles. 80 " 100 tf " 120 " h ff 140 tf tt FIGURE 10. Pace 56. o " " FIGURE 11. Pace o 57. tt tf FIGURE 12. Pace 58. o " FIGURE 13. Pace 59. FIGURE 14. Pace 60. FIGURE 15. Pace 61 Variation of the V/atts with the Frequency. FIGURE 16. Page 62. Variation of the FIGURE 17. Page 63. Efficiency Test. Non-inductive Load. FIGURE 18. Page 64. Efficiency Test. Electrolytic Load. FIGURE 19. Page 65. Synchronous Characteristics. FIGURE 20. Page 66. Efficiency Test. Electrolytic Load. Po". 160 r »« tt er-factor with Frequency. Self-excited. CHAPTER I. PREFACE The electric light has now become quite popular, nearly every city of a thousand inhabi tants or so having its electri? light plant. At the tine of the greatest activity in this line it was the fad to install indiscriminately single phase apparatus producing an alternating current having a frequency of from 100 to 140 cycles per second. One of the objections to this system was the fact that elec- tric fans and small motors could not be profitably operated, for With a transformer system connected to the mains for 24 hours, the core losses in the transformers might amount to as much as the revenue from the current sold for these small powers. A solution of the problem of securing the advantages of a continually available suppljr of' current suitable for these small motors in a town where the single phase system is used, led to the design of the machine which is the subject of this thesis. CHAPTER II. STATEMENT OP PROBLEM In this design the following conditions were laid dovm as essential features in the machine. 1. Character of Current:- The current delivered by machine must be suitable for charging storage batteries without any destructive chemical effects such as would happen should an alternating current pass through the cells. 2. Capacity:- Machine must be able to charge two cells of battery in series at a 10 ampere rate, requiring for this from six to ten volts. 3. Reliability:- Machine must be started by a simple switch and begin work without hitch or failure. It must continue in un- interrupted service without requiring attention, automatically opening the battery circuit on failure of the a. c. supply, thus preventing the battery discharging back through the machine. 4. Efficiency:- This must be as high as is possible com- patible with considerations of economy in first cost. iency of the transformation must be as high The effic- or higher than would be obtained were the given cells charged by introducing resist- ance in series on a 110 volt d. c. circuit. CHAPTER III. Choice of Type. 1. In selecting a machine to fulfill the conditions enumerated in Chapter that may be used. DESIGN. II. there are three general types These are; (a) I.lotor-generator , (b) Synchronous Converter and (c) a Rectifier. a. Lotor-generator :- In this machine an ordinary tor of the proper voltage, is directly coupled to an either the induction or synchronous type. d. c. a. c. genera- motor of The operation of this combination would be both simple and reliable since both operate under known conditions. Starting would be easy, since if a non- self-starting synchronous motor ed to the d. c. as a d. c. motor. a. c. voltage and the ere used current could be furnish generator and the combination run up to synchronism With this arrangement the ratio between the d. c. , may be changed within wide limits with- out serious losses in either reactance or resistance. Against it may be laid the high first cost, due to the necessity of having two complete machines. If an induction motor is used the power- factor may be very low, especially in a machine as small as this is proposed to be. The efficiency of conversion will also be low owing to the double losses, the efficiency of a motor-generator being the product of the separate efficiencies of the motor and generator. Since these may both be quite low the combination as a whole will have a very low total efficiency. Thus if we take the 4. efficiency of a motor of the required size to be about by B4x% Ralph Bennett 50/o as found and assume the same figure for the genera- tor, the total efficiency of conversion would be but 9%, The regulation for the induction motor combination would also be very poor since the speed would fall off with the load and the armature reaction would also tend to decrease the voltage. Sparking would occur on the generator, due to shifting of the neutral point with changes of the load. b. This machine owing to its single Synchronous Converter:- winding will have a high efficiency, the armature resistance having small effect since during portions of the revolution the alter- nating current flows in an opposite direction to the direct current This same fact prevents armature reaction and thus the operation is sparkless. On the other hand there is always more or less difficulty in starting a synchronous converter from the It is usually done from the d. c. a. c. side. side, using a synchronizing de- This would be very troublesome on a machine of but one- vice. tenth kilowatt capacity. The operation is not always very stable, with leading currents the tendency to pump and to fall out of step being very strong. This machine has a practically fixed ratio of transformation, a change in the ed by a change in the c. Rectifier:- a. c. d. c. voltage being obtain- supply voltage. This may be of two kinds, (l) A synchronous motor wound for line voltage, driving an entirely separate commutator which receives current from a transformer furnishing the (1). "Tests of Fan Motors'*. Ralph Bennett,' 99. Thesis in University Library, by necessary (2) a. c. voltage to give the required d. c. potential* A synchronous motor having slip rings and commutator connected to a winding suitable for the voltage to be delivered. With the first arrangement difficulty would be experienced in Winding a very small synchronous motor for 100 volts. Starting would be almost impossible without an auxiliary winding. The spark ing would be great, due to change in phase between the current run- ning the motor and that supplied to the commutator, when the powerfactor of the load changed. To insure sparkless running the brush position would have to be changed with every change in load. On the other hand, if the motor is to be run from the same current that is rectified, the winding for this low voltage will be simple and the wire of a convenient size. It will also start easily since the fields may be connected directly to the d. c. brushes. The machine will then start up as an ordinary shunt motor, since the direction of the current in the armature and fields is changed during the revolution in such a way as to make torque always ih the same direction. When up to synchronous speed the fields will be excited by a uni-directional pulsating current. phase of the e. m. f . with respect to the current Any change in due to changes in load, will not necessitate a change in the position of the brushes since the armature automatically lags behind the proper amount. With this type of machine as well as With the synchronous converter the polarity of the brushes in starting is not fixed. In starting, if the desired polarity is not obtained the a. c. circuit may be opened momentarily. During this period the armature falls behind one half cycle, and yet gets in step when the current is again supplied. The proper length of time to hold the circuit open can be found out by experiment. Since the machine while running is liable to fall out of step or the a. c. supply may fail, some arrangement is necessary to pre- vent damage in such cases. This may consist of a polarized elect- ro- magnet through which the rectified current passes. of this magnet would control switches in both the circuits. d. c. The lever and a. c. Thus if the rectified current ceased or reversed, the armature of the circuit breaker as it might be called, would be released, opening both circuits and preventing either the discharge of the storage battery back through the rectifier or the sending of an alternating curr-nt through the batteries with the consequent production of sulphate on the plates. Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of these three types of machines it was decided that the second type of rectifier offered the best solution of the problem and the design worked out as follows. 2. Calculation:- In the design of any piece of electrical apparatus there are usually a multitude of ways in which the desi- red end may be accomplished. In such a case the aim of the des- igner is to secure the best efficiency, durability and reliability at the lowest cost. The degree to which any machine approximates to the maximum value of these quantities, depends upon the experience and judge- ment of the designer as well as his theoretical knowledge. In the cass of the author, his experience at the time of the design was very limited indeed, so that he had to draw upon such These were such books as "Dyn- sources as were at hand for data. amo electric Machines" A. E. V/iener. nating Current Machinery" D. C. , "Alternating Currents and Altea? J.P.Jackson, &. and "Dynamo Electric Machinery" S.P.Thompson. Type of Field:- Since nearly all alternators of modern con- struction are of the radial inner-pole type, that form was adopted. Its advantages are, a lew co-efficient of magnetic leakage, ease of construction and ease of magnetic calculation. Speed:- This was taken at 1875, which is required on 125 cycles with an 8 pole field. If a 6 pole field had "been chosen the speed would have been 2500 which it was thought was too high to reach when starting as an a. c. shunt motor. On the other hand a 10 pole field would have been quite slow in speed which would have necessit- ated much more wire on the armature and much greater weight of machine. On the whole it is thought that the number of poles and consequent speed was well chosen. Armature:- This was chosen of the drum type, 2" in diameter, partly because Table X in Wiener, p. 60., seemed to indicate that it would be a good size and also because the ferrotype plates which it was proposed to use for the core discs, would cut up into that size without much wastage. Commutator:eter. It was thought that this should be 1^" in diam- According to Wiener, p. 175. the current density for copper brushes should not exceed 150 amperes per square inch of contact surface. Since something more than 10 amperes are to be carried thin would indicate that the surface of each brush should be about .1 square inch in section, or that a brush about .1 inch thick, should be used. With a commutator lj" in diameter the peripheral speed will be 750 ft. p. 179 of Wiener, sq. in. = 1.51 # The proposed surface is .2 sq. pull will be .302 From formula 119 per minute. the tangential pull will be, for this speed and With a brush pressure of 1# per contact surface. inch wide and 1 per sq. in. , in. of hence the The work done in overcoming the friction of #. the brushes on commutator will then be, 750 x .302 = 226 ft. lbs. Assuming a collector ring diameter of 1" will be 490 1.88" per ft. sq. in. the peripheral speed for which the pull per sq. in. per min. , , will be making the work done by these brushes, 1.88 x .1 x 490 = 92 ft. lbs. This is allowing a density in the slip-ring brushes of double that used on the commutator. This is thought to be all right since that density is used in a particular machine, in satisfactory commercial operation, with which the author has had an opportunity to become acquainted. This makes a total of 318 ft. lbs. per min. or 7.1 watts required in the motor for brush friction alone. Shaft:- The diameter of this was taken as .2" at the bearing portion and 3/8" for the core portion. agreement with Table LII. p. This is in substantial 187 of Wiener. Taking the co-efficient of friction of the journals as .07 and estimating the weight of com- pleted armature as 2. 6 18 ft. lbs. per min. m. 77" , makes the work required for the bearings Adding this to the work required for brush friction makes a total of 336 ft. lbs. per min. or 7 . 6 watts input necessary to run the machine. Taking a "factor of safety" of 2 makes about 15 watts, or a current of 2.5 amperes necessary at 6 volts. Assuming a current density of 500 circular mils Size of Wire:- per ampere, an area of 1250 cir. mils will be required . This is nearest to #19 but for commercial reasons #20 B&S was chosen. The density in the air gap was chosen Length of Conductor:as S000 lines per sq. in. ation in Table VI p. , a figure which was obtained by exterpol- This density is very low, but 54 of Wiener. that author seems to think that with multipolar machines with toothed armature and cast-iron field poles, a very low density is needed. The percentage of polar embrace was fixed at 50 since that is usual in alternators. With a depth of winding of 1/4" would be, for a 2" armature, 15.34 From formula 26. p. , the mean conductor velocity ft. 55 of Wiener, per second. it is found that the active length of armature conductor must be 54.3 ft, or 81.5 inches per armature slot. Laying this out to scale as in Pig. 3, it is seen that with a slot .37" wide and .26" deep there will be room for 5 layers with 8 wires per layer, of #20 B&S. A core 2" long will thus give 80" of active conductor per slot. Field Calculation:- Having fixed upon the dimensions and wind- ing of the armature it becomes necessary to design a field magnet to supply the required flux. This is usually done by the "cut and try" method, a particular form of field being adopted and different lengths of cores tried till one is found which uses the materials to the best advantage. For a bipolar machine, Ml*. Geo. T. Hanchett by which the length of core may be determin has given a formula d directly, after a sufficient number of variables have been fixed, but the method offered no advantage in this particular design. Since the core length was fixed as 2" and 40 wires could be put in a slot, there are but 80" of active conductor instead of 81.5" as required by the formula. Since the length is thus de- creased, the density of the flux has to be increased in the same This makes the air gap density 8150 instead of 8000 proportion. Below is tabulated the assumed and derived as first assumed. constants which were finally used, two other sets having been worked out but found to not allow enough space for the field winding. TABLE OF L1AGNETIC DATA OF RECTIFIER. For one magnetic circuit. Length Area Density Total inches sq. in. sq. in. flux. Air Gap Cores ( = 1.5) Yoke 3330. 2550. 060 .406 8150. 1.125 .312 10700. 3330. C. . 1.33 .437 11500. 5000. 20. 26.6 1.33 .625 8000. 5000. 16. 22.1 . Armature Core f (B)*Ampere turns. o 153. e o D t. O Total <o . 204.3 Thus it is seen that about 204 ampere turns are required to produce the required density in the air-gap. Field Winding:- After considerable preliminary work trying to determine the size of wire necessary to give the required no. ampere- turns (1) , of and also to keep the watts lost per unit of radiating "Dimensioning of Field Magnets", Taken from Table LXXXVIII. p. E. ' W. 29 April '99. 336 of Wiener. surface within allowable limits, it was found that for a given no. of anpere turns to be put in a given space, the watts lost are prac- tically independent of the size of wire. This having been dis- covered it was decided for commercial reasons to use the same size of wire on the field that was to be used on the armature viz. #20. Taking this size the spools were planned out as shown in Fig. 3. Room was found for 4 layers of 13 turns each, on each field. This winding requires 2 amperes to make the desired 204 ampere The mean length of a turn was 5.375", making a total length turns. of 25.5 ft. on each spool, or 204 ft. on the whole field. From standard wire tables this length should have a resistance of 2.3 ohms at 50° C. The resistance as measured after the machine was constructed, was 2.5 ohms, at 30° 0. The outside or radiating surface of each spool is about 7.5 sq. in o The watts lost = C^R, are 9.2 watts. 60 sq. in. , These are radiated from making the density of radiation .15 watt per is very moderate for a d. c. sq. in. machine. Since the terminal volts are to be 6 and the field current is to be 2, there must be a total resistance in the field circuit of ohms. which , The field winding has a resistance of 2.3 , 3 hence there will be required a rheostat having a resistance for normal operation of .7 ohm. Actually there was provided one having very small steps aggregating 4.1 ohms. CHAPTER IV. CONSTRUCTION Having completed the design, I constructed the machine during the months of June and July, 1309. The shaft was the first piece finished. This as shown in Pig. 2. was 7* inches long, and of machine steel. This was turned 4 up to a uniform diameter of - inch, v/ith a shoulder ±- high in the 8 middle. On this shaft was forced a hard maple block, using an arbor press for the purpose. 3.2- 32 This block was then turned down to which was 1- greater in diam. than the internal diameter of the 64 hard brass tube which was to form the commutator and slip rings. The tube after being pressed on, was divided" into the proper f number of segments and * flat head brass wood screws put in. The segments were then milled apart, the milling machine index doing this quite accurately, while the screws kept the bars in the sa'Tie relative position. Red fibre strips were then driven in be- tween the segments, being held in by friction and glue. tsrfl An end plate ^- thick was next slipped on the shai t 32 ed to the commutator core as the section in Fig. 2. and screw- clearly shows. This served to keep the commutator bars and the armature core in the same relative position without the possibility of a change. The armature core discs were next prepared ^being punched out of old "Ferrotype" plates such as used by photographers. The iron of these plates is thought to be of the best quality since they 13 The japan served to in- are made from a brand which is very soft. sulate the discs and prevent eddy currents. each disc v.'as The burr formed on removed by light blows from a hammer. Although this undoubtedly hardened the iron in that locality, it is thought that this did not affect the core losses of the machine since this part I was removed, the discs being punched to 2* finished diameter was but 2". it diameter while the A nut working on the threaded por- tion of the shaft served to compress the discs between the endplates. After these were as tight as possible the exposed portion of the thread and a portion of the nut were turned off in the lathe not however to the final diameter, which was deferred till after the slots had been milled. This was done to prevent the possibility of not having the armature run true when finished, owing to a slight bending of the shaft during the milling. >zfi on . The slots were milled with a £ cutter to depth of Troughs of shellacked manilla paper insulation. winding. ^ thick were used as a slot Double cotton covered copper wire was used in the This was continuous from one si in ring to the other, there thus being but a single path through the armature. wire was of #20 B&S gauge. This The slip rings were connected by pieces of -"16 wire to every alternate commutator bar. The field ring is an iron casting. This casting was annealed by heatng to a bright red and imbedding in air slacked lime dust. In turning up the ring it was first bored out to 8~ , the re- quired size, and forced on a mandrel, the remaining operations then being done with ease while the yoke was made perfectly con- centric with the bore. J 14 The bod plate was so designed as to have the seats Tor the pedestals and the field ring cut at one setting of the boring oar. Since the pedestals were turned up as segments of a circle of the same diameter as the field ring, the shaft of a necessity came con- centric with the boxes. While the armature was kept in its pro- per position by a layer of paper of the right thickness, paste- board ends were put on the shaft and the boxes filled with genuine Babbitt metal. On cooling this shrunk and gripped the shaft so tightly that its removal was difficult and necessitated the scraping of the boxes to insure a good running fit. At the .same time the skrinkage loosened the box from the pedestal necessitating Setting up with a punch to prevent looseness. Oiling was effected by compression cups filled with "Helmet Oil". This was found better than liquid oil since no provision had been made to prevent the oil working from the bearings to the winding. V/ire gauze brushes 1" wide by l/9" thick, with a filling of leaf copper were used on the commutator. This was done with the hope that the sparking would be less than With an all copper brush, the advertised claims being very glowing in regard to the non- sparking qualities of this particular make. It was soon seen how- ever that the brush was too thick, so the wire gauze portion was removed leaving sheet copper about 1/16" thick for the collecting surface. Regular copper brushes 1/4" by l/8" thick were used on the collector rings. The brush holders were all provided With springs and pivoted, giving the brushes a yielding pressure on the commutator. 15 CHAPTER 1. V. TESTS. Nature of Tests. In testing the rectifier the general characteristics of the machine itself and also the efficiency of conversion were sought. Specifically the following were determined :a. Magnetization Curve. b. Short Circuit Characteristic. c. Field or External Characteristic. d. Stray Power Losses. e. Synchronous Motor Characteristics. f. Efficiency of Conversion. 2. Procedure. a. Magnetization Curve:- A grooved pulley 1" in diameter was hushed to fit the shaft of rectifier and the machine was run as an 1 H. P. a. c. U.S. generator from a grooved cone pulley on the shaft of a 500volt motor. ine served as a belt. A 3/16" cctton cord rubbed with paraff- In order to get the low speeds a large amount of resistance had to be inserted in the armature circuit of the 500 volt motor with the result that the machine slowed down very much with an increase in the load. For this reason it was thought best to simply excite the fields of the rectifier to a certain value and then vary the speed of the motor by steps, taking the value as it came rather than trying to kiep the speed constant with this greatly varying load. Speeds were taken with a rub- ber tipped speed or revolution counter, recording the revolutions for half a minute. The field was separately excited from 10 cells of storage battery having a wire coil rheostat in series. The field current was measured with a Whitney 0-5 double scale ammeter -1949. , which wa.s always connected up so as to obtain read- ings on the left hand scale as the calibration had shown that this scale was correct for values of current of more than .5 amp. The meter d. c. volts were measured with a Weston portable volt- 4349, using the lower scale. /L To measure the a. c. volts a Thomson inclined coil voltmeter was borrowed from the Superint- endent of the Municipal Electric Light Plant at Sandwich, 111. A tap was made which cut out the dead resistance in series with the moving system. This made the constant of the instrument approximately .1, giving it a range of 13 volts. A german- silver coil was wound up non-inductively of such a value that the range was increased to 23 volts when it was in series with the tap. The total resistance of the instrument when used regularly was 1533 ohms, about .9 of this being non-inductive. When the instrument is used without this in series the inductance forms a much larger proportion of the total impedance than formerly. The result is that on high frequencies the inductance may be suff- icient to sensibly increase the impedance, thus causing the readings to be low for high values of the frequency. Whether this occurred in these tests was not determined as no standard low range a. c. voltmeter was available, and in all cases it has been 17 assumed that the effect was well within the limits of accuracy of the instruments. h. Short-circuit Characteristic:- In taking this the recti- fier was driven as for the Magnetization Curve, the slip rings being connected to a Thomson a. c. ammeter #14010, 0-15 range, by The ohmic resistance was about 6" of doubled #16 flexible cord. thus very low, while the inductance of the ammeter is surely neglegible. The excitation was measured by a Whitney ammeter #1949 as before. A fixed value of the field was maintained, different values of the frequency being obtained by changing the resistance in series with the driving motor armature. taken for half minute intervals. Speeds were With field currents above two amperes the varying magnetic reluctance made a large variation in This resulted in the armature the torque in passing the pole. sticking fast with the poles in line, so strongly 'that the belt By getting the machine up to slipped even when very tight. speed before the exciting current was thrown on, no difficulty was encountered from this effect. It was noticed that for any given excitation the current de- livered was independent of the frequency after a certain speed had been reached. c. Field or External Characteristic:- This curve shows the potential at which any particular value of current can be obtained with a given excitation. In its determination the motor was run without resistance in the armature circuit so as to maintain frequency as nearly a constant speed as possible. rectifier as generator up to 170. This brought the A of the Readings were taken of the V 18 terminal volts and amperes load for several values of the load, with a field current of 1 ampere and a second series with a field of 1.35 ampere. d. These were measured on the Stray Power Losses:- the rectifier being run as a d. c. d. c. side shunt motor and the electrical input for various speeds determined for different field strengths. The curves plotted in Pig. 7. are from the data given in Table IV, which was taken when the brushes were in tie position always used when running as a synchronous motor viz: with the toe of the brush in the middle of the fibre commutator insulation when the polf of the armature was exactly opposite the field pole. e. Synchronous Motor Characteristics:- m these tests the relation between power factor and the excitation for varying voltb ;es was found, the tests being made with frequencies from about 50 to nearly 200. The field ammeter and instruments for a. c. measurements were those previously described with the exception of the wattmeter. This was a Thomson inclined coil instrument #789 also obtained from the Electric Light Plant at Sandwich. It Was tapped cut as was the voltmeter. This made the capacity of the instrument 150 watts or 15 amps at 10 volts. Current was obtained from the ft'estinghouse Pony Alternator #£3*31 which was driven by belt from a 3K. V/. 500 volt Edison motor receiving current from the University Power Plant. The speed of the motor was regulated by a rheostat in series with the motor armature. Speeds were taken after they were steady by means of a portable tachometer made by berg, # Whiles this S chaffer & Buden- method is notoriously inaccurate, it was ; thought that as only comparative- results were desired it would do, as with the large number of observations required, the the use of a revolution recorder or speed counter was out of the question owing to the time that would be required. The observations necessarily- had to be made on the generator as the motor would be sensibly affected by even a light pressure of the speed counter. The method, of procedure was as follows: Rectifier field was connected to the commutator brushes without resistance in the field circu.it. The alternator was started up with a strong field, so that about 4 volts a. c. were delivered to rectifier at a frequency of about 15 Circles per second. This started the rectifier, it falling into step immediately and running with a large current. While thus running the field was switched over from self-exciting to separarately excited, the arrangement being shown in Fig. 8. The switch for this purpose was one especially constructed for the purpose 'and made so that the one circuit was made before the other was opened, thus preventing opening the field circuit. This was found to be necessary as a sudden opening of the field followed by a closing was always sure to cause the machine to fall out of step. The resistance in series with the driving motor was then cut out slowly, the field of the alternator being simultaneously cut down to prevent the 10 or 12. a. c. volte rising above The field current of rectifier was then adjusted to the desired value as well as the terminal a. c. volts. When these were steady the speed of the alternator was taken with the tach- ometer and then the various instruments were read in order; watts, a. c. amperes, a. c. volts, d. c. a. c. volts and field excitation. 20 In starting the rectifier the polarity of the d. c. brushes of the commutator was liable to change with each new start. When this occurred as shown by the field ammeter, it was necessary to stop and begin over again. In all these tests it was noted that the exciting current possible with a given frequency was very much smaller than that required to generate a counter electro-motive-force equal to the applied volts. In fact the range through t which the field could be varied without falling out of step was from 1/4 to 1* amperes at 50 cycles, while at the frequencies above 120 stable running was only secured with a field strength of from .5 to .9 ampere. The stability of operation at a frequency of 60 or below was very marked, field currents up to 7 amperes sometimes being used and at though the machine did not other times the field current was made fall out of step, the armature serving to magnetize its own fields. When running this way the watts input seemed to change but slightly but the current was large, the power factor being very low. f. Efficiency of Conversion:- In these tests the rectifier was connected as shown in Fig. 8., a Weston 0-15 ammeter #1846, serving to measure the previously used. d.c output. The other instruments were as Tests were made using a non-inductive resist- ance consisting of very open coils cf large iron wire. C. & C. series motor was used as a load. took a large current. Next a It ran very slowly and Three series of observations were then made when using ordinary carbon-cylinder sal-ammoniac cells, having large size zincs, as a load, the current depositing spongy zinc from the solution on the the postive plates. In the tests with rectifier running self-excited, the load was two sal-ammoniac cells of the same kind as previously used. A noticeable feature when thus running was that with a load having a counter-electro-motive-f orce , field excitations and voltages may be used which would cause the machine to fall out of step on either inductive or non-inductive loads. This is probabls? due - to the fact that when self-excited a pulsating current having a zero value for a considerable portion of the time, flows in the field circuit. '..'lien the cells were on as load the current could only drop to the value of this back e. m. f. , and hence the variation in the field circuit was very much decreased. 22 CONCLUSIONS. CHAPTER VI. 1. Discussion of Data and Curves. a. The Static Characteristic or I.'agnetizat ion Curve :- Data obtained in this test is given in Table plotted in Fig. I and the curves are For a given frequency the 4. volts vary a. c. directly as the field current, starting from the origin. The d. c. volts on the contrary do not start from the origin, due probably to the fact that the d. c. brushes open the circuit siderable portion of the time. The a. c. for a con- volt curve for 161 cycles shows a decide break between excitations of 2.5 and This v:as 3 amp. due to a stoppage of the driving motor to change the volt- meter range by adding the resistance in series with the moving system. The fact that the voltage was apparently higher after the change than before, leads one to suspect that the inductance of the instrument had begun to influence the readings. The value of the inductance increases with the increase of the deflection, thus ihcresing the impedance and preventing as large a current, and hence torque, as would flow did it not change. When plotted on a frequency base a gradual bending over of the curves for both a. c. and d. c. volts for frequencies above 125, except for the last readings of about 190, is noted. case they are in a straight line. In the latter In inking in the curves the last point was considered to have more weight than those lying off the , line, because it was quite probable that the apparent drop is due to the inductance of the voltmeter. In the last reading a con- siderable resistance was in series with the voltmeter so that it This explanation does not account was free from this error. for the fact that the d. c. volts also drop off for these frequenc- This fact leads one to suspect that the speed was not corre- ies. ctly read, which has some weight for these speed determinations were made by another person, and it is well known that the personal]! equation plays a great part in the readings obtained for a given speed when taken with a tachometer. The fact that the d. c. volts for 190 cycles where the author again took the readings personally are lower than indicated by a law of proportional it;/, may be expla- ined by t~ie fact that small inequalities of the surface of the com- mutator, which are known to exist owing to the unequal wear of the brass and the fibre insulating strips, cause, at these very high speeds a vibration of the brushes which causes the circuit to open a greater portion of the time than for low speeds. b. Short Circuit Curve-- This curve shown in Pig. 5, shows that the amperes output for a given excitation with increasing frequency, approaches a limit, which limit is reached sooner with small values of field current than with large ones, the absolute value of this limit being of course larger for the large values of excitation. This is shown also by the curves of Fig. which are plotted on a field current base. In table II are given the internal volts taken from the curves of Fig. corresponding field currents and frequencies. 5b. 4. for the From these and the short circuit currents, the apparent impedances are calculated. 1 ) ?A This term called the "Synchronous Reactv.nce" by Stcinmetz ^ includes the effect due to the armature reaction in demagnetizing the field and thus reducing the terminal volts, as well as the inductance proper , it being thus an equivalent or effective react- The values of the synchronous reactance are shown in Fig. ance. 5a to increase in exact proportion to the fequency, as would be ex- From these values the "apparent inductance" has been cal- pected. culated and is given in Table This appears to be, within the II. limit of error of observation, a constant for all frequencies but varying with the excitation. For a 2 ampere field the value is about 1.85 millihenries. c. Dynamic or Field Characteristic:- values of the excitation, 1 This is shown for two and 1.35 ampere respectively, at 170 cycles, for a non-inductive load, in Fig. 6. , the data being given The determination of this curve for a given machine in Table III. whose magnetization curve is known has been the subject of much discussion in the electrical papers within the last few years. As being instructive in showing which of the proposed formulae apply to the machine in hand, it being a rather exceptional case owing to its high inductance, the methods are here given in brief together with the results of their application to the rectifier. Alex. A. Rothert 'makes the statement "If the primary ( exciting , current for no load and the given e. m. f. , is combined with that for short circuit with the civen current, the primary ( exciting) current for full load and any power- factor is obtained". (1) "Alternating Current Phenomena". (2) Rothert. E. V/. & S. Steinmetz. 2nd. 34:496. 30 Sept. '99. ed. p. 245. From Fig. 4,5 & 1. 6, can be found the following values; Exciting current for 3*35 volte and " 2. " w 3*35 * " " 0.00 " Hence for case 1, low by about 5/& 1 amp. " 1 " load = ii it ampere. 1 — rt ii — o; ii the formula gives .95 ampere, a result For another load, 4. Exciting current for 6.05 volts and 2 amp. 5. " " " 6.05 " " 6. " " "0.00 " n Thus for case 4, we get 2.15 amp. 2 load = 1.35 amperes. " " = 1.30 " " = * .35 instead of 1.35 or 16% high. The same author had earlier given an enlargement of Behn-Eschen- bergs theory^ ^ as follows: The terminal voltage is the vector sum of the ohmic and inductive drops, and the impressed E.M.F* E. M. F. istic. This is obtained from the magnetization curve or static character- The inductive drop is obtained for any current from the short-circuit curve. Then for any given load and voltage and angle of lag, the point on the characteristic is obtained thus: From the magnetization curve as Fig. ponding to E', as H*. (1) Electrical World. 1. From the short-circuit curve, Fig. 32:160. 13 Aug. "Hi Fig, select an excitation corres- Fig. Z '98. 2., ; select an excitation H'^ corresponding to an external load I' find from Fig. the 1. e. m. f . E'_ corresponding to the value of the , field. From point 0, Fig. drop. From A, and at right angles to 0, lay off A3 equal to E lay off OA equal to I9R01 the ohmic 3* From B draw a line in the direction the inductive drop. and C f s > making an angle $ v/ith the axis of abscissae, equal to the angle of lag of the current Ig behind the equal to E f , the internal CB is then the terminal e. m. e. m. From e. m. f . f. f. with radius 0C cut the line BC at , C. The line for the excitation H'. This method when applied to the curves in hand gives the following: E H\ = 1 = 8.3 volts. H* = 1.85 ampere. .85 amp. Whence = e • 6.3 =3.8 E* volts. = 2 amperes. = 1.72 R I while as measured it was 6.05 This is assuming unity power-factor. of I' 9 or 5^ high. By taking 6.05 as the value it shows that, assuming the method as correct, e there was an angle of lag of 3° corresponding to a power-factor of 99.8$. Again with a larger load; E' = 8.8 volts. H\K = 1.75 E H' = 1.85 amp. = 8.4 volts. f S Whence of the e. m. is less than e f. I & 1 = 4 amperes. 1 = 3.48 R ft owing to uncertain determination of self-induction for such large values. For a smaller field excitation, ampere, the method gives 1 the foil ow i ng E H' 1 =4.3 = .3 am.Dere. giving e a volts. E' H' = 1 ampere. =1.4 volts. I R value of 3.7 while as measured I* = 1 ampere. = .87 e =3.35 or 10% high. . ~7 To make the calculated value agree with the measured, a lag or a power-factor of 92.7 would have to be assumed. angle of 22 This method then seems to give fairly good results if the magnetization and short-circuit curves have been determined with precision. Mr. B. Behrend A. is another who has contributed clearing up of the mystery^ to the In a series of articles on the design of alternators he says regarding Behn-Eschenberg ' s theory. To determine the dynamic from the static and short-circuit we can assume that armature reaction and characteristics armature leakage (self-induction) produce the same effect as an induction coil placed in series with the machine. Hence to get a point of the dynamic characteristic we should simpl;/ have to de- duct e. m. the e. m. consumed in the induction coil from the impressed f. of the alternator. f. If we take an ordinate of the static characteristic, and divide it by the short-circuit current be- longing to the same excitation, we get immediately the reactance of the induction coil, which is the apparent reactance of the armature, or as styled by Steinmetz, the synchronous reactance " Applying this we have: With 1 ampere output and 1 ampere field, E E t = 4- 8 X x = 1 ain P- Z 88 s 2' 3 = 2.09 s 4.S 20 % 2.09 = 2.69 instead of 3.35 as observed, a result low by . (1) E. W. & E. 55:125. 27 Jan. '00. For a 2 ampere load and 1.85 ampere excitation; E =8.8 E I t = 2 amp. x I . s s Mr. Q = 2.01 '• E 6.05, a result low by 21 %. instead of Steinmetz "^shows ' X 8.8 - 2.01 x 2 = 4.78 R t = 4.25 amp. determine the dynamic or field hor/ to characteristic when the value of the synchronous reactance is known. The value of this reactance, which is a resultant reactance composed of the effects due to armature reaction and armature self-induction, he assumes is constant for any given excitation. As determined from Fig. 5a, the synchronous reactance on short- To compare this with circuit with a 2 ampere field was 2.00 ohms. the values obtained for this quantity as deduced from. the observ- ed curve, the following method was used: = open circuit e.m.f. E Let. X r o = synchronous reactance, J = internal resistance of armature, o Then i = y Since the load used in determining the characteristic was non- inductive, X= and r= —* 15 Then from Fig. 6. for the 1.85 amp. I excitation the following values were obtained: E. t = 7.65 volts, E o = 8.80 (l) " i»„ = .87 r = 7.65 o ohm. / X = " "Alternating Current Phenomena". X = o 2nd. ed. ? page 246. X -- -(r_+r) ° = o = 2.21 ohms for a ampere load. 1 I* r = 3.03 E t+ = 6.05 • = 3.85 ,r = 1.28 E. t * E+" = X ; r = .175 .70 = 2.04 o 2 " X„o = 1.99 " 3 " = 1.93 " 4 " .\X o " " In these observations the speed incresod 2.4 % from the begin- ning of the time till the end, while the field decreased during the same time 4.2 Assuming a straight line law for the magnet- %. ization curve the net decrease of the these causes, 1.8 e. m. should have been for f. Hence for the 4 ampere load the value of the %. e.m.f. was most probably .57 volt. .142 ohms which would then make X Q The resistance would then be = 1.95 Even with this cor- rection it is seen that the synchronous reactance for the curve in question decreases slightly with increasing armature current. This is probably due to the increasing density of magnetization of the iron and consequent lowering of the permeability, thus de- creasing the self-induction. of X Q 5 E amperes. ampere field the values 1 being taken as 4.8 volts. are as follows, E Load For a E r XQ 4.15 volts. 8.3 ohms. 2.9 ohms. 1 If <7 t! B -9R- N O 12 tl 1.5 " 2.10 " 1.40 " 2.0 " 2.0 " .60 " .30 " 2.1 " was taken as 4.8 volts and the curve drawn through that point rather than through 4.1 for the reason that if 4.1 is taken the synchronous reactance works out less than 0. In searching for 30 the cause of this it was noticed that from the magnetization curves for 170 cycles and 1.85 ampere field, the E q was 4.8 volts, so this value was deemrd correct and used to the exclusion of the other. d. Stray Power Losses:- In a direct current motor the losses due to friction of the bearings and brushes, the hysteresis and the eddy current loss, are taken together and called the "stray power loss". These losses are measured by simply measuring the current required to run the machine as motor, at different speeds. The current multiplied by the drop in volts across the armature, In this test it was found gives the watts lost for that speed. that the speed varied directly as the impressed volts for a constant field excitation. The watts increase rapidly with the impressed It was the intention volts, as shown by the curves of Fig. 7. to compare the stray power loss as a d. c. motor, with the watts required to run the motor as an unloaded synchronous motor. However, as a synchronous motor the machine broke down with high frequencies before the field could be increased to a d. c. motor it would not run on less than a at a very high speed. 2. As 2 amperes. ampere field except The consequence is that no value of the watt input for the two methods of operation and for the same frequency and field current, can be found. e. Synchronous Characteristics:- A synchronous motor has a great many characteristics - some of them are similar to those pos- sessed by the mule - you cant tell what is going to happen next. One of the objects of this investigation was to determine what results would be obtained for an;/- given set of conditions. The principal points investigated were the influence of frequency and field strength upon the power-factor and upon the stability of operation, these effects being observed for different values of the im- pressed a.c. volts. Observations were accordingly made of the amperes and the a.c. watts, for impressed volts varying from 5 a. c to 12 It was found that for These were made with a constant field. the high frequencies the machine would not stay in step for a wide For this reason the range of voltage with a strong field current. series of tests were made with different field strengths for different frequencies, and hence cannot be compared directly. These curves are shown in Figs. 9 to 14. Fig. 15 shows the variation of the watts with the frequency, for 7,9 and 11 volts, from 100 to 160 cycles, with a constant field of .49 ampere. The true watts are thus seen to decrease with the frequency, decreasjjing also for a decrease in voltage. Fig* 16 shows how the power- factor varies with the frequency for different vol'tages. A peculiafl' feature of this curve is the fact that all the curves seem to converge toward, a common point, indicating that for a frequency of abou£ 90 and with a .49 ampere field, the power-factor v/ould be the same for all values of the impressed volts and of a value of about 78 For e.m.f.s of more than 9 %• volts the power-factor increases with the frequency, reaching unity and then decreasing again, as shown in the curve for 6 volts. decreases with the frequency. curve in general , For voltages above 9 the power-factor Apparently then the power-factor begins from near for frequency, rises to unity for some particular value of the frequency and then decreases again, becoming again at infinity. The value of the frequency at which these curves cross is dependent upon the field excitation. The synchronous characteristics of rectifier running self- excited are given in Fig. These exhibit the same general 19. tendencies as to ampere and watt input, and to power-factor as when run separately excited. The value of the increase in direct proportion to the d. c. volts. a. c. vclts is seen to The large deviat- ion of some of the points from the value indicated by the curve is undoubtedly due to the fact that the relation of the volts depends, for a given brushes. a. c. d. c. to a. c. voltage, upon the position of the The wide insulation of the commutator taken in connection with the narrow brushes, causes the d. c. circuit to be open a con- siderable portion of the time and at a time when the changing at a rapid rate. e. m. f. is A slight shifting of the brushes or a slight variation of the pressure would hence cause the average potential as shown by the voltmeter to change considerably. f. Efficiency of Conversion:- One of the requirements laid down in the problem, was that the efficiency of the process of con- version must be higher than that which would obtain if resistance were in series on direct current mains of 100 volts of a value sufficient to reduce the current to 10 amperes. is 10" x 10 4 100 x 10 = 10 33 % being attained for a 50 watts. % d. c. Thie efficiency This value was exceeded easily, output of 5 amperes at 10 volts or Owing to lack of a suitable load, tests were not made with the machine under commercial conditions (self-exciting), for a greater output than this. An output of 10 amperes was contemplate in the design, but owing to troubles with sparking the thickness of brush was reduced, diminishing the area of contact, which would undoubtedly prevent the satisfactory operation at rates as high as thi 33 A word might here be said in regard to sparking. The prob- lem in designing a rectifier of this type to be used with a load having a counter-electro-motive-f orce , ia to have the brushes change from one commutator bar to the next when the just equal to the armature. e. m. f. c. e. m. f. is being generated at that instant in the If this condition is fulfilled and in addition the power-factor is unity, there will be no current at that instant and hence no spark will be produced. kept open till an the c. e. m. f. e. m. f. The circuit must then be is being induced equal to or greater than of the load, in order to prevent a useless flow of current from the batteries into the armature, which will have to be stopped and reversed. It is thus seen that much depends upon the In the mach- relative' width of brushes and commutator insulation. ine under consideration the brushes were first made of a width but slightly less than the insulation, it being the desire to raise the d. c. volts as high as possible by keeping the armature in cir- cuit as long as possible and yet not short circuit the batteries by allowing the brushes to bridge two segments at once. in this manner the sparking was considerable. T ,Yhen set By reducing the brush width to half that of the insulation the operation was rendered sparkless up to loads of about 40 watts d. c. . Fifty watts must then be considered as the upper limit of the capacity of the machine ? f or the sparking would soon destroy the commutator. In the test given in Fig. 20, which is plotted from data in Table VIII, it is seen that the efficiency is 33 % for a 50 watt output, -this being with a field strength of 1.25 amp. factor being 85 % under these conditions. , the power- Tests were also made with separate excitation. Fig. curves for thin condition, the load being non-inductive. constant impressed a. c. 17 shows For a volts of 9.5 and a constant d.c. load of 23.9 watts, the familiar changes due to a change of the field, are produced. The amperes follow the '.veil factor reaches unity and then decreases. known "V" The , a. c. while the porerwatts seem to follow to a certain extent the same form of curve as the amperes. This is perhaps due to the fact that the iron losses as well as the copper, increase with the current, thus increasing the watts measured by the wattmeter. The carves on the right side of Fig. 17 show the variation of the power-factor, current, watts and efficiency, for an increasing impressed voltage, the d.c. load however increasing also. From this set of curves it is seen that unity power-factor is obtained with 7.6 volts on a 1 ampere field. From the curves on the left volts side of sheet, unity power-factor is obtained with 9«5Awith .7 amp. field. It is thus seen that for a given load the excitation must be decreased for an increase of the voltage. Since the increase in voltage means an increase of the true watts input it may be de- duced that to maintain a good power-factor with increasing load the excitation must be decreased. It was also observed that to keep up the power-factor with increasing frequency and constant volts, the field must be weakened. Figure 18 shows the variation of the various quantities for an electrolytic load of three sal-ammoniac cells. load was constant and the pressed a.c. volts. d. c. In this case the watts hence increased with the im- The maximum value of the output reached was . 35 about 25 watts, the efficiency being some higher than was the case With the non-inductive load for this value, while the power-factor is considerably less, the excitation being the same in both cases. By increasing the load the efficiency increases as shown in Table VI. been plotted but the efficiency the d. c. 2. Data in this series has not for a load of two cells. is seen to rise with the value of Watts output, reaching 69 % for 63 d.c. watts. From outside sources. As very often happens in thesis work, there are many things that the author would like to investigate but time has not permitted. Among these the question of whether stable running of a synchronous motor is better with an armature having a large moment of inertia, or the reverse, and also whether the self-induction should be large or small. Boueherot^ ^ hias given a formula for the periodic time of oscillation of alternators when run in parallel which is as follows: T Where N r. p m M moment of inertia in kilogram-meters. f frequency. . normal effective voltage. current on short-circuit with excitation which gives normal volts on open-circuit. (l) L'Sclairage Electri que. 21:121. 28 Oct. '99. 36 He says that the ratio of the periodic time of oscillation of the alternator, should be great as compared v/ith that of the prime mover. "be For successful parallel operation this ratio should alv/ays 4 and the larger this is the more stable is the working. Since the parallel operation of alternators is very analogous to the op- eration of a synchronous motor, this formula should hold for that In this formula "M" appears in the numerator, hence condition. any increase in this would increase the ratio and tend to make the operation more stable. ,f Ij* appears in the denominator. To increas)|e "T", this v/ould have to be decreased, which would mean an increase of the value of the self-induction, since the short-circuit current depends upon the impedance and this would on short-circuit be composed principally of the reactance. The conclusion would then be drawn from this formula that for stable operation of a synchronous motor the moment of inertia should be great and the impedance also great. Directly opposed to this is the statement made by the Well known English designer, Mordey, who states^hat self-induction or anything that prevents the motor armature from instantaneously following every slight variation of the frequency of the generator, is detrimental to good working. Kolbeiv " ' inclines to the latter view since he says that a motor with a "weak armature field" (low self-induction), and a short-circuit curve which rises rapidly for a small increase of the excitation, will bear overloading. (1) J. I.E. E. (London) 23:206. 1S94. (2) Electrotechnische Zeitschrift. 51:802. 1895. 7 Another sub jest that the author would have liked to have followed up was this In designing an alternating current generator : or synchronous motor, it is of vital importance to know what the inductive drop will he. Actual calculation of the co-efficient of self-induction is almost impossible except perhaps with a smooth core armature. In looking up the subject there was found an article by one of the leading lights in dynamo design Hinnend) which with was translated. Fischer- - the assistance of Professor William E. Esty, The article is a generalization of the theory advanced by Behn-Eschenbarg, which has been referred to before in this thesis. This author points out the fact that the method of deducting the ampere-turns of the armature from those of the field to get the ampere-turns effective in producing the e. m. f. , is not correct, since the magnetic reluctance of the armature is different for different relative positions of the armature coil and the field pole, due to due to different phase-displacements. This he says may amount to 30 or 40 % 9 as shown by the following example; A certain 600 KW alternator with a constant excitation, gave the following; Volts, No load. 4400. Short-circuit. Amp. 0. 320. Non-inductive load. 3900. . 200. The impedance of the armature then, for a power-factor =100$ is; Z s 200 4400 - 3900 (l) L'Eclairage Electrique. = 10 ohms. 13:495. Mar.»97. And for short-circuit or a change in phase of 90 Zn = m° 520 , = 14 ohms. The difference is about o0 %% Starting with this as a gen- eral value for the change, and assuming that it varies as a linear function of the phase-displacement, he deduces a formula for the design of an alternator. This formula is quite long and will not he given here, it expressing the relation between the diameter of the armature and fourteen other variables. of empirical constants. There are four tables Had more time been available, I would have tested it by applying it to the rectifier to see how closely the calculated drop would agree with that as actually measured. o. Acknowledgements:- Finally, expression should be made of the help rendered by Professor William Esty in clearing up doubtful points in the design of the rectifier, v/hile during the progress of the tests many valuable suggestions were received from Professor William Hand Browne, Jr. The co-ordination and arrangement of * the whole is due to Professor William Sleeper Aldrich. J r 70 InUr n al f?«.ct»^itr Speed run C h u a eTe K i 2>T\<l u (bencrafor from Vc*ry»r\q Frequency. a?> | F,e./d D.Q. l/o/fs ^lom s on" 7 °o far Tapped ouT Imp*, '- 7iy col/n't*, ha.lf i' mote Z3 26 613 / S~oo 2.1 f.^O 3A +. o 2-4 z.$s SI *Z 3.5(3 3. Co f-8 tzs ZAS 2.SS 3. ZS /to 3.6 2 75 (p-Z -1-.57 C+ 7JTS 7^-90 96Z- /Z 70 32 39 so 3~.7S 8.Q &.go 73 # 00 /03<5 Z' oo 32 /*/. /Jo AZ7 2^/0 2-9- 33 K.zo 6 ?o .Q>77 2.70 .7/0 -frSD S,6S~ Z.5S £760 b.7S 3<?S 3.oo Z9S <b.3o G>.Zo poT/n Z.oo ,7Z6> 2 So .-753 00 3.00 75-/ 3. i /o.s 70./S / ? Z.o 7 Sh f.fS 2-9 /3.% 3o 200 ,%00 Z-So Z.s-o ,7£S 3.oo 3 00 ,772 7S .72 Aoo .75-0 700 .74-7 00 7 So Zoo ,7%f ?.So 3. 00 Z5o .303 3.00 ,te.s 2 .734- 3Z3- S25.So . ,Co3J 7S .72 00 / OO A 5o ,6>3o /So .J/S~ Uo 2 50 ,7f^ .7So 70S 70.3S 3 00 So 3. 00 a/.z /70 3.Z5 3. Z5 .7n /AS J. 5-0 3. 5~o 7*S ^00 3.?S ,7S2 fiS~ /Z.o //o 6 /o.ZS '6./ /£./ /ZSo '3- (7/0 -9$ 2 00 S,(>S~ 7*%~7 • So 00 335 &o 7£3 Zoo • 2. 3i~ Z-z ,7'o i.5~o 6.7S X.zo <r*S bS-o . /5b / 1-.&S (,0 .72 /oo &-0 7.50 '7.7 7r'e&/3~fu/ice A.5o Zoo 2 S-o 70 9.bc •G%7 .72 /. sro <3 J. A2.3S s/s A.zs- Z.Z5 //.s 73 . /.Z.S~ Z3o Iff /oo //o 3. 7/ . 00 1.7 AS.7 2doo 3 69 . / 2^ A*7 Z^oo Z.S .7/ 7f Jo J69 *7S Z5 Z- Co 6$ 24-ZO Zo /oo /AO */ /6/. Z.O ,7S <S.7o 77 2. /.50 /.oo i,.o //f.s /5 7. <T7 / AZo Zoo 7o /.oo /.Z 7S A 5~6 /ZZ. 2 n e.zo 3.4-5 7-S 00 /. /7o 33 ^9 7 f.+tr 2* -1-3 <+/ 'o Ycl/oc 2 Z 3S S>5> /Tlx c Ha.7-, Va/ue. 5~oouo|f Mo>-ov ^> 'S-.s 1o Zo.^ A&.oo S. 05 ' /. Oo /. 00 /. >~o /So ZOO 2 oo 2.5-0 2. 5o 3 3. 00 J.5~o 3.S-0 3 /sir 5<.r>cs wi~n\ >~nt>/inf c.O/1 ^> increase 2. ra.n$e 95- 0/1 a 'f . bZo . , G9o ,73-Z • 7<f-3 ,75-7 , . 76 7 -r/S rta.dmj3 *~f?tr- Th/s. an e. o 4 . 40 TA RLE XT Short Circuit C h a rac t e r f\ Frequency Speed r C r\ "t"c- E. x c t i at ion YV n T i r\ n» L 0. 9 5" 1 7 t 19 i <o 45 OO ) / 7 / , uu oo Too 2. 00 2 5&o /. oo 7 u on / 4-5" 2 /) 77 Z6 154- 2.3 1 7o 1 $2 1 <n 2— -4 o> </o C ^ 1 "7 t, 8 i l / r o i 12.5 / ft 2 / 1 7 *J . So 1 u 7 xi a 2<iO 3.9 5" rvu 4- O K a 2 4/) 2- 2> IS 3. 1 .3 So H- Ta Z so ro TJb • 1 3 J 1 > 32o 2- )So 7o ,2 I l 4 S^.So S.s 70 5.1 A3 133 So /-4 1.4 So Mh (4 .So 1-^- 1.4 , Z.7S 70 2 75 25~ZO /t><? ' J7 OSf — 11 ASK /. /9 f.9o ' ' • 1 1 .^0 2 02 ^ 1.99 10 fa ./3 S.% C-oS fc.o Z.15 T/=V BLE Dynamic Charactenstie Spead ec|oeiKy EXC i to^ri JIT ot ^e.cti-fier on Terniir\Q| Volts n.c. m p«. res C o v n Te r Wh'it" ney* IQ49 Th omson *!4Cil0 Thomson 7i>00 by H-al* /V Minute £5£0 Corrected Read 1.0 mi<] /9 /.8jt Terminal Volts ifatro DC. s Ton **434° We AC Corrects JVrecttd Vol-H. 3,5 .g5^ <.o 3b 335 2.6 I.Z5 ».3 z% 2.6 Z.o ).50 US 2.3 2.1 1.75 1-7 >8 ).b 95 O JO .8 f/ 8.8 7.2 7.05" 6-6 5",/ S.00 .75-? b.25 4? 4.70 152. 5.7 4. o 1.-75- ZSo 2560 Cd e 4.1 Z.ZS F-82 f\ 4-4- 2.oo 1.82 as 10 2.oo 1.9 Corrected 1.0 2 b io 2.500 17/ 1 r, "7^, ^>o 5 'o 2.1 174 Oo 5.30 3"o , . lfc>7 ,70 I0.\ i 5". >&l fi 1 1 ,22 | Q IS V (0 1 . 1 4- i 1 rrv J. ' So Z. \. 7 4o >c A, 2 oo on 1 I r\ 9 ~ t> .43 1 l<7 1 Q" Q • • 1 5D / /• 'IS ? 7-5" • Zoo \1 t> '40 3 3, 1 2.0 Z <_t C 7 (~ 1 I / r O Z.so >55 / *To \J - ?o /to 1 f.00 OO • L z. C or ve. ^4 ^. 5 ? no 2 720 '4-0 1 ) ) • jyoihriirious ImpcaunCt Inductance 7 ' 2 k £ . \ 00 ? 2.oo 2..00 1 Q \ i r. from io "Rectifier. s t c b of Volts .oo 2. 60 Interna CorrctTtd <C 1/ o 1 tr»orn&on*i-f Correct* 4 I uo ; Short Circu.t Currdat /^C Hi f»r T [Tal O t> i n e ra Vo <z l 1-7 I.9S- 2.17 5^ ',4. 762. 95 .750 1 1.35 643 .75" 470 75 .50 25 . 50 ,G>^5 4.17 .732: 3.9 3.&S .7^7 2.45 .6 2.4 55 3.oo S9i" 42 2.5 3.5-0 3.45" 30 /.6 4.00 4. 00 9 7 2.5-5 . 4 ) .55" 4 2.9 _ .5>"5 c57^ neraVo r — . 41 tablb Stray Power • ) c CS7 of /VecT/f/er ~/}9 Wu rt-^ /Amoves Vo/tj5 zrrszr r DC Viunt Motor. Current from We^TDn it. Oo o / Co 1 AO /. <C 1 35" /• c5.oo 1 J.O<J 1 / • / / >-2>S Tru // -4_T / A. 1 / / ~j < 7?y- z> n i / A~ J -cj 1 / / /z> y^r y-c> 70 r ect / — V*/ t j V r ~7 1 J. o. / a rv (A / LA o 1 l./o 11 h U ao /fin O O . o , <o c~ a. /c/ coo &f7 1 ~ rO 1 O. Cs ^tr\ b>0 / o r\ / O< - . . z y a. / <2 i u /~\ /-\ / o S'o /. so /.37 p> on J fiz UU f p / / 8 7-3. 3 Vo J. <" / r r / <"/i c?a -ar) K. 79 / / ~? o z\o 3=i>~ ' O^r ''OA o<-> 7 PP 7 1/87 /, /<j / . <i-J u J ? S 3 oo Z./ 'I / 1 . 1 /. J> v A 0(J /. iD O l I / * Aw "7 f rr-J. / s£L r. s p nn 1 6$ / / A uur, P A-OO «2 "P ~zn Dls /J ' /o i "7<~ / <3, /~ 1 /. Q o. ^7 ff-y v-l / < 7z 7S DO / U rj / Q<9 0& 12 otT 7 / . £ a /J Qn /i civ oo 7 r>S 1 /- 7 0.3 y ^ ^s.. r \J / U / /6 13, / ? 7fs OA - s~o 2~7 a / * / * 2 7? r?D /5 2^.00 f. 3.O0 v. est/ f /TO /• 7~0 /• >o < TO • /SO I (J JS~ f f-t) , e u d. <V 1 1 Minute /-hx.1 f 3S 1. • /. 7 . /J T / / 7< 3o rxs / ' jj 3-c / / 1/ 5 / / 3 A. rp>„ /( / In /O ' •/ WhilTiey Wo, '9*8 <-or if OQ Q J Corr-ec/e Alois*') 8o 7 AG. f'D/ 3c OC Z 7 / O r ex. f . TA B L Er CKarac-feristics of Rectifier loaded, T?unr\ir-vc} a cls. A C- A.c. Pre a ue ncv. J i Fie 14 Whitney 1 om5 on T+t C ?ower nrn pc res, Fix cTi5 -A \/o "tS Thomson Thorn ~*I40 *76 "?or\ C. p", m putci Y u 1 <- We sto n 1 by *78S 1 1 as:o '5 5" 33.3 7%% 6~ ales' 6.30 4. 6.30 3.77 |5 IO 9» ) 48 .2.1 6ow v / • v i ' a .5"o 1 ,, . n , • , 5". 3o 4 P> O) l,s~ 6 9 ^70 4, 30 to. 10 76. (0 O ID.J1 6. •4-5". e ) O I p. *^ (J. 6 1 / 1— - 0.4 -4-/L C . c? —y ^ t ' 37.0 8 67 56 .0 Contin ft. m On SO H5" ^•6 Vv '|-H-\ 1 00 ' ^ breaks C\_ rrv pj ^ \.s 6./ 4r 95 2 7 P OT 93.5" / jy. <3 S J. 33 % 5 4- / -4. L If) 9^ J0.$7 1? 5" . 7S-5" 5-3 / 1 7-3 4 ! / 7 7? (o.Z 53 53 Its • 33 ^3 -4-1 -5" 3v 1 0.00 ) t 9 74- 4. 2. y ZZsr % %, 7-3 || -4.cT &.30 o~3 „ -4.2. 7 2.1 54- tjf 5~ 7t.S 9. 78 .£3 1, 1 £0 5~ 05- J)7 64 '1 / L» / f %Zo 53 II ^ 5-c) 777 -4-S"n if / 35:0 38 . 00 4-7 t.oo 5" S o . - 10 rv. e- x~r- -4- 7 n„ — v ' in \j r\ 1 h K/f r c. a W r\ ^ j t>. 7 1 1 7q ^ u '^y 7 ^7 77 76 5~£>3 3.-45" S4- <=>. i w 1 1 rv. r 1 e I a i 3 7 1 . £c o HTa b c 3ZT ) CKaractenstic5 of Rectifier Frca ucncy ) 2.o Re d 1 Watt:,. Vo I 9O < 33. S 490 .68 '. Z.z. ) 3\.1 ^. r-9 3.7* to ;0. . 7.5* 4o 77. ^0 70 -4 9.>t .71? Z.0.S ir .36 ,-4-9 fi ;9.o n 7ff 7<fo // 1 /» '/ 6./ zu 9/2 92£ 3.87 J. 5 -4.0 £8.0 9./ 3o.o 9-/7 9 32. c is~ 4. 9- '7 4 I 7§ 79.5" 7^.S 4-.S- 5~ -4.6 7*5" o-5.3 76. ~Pu U • G./o 3 3J~ 71 7CJ- //./ ZJ7 3.oy 7jy 29.3 3.7K 7^ -fS3 7^ /7-4 73 Z<s~3 <D/ > cj h TI y Urokv at G.o ftr Pumpmcr 79 2. 13 //• ifiolenT s.z. Z-2>% 37 8 cj G? 9.5" 7^ /225" 6-9.5" m pi n ' 7 3& (0 7-92 IZ.o 7 72.^ 2/49./ '/ i ^2 3 90 (dO •> 05~ 9-22 h " 3. Zlo -I ti (>.S~ 3.ZS- its 67 ^2 5- 74-0 S ^6 sy If. ft 5-3 00 Zj&S 31 T^u /scCt/na &7S 3. 3. 2>f.s u 74£ 7^0 M 7 3f 70,'s" Z*h ;£5~ .49 s 7C.S- 25",o 68 „ 70.6 to 9 ,, 7.75- 7S 1 61 00 >. 4- 77 73 / -H-0.0 93 Volt.-, 3 05" ^3.5" >, n } Sx/n^hr-onaus W\oVor <£, 72 37-o H e d 2 63 r. • C1 o d ps. lt-> .^9 h a. 'n , n, /3 (0. 4- "Pu rr\ p nq 1 d>~3 -volt-, — 44 T^t i o+ T^" £ CT \ F I £ rt on ^c Field Whitney No. Watts Volts Thom56H l\( o Iflotn N son T ho » l-q- 60 t7 4-k .77 . / 7<? 6~7 •I 40 7*" » 70 ~ .So — - li-5 lZ.4- 63 *W Ccx I cu ( Vo Its II 5 Cond Watts t" 5.0 95 305- p.C Output 34z ;9g 2Q 230 34 S I9.Z 945 99 £3 7 AS 3. a 23 9 35. 96 7 AS 3.2 23 9 35,o 95 7^5 £ 23.9 3.4.2 — - |5.4 76 I /•4 ^-4 fr4 3. — 3.90 >4! 77 S3 7 35 32 7tf K.5" 7 on. 4, 1 00 - t~« < Vo t-flmps No, -43 4-9. 7.05" 11 A mps ate' m oi o. 65 ,5~o Factor t"fo Ol >. m 3 on o. 786. LOO ps f- m 40,3 27^ 2 ?5 237 *7-7 e.^5 17 S %.z Go /44 35 ).so 11.0 O S ev L.ow _Lndu vitance Xvon Wf re i C. 8. e Senci c. NH 4 "Pri Wvo1-or. W Lo cxdl 3 3<^4 w cx ck /^/-^ k. < /0.3 1. L, mar cx "S C\ Ce \ \ vv cx s , I ZS~ 6.7 19-5•• .62 rt ri ti - 7o 5". £9 3.25 9<5~ — - 9 <?o 7/0 ) 0.5" 79 05" — ?-4£ - 74 as — 3.15 270 3 24. % 2 9.7 J < 9.4 — 73 rokt 33.5 LoacA 7^3 7-4? jo.z 9 75 6-49 6-/9 40.O 54-o 1^.3 922 J4-9 93 7.00 52 5 -4/.0 ?rima ro.i >2. Z 93 Q.42 90 4 10 .31 &7 9.U 9.72 92 5 9. 10 sh so 959 9.52 £.70 9.5£ Q 88 86 g.5-0 7(o,S 725 .<b9 7& J. .55" 0.5 9.lf '1 . 4:2 26 8 959 3 4> I fcfc 630 4 9.0 36,-5 455 3.60 || 5 c^-t- 9 9 4-70 Lo 4«5"0 Ce Fei) S cx ^> d I + s was 35 7 445 30.6 39.0 rnmcvvvy Cells Feu ou^- 2. w/ NH<, h.e r\ loa^ecl, 2 Z 45 TA BLt f of "Rectif ier ~ VTT Synchronous Motor CIS 5elf Excited, with n 7^ heos-tut all \ No r e i WK a. W 1949 nO Trv e i No. AC V I — CJ ) M . rrv 3S5~ ).oo _ oo ) . . O 5"'. o Z7.o S.3 74- 2 2.0 2o.5 76 7.5- G>.7 7. 6.05" ^.00 No. 194-5 No. 78$. I.OO GO O 10 7^5" 1. 1ST I I.Z.5 /42.0 00 ^7-0 ) M .c. /=\ .c_. /\ m pe rc3 . m s on Th ms T 6, 00. N 14-0 IO o. 65" 8 5-- 12. I.JO JS\ 7. 10 7. I.S a n E we Fa cTo r I c 1 9 3- 77 62 4.5" Z<oO 2.0 3". I e-ctro \ytVc £o =- -f90 7 _ w e S to rv No.4349 w e s>To Mo, 1 &4-fe. 2.00 a . 1 2.85" 9.2 740 Load, \ 7-4 1 1 3. Volts. Amperes Watts, a i"e 4. £>3.0 / I P. c. r" Co }0.S VIM )o.2 990 ) S.4- 8 7. 7-fcQ 8 73S 8>©.o B L£ Volts No 7<3 2.9^ 4.20 9.(5 Th 730 S 9.0 rrecju enty om 5 on 1 C9 25 3. / 5e.\f - ELxcited. T"h 6 - 4-. T/^ Wh iTrxey 4 5" — 7^.o 2 Z 74 Field. >434-3. . 76. /4 1 29.5" ^7<5"o o.e> ; jz.7 1 No .5". 7/ 9s W Vo eM o.trt.5. IS. 5 5 SO G2 r. Caltu Utea. 0. ; 1 66 Fa cto Thornson No I4-OI0 i-\ 6 9. 4T4.o ).2b' . -4-5 <o Ft Its. 8.7 5 3.5 l.oo 5 D.C. m pere^ 7\ 7 600 <-> 28.0 8 5" A. C. . TK ' l°ac(, A.C Vo Its. a."tts. . G.3~ Co. 1 * oJtei >3.0 50 RCOuTpol" A.C.Tnpot. & 1.0 2I.O 2.3. 23.0 23.2 32.7 4-^.5" , £H"t'a'e.r\c\|. 3.25- 8.8 \ FIG. 1 Photographs of Rec~tifier. 47 49 t . 1 ^7 Fjq.Z 7^on D.C Notbr,. Variation of l/Vatt^ Input w/Tih the impressed fa /ft Va/o a «W 5pee4 of two at tye/J Excitation 28 26 m m 24 2" 1(3 14- 12 D. EUGENE DIETZGEN O I CO.. £ CHICAGO. 3 -4- Its atBrushe _ 7 jo J Slror-o-a e 73a.~tTizr J for J Fig. &. Relative Posit/on Used /n and Connections of Instruments. General Testing of f?ectif/en 61 Go ^GCNC DICT2GEIfO©0 . CHICAGO. UO 120 130 14-0 ISO I feO ez 64 i oo QICTZGCN CO., CHICAGO , FIG. £0. Test of Rectifier with Electro \y "he Load {excited. D.C. W-att-s EUGENE DIETZGENSO.. CHICAGO. 20 30 Output 5"o to m 7 On 7 <C4r7- ~**~rr HE ~— SI m